CDZ North Korea Meeting - How Big of a Deal


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.
What we have her are two leaders, who are known for not doing what they said they are going to do, trying to create a vague future. The whole thing can suddenly veer in another direction by a puff flatulence from a 140 character tweet. Right now the only meaningful significance of the meeting is a simple howdy doo between two countries who had been at each others throats.
What we have her are two leaders, who are known for not doing what they said they are going to do, trying to create a vague future. The whole thing can suddenly veer in another direction by a puff flatulence from a 140 character tweet. Right now the only meaningful significance of the meeting is a simple howdy doo between two countries who had been at each others throats.

There is a quite fair chance both loved their day in the headlines. Donald gets to post on his wall something I said he did that was positive (I know it matters to him lol). Kim gets his legit meeting on the world stage and ppl think maybe, just maybe, he is no worse than Stalin.
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.

Being on the
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.

Being on the CDZ I cannot be that explicit regarding your analysis...anyhow....your first mistake and I will quote what you say unlike some posters who try to put words into their antagonist's said..."In some ways Trump was handed this" --absolutely wrong.....Trump worked long and hard to get this meeting with Kim set up....the liberals did not understand Trump's tactics at all and even many conservatives did not get it. Trump had some others working with him on this of course...but Trump and Trump alone deserves the credit for this summit with Kim. said-----"So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this" Now you may have made a mistake there....saying the opposite of what is true. or perhaps what you meant to if you did you should apologize for the error but if you really believe that....all I can say is you are terribly coinfused. The people who ridiculed the treaty with Iran are the people who know the truth and proclaimed the truth....and likewise this summit with Kim....they understand it is a great thing.

Having made so many errors in your post.....I doubt many will pick up thie debate on this thread. It is still too early actually to debate much on least until the next meeting...then everyone should be able to recognize the reality of what is happening much better. I will say the democratic party should be ashamed of their reaction to the summit..I am referring to their congressional pathetic.
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What we have her are two leaders, who are known for not doing what they said they are going to do, trying to create a vague future. The whole thing can suddenly veer in another direction by a puff flatulence from a 140 character tweet. Right now the only meaningful significance of the meeting is a simple howdy doo between two countries who had been at each others throats.

I absolutely disagree ...and the record proves me right....Trump has kept most of his campaign promises and in fact all he could keep...congress prevented him from keeping them all as of yet.

You and many others still fail to see the great and historic significance of the summit with Kim....all I can say is stay tuned and if you do not like crow should refrain from making comments on this matter until you can see more clearly. Thank-you.
What we have her are two leaders, who are known for not doing what they said they are going to do, trying to create a vague future. The whole thing can suddenly veer in another direction by a puff flatulence from a 140 character tweet. Right now the only meaningful significance of the meeting is a simple howdy doo between two countries who had been at each others throats.

There is a quite fair chance both loved their day in the headlines. Donald gets to post on his wall something I said he did that was positive (I know it matters to him lol). Kim gets his legit meeting on the world stage and ppl think maybe, just maybe, he is no worse than Stalin.

You are correct in that both leaders gained from this meeting and that is a good thing. Trump will at the very least get the Nobel Peace Price but America is the one who really will benefit form this historic summit...the lessening at least if not the total elimination(hopefully to be the result after all the meetings are concluded) of the nuclear threat that N. Korea has been said of yet we have no credible defense from a ICBM attack with nuclear tipped missles.

No doubt there are ways this series of meetings Trump is setting up with Kim could go wrong.....but this is not a time to dwell on the negative...both Kim and Trump deserve praise for having the courage to begin on a peaceful pathful that hopefully will end with the denuclearazation of the Korean Peninsula.
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.

Being on the
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.

Being on the CDZ I cannot be that explicit regarding your analysis...anyhow....your first mistake and I will quote what you say unlike some posters who try to put words into their antagonist's said..."In some ways Trump was handed this" --absolutely wrong.....Trump worked long and hard to get this meeting with Kim set up....the liberals did not understand Trump's tactics at all and even many conservatives did not get it. Trump had some others working with him on this of course...but Trump and Trump alone deserves the credit for this summit with Kim. said-----"So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this" Now you may have made a mistake there....saying the opposite of what is true. or what you meant to if you did you should apologize for the error but if you really believe that....all I can say is you are terribly coinfused. The people who ridiculed the treaty with Iran are the people who know the truth and proclaimed the truth....and likewise this summit with Kim....they understand it is a great thing.

