When is Pro-Life pro-life?

Here's a stab in the dark: you own more than one gun and have a really big knife also.
1 long range scoped hunting rifle, 1 intermediate range scoped hi-cap carbine (aka assault rifle -- just not an AR-15), 1 hi-cap riot shotgun, 1 45ACP pistol, 1 combat machete, 1 fixed blade hunting knife, 1 hunting jack knife, 2 fighting jack knife daggers, 1000 rounds ammo, several hi-cap mags, deuce gear, survival backpacking gear, water filter, food storage.

So you were way off on the knives.
1000 rounds? What are you saving them for? When you go off the deep end completely?
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty?
Can you be pro-life if you support the right to abortion and oppose the death penalty?

You can only be pro-life if you have a consistent ethic that respects the dignity of all life. But I'll narrow it down and say the dignity of all human life.

I admire this ethic. It's something to strive for. And it's something I admire the Catholic faith for.

The Church's Anti-Death Penalty Position

Each of us is called to respect the life and dignity of every human being. Even when people deny the dignity of others, we must still recognize that their dignity is a gift from God and is not something that is earned or lost through their behavior. Respect for life applies to all, even the perpetrators of terrible acts. Punishment should be consistent with the demands of justice and with respect for human life and dignity.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death

In Catholic teaching the state has the recourse to impose the death penalty upon criminals convicted of heinous crimes if this ultimate sanction is the only available means to protect society from a grave threat to human life. However, this right should not be exercised when other ways are available to punish criminals and to protect society that are more respectful of human life.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty
Abortion is a choice to avoid consequences
The death penalty enforces consequences

An unborn baby wasn't irresponsible
but they pay with their life

A murderer pays with his life for taking a life

One life ends because of someone else's actions
another life is ended because of their actions

The catholic church chose to protect the church
instead of turning over pedophile priests to authorities
so, their stance on human life and dignity is comical

Furthermore, their position on capital punishment
is not even biblical... no surprise there

That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.
I do not share that opinion, but in any case the right to life prior to birth is a separate issue from human rights and well-being after birth. I don't know jack about Christian Fundamentalists, but any Christian organization that has no concern for the needy is not following the teachings of Christ and IMHO should not be considered as Christian, no matter what they call themselves.
I think you live in the Bible Belt where Christian Fundamentalism is well established outside the Catholic Hispanic areas. Long ago I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities from conservative Protestants.

The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

You are a special kind of fucktarded individual to think that all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious point of view. You are equally fucked in the head when you are so oblivious to the fact that most people (religious or not) would support exceptions to bans on abortions - to allow them in cases like rape or to save the life of the mother.

You want to have a debate on the exceptions? Fucktard?

I'm ready for that one too.
I do not share that opinion, but in any case the right to life prior to birth is a separate issue from human rights and well-being after birth. I don't know jack about Christian Fundamentalists, but any Christian organization that has no concern for the needy is not following the teachings of Christ and IMHO should not be considered as Christian, no matter what they call themselves.
I think you live in the Bible Belt where Christian Fundamentalism is well established outside the Catholic Hispanic areas. Long ago I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities from conservative Protestants.

The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

There are a large number of people who do not support abortion who are not religious fanatics, some of them are atheists. So you ought to climb off that idiotic meme, the discussion should center around the extent to which we value life irregardless of religion. I am not entirely sure a child is in a position to make the best decision for herself vis-a-vis aborting her baby. Certainly it's not the baby's fault, the circumstances of the conception is not sufficient reason to arbitrarily decide to end the baby's life. There are women who had an abortion done and regret it later in life, so it shouldn't be that cut and dried. Either way it's a tough call, especially if the baby has passed the 24 week point where he/she may already be a viable person.
I think you live in the Bible Belt where Christian Fundamentalism is well established outside the Catholic Hispanic areas. Long ago I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities from conservative Protestants.

