What's the solution?


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
What is the point of bringing all the ugly headlines here? Don't you have the courage of your convictions? Do you think you're going to convince someone to believe as you do, by taking the ugliest underbelly of human action, and attaching it to one race?

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

Do you know who was responsible for the atrocities in Germany?

Why are you pinning all the ugliness of humanity on dark-skinned races?

And as a side note: Since we all have to remain here in this country together (or you can leave) - how can Americans get along, regardless of race, color or creed?
What is the point of bringing all the ugly headlines here? Don't you have the courage of your convictions? Do you think you're going to convince someone to believe as you do, by taking the ugliest underbelly of human action, and attaching it to one race?

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

Do you know who was responsible for the atrocities in Germany?

Why are you pinning all the ugliness of humanity on dark-skinned races?

And as a side note: Since we all have to remain here in this country together (or you can leave) - how can Americans get along, regardless of race, color or creed?

If you don't care for the points that are or aren't being made, don't bother reading them.

Comparing the atrocities in Germany to black on white or white on black violence is comparing apples to oranges.

A fairer comparison to Nazi Germany is Rwanda, Darfur...etc where genocide was/is rampant.
What is the point of bringing all the ugly headlines here? Don't you have the courage of your convictions? Do you think you're going to convince someone to believe as you do, by taking the ugliest underbelly of human action, and attaching it to one race?

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

Do you know who was responsible for the atrocities in Germany?

Why are you pinning all the ugliness of humanity on dark-skinned races?

And as a side note: Since we all have to remain here in this country together (or you can leave) - how can Americans get along, regardless of race, color or creed?

You're Wright. god damn America to hell anyway! Wright?
Interesting choice of words "What's the solution?" Hitler's Deutschland had the Final Solution which of course was the extermination of the Jewish race. Had Hitler succeeded would the extermination of blacks been next?

I fear that bigotry and racial discrimination whether it is white against black, black against Hispanic or whatever is not going to go away as long as the children are brought up in environments that teach such racial and economic division. A persons convictions and view of the world are formed when they are growing up and it is the family where it starts. They hear and see things at home and it becomes part of them. Some people can grow beyond this and become aware that although a persons skin color is different, deep down we are all human beings. And yes there are different social ideas and customs too just like Italians and Germans have different customs.

This is why the religious fanatics in the Middle East will never be beaten. They get the young and susceptible and brainwash them into martyrdom and they will continue to do this.

Will we ever become a species without conflict, racism or bigotry?
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Very well-stated. I find it ironic that the second post suggested I turn a blind eye to the screaming headline threads. Well, why don't the people who bring them here turn a blind eye, first? Why can't they understand that sick behaviors happen in every race, and it doesn't need to be brought to the attention of the board?
Very well-stated. I find it ironic that the second post suggested I turn a blind eye to the screaming headline threads. Well, why don't the people who bring them here turn a blind eye, first? Why can't they understand that sick behaviors happen in every race, and it doesn't need to be brought to the attention of the board?

It is good to let them vent. And this is America where the idea of being able to say what you want is a right. In my opinion letting people put their thoughts out where people can see them gives us an idea what some people are thinking. And it lets you know who is what and they marginalize themselves.
I still say we should get dressed up in black hooded robes and burn Budweiser trucks on white supremacists front lawns.........
What is the point of bringing all the ugly headlines here? Don't you have the courage of your convictions? Do you think you're going to convince someone to believe as you do, by taking the ugliest underbelly of human action, and attaching it to one race?

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

Do you know who was responsible for the atrocities in Germany?

Why are you pinning all the ugliness of humanity on dark-skinned races?

And as a side note: Since we all have to remain here in this country together (or you can leave) - how can Americans get along, regardless of race, color or creed?

Democrats will never let racism die, but i do appreciate the ancient history as a deflection, keep up the bad work.... :thup:
What is the point of bringing all the ugly headlines here? Don't you have the courage of your convictions? Do you think you're going to convince someone to believe as you do, by taking the ugliest underbelly of human action, and attaching it to one race?

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

Do you know who was responsible for the atrocities in Germany?

Why are you pinning all the ugliness of humanity on dark-skinned races?

And as a side note: Since we all have to remain here in this country together (or you can leave) - how can Americans get along, regardless of race, color or creed?

The worst race is the human race. And all the breeds of humans are equally bad.
What is the point of bringing all the ugly headlines here? Don't you have the courage of your convictions? Do you think you're going to convince someone to believe as you do, by taking the ugliest underbelly of human action, and attaching it to one race?

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

Do you know who was responsible for the atrocities in Germany?

Why are you pinning all the ugliness of humanity on dark-skinned races?

And as a side note: Since we all have to remain here in this country together (or you can leave) - how can Americans get along, regardless of race, color or creed?

The worst race is the human race. And all the breeds of humans are equally bad.
Life After People — History.com TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video

Do you know how many black or hispanic serial murderers there are, by comparison to whites?

I wonder if you know.

Myth: Serial killers are all white males.

Contrary to popular belief, serial killers span all racial groups. There are white, African-American, Hispanic, and Asian serial killers. The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population.

• Charles Ng, a native of Hong Kong, China, killed numerous victims in Northern California, in concert with Robert Lake.

• Derrick Todd Lee, an African-American, killed at least six women in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

• Coral Eugene Watts, an African-American, killed five victims in Michigan, fled the state to avoid detection, and murdered another 12 victims in Texas, before being apprehended.

• Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, a native of Mexico, murdered nine people in Kentucky, Texas, and Illinois, before turning himself in.

• Rory Conde, a Colombian native, was responsible for six prostitute homicides in the Miami, Florida area.​
[Emphasis added]

FBI.gov: Serial Murder
Races don't get along because they didn't evolve that way. Races are different. That's just a fact. Calling attention to the extraordinarily disproportionate participation of blacks in violent crime is one way of acknowledging that reality, which people do on message boards and in comment sections because the "MSM" won't admit to the facts.

I think the best solution is first, to admit reality. Second, to move toward some kind of racial separation. In between, align policies with racial reality. That would mean stopping all the screaming headlines that attribute black failure in school to white racism, BD Boop.

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