What's worse? Atheism or Islam? I'd say both are bad.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.

It's because both have a goal, and that is centralized world power at any cost.

With Islam, you must advocate Sharia law. That means you want to push for theocracy and centralized government to engulf the world.

Leftists are very similar. They also advocate a centralized government to engulf the world, but their religion is secularism.

So you might think that the two might be incapable since one advocates submission to God and the other submission to the state, however, Islam is more of a political religion than a spiritual one. Muslims focus more on legalism and converting people to the faith than they do a connection with God. For the Muslim, there is no personal God of any kind. The focus is Sharia law, not God.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.

It's because both have a goal, and that is centralized world power at any cost.

With Islam, you must advocate Sharia law. That means you want to push for theocracy and centralized government to engulf the world.

Leftists are very similar. They also advocate a centralized government to engulf the world, but their religion is secularism.

So you might think that the two might be incapable since one advocates submission to God and the other submission to the state, however, Islam is more of a political religion than a spiritual one. Muslims focus more on legalism and converting people to the faith than they do a connection with God. For the Muslim, there is no personal God of any kind. The focus is Sharia law, not God.
Muslim countries today form their alliances with Godless countries
So figure that one out
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
Despite your wishes, the U.S. will never be a theocracy.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
White wing Republican Christians are so bloodthirsty, they can hardly be called "civilized".

What kind of people approves of stripping parents of their children? What kind of people want to get rid of school lunches for poor children? What kind of people want to end healthcare for millions? People that I'm ashamed live in this country.
Atheists don’t trade their children for camels to old perverts.
Atheists don’t convict their women for getting raped because the woman couldn’t find 4 witnesses to her rape.
Atheists don’t wipe their asses with an uneven number of rocks.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
What is worse is conservatism and the fake religion they all seem to have.
What kind of people approves of stripping parents of their children? What kind of people want to get rid of school lunches for poor children? What kind of people want to end healthcare for millions? People that I'm ashamed live in this country.
What kind of people approve child trafficking across the borders? What kind of people support drugs/opioids pouring across the border and killing tens of thousands of Americans annually? What kind of people expect a nanny state to take care of their children and their healthcare? What kind of people expect others to be taxed so that illegal immigrants can have healthcare, schooling, and welfare benefits?

We have a legal immigration process for a purpose We can properly take care of a certain number, but at a certain point trying to take care of everyone results in not being able to take care of oneself and one's family.

Let's stop relying on the government to fund school lunches, healthcare, etc. and return this charitable endeavor to individuals.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.

You forgot to include the right-wingers who call themselves "Christians."
What's interesting is how atheists and Muslims have formed political alliances on college campuses, as if they really had a common goal other than tearing down the foundations of Western Civilization.

Do you have a credible source for this Atheist-Muslim alliance? A credible source that says what their mutual goals might be?
I seem to remember that some "Christian" cults were allowed to invade military academies such as the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and some military bases where service members were given the choice of attending one of their recruitment events or cleaning the barracks, and all of this was permitted by the base commanders.

Civil rights activist group says the Air Force Academy favors Christianity over other religions

Military Missionaries: Christian Embassy Recruits Converts With Pentagon Help

Exclusive: Controversial past Delta Force commander reprimanded by Army for classified information spill

So what is this thing between only atheism and Islam? I think that "Christian" protestant fundamentalists are also participants in this mess and should be challenged.

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