When Obama Was Flooding Districts With Refugees It Was Compassionate


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats do horrible things every day, but if one of us does what they're doing, we're racists. We're being horrible and cruel. Now we have another example of Trump talking about doing exactly what Obama did and getting attacked for it by the people who completely supported it in the past.

Democrats are opponents......they are not Americans. If Trump said he would pay a wage to every person in America they would find something wrong with it. This is all we can expect from these worthless assholes in Washington. Nothing but one resistance after another costing us trillions in the process:


April 13, 2019
Remember Murietta? Dumping unvetted migrants into the cities of political foes was done by Obama first
By Monica Showalter
President Trump's trial balloon of sending migrants surging across our border to sanctuary cities has been derided by Democrats as 'cynicism and cruelty' as well as 'a new low' by Trump, but it has a precedent: President Obama.

Back in 2014, when the migrant surge of that year brought tens of thousands of "unaccompanied children" and "moms and kids," into the Rio Grande Valley, overwhelming the Texas processing facilities, President Obama inexplicably targeted small and mid-sized cities (same as the Trump officials' emails) as their next destination of choice. And instead of talking about it, they really did try to bus the unvetted migrants into small cities such as Murietta, California; Yuma, Arizona; and a conservative area of New Mexico, bringing crime, disease, and a high need for social services, without consulting those communities.

The residents protested, and the Obama administration declared them 'racist' in a bid to scare them into line.

I was on the ground at Murietta during those protests when I was an editorial writer at Investor's Business Daily, and I spoke to the citizens of that city, who were not only far from racist, but actually multiracial themselves. They told me this:

Asked why the rebellion was centered in Murrieta and not elsewhere, the residents all had one answer: they were Reagan Country, and it was on their soil that the Reagan revolution was lit in 1978.

Breitbart's reporters went to the scene, too, as I did, and quite unlike the mainstream media, also asked and listened to the residents as to what they thought was going on:

Henry, and many of the protesters joining him, believe their town was unfairly targeted as a destination for the migrants. Some believe the busloads are being sent to small, largely conservative towns, like Murrieta to send a political message.


"The administration thinks that if it floods our streets, in small town america, they can force us into immigration reform," Henry said. "These immigrants should not be here. The only reason that they are coming here is for political reasons."

There are no known FOIA documents to prove it (though it's a fine area for inquiry these days) that I have been able to find, but circumstantially, it appears to be a correct reading of the situation. The several hundred illegals being dumped off in Murietta were going to a small city with just five holding cells, given that it's a nearly crime-free city of homeowners. That's inexplicable, unless the idea was to unleash them onto the conservatives unvetted for other purposes.

The Los Angeles Times reported that it made no sense to dump the migrants into Murietta, because the much larger metropolis of San Diego, sixty miles south, had plenty of beds and holding cells for illegal entrants, and ones that could cater to migrant families. The migrants eventually were sent there, but not before Democrats could demonize the town as brimming with racists, leaving its officials (Latino ones, no less) sputtering their defense that they were not.

It's pretty obvious the whole thing was a political gambit to not only impose high costs from illegal migration on specially targeted conservative cities, its second aim was to force America's conservatives into submission out of fear of being called racists.

They rebelled instead, in what was an early bellwether of the rise of President Trump. Now Trump is giving back what Obama pioneered — the use of illegal migrants as a political football — and this time putting Democrats on their back foot.




Tucker Carlson: Nobody Hates Diversity More Than Rich Liberals
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Why would ANYONE vote for Democrats?? They're the pro ILLEGAL alien, socialist, ANARCHIST, ANTI-law enforcement, GLOBALIST, America HATING party!!
Why would ANYONE vote for Democrats?? They're the pro ILLEGAL alien, socialist, ANARCHIST, ANTI-law enforcement, GLOBALIST, America HATING party!!
The Democrat Politicians exploit the left wing hatred for Anglos, Christians and capitalism.
Why would ANYONE vote for Democrats?? They're the pro ILLEGAL alien, socialist, ANARCHIST, ANTI-law enforcement, GLOBALIST, America HATING party!!
Why would anyone vote for Democrats?
People who love this country wouldn't.....and this is why Democrats and Liberals in the media are creating a hatred for America that is unprecedented. That is why college students all sound like robots repeating the same nonsense about Green Deals that will save the planet.
Democrats are PRO Illegal Aliens and ANTI American citizens in just about all of their policies. They are also pro foreign interests in the U.S. hence their push for Globalism and their embrace of Soros and other foreigners money, influence and support.
I lived in (Still Do) South Florida during the Mariel Boat Lift.

Talk about a clusterfuck. In those days, I didn't follow the news very much because, frankly, I had better things to do. Plus, I hate news people and the Alphabet Media.

So, the war Department and I are coming back from the Keys after a few days of lobstering and we get caught up in a road block. Stuck there for hours while they searched every vehicle, ever boat.

Anyway, Bill The Rapist lost his governorship because of the Marielitas shipped to Arkansas.

Castro just simply emptied his prisons and Mental Health facilities and shipped those people here. And The Peanut was FUCKING STUPID ENOUGH to accept them. We're still paying the price down here.

And that is essentially what Trump is trying to tell you, the people coming here are NOT those Countries' best people.

If they were happy, successful and content back where they lived, they wouldn't be coming here.

The same could be said for almost every person in here and his/her ancestors. If your ancestors were happy, content and successful in Europe, you wouldn't be here right now.

That is why, every so often, the US would STOP immigration. So that the people arriving from Europe. or wherever, could assimilate.

It takes at least 2 generations. And that's if you speak a Germanic Language (English is Germanic, NOT Latin).

It is way past time to stop immigration to this Country.

Before it's too late. Hispanic immigrants take at least 3 generations to assimilate. Minimum average.

Census: More than 20 percent of U.S. residents speak a language other than English at home

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