What's your over-all favorite show on TV?

Right now, Game of Thrones

I've never watched Game of Thrones. I am curious about it because people talk about it all the time, but I don't get any movie channels, and I believe that is on one of the movie channels, right?
If you're lucky you can go to the library and get the whole first season second season third season for free or just rent them from a video store. I can watch a whole season in a couple of days. I almost prefer to watch it this way because each episode ends and not much really goes on but you get into it and you start caring about the characters and every once in awhile something crazy happens

Yeesh, I don't have time for that! I'm sure I could get ON Demand, I just don't when I would find the time to do all that catching up!
If I rent an entire season and have a week to watch it at night maybe from 7 to 11pm I'll just watch episode after episode. No commercials so you can see a lot of episodes in that amount of time. Or you could just watch two hours a night or one hour a night. Better than having to wait a week to see the next episode right?

If it's free, then I suppose so.
It's always about money with yous...
Currently or recently?

Tyrant, Rogue, Endeavour, Bates Motel, Salem, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Sherlock.

I refuse to buy the premium channels so I catch up on the good shows there when I can get them free somewhere.
[How can you see the same damn thing every week and still be scared of it?

Apparently you've never been married.
That's more annoying than scary. I had to grow up with an older sister..

Well a long time ago a guy I worked with used to call sex with the wife a 2 minute workout over a live corpse,

so I guess that's a Walking Dead analogy that works.
At least he got to poke a dead person..
[How can you see the same damn thing every week and still be scared of it?

Apparently you've never been married.
That's more annoying than scary. I had to grow up with an older sister..

Well a long time ago a guy I worked with used to call sex with the wife a 2 minute workout over a live corpse,

so I guess that's a Walking Dead analogy that works.
At least he got to poke a dead person..

Legally. Otherwise that might get you a few years in the pokey.
[How can you see the same damn thing every week and still be scared of it?

Apparently you've never been married.
That's more annoying than scary. I had to grow up with an older sister..

Well a long time ago a guy I worked with used to call sex with the wife a 2 minute workout over a live corpse,

so I guess that's a Walking Dead analogy that works.
At least he got to poke a dead person..

Legally. Otherwise that might get you a few years in the pokey.
Now we know why they call it a pokey...
My most favorite show that has not come to its end already is Blue Bloods and I love it because of the way that its been written. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Last Man Standing, Baby Daddy, and Girl Meets World are the other current shows that I watch. :) :) :)
I've not watched WALKING DEAD but it seems to be overall the most popular.

I'm not much into Horror (not sure why it is so popular ... but that for another thread)
All In The Family was darn near perfect.
Walking Dead was about horror? How can you see the same damn thing every week and still be scared of it?

Well I don't watch it so, I assumed if it was about Zombies...? Must be gorey which is gross, and I think that's kinda scary.... :)
Vampires and zombies are worth about 2.4 billion in revenues..

But WHY??????????????????????
vampires,werewolves,witches i can understand they at least can think.....but zombies?...
The Walking Dead

I was too busy and kind of zombied out when the series first aired. Im catching up now on Netflix
Its a realllly well done show, love it!!!
No doubt about it. Northern Exposure. Extraordinary writing and acting. I've watched every episode through 6 seasons twice.

wow! blast from the past! I have never seen it... I vaguely remember the actors thought...
Right now, Marvel:Agent of Shield.

I have seen bits of Justified, it looks really well done.
Too much talking and not enough superhero action in the TV show marvel agents of shield. I want to see the Hulk or some super hero or villain doing superhero or villain type stuff. All that show seems to be is a detective movie.
a detective show with no crimes to solve?..SHIELD is a spy agency......i agree with you bobo about needing a super being or 2 to come along...next season the Inhumans will be major members of the team....so maybe it is beginning....
I also like "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." It's a bit raunchy, but funny as hell! :up:

Yep..there is a debate among some folks which is better, this show or Trailer Park Boys...they have a lot in common. I like both.
Up in Canada TPB was Huuuge, like Sunny in Philly - I didn't discover the show till yeeears after it started.

I heard Larry David has a show that is like Seinfeld but way dirtier? My brother said it was inappropriate similar to how Family Guy is. I want to see this

its called "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Bobo....i cant see how anyone who likes Seinfeld can not like this show...i thought it was pretty humorous....
No doubt about it. Northern Exposure. Extraordinary writing and acting. I've watched every episode through 6 seasons twice.

wow! blast from the past! I have never seen it... I vaguely remember the actors thought...

You can get it all on Netflix.

I have no clue how to get or use Netflix! I'm so old!

Too bad. I canceled cable years ago, and got Netflix for 1/3rd the price. Now, I choose my own shows to watch, out of hundreds of thousands of moves and TV. As a result, there is ALWAYS something on that I really want to see.
No doubt about it. Northern Exposure. Extraordinary writing and acting. I've watched every episode through 6 seasons twice.

wow! blast from the past! I have never seen it... I vaguely remember the actors thought...

You can get it all on Netflix.

I have no clue how to get or use Netflix! I'm so old!

Too bad. I canceled cable years ago, and got Netflix for 1/3rd the price. Now, I choose my own shows to watch, out of hundreds of thousands of moves and TV. As a result, there is ALWAYS something on that I really want to see.

I assume you run it through PS3 or your computer? I know many TVs are internet capable (I believe ours is also - a Sharp AQUOS) - but hubby and I are afraid of change LOL!