When Democrats


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
have a majority in their state, they’re never squishes. Now, some of this could be because they don’t worry about elections. Once they gain control of the State house and the Secretary of State’s office, elections somehow always go their way. Go figure. Republicans may be a little less secure and may actually think that they have to keep all the voters happy, not just urban the base.

Democrats also don’t have to worry about the media undermining their agenda. With the media wind at their backs, they know that it’s always clear sailing. Republicans, who are always playing defense, start being plagued by self-doubt.

Another Democrat advantage is that they are, by nature, not individualists. They move and think as a pack, constantly trying to drive power to the biggest pack of all; namely, the state. Republicans actually bring different values to the table (especially on abortion) and that hampers their unity.

Fundamentally, though, there’s a major schism in the Republican party. While there are no moderate Democrats (they’re all radicals now), Republicans come in two varieties: The ones who owe fealty to the Constitution and the American citizen (i.e., the conservatives) and the ones who are loyal to corporations (i.e., the Chamber of Commerce crew). Now that Democrats own corporate America, the Chamber of Commerce crew is finding that it has more in common with Democrats than with conservatives.

Until voters wise up, we’ll keep having a Republican party split between conservatives and soft-Democrats, while the Democrats will continue to move in effective lockstep. In other words, conservatives lose.
have a majority in their state, they’re never squishes. Now, some of this could be because they don’t worry about elections. Once they gain control of the State house and the Secretary of State’s office, elections somehow always go their way. Go figure. Republicans may be a little less secure and may actually think that they have to keep all the voters happy, not just urban the base.

Democrats also don’t have to worry about the media undermining their agenda. With the media wind at their backs, they know that it’s always clear sailing. Republicans, who are always playing defense, start being plagued by self-doubt.

Another Democrat advantage is that they are, by nature, not individualists. They move and think as a pack, constantly trying to drive power to the biggest pack of all; namely, the state. Republicans actually bring different values to the table (especially on abortion) and that hampers their unity.

Fundamentally, though, there’s a major schism in the Republican party. While there are no moderate Democrats (they’re all radicals now), Republicans come in two varieties: The ones who owe fealty to the Constitution and the American citizen (i.e., the conservatives) and the ones who are loyal to corporations (i.e., the Chamber of Commerce crew). Now that Democrats own corporate America, the Chamber of Commerce crew is finding that it has more in common with Democrats than with conservatives.

Until voters wise up, we’ll keep having a Republican party split between conservatives and soft-Democrats, while the Democrats will continue to move in effective lockstep. In other words, conservatives lose.
The Dems have a huge advantage.
There are always more dumb voters than intelligent voters.
If you have ever seen the movie "Idiocracy", that is about dumb Dem voters.

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