What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

Not when running against a clown like trump. Nobody wants a child for president.

You still think that not voting for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

It isn't. Trump has an army of dedicated supporters. He really motivates Trump supporters.

The problem you have is that Hillary really motivates Trump supporters too. The hardcore 10% democrats like you will vote for her, most of the rest are going to sit this one out.
I just explained how, from the start, Obama was nowhere near a "radical leftist". You're one of the blind brainwashed dolts who can't see that or is too prejudiced to let facts penetrate an infantile inability to analyze historical reality with anything approaching objectivity. Wake up and take your fucking blinders off.


Obama is the furthest left of any president in history. You leftists fools have nothing other than your divide and conquer demagoguery to work with. I oppose Obama because he is a pile of shit, same reason I oppose Hilliary.

The Obama color that sane people oppose is red.

Say, shouldn't you be watching your little tin messiah scrap and bow to Castro? Cuba has accepted our surrender as given by Obama.

Obama was the people's choice TWICE ,whatever else he is. That alone should be enough to place him in high regard, without even considering his stellar achievements in the face of republican adversity and obstructionism.

Cuba is another star in Obama's cosmic resume. history will remember him as the one who laid the foundation for Cuba to become the 52nd Star in the U.S. Flag after Puerto Rico.
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I don't know why this question keeps getting ask. The answer was obvious years ago. Here's PBS's Frontline introduction to a video on Obama's Presidency;

"On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.
The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority," Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.
"Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.
After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning."

They were planning to sabotage Obama's Presidency, hopefully make him a one term president by any means possible.That meeting was the initial move in a conspiracy to effect what was in reality a non-violent, secret coup d'état designed to deny the President of the United States the opportunity to exercise the powers granted to him by the Constitution and possibly fulfill his promises to the American people. To make government more responsive to them, more transparent, and transform society into a more egalitarian and fair enterprise. If allowed to follow through on his campaign rhetoric the Congressional Parasites and their Corporate masters who fed off the blind brainwashed masses would no longer have a passive, compliant public to bleed dry, to act as bearers and beaters in their hunt for more and more profit and wealth.

Even after it became clear that Obama had no intention of being the transformative president he had advertised, an image which seduced a great many Americans and many more worldwide into believing America was about to become once more a shining example of democracy to lead the world into a better tomorrow, (oh how hungrily we progressives swallowed that clichéd dream). Even when from the very beginning his corporatist economic vision was declared by his choices of advisors and Cabinet members the Republicans still had no intention of cooperating, negotiating, or compromising as had always been done to at least fool the American people into believing things were happening, actions were being taken on their behalf. Hell, old-time Pols like Tip O`Neill and his Republican "enemies" in Congress actually believed their own rhetoric and that government could act to make life better for the average citizen. That seems a long time ago. Now the venality of perennially well financed incumbents in the Republican party is exposed (but unrecognized by most) by their personal hatred for this president and their willingness to let the infrastructures of American life go to hell before they will reach out across the aisle. Meanwhile their financiers engorge themselves on the abundance of fruit produced by and denied to the American worker.

I've become a terrible cynic lately regarding the fundamental motivation underlying the impediments to action, the blockading of any progress this President might attempt, barricades the Republicans have constructed year after year. It's a dark suspicion of residual evil in the primal underbelly of American society and Republican politics, a suspicion raised by the fact that Obama just happens to be the first black President.

Oh yes, if Obama were white the GOP would have embraced radical leftism. :thup:

You Communists sure are fucking smart...

I mean, Republicans never opposed Jimmy Carter or George McGovern.. right?
Not to the degree they opposed Obama. At times their anti-Obama fervor bordered on hate.
Obama was the people's choice TWICE ,whatever else he is. That alone should be enough to place him in high regard, without even considering his stellar achievements in the face of republican adversity and obstructionism.

Cuba is another star in Obama's cosmic resume. history will remember him as the one who laid the foundation for Cuba to become the 52nd Star in the U.S. Flag after Puerto Rica.

My how the democrats have rotted....

JFK: The Communist Regime in Cuba must be isolated.

Obama: The Communist Regime in Cuba must be bowed to and embraced.

The party of Jackson is now the party of Marx....
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

There is a simple reason that is non political. The mothers of these politicians suck great big giant elephant dick.

I have a feeling that when Hillary nominates a hard left Justice next January, those that now are outspoken supporters to follow the "choice fo the people" idea will be supporting a GOP filibuster to block a nominee they don't agree with.

So much for "choice of the people".

I doubt we have to worry about a filibuster,,the Democrats will rule the Senate after November.
Not to the degree they opposed Obama. At times their anti-Obama fervor bordered on hate.

Never in my life have I seen hate of the level you drooling retards spewed at Bush.

Obama is a deliberately polarizing figure, a racists and a race baiter who engages in class warfare and pits every group against another.
You seem to be confusing Obama with Trump!
You seem to be confusing Obama with Trump!

They are mirror images of each other. Trump is just the Anti-Obama, they both pull the same stupid shit.

Oh, and the core morons who voted for "Hope & Change" will put mr. "Make America Great' in office. Further, Trump will be an equal and opposite fuckup of the same magnitude as Obama.
You seem to be confusing Obama with Trump!

They are mirror images of each other. Trump is just the Anti-Obama, they both pull the same stupid shit.

Oh, and the core morons who voted for "Hope & Change" will put mr. "Make America Great' in office. Further, Trump will be an equal and opposite fuckup of the same magnitude as Obama.

Gosh! That IS quite revealing... I am going to have to re evaluate you... you sound like an establishment Republican.
Are you one of the anti-Trump protestors out there supporting your cause?
Gosh! That IS quite revealing... I am going to have to re evaluate you... you sound like an establishment Republican.
Are you one of the anti-Trump protestors out there supporting your cause?

I'm not a Republican.

That Trump is a disaster doesn't make Kasich a valid choice.

The worst presidents in my lifetime, in order of incompetence;

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Jimmy Carter
  3. George W. Bush
I lived through LBJ and Nixon, and still can say this.

Trump will tie Obama for that #1 spot.
The verdict is in: The GOP’s Supreme Court plan so far has been a disaster

You can hear it on conservative talk radio now. They are starting to admit this election is starting to look like it will be the worst loss for Republicans in a very long time.

Which is fine, all things are cyclical. This is the moment the Republican Party splits apart and two or three, or more, other parties come from it. But this election, though 7 more months is a long time, is looking like a stage 5 twister for them. Better find Dorothy and git to tha' root celle'r right quick!

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