When the GOP is only about religion, it loses...


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
This is the message from Tuesday. A "big tent" GOP about policy and ideas like school vouchers and cutting spending worked in the 1990s thanks to Jack Kemp, Newt and others. A "you must be Christian or else" "the definition of conservative is Christian" "We are a Christian Party" GOP just loses. Abortion is a loser, and 100% about religion. Indeed, a conservative supports individual liberty, not a big expensive new bureaucracy of jack boots who raid medical facilities, SUBS do not even understand the word conservative. THAT is a big problem. The SUB is the problem. The SUB is the reason why so many elected Republicans are big spending Zionist Fascists. The SUB is a COMPLETE FUCKING TREASONOUS MORON and an albatross around the GOP's neck.

Tim Scott essentially said in the debate that the GOP is a Christian party. That is CRAP and he ought to be tossed out of the party for saying it.

ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL just how far can I put my nose up Israel's ass was the strategy of DeSantis, Haley, and Christie, which should surprise nobody.

Vivek is the only candidate even remotely close to the GOP of the mid 1990s, which was THE LAST TIME THE GOP DID ANYTHING GOOD FOR AMERICA.
This is the message from Tuesday. A "big tent" GOP about policy and ideas like school vouchers and cutting spending worked in the 1990s thanks to Jack Kemp, Newt and others. A "you must be Christian or else" "the definition of conservative is Christian" "We are a Christian Party" GOP just loses. Abortion is a loser, and 100% about religion. Indeed, a conservative supports individual liberty, not a big expensive new bureaucracy of jack boots who raid medical facilities, SUBS do not even understand the word conservative. THAT is a big problem. The SUB is the problem. The SUB is the reason why so many elected Republicans are big spending Zionist Fascists. The SUB is a COMPLETE FUCKING TREASONOUS MORON and an albatross around the GOP's neck.

Tim Scott essentially said in the debate that the GOP is a Christian party. That is CRAP and he ought to be tossed out of the party for saying it.

ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL just how far can I put my nose up Israel's ass was the strategy of DeSantis, Haley, and Christie, which should surprise nobody.

Vivek is the only candidate even remotely close to the GOP of the mid 1990s, which was THE LAST TIME THE GOP DID ANYTHING GOOD FOR AMERICA.
Thanks for the loon perspective. At least 75 million of us ( and I bet that number has grown substantially) believe President Trump is a lot of good for America
This is the message from Tuesday. A "big tent" GOP about policy and ideas like school vouchers and cutting spending worked in the 1990s thanks to Jack Kemp, Newt and others. A "you must be Christian or else" "the definition of conservative is Christian" "We are a Christian Party" GOP just loses. Abortion is a loser, and 100% about religion. Indeed, a conservative supports individual liberty, not a big expensive new bureaucracy of jack boots who raid medical facilities, SUBS do not even understand the word conservative. THAT is a big problem. The SUB is the problem. The SUB is the reason why so many elected Republicans are big spending Zionist Fascists. The SUB is a COMPLETE FUCKING TREASONOUS MORON and an albatross around the GOP's neck.

Tim Scott essentially said in the debate that the GOP is a Christian party. That is CRAP and he ought to be tossed out of the party for saying it.

ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL just how far can I put my nose up Israel's ass was the strategy of DeSantis, Haley, and Christie, which should surprise nobody.

Vivek is the only candidate even remotely close to the GOP of the mid 1990s, which was THE LAST TIME THE GOP DID ANYTHING GOOD FOR AMERICA.
Gotta admit, I’m liking Vivek more each time I see him.
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Ramaswampy was a member of a Jewish secret society, called Shabtai, while at Yale. I don't believe for one second that as President he'd keep the US out of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Certainly Donald "Israel should own Congress" Trump won't either.
So only people that believe in God are against abortion, and their only reason for opposing it is 'religion'? :rolleyes:
Our courts won't allow a Ten Commandments plaque or a Cross on public property but has a blind eye towards the government spending billions in creation of Islamic Republics and in sustaining Zionism. All this military aid for folks to kill one another doesn't seem very Christian to me, as I see it much the same as funding abortion.
When the crazy left considers the sanctity of life and the respect for the Constitution as "only about religion" we are in deep shit as a Nation. Our young people are at risk from the crazy left that has no respect for morality or tradition and Constitutional law.
This is the message from Tuesday. A "big tent" GOP about policy and ideas like school vouchers and cutting spending worked in the 1990s thanks to Jack Kemp, Newt and others. A "you must be Christian or else" "the definition of conservative is Christian" "We are a Christian Party" GOP just loses. Abortion is a loser, and 100% about religion. Indeed, a conservative supports individual liberty, not a big expensive new bureaucracy of jack boots who raid medical facilities, SUBS do not even understand the word conservative. THAT is a big problem. The SUB is the problem. The SUB is the reason why so many elected Republicans are big spending Zionist Fascists. The SUB is a COMPLETE FUCKING TREASONOUS MORON and an albatross around the GOP's neck.

Tim Scott essentially said in the debate that the GOP is a Christian party. That is CRAP and he ought to be tossed out of the party for saying it.

ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL just how far can I put my nose up Israel's ass was the strategy of DeSantis, Haley, and Christie, which should surprise nobody.

Vivek is the only candidate even remotely close to the GOP of the mid 1990s, which was THE LAST TIME THE GOP DID ANYTHING GOOD FOR AMERICA.
Remembering the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, let's look at this issue in its text:

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. :thanks:

May God bless each and everyone who needs spiritual refreshment.
💗 And may God's love touch all who need healing and happiness here tonight and evermore. 💗

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Have you downloaded and saved all of those Hamas videos of "Jews getting what's coming to them"?

Hoo boy.

That's gonna leave a mark.

Cuz yeah.

Those of us in the know realize precisely why you said that to this poster. ;)
Yes Vivek has a few good ideas, but he also has goofy ideas that disqualifies him. Raising the voting age is plain stupid.

calls climate change a "hoax"
wants to ban citizenship to non-citizen births
against a federal abortion ban
no cuts to entitlements
ban children from using social media
abolish the FBI, the Dept of Ed, and the NRC

against support for Ukraine
raise the voting age to 25
end the H1B visa program
Have you downloaded and saved all of those Hamas videos of "Jews getting what's coming to them"?

Again, over and over, the Zionist Fascists do hate hoaxes and you and the rest of the SUBS fall for them, demonstrating IQ<5 each time.

Still telling us to "get over the USS Liberty"


This is why the republicans are losing....

Certainly part of it an another that Trump supported....

We have to have an RNC chair who espouses Judeo-Christian values was the calling card for McDaniel...

So only people that believe in God are against abortion, and their only reason for opposing it is 'religion'? :rolleyes:

THERE is a big difference between "being opposed" and "legally banning." The "Christian Republican" is exposed here as a faux conservative and a faux free speech person (this and ISRAEL).



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