The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

You are a special kind of fucktarded individual to think that all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious point of view. You are equally fucked in the head when you are so oblivious to the fact that most people (religious or not) would support exceptions to bans on abortions - to allow them in cases like rape or to save the life of the mother.

You want to have a debate on the exceptions? Fucktard?

I'm ready for that one too.

And by the same token, many on the pro-choice side suppport LIMITS on elective abortion.
The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

You are a special kind of fucktarded individual to think that all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious point of view. You are equally fucked in the head when you are so oblivious to the fact that most people (religious or not) would support exceptions to bans on abortions - to allow them in cases like rape or to save the life of the mother.

You want to have a debate on the exceptions? Fucktard?

I'm ready for that one too.

And by the same token, many on the pro-choice side suppport LIMITS on elective abortion.

So much for "her body her choice!"

The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

You are a special kind of fucktarded individual to think that all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious point of view. You are equally fucked in the head when you are so oblivious to the fact that most people (religious or not) would support exceptions to bans on abortions - to allow them in cases like rape or to save the life of the mother.

You want to have a debate on the exceptions? Fucktard?

I'm ready for that one too.

And by the same token, many on the pro-choice side suppport LIMITS on elective abortion.

So much for "her body her choice!"


Up to a point - just like, as you point out, many pro-lifers will allow exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.
I do not share that opinion, but in any case the right to life prior to birth is a separate issue from human rights and well-being after birth. I don't know jack about Christian Fundamentalists, but any Christian organization that has no concern for the needy is not following the teachings of Christ and IMHO should not be considered as Christian, no matter what they call themselves.
I think you live in the Bible Belt where Christian Fundamentalism is well established outside the Catholic Hispanic areas. Long ago I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities from conservative Protestants.

The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

Not everyone who is anti-Abortion goes to that extreme though.

I have already stated in this thread that I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

I do not support abortion being used as a means of contraception, apparently you do and if so you support a baby being killed In Utero as a matter of convenience because the baby being allowed to live would be inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

The simple thing is if a woman doesn't want a baby she either uses contraception or keeps her legs closed.

Killing a baby should not be considered a method of contraception.
The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

You are a special kind of fucktarded individual to think that all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious point of view. You are equally fucked in the head when you are so oblivious to the fact that most people (religious or not) would support exceptions to bans on abortions - to allow them in cases like rape or to save the life of the mother.

You want to have a debate on the exceptions? Fucktard?

I'm ready for that one too.

And by the same token, many on the pro-choice side suppport LIMITS on elective abortion.

"many on the pro-choice side suppport LIMITS on elective abortion."

Yes but there are more on the pro-Choice side who support Abortion on Demand ie. using abortion as a means of contraception ie. there being no limits.

What you'll find is that most pro-Life people support an exception with regard to rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty?
Can you be pro-life if you support the right to abortion and oppose the death penalty?

You can only be pro-life if you have a consistent ethic that respects the dignity of all life. But I'll narrow it down and say the dignity of all human life.

I admire this ethic. It's something to strive for. And it's something I admire the Catholic faith for.

The Church's Anti-Death Penalty Position

Each of us is called to respect the life and dignity of every human being. Even when people deny the dignity of others, we must still recognize that their dignity is a gift from God and is not something that is earned or lost through their behavior. Respect for life applies to all, even the perpetrators of terrible acts. Punishment should be consistent with the demands of justice and with respect for human life and dignity.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death

In Catholic teaching the state has the recourse to impose the death penalty upon criminals convicted of heinous crimes if this ultimate sanction is the only available means to protect society from a grave threat to human life. However, this right should not be exercised when other ways are available to punish criminals and to protect society that are more respectful of human life.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty
Abortion is a choice to avoid consequences
The death penalty enforces consequences

An unborn baby wasn't irresponsible
but they pay with their life

A murderer pays with his life for taking a life

One life ends because of someone else's actions
another life is ended because of their actions

The catholic church chose to protect the church
instead of turning over pedophile priests to authorities
so, their stance on human life and dignity is comical

Furthermore, their position on capital punishment
is not even biblical... no surprise there

That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.

