When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

In their own way, each of the GOP contenders bring something positive to the table, but it seems Romney has the better campaign organization working for him at the moment. Of course, 2 states out of 50 doesn't make him the nominee; however, if he does go on to secure the nomination, I'll heed Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment and do my part to help the team, but challenging President Obama won't be "a walk in the park", and a gaffe prone Romney during the debates won't help either. He may want to ask Jon Huntsman for some debate pointers if they are still speaking after the primaries.

You forgot to mention that Romney also has $50,000,000 in campaign funds :rolleyes: The other Repub candidates can't touch him in that regard.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

There are a lot of hard core anti romney right wingers. Some think he is far to liberal, some do NOT like the fact that he is a mormon etc.

Obama will win. IT WILL BE HUGE. (in my best trump voice).
If Romney wins the nomination, I'll very likely do what I did in 2008 and vote for a third party candidate.

I live in California which will likely select Obama anyway. Thing is, Califiornia passed a bill that would throw the electoral votes to the popular vote winner, which may be the Republican candidate, and that would be fun to watch their collective heads explode.

Have fun waiting for that.
Voting for Romney would be no different than voting for Obama. They're 95 % the same, excluding pigmentation.

I'll vote Libertarian. Try to build hope for the future.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

Well, with a rousing and enthusiastic endorsement like that, how can Romney lose?

Other than a few Paul supporters, I don't recall anyone claiming this was their true goal. I've always read on here that the goal is to get Obama out of the office before he can do any more damage.

Obama can’t do any ‘damage’ to something already damaged.

If Obama wins, he will have his 8 years in the white house and then when it's all over there will be no doubts to the results of his policies. America will have tasted the progressive agenda and hopefully change their minds about what they want.

Since when is Obama a ‘progressive’? ‘His’ policies are main-stream, moderate, government by the numbers – neither left nor right. Not unlike Bush or what McCain would have done.

It’s impossible to elect either a conservative or liberal president.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

Point 1- Romney isn't going to repeal ObamaCare, it was his idea. the best chance we have of dismantling it will be in the courts.

Point 2- Obama's ability to do damage will be limited by a GOP House and GOP senate (unless ROmney proves so unpopular that he drags down everyone lower on the ticket, which I don't completely discount.) Romney will obligate the GOP In congress to do along with some of his liberal schemes.

Point 3- My objection to ROmney isn't idealogical as much as it is moral. I think Obama is a poor leader and an ineffective president, but he's at his core a decent man. Romney, on the other hand is a real scumbag as a human being. Liar. Flip-flopper. Corporate Vulture. oh, yeah, and he belongs to a batshit crazy religion.

So, yeah, I'd have no problem sitting it out or voting third party to vent my anger.

In fact, voting third party would kind of like voting "Present". You could have had my vote, but didn't get it.

Neither the House nor the Senate will limit Obama's ability to appoint two more Supreme Court justices over the next four years.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

Point 1- Romney isn't going to repeal ObamaCare, it was his idea. the best chance we have of dismantling it will be in the courts.

Point 2- Obama's ability to do damage will be limited by a GOP House and GOP senate (unless ROmney proves so unpopular that he drags down everyone lower on the ticket, which I don't completely discount.) Romney will obligate the GOP In congress to do along with some of his liberal schemes.

Point 3- My objection to ROmney isn't idealogical as much as it is moral. I think Obama is a poor leader and an ineffective president, but he's at his core a decent man. Romney, on the other hand is a real scumbag as a human being. Liar. Flip-flopper. Corporate Vulture. oh, yeah, and he belongs to a batshit crazy religion.

So, yeah, I'd have no problem sitting it out or voting third party to vent my anger.

In fact, voting third party would kind of like voting "Present". You could have had my vote, but didn't get it.

Neither the House nor the Senate will limit Obama's ability to appoint two more Supreme Court justices over the next four years.

Thats supposed to be a secret!!! :mad: :D ;)
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

Hopefully hate him less than they hate the Polices of the current Admin.

I know any Republican(RP) who runs as a 3rd party, and anyone who want's Obama out of the WH who votes 3rd party. Is an idiot who should have just voted for Obama, Same result
Ideologue for the primary.. Pragmatist for the general. Obama has to go.

and yet he will win. Big.

If Obama wins, it sure as hell will not be big. Not going to be anywhere near as good, or easy as last time. No pretending to be something your not this time around.

The Republicans need to make this election about what it is Really About. Capitalism vs Quasi Socialism. Period. Do we want a nanny state, or smaller government? If they can make it about that, they win, because overwhelmingly the American People favor, Smaller, smarter, better government.