Having made so many errors in your post.....I doubt many will pickup thie debate on this thread. It is still too early actually to debate much on least until the next meeting...then everyone should be able to recognize the reality of what is happening much better. I will say the democratic party should be ashamed of their reaction to the summit..I am referring to their congressional pathetic.

In some ways Trump was handed this....the Korean mountain problem and the long term effects of the embargo....

Fox Link

North Korea's nuclear site collapse may be reason Kim Jong Un ceased bomb tests, scientists say

North Korea's 'stressed' nuclear test mountain on verge of collapse

'10 times larger than Hiroshima': How North Korea's huge nuclear blast caused a mountain to collapse

North Korea willing to hold talks with US, ex-spy chief says

I don't make this stuff up and sorry if I interpret it different. Regardless I'm thrilled Trump did not put too many preconditions on a meeting or demand some not going to happen verification of this or that to take any steps forward.

Now if the sanctions and the test site collapse are all Trump's doing, great he deserves credit. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if we had something to do with the mountain collapse lol.

If them sanctions and the test pre-date Trump then the Donald deserves to share the credit but again he deserves credit for ignoring people who demanded ridiculous pre-conditions be set on any summit or meeting. I think we agree there. Let's go make a list of the pre-condition folks from 2015 together!

Far as the ridicule the treaty with Iran vs the meeting with North Korea thing, nope, I meant it. Hypocrisy check time.
The n. korean nuclear test site collapse may or may not have played a role in Kim's decision to agree to meet with way you can prove it did and there is no way I can prove it did not. It has been recognized for quite awhile by the most astute analysts that N. Korea would not agree to meet with the U.S.A until they achieved Nuclear Capability....thus I would concur and say that their achievement of a Nuclear Capability and the means to deliver nuke warheads to America contributed more to Kim's willingness to meet with him much more bargaining power. China may also have played a role....which cannot be really understood...some say they were against the meeting and some say for it...I tend to believe they agreed to it. But all of this is conjecture....bottom line both Kim and Trump should be praised for this meeting and Kim's true motivation is not all that significant...suffice to say he has changed his hardline stance for whatever reasons and the world should be happy about that....most particuarly America.

Then you say...................

"Far as the ridicule the treaty with Iran vs the meeting with North Korea thing, nope, I meant it. Hypocrisy check time"

You must be coinfused to say the least. Trump supporters are the ones who were the main critics of the horrible deal with Iran made by you can surmise that Trump Supporters would also be critical of the Korean summit between Trump and Kim is beyond me...perhaps you can expound on that?

Regarding seem to have got that backwards also..........the real hypocrites in regards to the summit in Korea are the democratic leaders in congress who praised the aboslutely disaster of a deal with Iran but dissed the meeting Trump had with you not understand that?
What we have her are two leaders, who are known for not doing what they said they are going to do, trying to create a vague future. The whole thing can suddenly veer in another direction by a puff flatulence from a 140 character tweet. Right now the only meaningful significance of the meeting is a simple howdy doo between two countries who had been at each others throats.

I absolutely disagree ...and the record proves me right....Trump has kept most of his campaign promises and in fact all he could keep...congress prevented him from keeping them all as of yet.

You and many others still fail to see the great and historic significance of the summit with Kim....all I can say is stay tuned and if you do not like crow should refrain from making comments on this matter until you can see more clearly. Thank-you.

According to the Washington Post Dated Apr 30, 2018
The Fact Checker’s guide to 60 promises by Donald Trump

Promises kept 14
Promises broken 16
Launched 15
Stuck 8
Compromise 7​

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

Promise Kept 10%
compromise 7%
Promise broken 7%
Stalled 34%
In the works 44%​

I think we are both a bit off on the promises record - not as bad as I thought and not as good as you thought. I have no idea how accurate the above stats are.

As far as the OP, yes it was a historic howdy do. But as I said, it could turn around instantly. Both leaders have a penchant for lying.
Trump has mostly kept his campaign promises

Trump has mostly kept his campaign promises
As the sources I quoted said, Trump has more promises broken than kept. Your site only mentions a few kept promises, but none of the broken ones.

