When they came for Mario Lopez....they said nothing. The guillotine awaits Mario.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

Is that all it takes to make your head explode? Dang, you need to have a beer, sit down, relax, watch a ball game and kick the crap out of the TV set. Then you'll feel Much Much Better.
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

Is that all it takes to make your head explode? Dang, you need to have a beer, sit down, relax, watch a ball game and kick the crap out of the TV set. Then you'll feel Much Much Better.

Yeah....the destruction of an apparently good, and decent human being on the alter of left wing fanaticism concerns me...........because he won't be the last......and down that road is where the left wing digs their mass graves...
I identified as Superman when I was three. I'm glad my parents didn't allow me to jump off buildings.
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

Is that all it takes to make your head explode? Dang, you need to have a beer, sit down, relax, watch a ball game and kick the crap out of the TV set. Then you'll feel Much Much Better.

Yeah....the destruction of an apparently good, and decent human being on the alter of left wing fanaticism concerns me...........because he won't be the last......and down that road is where the left wing digs their mass graves...

It sells Toasters, Cars, and other whatnots. That's all it is there for. It got your attention. Did you notice the subliminal marketing that went along with it? It's Hollyweird and that's all it is. Get a grip and buy those adult diapers, it sounds like you need them.
Their credibility is nil; if the faggots and their fellow deviants want to keep going down this sick road, let them hang themselves. Prop 8 proved how little factual info is needed for the public to find them repulsive and degenerate.
Well then clearly it is it wrong to dress your toddler according to IT'S biological gender. As a progressive parent you must allow your toddler to choose IT'S clothes according to how IT is self identifying.
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

Is that all it takes to make your head explode? Dang, you need to have a beer, sit down, relax, watch a ball game and kick the crap out of the TV set. Then you'll feel Much Much Better.

Yeah....the destruction of an apparently good, and decent human being on the alter of left wing fanaticism concerns me...........because he won't be the last......and down that road is where the left wing digs their mass graves...

They are coming, they are violent, they will kill you, just like they did those innocent men, women and children..
Well then clearly it is it wrong to dress your toddler according to IT'S biological gender. As a progressive parent you must allow your toddler to choose IT'S clothes according to how IT is self identifying.
what if the child decides it is a puppy, are we then supposed to feed the dog, dog food and put it on a leash and keep it in a dog house? Seems a little strange that a boy can think he is a girl, and everyone accepts it, but if a child wants to be a dog, then something is wrong with that child. Oh well, idiots of the left have their agenda, when we question that agenda, they get belligerent and moronic.
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

It is fascinating how closely American radical leftism resembles an authoritarian theocracy. In days of yore certain sins, speaking to Europe of the Middle Ages, were punishable by death, maiming or public humiliation; sometimes by all three. In those days, and with damn good reason, everyone from the King to the aristocracy to members of the Church, merchants and on down to the common folk very carefully self-edited their public and even in private behaviors in order to reduce the risk of being deemed an apostate/heretic/whatever and severe punishment by Church and State for any slight slip-up. Back then sin could mean death . . . and accusation was enough to kill.

While no one I've heard about has been killed by the State in America these days for failing to be politically correct enough, executions of character often resulting in total ruination of career and public image for sinning against postmodernism/Cultural Marxism happen on a daily basis. Much like the heavy-handed, politically motivated and totally bloodthirsty religious persecutions of the Middle Ages, today's Democratic Party and socialist professor fed Twitter Mobs are carrying out instant punishment against the "sinful" who refuse to bow down to the ideological madness of homo this, transgender that, race warfare, blah, blah fucking blah. In fact, many of us Americans, including our own selves and people we know and love, not only fear persecution by the Twitter mob so much they fall in line with postmodernist insanity, some of them would actually "turn us in" for sinning against it. Nowadays, fear of same is running so deep people verbally approve of mutilating children for political-ideological reasons; reasons not unlike those peasants of yore had for supporting State/Church sanctioned burnings at the stake, decapitations and torture.

The ironic hypocrisy? Most of these postmodernist nitwits claim to be atheists. Yeah, right! They're atheists who are more fundamentally religious and faithful to the ideology of postmodernism/Cultural Marxism than any Christian or Muslim or Hindu ever was.
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

It is fascinating how closely American radical leftism resembles an authoritarian theocracy. In days of yore certain sins, speaking to Europe of the Middle Ages, were punishable by death, maiming or public humiliation; sometimes by all three. In those days, and with damn good reason, everyone from the King to the aristocracy to members of the Church, merchants and on down to the common folk very carefully self-edited their public and even in private behaviors in order to reduce the risk of being deemed an apostate/heretic/whatever and severe punishment by Church and State for any slight slip-up. Back then sin could mean death . . . and accusation was enough to kill.

While no one I've heard about has been killed by the State in America these days for failing to be politically correct enough, executions of character often resulting in total ruination of career and public image for sinning against postmodernism/Cultural Marxism happen on a daily basis. Much like the heavy-handed, politically motivated and totally bloodthirsty religious persecutions of the Middle Ages, today's Democratic Party and socialist professor fed Twitter Mobs are carrying out instant punishment against the "sinful" who refuse to bow down to the ideological madness of homo this, transgender that, race warfare, blah, blah fucking blah. In fact, many of us Americans, including our own selves and people we know and love, not only fear persecution by the Twitter mob so much they fall in line with postmodernist insanity, some of them would actually "turn us in" for sinning against it. Nowadays, fear of same is running so deep people verbally approve of mutilating children for political-ideological reasons; reasons not unlike those peasants of yore had for supporting State/Church sanctioned burnings at the stake, decapitations and torture.