Why is this only about pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty?

Shouldn't this also be about those who are pro-Choice but have no problem cheerleading for America to bomb countries that are no threat to American actual National Security?

How many innocent people are America's bombs killing, how many innocent Iraqi's, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans have been killed?

How many innocent people were killed when Bill Clinton the pro-Choice favourite dropped bombs on Serbia during the Balkans War?

Why is this only pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty and not also pro-Choice and pro-Bombs Away on innocent civilians?
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty?
Can you be pro-life if you support the right to abortion and oppose the death penalty?

You can only be pro-life if you have a consistent ethic that respects the dignity of all life. But I'll narrow it down and say the dignity of all human life.

I admire this ethic. It's something to strive for. And it's something I admire the Catholic faith for.

The Church's Anti-Death Penalty Position

Each of us is called to respect the life and dignity of every human being. Even when people deny the dignity of others, we must still recognize that their dignity is a gift from God and is not something that is earned or lost through their behavior. Respect for life applies to all, even the perpetrators of terrible acts. Punishment should be consistent with the demands of justice and with respect for human life and dignity.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death

In Catholic teaching the state has the recourse to impose the death penalty upon criminals convicted of heinous crimes if this ultimate sanction is the only available means to protect society from a grave threat to human life. However, this right should not be exercised when other ways are available to punish criminals and to protect society that are more respectful of human life.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty
Abortion is a choice to avoid consequences
The death penalty enforces consequences

An unborn baby wasn't irresponsible
but they pay with their life

A murderer pays with his life for taking a life

One life ends because of someone else's actions
another life is ended because of their actions

The catholic church chose to protect the church
instead of turning over pedophile priests to authorities
so, their stance on human life and dignity is comical

Furthermore, their position on capital punishment
is not even biblical... no surprise there

That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.

Why is this only about pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty?

Shouldn't this also be about those who are pro-Choice but have no problem cheerleading for America to bomb countries that are no threat to American actual National Security?

How many innocent people are America's bombs killing, how many innocent Iraqi's, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans have been killed?

How many innocent people were killed when Bill Clinton the pro-Choice favourite dropped bombs on Serbia during the Balkans War?

Why is this only pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty and not also pro-Bombs Away on innocent civilians?

I agree. But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?

I admire real pro-life people, and many of them oppose abortion, the death penalty, and war. I think the Quakers fall into that group.
Abortion is a choice to avoid consequences
The death penalty enforces consequences

An unborn baby wasn't irresponsible
but they pay with their life

A murderer pays with his life for taking a life

One life ends because of someone else's actions
another life is ended because of their actions

The catholic church chose to protect the church
instead of turning over pedophile priests to authorities
so, their stance on human life and dignity is comical

Furthermore, their position on capital punishment
is not even biblical... no surprise there

That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.

Why is this only about pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty?

Shouldn't this also be about those who are pro-Choice but have no problem cheerleading for America to bomb countries that are no threat to American actual National Security?

How many innocent people are America's bombs killing, how many innocent Iraqi's, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans have been killed?

How many innocent people were killed when Bill Clinton the pro-Choice favourite dropped bombs on Serbia during the Balkans War?

Why is this only pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty and not also pro-Bombs Away on innocent civilians?

I agree. But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?

I admire real pro-life people, and many of them oppose abortion, the death penalty, and war. I think the Quakers fall into that group.

"But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?"

That makes the pro-Choice side just pro-Death then.

Killing babies In Utero is okay because allowing them to live will be inconvenient to the womans lifestyle, dropping bombs on innocent civilians is okay as long as it's a Leftist politician ordering those bombs to be dropped, when it's a Rightist politician ordering the dropping of bombs that will kill innocent civilians it isn't okay anymore.
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty?
Can you be pro-life if you support the right to abortion and oppose the death penalty?

You can only be pro-life if you have a consistent ethic that respects the dignity of all life. But I'll narrow it down and say the dignity of all human life.

