What's with all the GOP anger??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??

Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
So which side did you assist?
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??

The GOP has fokked up their last 2 major national elections and are about to do the same with The Casino Pirate again.

It has given them a really bad case of PMS.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Ever since Reagan The Sleeping Zombie first promised budgetary restraint that has been a GOP myth.

Reagan should never have been re-elected.

But then Mondale should never have promised to raise taxes either.
It's all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.
Well when the GOP is in charge of the House Of Reps it is hard to logically blame anyone else.

I get that BHO is a god among men and that he is to blame for everything on God's Green Earth therefore.

But that is a GOP myth as well.

As much as they would like to blame BHO for everything, the man is only a man, at best a saint, but only a man.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Ever since Reagan The Sleeping Zombie first promised budgetary restraint that has been a GOP myth.

Reagan should never have been re-elected.

But then Mondale should never have promised to raise taxes either.
I voted Reagan in 1980, yet did not in '84..i saw through his scam on the so called tax cuts, I got a tax increase..
It's all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.
Well when the GOP is in charge of the House Of Reps it is hard to logically blame anyone else.

I get that BHO is a god among men and that he is to blame for everything on God's Green Earth therefore.

But that is a GOP myth as well.

As much as they would like to blame BHO for everything, the man is only a man, at best a saint, but only a man.
He is just like the ones that preceded him...
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Ever since Reagan The Sleeping Zombie first promised budgetary restraint that has been a GOP myth.

Reagan should never have been re-elected.

But then Mondale should never have promised to raise taxes either.
I voted Reagan in 1980, yet did not in '84..i saw through his scam on the so called tax cuts, I got a tax increase..
What? A liberal who does not want to pay taxes? Who'd a thunk it.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Ever since Reagan The Sleeping Zombie first promised budgetary restraint that has been a GOP myth.

Reagan should never have been re-elected.

But then Mondale should never have promised to raise taxes either.
I voted Reagan in 1980, yet did not in '84..i saw through his scam on the so called tax cuts, I got a tax increase..
What? A liberal who does not want to pay taxes? Who'd a thunk it.
Been paying since 1974 and still do....Ain't it a shame.....
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??


The killer bee's that showed up to cheer an angry Donald Trump are not typical Americans. They are less than 1/300th of1% of 1% of 1%. There was practically ZERO overflow for the RNC convention. As I recall when Obama was installed as the Dem's choice 8 years ago there were MANY tens of thousands that could not get into the building.

Granted the crazies that were cheering Donald's dark view of America were riled up and ready to devour the red meat he kept tossing them. Outside the arena the mood was far more placid. The only "anger" noted in the streets surrounding the convention was the inconvenience of all the traffic interruption.

If you would hear the Trump assessment of things we as a nation are circling the toilet and about to all go down the sewy hole. Not true. It's simply not reality.

I doubt the "polls" also. Lately, the last several decades, they have been off significantly. Whether Trump or Clinton is ahead who really knows? The vast majority of Americans can't be reached by land lines, which the pollster's use in gathering their data.

I wouldn't put much stock in the RNC gathering as a taking of the temperature of America. I doubt the Dem's gathering will tell us much more. Who knows what the country's mood will be in 4 months? I know driving around Seattle this week I saw not a single Trump lawn sign. I remember seeing plenty of McCain and Romney signs during the last two RNC conventions.

The general interest in this presidential election is as low as I have ever witnessed. I'm certainly not concerned that a few people that HAD to go to Cleveland represent the feelings of America.
Democrats will have to go on suicide watch when Kaine and Unable crash and burn.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Ever since Reagan The Sleeping Zombie first promised budgetary restraint that has been a GOP myth.

Reagan should never have been re-elected.

But then Mondale should never have promised to raise taxes either.
I voted Reagan in 1980, yet did not in '84..i saw through his scam on the so called tax cuts, I got a tax increase..

Not only did he not cut taxes but he brought in 3 million plus illegals and their millions of families to add to the budget. He may have been senile then and Pagan Nancy Pants was probably running the show with her astrologer. Or reading tea leaves in her $250,000 chinaware she bought with our money.
It's all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.
Well when the GOP is in charge of the House Of Reps it is hard to logically blame anyone else.

I get that BHO is a god among men and that he is to blame for everything on God's Green Earth therefore.

But that is a GOP myth as well.

As much as they would like to blame BHO for everything, the man is only a man, at best a saint, but only a man.
Except neither the house nor the senate can do anything on their own. Obama has the power to veto and the Republicans do not have numbers sufficient enough to override that veto unless they wish to do what Reid did and invoke the nuclear option. Correct?
When Trump loses, far right, that's it. It's over. Don't huff and puff or the cops will give you the cuff and stuff.
I don't think it is anger. BLM is anger. Islam is anger.

Republicans are disgusted with the rank hypocrisy and gross incompetence of the political class.

Success in politics depends n intellectual deceit and economic plunder. They have no incentive to solve actual problems.

By contrast, success in the private sector demands RESULTS. You either get shit done, or you go broke.

If you want the same old shit, vote for crooked hiLIARy or the two failed GOP governors that changed the letter after their name......

Or better yet, stay home. You're too fucking stupid to vote anyway.

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