The ironic hypocrisy? Most of these postmodernist nitwits claim to be atheists. Yeah, right! They're atheists who are more fundamentally religious and faithful to the ideology of postmodernism/Cultural Marxism than any Christian or Muslim or Hindu ever was.
Does ANTIFA act like the Spanish Inquisition? If you dont agree with the left, then you get the shit beat out of you, until you comply?

Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

It is fascinating how closely American radical leftism resembles an authoritarian theocracy. In days of yore certain sins, speaking to Europe of the Middle Ages, were punishable by death, maiming or public humiliation; sometimes by all three. In those days, and with damn good reason, everyone from the King to the aristocracy to members of the Church, merchants and on down to the common folk very carefully self-edited their public and even in private behaviors in order to reduce the risk of being deemed an apostate/heretic/whatever and severe punishment by Church and State for any slight slip-up. Back then sin could mean death . . . and accusation was enough to kill.

While no one I've heard about has been killed by the State in America these days for failing to be politically correct enough, executions of character often resulting in total ruination of career and public image for sinning against postmodernism/Cultural Marxism happen on a daily basis. Much like the heavy-handed, politically motivated and totally bloodthirsty religious persecutions of the Middle Ages, today's Democratic Party and socialist professor fed Twitter Mobs are carrying out instant punishment against the "sinful" who refuse to bow down to the ideological madness of homo this, transgender that, race warfare, blah, blah fucking blah. In fact, many of us Americans, including our own selves and people we know and love, not only fear persecution by the Twitter mob so much they fall in line with postmodernist insanity, some of them would actually "turn us in" for sinning against it. Nowadays, fear of same is running so deep people verbally approve of mutilating children for political-ideological reasons; reasons not unlike those peasants of yore had for supporting State/Church sanctioned burnings at the stake, decapitations and torture.

The ironic hypocrisy? Most of these postmodernist nitwits claim to be atheists. Yeah, right! They're atheists who are more fundamentally religious and faithful to the ideology of postmodernism/Cultural Marxism than any Christian or Muslim or Hindu ever was.
Does ANTIFA act like the Spanish Inquisition? If you dont agree with the left, then you get the shit beat out of you, until you comply?

That's what's on the horizon if the socialists get their revolution. Death squads, Inquisitions, Tribunals without representation and instant execution on the steps of the courthouse. Think The Handmaid's Tale, only a more Stalinist interpretation.
Mario Lopez.........we hardly knew you........now you are in the re-education camp, waiting for your walk to the Social Justice Guillotine.....


He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.

Let me repeat...

He said that 3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender.....


this F*****g left wing insanity needs to end.........they are insane....they are vicious, they are insane....did I say they were insane.......let me repeat....they are insane...

He said 3 year olds should not be allowed to pick their gender....and now his career is over......

NBC Execs Considering Whether To Ax Mario Lopez From Access Hollywood, Report Says

It’s the Daily Wire. Fake news at its best and seriously a job at access Hollywood shows his career is already over.
Well then clearly it is it wrong to dress your toddler according to IT'S biological gender. As a progressive parent you must allow your toddler to choose IT'S clothes according to how IT is self identifying.
what if the child decides it is a puppy, are we then supposed to feed the dog, dog food and put it on a leash and keep it in a dog house? Seems a little strange that a boy can think he is a girl, and everyone accepts it, but if a child wants to be a dog, then something is wrong with that child. Oh well, idiots of the left have their agenda, when we question that agenda, they get belligerent and moronic.

My grandson dressed as Spiderman all through Jr. Kindergarten. We made sure his clothes were clean, he carried a nutritional lunch, and his homework was done.

Today, he’s a straight A student, a track star, and he’s winning all the local singing competitions.

Letting kids express themselves builds confidence. My daughter had a running game of Peter Pan at the same age.

It’s creepy and shows unhealthy attitudes that Mario Lopez thinks letting the kid pick his own clothes is wrong.
I agree with 2aguy. It’s scary to think that he may lose his job for a comment like that. I love Clint Eastwood though. They told him not to film his new movie he is directing in GA because they have the no abortion law and he told them to fuck off and he is filming it there. Hollywood needs more like him.

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Well then clearly it is it wrong to dress your toddler according to IT'S biological gender. As a progressive parent you must allow your toddler to choose IT'S clothes according to how IT is self identifying.
what if the child decides it is a puppy, are we then supposed to feed the dog, dog food and put it on a leash and keep it in a dog house? Seems a little strange that a boy can think he is a girl, and everyone accepts it, but if a child wants to be a dog, then something is wrong with that child. Oh well, idiots of the left have their agenda, when we question that agenda, they get belligerent and moronic.

My grandson dressed as Spiderman all through Jr. Kindergarten. We made sure his clothes were clean, he carried a nutritional lunch, and his homework was done.

Today, he’s a straight A student, a track star, and he’s winning all the local singing competitions.

Letting kids express themselves builds confidence. My daughter had a running game of Peter Pan at the same age.

It’s creepy and shows unhealthy attitudes that Mario Lopez thinks letting the kid pick his own clothes is wrong.
Yep, a trophy for everyone...

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