As far as the OP, there is nothing substantial in the meeting with Kim. Most commentators say that technical details will come later, so it's too early to rejoice.
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.

Perhaps people would think more highly of the outcome of the meeting if the spin wasn’t so brazenly self-serving. Today I heard that NK is no longer a nuclear threat. They still have the missiles and still have a murderous dictator with his finger on the button. But our President says there is no threat???

When he can give it an honest assessment, perhaps the rest of us will give his actions an honest assessment.
The n. korean nuclear test site collapse may or may not have played a role in Kim's decision to agree to meet with way you can prove it did and there is no way I can prove it did not. It has been recognized for quite awhile by the most astute analysts that N. Korea would not agree to meet with the U.S.A until they achieved Nuclear Capability....thus I would concur and say that their achievement of a Nuclear Capability and the means to deliver nuke warheads to America contributed more to Kim's willingness to meet with him much more bargaining power. China may also have played a role....which cannot be really understood...some say they were against the meeting and some say for it...I tend to believe they agreed to it. But all of this is conjecture....bottom line both Kim and Trump should be praised for this meeting and Kim's true motivation is not all that significant...suffice to say he has changed his hardline stance for whatever reasons and the world should be happy about that....most particuarly America.

Then you say...................

"Far as the ridicule the treaty with Iran vs the meeting with North Korea thing, nope, I meant it. Hypocrisy check time"

You must be coinfused to say the least. Trump supporters are the ones who were the main critics of the horrible deal with Iran made by you can surmise that Trump Supporters would also be critical of the Korean summit between Trump and Kim is beyond me...perhaps you can expound on that?

Regarding seem to have got that backwards also..........the real hypocrites in regards to the summit in Korea are the democratic leaders in congress who praised the aboslutely disaster of a deal with Iran but dissed the meeting Trump had with you not understand that?

What would make the Iran deal a bad deal and the Korean summit a good thing?

To me they are fairly similar. Keep in mind I would have generally done both but also with both we're throwing bones to bad guys in a toothless attempt to win some moderation out of the monsters IMO.
Well, Maybe Monsanto will come in there and set up camp and all of the starving North Koreans will work their farms.

That's the first thing I think is going to happen.
The n. korean nuclear test site collapse may or may not have played a role in Kim's decision to agree to meet with way you can prove it did and there is no way I can prove it did not. It has been recognized for quite awhile by the most astute analysts that N. Korea would not agree to meet with the U.S.A until they achieved Nuclear Capability....thus I would concur and say that their achievement of a Nuclear Capability and the means to deliver nuke warheads to America contributed more to Kim's willingness to meet with him much more bargaining power. China may also have played a role....which cannot be really understood...some say they were against the meeting and some say for it...I tend to believe they agreed to it. But all of this is conjecture....bottom line both Kim and Trump should be praised for this meeting and Kim's true motivation is not all that significant...suffice to say he has changed his hardline stance for whatever reasons and the world should be happy about that....most particuarly America.

Then you say...................

"Far as the ridicule the treaty with Iran vs the meeting with North Korea thing, nope, I meant it. Hypocrisy check time"

You must be coinfused to say the least. Trump supporters are the ones who were the main critics of the horrible deal with Iran made by you can surmise that Trump Supporters would also be critical of the Korean summit between Trump and Kim is beyond me...perhaps you can expound on that?

Regarding seem to have got that backwards also..........the real hypocrites in regards to the summit in Korea are the democratic leaders in congress who praised the aboslutely disaster of a deal with Iran but dissed the meeting Trump had with you not understand that?

What would make the Iran deal a bad deal and the Korean summit a good thing?

To me they are fairly similar. Keep in mind I would have generally done both but also with both we're throwing bones to bad guys in a toothless attempt to win some moderation out of the monsters IMO.

Well, put yourself in Europe in 1935. You have a chance to engage with Nazi Germany and try to get them to play by your rules. So, at the very least, you see what they are up to up close, maybe find a “source” or two you can tap later on and exploit with your clandestine assets or perhaps even avoid war. Now, go forward 80 years. You have the chance to engage NK and Iran and you can see what they are up to up close, maybe find a “source” or two and perhaps avoid a war. If History is your guide, you take the opportunity to observe because both nations are going to build a nuke. The only difference is how we react to it.
Trump has mostly kept his campaign promises

Trump has mostly kept his campaign promises
As the sources I quoted said, Trump has more promises broken than kept. Your site only mentions a few kept promises, but none of the broken ones.