I admire this ethic. It's something to strive for. And it's something I admire the Catholic faith for.

The Church's Anti-Death Penalty Position

Each of us is called to respect the life and dignity of every human being. Even when people deny the dignity of others, we must still recognize that their dignity is a gift from God and is not something that is earned or lost through their behavior. Respect for life applies to all, even the perpetrators of terrible acts. Punishment should be consistent with the demands of justice and with respect for human life and dignity.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death

In Catholic teaching the state has the recourse to impose the death penalty upon criminals convicted of heinous crimes if this ultimate sanction is the only available means to protect society from a grave threat to human life. However, this right should not be exercised when other ways are available to punish criminals and to protect society that are more respectful of human life.
—USCCB, A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death
Is it pro-life or pro-some life?
Can you be pro-life if you oppose abortion and support the death penalty
Abortion is a choice to avoid consequences
The death penalty enforces consequences

An unborn baby wasn't irresponsible
but they pay with their life

A murderer pays with his life for taking a life

One life ends because of someone else's actions
another life is ended because of their actions

The catholic church chose to protect the church
instead of turning over pedophile priests to authorities
so, their stance on human life and dignity is comical

Furthermore, their position on capital punishment
is not even biblical... no surprise there

That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.
In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.
Absolutely not!

Whether the system failed or was manipulated,
is where the fault lies... and is most unfortunate.
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
That sounds fine and dandy but the death penalty has killed innocent people. Oops. Collateral damage?
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.

Why is this only about pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty?

Shouldn't this also be about those who are pro-Choice but have no problem cheerleading for America to bomb countries that are no threat to American actual National Security?

How many innocent people are America's bombs killing, how many innocent Iraqi's, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans have been killed?

How many innocent people were killed when Bill Clinton the pro-Choice favourite dropped bombs on Serbia during the Balkans War?

Why is this only pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty and not also pro-Bombs Away on innocent civilians?

I agree. But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?

I admire real pro-life people, and many of them oppose abortion, the death penalty, and war. I think the Quakers fall into that group.

"But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?"

That makes the pro-Choice side just pro-Death then.

Killing babies In Utero is okay because allowing them to live will be inconvenient to the womans lifestyle, dropping bombs on innocent civilians is okay as long as it's a Leftist politician ordering those bombs to be dropped, when it's a Rightist politician ordering the dropping of bombs that will kill innocent civilians it isn't okay anymore.

I think you missed it. These libtardz are not prodeath (at least most aren't per se) they are simply pro abortion and a pro on a lot of other leftarded "choices."

Are they "pro choice" on absolutely everything?


They are ANTI CHOICE in most cases when it comes to guns, school CHOICE, Government recognition of religion, taxation, business choices, etc.

The ONLY choices they give a shit about are those that further their leftarded agenda.
I think you live in the Bible Belt where Christian Fundamentalism is well established outside the Catholic Hispanic areas. Long ago I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities from conservative Protestants.

The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

There are a large number of people who do not support abortion who are not religious fanatics, some of them are atheists. So you ought to climb off that idiotic meme, the discussion should center around the extent to which we value life irregardless of religion. I am not entirely sure a child is in a position to make the best decision for herself vis-a-vis aborting her baby. Certainly it's not the baby's fault, the circumstances of the conception is not sufficient reason to arbitrarily decide to end the baby's life. There are women who had an abortion done and regret it later in life, so it shouldn't be that cut and dried. Either way it's a tough call, especially if the baby has passed the 24 week point where he/she may already be a viable person.
Forcing a woman who is the victim of rape to carry the rapists fetus to term is quite shocking.
Since 1976, 1,453 prisoners have been executed

130 inmates found innocent and released from death row

Percentage of counties in the U.S. that has NOT executed
1 person in 45 years....85%

Number of executions in 2016...20

Estimated executed prisoners who were innocent, 150 something

Since Roe vs Wade, in 1973,
over 57 MILLION babies have been executed

Number of abortions in 2016...couldn't fucking tell ya
CDC statistics haven't been updated since 2013
But, it was well over 20

I'm sorry, what was that about collateral damage?

