When Is A Religion Not a 'Religion'?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
Are you aware beheadings is carried out in Saudi Arabia. You know our allies.
Speaking of children M. Albright said when 1/2 million children died in Iraq due to sanctions, if it was worth it , when asked by Leslie Stahl, She said yes.

We have drones that just kill people , we drop bombs that kill anyone around, we sanction to weaken a nation first , then go in for the kill.

Don't be thinking we are any better.
There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....
Speaking of children M. Albright said when 1/2 million children died in Iraq due to sanctions, if it was worth it , when asked by Leslie Stahl, She said yes.

We have drones that just kill people , we drop bombs that kill anyone around, we sanction to weaken a nation first , then go in for the kill.

Don't be thinking we are any better.
1/2 million children dies every 2 years in the United States on the abortion table, why do you like foreign children but not US children?
There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....

When one does not believe in global warming, they are merely brainwashed by the RWNJ's.
There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....

When one does not believe in global warming, they are merely brainwashed by the RWNJ's.
Or why I don't believe in global warming is that today when I walked out of my house it was 39 degrees. Where did that COLD temperature come from?
Mohammed had a dual personality and wrote two contradictory books The verses he penned in Mecca contradict the verses he wrote in Medina. One is a book of peace and brotherhood the other "The War Book" was written once he was tempted by evil and failed the test that Jesus [Allegedly] passed.
There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....

When one does not believe in global warming, they are merely brainwashed by the RWNJ's.
Dude - It's now "Politically Incorrect" to use the term GLOBAL WARMING the correct newspeak is climate change
Speaking of children M. Albright said when 1/2 million children died in Iraq due to sanctions, if it was worth it , when asked by Leslie Stahl, She said yes.

We have drones that just kill people , we drop bombs that kill anyone around, we sanction to weaken a nation first , then go in for the kill.

Don't be thinking we are any better.

Wow.....seems like I hit a nerve, huh?

You're quite sensitive to revelations about the savagery and slaughter of a certain political perspective that masquerades as a religion...

There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....

When one does not believe in global warming, they are merely brainwashed by the RWNJ's.
Or why I don't believe in global warming is that today when I walked out of my house it was 39 degrees. Where did that COLD temperature come from?

Your heart.
A religion is not a religion when evangelical "christians" vote overwhelmingly for the most immoral candidate for the presidency in decades and practice "prosperity" gospel. These people are immensely dumb or immensely stupid. Likely both. Voting out the morons who support this bullshit and are trying to bring it into politics should be priority #1 for patriots everywhere; this country was not founded on religion and putting religion into government goes against everything our founding fathers fought for.
Are you aware beheadings is carried out in Saudi Arabia. You know our allies.

And that has what to do with the OP?
Since I spent 5 1/2 years there, I saw a few people who were beheaded for a few reasons.
If you were Saudi, you must commit murder of another Saudi to have the ultimate punishment.
If you were 3rd world national, you either committed murder or did drugs, then when caught, were beheaded in front of the crowd.
If you were a Muslims who spoke out against Islam then you had a chance to go back to Islam or were beheaded as an infidel.

Women were just thrown out of a tower and then stoned if still alive for cheating on their husbands, so there weren't many of those.

There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....

A religion is not a religion when evangelical "christians" vote overwhelmingly for the most immoral candidate for the presidency in decades and practice "prosperity" gospel. These people are immensely dumb or immensely stupid. Likely both. Voting out the morons who support this bullshit and are trying to bring it into politics should be priority #1 for patriots everywhere; this country was not founded on religion and putting religion into government goes against everything our founding fathers fought for.
We didn't vote for Bill Clinton or Barrack Hussein Obama, who you trying to blame for those immoral candidates in office. Come on, man up, you fucked up, take the responsibility for your action.
There are certain characteristics that we have come to find in religion....and some that immediately exclude a worldview from that category......

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

2. "The Islamic practice of beheading enemies and sinners dates back to the Prophet Muhammad himself. According to Arab historian Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), Muhammad ordered the beheadings of at least 600 Jewish Banu Qurayza tribesmen in Medina on suspicion of plotting against him.

Beheading also finds support in the Koran. In one passage, Allah says "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off" (8:12). In another, Muslims are exhorted to "confront the disbelievers, strike at their necks" (47:4).

In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.

The modern video beheading phenomenon began in 2002 when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) decapitated Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. KSM was captured shortly afterwards, but al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi took the idea and ran with it in a series of grisly videos showing the beheading of Western civilian contractors and others in Iraq. Zarqawi followed the parameters of the genre established by KSM: prayers, insults, recitation from the Koran, beheading, posing with the head. As a final insult, the ceremony ends when the severed head is set upon the back of the dismembered corpse.

Beheading videos disappeared for a while but resumed in 2014 with the rise of ISIS. The prime actor in this third wave of video terrorism was English-speaking ISIS operative Mohammed Emwazi, dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British press....
Kathy Griffin Needs to Check Her Infidel Privilege [Satire]

...certain characteristics that immediately exclude a worldview from the category of 'religion'......
when it is Global Warming? Damn I thought this was a trick question.

MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’. Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Reference: dailycaller.com/2013/08/29/mit-professor-global-warming-is-a-religion
Better not bash those who believe in Global Warming or else they will burn the inner cities, causing great amounts of CO2, that will.....

When one does not believe in global warming, they are merely brainwashed by the RWNJ's.
Or why I don't believe in global warming is that today when I walked out of my house it was 39 degrees. Where did that COLD temperature come from?

Your heart.
Funny how I always ask that question of "Where does the cold temperature come from" and I can never get an answer from the fanatical religious fanatics...
Mohammed had a dual personality and wrote two contradictory books The verses he penned in Mecca contradict the verses he wrote in Medina. One is a book of peace and brotherhood the other "The War Book" was written once he was tempted by evil and failed the test that Jesus [Allegedly] passed.

At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad ("Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

a. The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”
In the modern era, the practice of beheading first came to Western attention when Muhammad Ahmad of the Sudan declared himself Mahdi in 1880 and waged a jihad against Ottoman Egyptian and British forces. Ahmad's followers routinely beheaded their opponents, most famously British Gen. Charles Gordon.
The first execution by guillotine was performed on 25 April 1792 in France. What it replaced was truly horrendous.

There is a difference between religion and culture. Most Muslims are not Arabs and don't share their culture. Plenty of what we view today as barbaric was done by Muslims in the name of Allah but I'd guess that every religion has its share of barbarism.

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