As far as the OP, there is nothing substantial in the meeting with Kim. Most commentators say that technical details will come later, so it's too early to rejoice.

Definitely not too early to rather amazes me how so many do not get it.... where we are now with N. Korea is like a quantum leap ahead compared to where we were before....It is not hard to understand....the problem is the liberals and their running dogs simply want Trump to fail...even if it means we backtrack to where we were before....un-friggin believable that so many would rather retreat to where we were just to see Trump fail.

Of course this nonsense which you attempt to help spread is motivated primarily by the media, the late night comedians aka merchants of hate and the usual suspects.

It is not a done deal...but the ball is rolling....Trump is on the right track. I.......A-1 friggin guranteeeeee you if Obama had accomplished even half as much or less with the N. Koreans that Trump has accomplished with this summit....the liberals would be promoting it to high heaven shouting halaleujah through the rooftops....and need I remind you and the others again how Obama got the Nobel peace prize for doing exactly nothing...oh well he was black...I forgot the liberals give prizes out if you are the right skin color............excuse me.

Just one other thing though it is not really worthy of comment...........every politician in the entire history of the earth has made promises he failed to what is the point???? Should I go over all the promises Obama failed to keep....the jerk accomplished less than any President in modern history.....his only legacy is and will be that he was the first affirmative action President. Get real dude.
The n. korean nuclear test site collapse may or may not have played a role in Kim's decision to agree to meet with way you can prove it did and there is no way I can prove it did not. It has been recognized for quite awhile by the most astute analysts that N. Korea would not agree to meet with the U.S.A until they achieved Nuclear Capability....thus I would concur and say that their achievement of a Nuclear Capability and the means to deliver nuke warheads to America contributed more to Kim's willingness to meet with him much more bargaining power. China may also have played a role....which cannot be really understood...some say they were against the meeting and some say for it...I tend to believe they agreed to it. But all of this is conjecture....bottom line both Kim and Trump should be praised for this meeting and Kim's true motivation is not all that significant...suffice to say he has changed his hardline stance for whatever reasons and the world should be happy about that....most particuarly America.

Then you say...................

"Far as the ridicule the treaty with Iran vs the meeting with North Korea thing, nope, I meant it. Hypocrisy check time"

You must be coinfused to say the least. Trump supporters are the ones who were the main critics of the horrible deal with Iran made by you can surmise that Trump Supporters would also be critical of the Korean summit between Trump and Kim is beyond me...perhaps you can expound on that?

Regarding seem to have got that backwards also..........the real hypocrites in regards to the summit in Korea are the democratic leaders in congress who praised the aboslutely disaster of a deal with Iran but dissed the meeting Trump had with you not understand that?

What would make the Iran deal a bad deal and the Korean summit a good thing?

To me they are fairly similar. Keep in mind I would have generally done both but also with both we're throwing bones to bad guys in a toothless attempt to win some moderation out of the monsters IMO.

Well, put yourself in Europe in 1935. You have a chance to engage with Nazi Germany and try to get them to play by your rules. So, at the very least, you see what they are up to up close, maybe find a “source” or two you can tap later on and exploit with your clandestine assets or perhaps even avoid war. Now, go forward 80 years. You have the chance to engage NK and Iran and you can see what they are up to up close, maybe find a “source” or two and perhaps avoid a war. If History is your guide, you take the opportunity to observe because both nations are going to build a nuke. The only difference is how we react to it.

I will just say comparing the Iran deal with what is trying to accomplish with N. Korea is fallacious.

Obama made one of the worst if not the worst deal in human history. and as Intelligence has shown Iran kept right on working on their Nuclear program.......Israel’s intelligence coup accentuates Iran’s nuclear threat

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway

That is why it was abrograated by the Trump Team.

It is at times like these when I wish I was not on CDZ so I could describe the Iranian deal in more explicit terms...if you git mah drift?
Well, Maybe Monsanto will come in there and set up camp and all of the starving North Koreans will work their farms.

That's the first thing I think is going to happen.

I hope that somehow we can help with all those starving N. Koreans....a starving nation is a dangerous nation.