Death penalty statistics

Abortions since 1973

150ish innocent lives, over 57 million and counting

In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.

Why is this only about pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty?

Shouldn't this also be about those who are pro-Choice but have no problem cheerleading for America to bomb countries that are no threat to American actual National Security?

How many innocent people are America's bombs killing, how many innocent Iraqi's, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans have been killed?

How many innocent people were killed when Bill Clinton the pro-Choice favourite dropped bombs on Serbia during the Balkans War?

Why is this only pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty and not also pro-Bombs Away on innocent civilians?

I agree. But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?

I admire real pro-life people, and many of them oppose abortion, the death penalty, and war. I think the Quakers fall into that group.

"But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?"

That makes the pro-Choice side just pro-Death then.

Killing babies In Utero is okay because allowing them to live will be inconvenient to the womans lifestyle, dropping bombs on innocent civilians is okay as long as it's a Leftist politician ordering those bombs to be dropped, when it's a Rightist politician ordering the dropping of bombs that will kill innocent civilians it isn't okay anymore.

I think you missed it. These libtardz are not prodeath (at least most aren't per se) they are simply pro abortion and a pro on a lot of other leftarded "choices."

Are they "pro choice" on absolutely everything?


They are ANTI CHOICE in most cases when it comes to guns, school CHOICE, Government recognition of religion, taxation, business choices, etc.

The ONLY choices they give a shit about are those that further their leftarded agenda.
These libtardz are not prodeath (at least most aren't per se) they are simply pro abortion and a pro on a lot of other leftarded "choices."
IMO, pro choice has more to do with, 'the right to choose
what constitutes life' more than anything

Its so much easier for a woman to convince herself
she's just 'removing a blob of tissue that's isn't alive'....
and that is my right.

You know, I'm pro accountability and anti irresponsibility
The one thing wrong in this country is the lack of consequences
because consequences have become discriminatory.

Ultimately, anything anyone does, is between them and God.
I'm against abortion because someone was irresponsible,
but, at the end of the day, she will never have to answer to me.

I'm not a stupid person but,
that hasn't prevented me from making stupid choices
I think you live in the Bible Belt where Christian Fundamentalism is well established outside the Catholic Hispanic areas. Long ago I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities from conservative Protestants.

The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

Not everyone who is anti-Abortion goes to that extreme though.

I have already stated in this thread that I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

I do not support abortion being used as a means of contraception, apparently you do and if so you support a baby being killed In Utero as a matter of convenience because the baby being allowed to live would be inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

The simple thing is if a woman doesn't want a baby she either uses contraception or keeps her legs closed.

Killing a baby should not be considered a method of contraception.
If, as you say, you consider a fertilized egg to be an innocent baby, then your acceptance of killing that child because of rapist's assault is shocking.
The topic of the thread is can you be pro-Life as in against abortion and also be pro-Death Penalty.

The topic of the thread has nothing to do with the Multiculturalism Tolerance or you're a Bigot Memo you're pushing:

"I gave-up expecting even the language of tolerance, love, and support for minorities"
The topic of the thread is how the term "Pro Life" might be confusing, for example, being Pro Birth and also Pro Death penalty.
I clarified the matter by pointing-out that Pro Birth people are usually concerned to stop women from getting an abortion and after the birth these fanatics are not heard of as they carry-on to harass other women and medical physicians.

All of that is a crock of shit of course.

Not to mention how pathetic it is to use the unfortunate conditions of one set of children to deny rights to others.... you are simply wrong. Because, we support all the same laws and protections for born children that we do those who you are now in denial of.

Your post tells me that you only see what you want to see. No matter though. We will keep pushing on despite you.
I simply find it appalling that religious fanatics would force a child in the Bible Belt to continue with a pregnancy after being raped by her father. Such laws are primitive.