The only thing that is for sure is that a shit ton of money is going to be spent spewing lies, and hate from both sides trying to win, With the Very Future of the Nation In the Balance. Whether you believe Democrats are destroying the Country, or that Republicans will if they win, the Stakes are just as high for all of us.

Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.


If Mitt gets the nod, I will be FORCED -- compelled even -- to make a choice.

Cast my vote to Re-elect President Obama or vote for his opponent?


Now there's a real poser!

This is why the GOP will never run a true Fiscal or Social Conservative for POTUS. They don't have to, you'll support them regardless.
What the right fails to realize is that Romney is weak and indecisive – he’s devoid of substance and conviction. He’s a closet liberal who has spent an entire political career trying to appease the radical right. With no success.

Because Romney is weak and indecisive, he’ll allow radical rightists to run roughshod over ‘his administration,’ because he’s weak and indecisive, he’ll allow the static republican criminal element back into the WH, to our Nations’ detriment.

Given these facts Romney is actually the worst choice among the current GOP candidates.

Gingrich, for example, is at least his own man, and would destroy America himself, not by proxy.
If Romney wins, I will either vote third party or vote for Obama.

If Obama wins, he will have his 8 years in the white house and then when it's all over there will be no doubts to the results of his policies. America will have tasted the progressive agenda and hopefully change their minds about what they want.

In the process I also want the GOP to know they can't allow a bunch of clowns to be nominated, that the American people aren't going to stand for this BS. Romney cannot beat Obama. He is a farce. He isn't going to change many of this administrations policies, same BS, different name.

Progressive? :lol: Both the HC & the Financial Reform bills were watered-down. They aint Progressive my friend ESPECIALLY when you consider the Individual Mandate was first floated by the Heritage Foundation ;)

You realize that progressive means that you will step by step progress the country past the Constitution to full socialism, right?

These "watered down" bill stepped us closer to full government control.

That would make them, by definition, progressive.
In their own way, each of the GOP contenders bring something positive to the table, but it seems Romney has the better campaign organization working for him at the moment. Of course, 2 states out of 50 doesn't make him the nominee; however, if he does go on to secure the nomination, I'll heed Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment and do my part to help the team, but challenging President Obama won't be "a walk in the park", and a gaffe prone Romney during the debates won't help either. He may want to ask Jon Huntsman for some debate pointers if they are still speaking after the primaries.

You forgot to mention that Romney also has $50,000,000 in campaign funds :rolleyes: The other Repub candidates can't touch him in that regard.

And how much did Rick Santorum have in Iowa? Who exactly did he essentially tie with there?
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

There are a lot of hard core anti romney right wingers. Some think he is far to liberal, some do NOT like the fact that he is a mormon etc.

Obama will win. IT WILL BE HUGE. (in my best trump voice).

It will be huge, but regardless of who gets the nomination it's not going to Obama.
What the right fails to realize is that Romney is weak and indecisive – he’s devoid of substance and conviction. He’s a closet liberal who has spent an entire political career trying to appease the radical right. With no success.

Weak and indecisive? You don't run a company and make millions of dollars by being indecisive or weak.

I don't think he's nearly as liberal as you and the media would like to portray.

Because Romney is weak and indecisive, he’ll allow radical rightists to run roughshod over ‘his administration,’ because he’s weak and indecisive, he’ll allow the static republican criminal element back into the WH, to our Nations’ detriment.

Well, since there is no static republican criminal element, that would be very difficult to do wouldn't it?

Given these facts Romney is actually the worst choice among the current GOP candidates.

Because you are confident he will beat Obama and return the White House to Republicans. I'm surprised your being so honest here.

Amazing that this "weak & decisive" man has even you believing he will beat Obama. Doesn't say much about the President, does it?

Gingrich, for example, is at least his own man, and would destroy America himself, not by proxy.

You may have a point there. Unfortunately, Obama definitely will.
Since when is Obama a ‘progressive’? ‘His’ policies are main-stream, moderate, government by the numbers – neither left nor right. Not unlike Bush or what McCain would have done.

I agree, bad choice of words if you want to use that sort of definition. Continuing more wars, not closing Guatanamo, extending the Bush tax cuts are not progressive policies and you are right, they are similar to what Bush or McCain did/would have done. Electing Bankers to his cabinet wasn't progressive either.
Of course, the definition I'm using of "progressive" is a little different.
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Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

I have thought about this and other senarios;

I dont see any in the current crop that will cut spending below the trillion deficit threshold. Assuming that is true, There isnt much difference between them.

3rd Party again it would seem.

I may not respect your choice of candidate, but I have massive respect for anyone that votes 3rd party.

Keep being a rebel.
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