Why do you think the White Working Class has been taxed for decades to provide food stamps for African-Americans (I am being nice) I mean the situation with them is bad enough as it is aka approx. 2.5% of our total pop. (young black males) comitt over half of all the violence in America...thus what do you think it would be like if we did not give them food for free?
The n. korean nuclear test site collapse may or may not have played a role in Kim's decision to agree to meet with way you can prove it did and there is no way I can prove it did not. It has been recognized for quite awhile by the most astute analysts that N. Korea would not agree to meet with the U.S.A until they achieved Nuclear Capability....thus I would concur and say that their achievement of a Nuclear Capability and the means to deliver nuke warheads to America contributed more to Kim's willingness to meet with him much more bargaining power. China may also have played a role....which cannot be really understood...some say they were against the meeting and some say for it...I tend to believe they agreed to it. But all of this is conjecture....bottom line both Kim and Trump should be praised for this meeting and Kim's true motivation is not all that significant...suffice to say he has changed his hardline stance for whatever reasons and the world should be happy about that....most particuarly America.

Then you say...................

"Far as the ridicule the treaty with Iran vs the meeting with North Korea thing, nope, I meant it. Hypocrisy check time"

You must be coinfused to say the least. Trump supporters are the ones who were the main critics of the horrible deal with Iran made by you can surmise that Trump Supporters would also be critical of the Korean summit between Trump and Kim is beyond me...perhaps you can expound on that?

Regarding seem to have got that backwards also..........the real hypocrites in regards to the summit in Korea are the democratic leaders in congress who praised the aboslutely disaster of a deal with Iran but dissed the meeting Trump had with you not understand that?

What would make the Iran deal a bad deal and the Korean summit a good thing?

To me they are fairly similar. Keep in mind I would have generally done both but also with both we're throwing bones to bad guys in a toothless attempt to win some moderation out of the monsters IMO.

Now you finally admit you are coinfused. Do some is easily available....I am not going to waste my time doing your homework for you. Plus read the link i just posted above regarding the Israeli intelligence coup regarding the Iranians.

But to get back to the ongoing negotiations with the N. Koreans want to declare it a mistake, a loss and or a failure even though the process has just begun. Buck up buckaroo and try and get a little more optimistic. Of course the whole shebang could get shut down and the liberals are doing everything in their power to sabotage it. Too bad Trump is not the dictator some think he could all look forward to the sunrise whilst standing in front of a concrete wall with a blindfold on. Pardon my colorful allegory. Perhaps too gory for this forum.
Personally I'm optimistic and think this might be a fairly big deal and despite me having a half full glass and an almost empty one on the Donald he did good!

In some ways Trump was handed this but, it would have been easy to screw it up and listen to people who talk about pre-conditions or demand this or that inspection before recognizing someone or shaking their hand or whatever.

So I know any of you who have ridiculed the treaty with Iran probably are busy ridiculing this but I think its a good and a big deal. To do so otherwise would be like admitting you are a party cheerleader or paid poster I suppose.


To start the debate against I'll say it was just a handshake and plenty can still go wrong.


Still though, people in our administration now have people they communicate with in North Korea and this just has to help keep things from accidentally (or on purpose) going wrong in this ever shrinking world.

Perhaps people would think more highly of the outcome of the meeting if the spin wasn’t so brazenly self-serving. Today I heard that NK is no longer a nuclear threat. They still have the missiles and still have a murderous dictator with his finger on the button. But our President says there is no threat???

When he can give it an honest assessment, perhaps the rest of us will give his actions an honest assessment.

Of course it is not a done deal....we are just in the preliminary stage but everything is looking good so far. Just the mere fact the two sat down and talked and have further meetings planned is historic....all the former Presidents since the Korean war have accomplished exactly Trump said they just kicked the can down the road....whereas Trump confronted N. Korea head on and his strategy(most failed to understand it)worked and Kim has changed from a bellicose dictator shouting threats to someone who now advocates peace and the de-nuclearazation of the Korean Peninsula.

The majority of Americans are very happing about Trump's actions and it will be demonstrated in the upcoming elections. It is rather ridiculous to claim this is just some self-serving antics by Trump...............even though he will undoubtedly get the Nobel Peace I said before the real benefactor of this coming together of Kim and Trump is America itself. Democrats do not get it--- which is not suprising they are out of touch and clueless.

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