There are a large number of people who do not support abortion who are not religious fanatics, some of them are atheists. So you ought to climb off that idiotic meme, the discussion should center around the extent to which we value life irregardless of religion. I am not entirely sure a child is in a position to make the best decision for herself vis-a-vis aborting her baby. Certainly it's not the baby's fault, the circumstances of the conception is not sufficient reason to arbitrarily decide to end the baby's life. There are women who had an abortion done and regret it later in life, so it shouldn't be that cut and dried. Either way it's a tough call, especially if the baby has passed the 24 week point where he/she may already be a viable person.
Forcing a woman who is the victim of rape to carry the rapists fetus to term is quite shocking.

I agree.

But on the other hand. . . Any woman who decides to carry that child to term and give it a chance in life that it wouldn't otherwise have?

I have a hard time imagining a stronger woman than one who does that. Much respect.
In other words - because the numbers of innocent lives killed in one group are lower than the other group, you dismiss them from your pro-life ethic.

Why is this only about pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty?

Shouldn't this also be about those who are pro-Choice but have no problem cheerleading for America to bomb countries that are no threat to American actual National Security?

How many innocent people are America's bombs killing, how many innocent Iraqi's, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans have been killed?

How many innocent people were killed when Bill Clinton the pro-Choice favourite dropped bombs on Serbia during the Balkans War?

Why is this only pro-Life and pro-Death Penalty and not also pro-Bombs Away on innocent civilians?

I agree. But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?

I admire real pro-life people, and many of them oppose abortion, the death penalty, and war. I think the Quakers fall into that group.

"But how does pro-choice enter into that since they don't make the claim of being "pro-life"?"

That makes the pro-Choice side just pro-Death then.

Killing babies In Utero is okay because allowing them to live will be inconvenient to the womans lifestyle, dropping bombs on innocent civilians is okay as long as it's a Leftist politician ordering those bombs to be dropped, when it's a Rightist politician ordering the dropping of bombs that will kill innocent civilians it isn't okay anymore.

I think you missed it. These libtardz are not prodeath (at least most aren't per se) they are simply pro abortion and a pro on a lot of other leftarded "choices."

Are they "pro choice" on absolutely everything?


They are ANTI CHOICE in most cases when it comes to guns, school CHOICE, Government recognition of religion, taxation, business choices, etc.

The ONLY choices they give a shit about are those that further their leftarded agenda.
These libtardz are not prodeath (at least most aren't per se) they are simply pro abortion and a pro on a lot of other leftarded "choices."
IMO, pro choice has more to do with, 'the right to choose
what constitutes life' more than anything

Its so much easier for a woman to convince herself
she's just 'removing a blob of tissue that's isn't alive'....
and that is my right.

You know, I'm pro accountability and anti irresponsibility
The one thing wrong in this country is the lack of consequences
because consequences have become discriminatory.

Ultimately, anything anyone does, is between them and God.
I'm against abortion because someone was irresponsible,
but, at the end of the day, she will never have to answer to me.

I'm not a stupid person but,
that hasn't prevented me from making stupid choices

Many hugs and high fives!
When is Pro-Life pro-life?

When you care about the baby and the mother at least as much as you care about the fetus.

and you care about the innocent condemned man as much as you care about the fetus.
Different issue however.

Bro, let me say that you can correctly argue that killing a fetus is killing life. Ok, I got it. But, lets look at something. You are not looking at this far enough into the future. Let's suppose no-abortions actually became law, then there is going to be more welfare babies around. After all, the young girl can't support herself and her baby without working and maybe not even if she did work. So, you vote for the GOP and how are they going to handle this? It's going to be with no welfare, no food stamps and for sure no health insurance for these new babies. So, what are you trying to create here , England 1200? The GOP is all for it until it might start costing them a dollar. That's different. Then they would not be able to give as big a tax break to the wealthy. If you vote for them, then you will never obtain no abortions even though they are all for it until you tell them to accommodate it somehow and you will be betrayed. Only the $ talks to the GOP.

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