When I say "The Book of Job" I mean it. Potential brain aneurysm was the reason for my two visits to hospital, current headaches...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
ALL the symptoms are there and again I receive subpar treatment. This creepy covert police state is killing so many of us: pain behind eye, above eye, stiff neck,.ocassional numb face on same side, headaches that even wake me up at night, light headedness, discomfort in bright lights, nauseum.
ALL the symptoms are there and again I receive subpar treatment. This creepy covert police state is killing so many of us: pain behind eye, above eye, stiff neck,.ocassional numb face on same side, headaches that even wake me up at night, light headedness, discomfort in bright lights, nauseum.
Dude get out
Dude get out
I went to the Walk In Clinic today. He told me he could send me to get a cat scan or neurologist but better to have my Family Doctor do it. How the hell does that help me today!? He saw the hospital visits from six months ago. I am cursed. He agreed with me if those weren't heart related, this makes.sense. The pain behind the eye is really different.
I went to the Walk In Clinic today. He told me he could send me to get a cat scan or neurologist but better to have my Family Doctor do it. How the hell does that help me today!? He saw the hospital visits from six months ago. I am cursed. He agreed with me if those weren't heart related, this makes.sense. The pain behind the eye is really different.
I know this is of little help, but I hope you discover what your health problem is soon and progress to a full and long lasting recovery.
ALL the symptoms are there and again I receive subpar treatment. This creepy covert police state is killing so many of us: pain behind eye, above eye, stiff neck,.ocassional numb face on same side, headaches that even wake me up at night, light headedness, discomfort in bright lights, nauseum.
It sounds like stress.
ALL the symptoms are there and again I receive subpar treatment. This creepy covert police state is killing so many of us: pain behind eye, above eye, stiff neck,.ocassional numb face on same side, headaches that even wake me up at night, light headedness, discomfort in bright lights, nauseum.
You guys have a pretty rough go up there regarding medical care. You have @ least one of us praying for you for sure.
ALL the symptoms are there and again I receive subpar treatment. This creepy covert police state is killing so many of us: pain behind eye, above eye, stiff neck,.ocassional numb face on same side, headaches that even wake me up at night, light headedness, discomfort in bright lights, nauseum.
I hope everything is ultimately OK with you...good luck brother
I went to the Walk In Clinic today. He told me he could send me to get a cat scan or neurologist but better to have my Family Doctor do it. How the hell does that help me today!? He saw the hospital visits from six months ago. I am cursed. He agreed with me if those weren't heart related, this makes.sense. The pain behind the eye is really different.
Fuckin cat scan aint gonna reveal shit. You need an MRI. I can get you one in CR for about $375. Don't try that in KKkanadee or the great satan Inc(nlc).. They charge more than that to rent you a gown for 45 minutes. Water is xtra.
BTW. If you want attention at a hospital there call 911 from a phone booth and tell'[em you might be strokin'. You'll have the MRI pronto and 3 Jew lawyers waiting to make sure they were timely...for a % of the suit. You'll spot them. Nike running shoes and a $1500 3 piece.
As I said,.an intense.heaeache that wakes me up at night. This has happened so often I've lost count.
You guys have a pretty rough go up there regarding medical care. You have @ least one of us praying for you for sure.
Maybe it isn't just our socilaized medicine but those they deem "undesireabke" `who are punished. i woke up with is migraine, I've woken up with a headache many times over the last couple of weeks. Just remember what I've said to the U.S about associating too closly witth human right abusers who terrorize their own citizens as Ive been terrrorized for decades, it is NoT America, don't become like us, please. Also,.if my suspicions of Donald H are correct and he is an undercover, remember they are NOT allies to the U.S....
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Quite a diagnosis...this is how socialized medicine gets its best results, off the internet.
It wasn't a diagnosis, it was a suggestion and it was based on past experience of talking to him and trying to help him. He is deeply depressed and stressed over his complaints against government and the police.

He's repeated that complaint many times in public so I'm not betraying any confidence he's entrusted to me. I can't say any more but maybe he will.
It wasn't a diagnosis, it was a suggestion and it was based on past experience of talking to him and trying to help him. He is deeply depressed and stressed over his complaints against government and the police.
Internet is still the way to go up there
He's repeated that complaint many times in public so I'm not betraying any confidence he's entrusted to me. I can't say any more but maybe he will.
and now he is claiming it is something else, why do you suppose your guess is helpful if he already knows this? [and yet you may have given him better advice than the doctors.] If I were him I would get away from that health care system as fast as possible.
It wasn't a diagnosis, it was a suggestion and it was based on past experience of talking to him and trying to help him. He is deeply depressed and stressed over his complaints against government and the police.

He's repeated that complaint many times in public so I'm not betraying any confidence he's entrusted to me. I can't say any more but maybe he will.
Now you say police where before you would always refer to CSIS. A shift. Rest assured to this forum I am NOT a criminal, no matter what anyone says, I just want my peace and I suppsse now my health. I've had neither as I try to walk a simple, noble and righteous path. I just woke up...again at 2 am...guess why? Yes, a strong headache located above the same eye. Why a doctor who suspects an aneurysm wants me to see my family doctor under the circumstsnces, a doctor that is really my wifes famiky doctor not mine, is confounding. If a brain aneurysm bursts my life most certainly would end.
I wake up fourr times in one night due to headaches. I even listen to migraine/headache/sleep hynosis videos out of desperstion. The system is forcing me to use more resources if I have to go to the hosptial rsther thsn receiving proper attention from a walk in clinic.
I wake up fourr times in one night due to headaches. I even listen to migraine/headache/sleep hynosis videos out of desperstion. The system is forcing me to use more resources if I have to go to the hosptial rsther thsn receiving proper attention from a walk in clinic.
I can't help you unless you're honest with me. I may not be able to help you.

I care.

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