What's the acceptable number of murders & rapes of American daughters to accommodate illegal aliens?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

I actually started this post a couple of weeks ago and today I am compelled to finish it. It's been grinding my insides for some time.

Mollie Tibbets. Kate Steinle. Sarah Root.

Three young American women, dead at the hands of illegal aliens. I am freaking sick of it.

Mollie Tibbets:

The suspect in the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been living in the area for up to seven years, officials revealed Tuesday.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera was apprehended more than a month after the 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared, Rick Rahn, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said during a news conference. Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 near Brooklyn, Iowa -- in Poweshiek County, where Rivera lives. A body believed to be Mollie Tibbetts was discovered earlier Tuesday and Rivera led authorities to the location, Rahn said, adding that her body was found hidden in a corn field beneath several corn stalks.

The suspect told law enforcement he approached Tibbetts while she was running, Rahn said.

“He actually tells us that he ran alongside of her or behind her. And then at one point, he tells us that Mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and says 'you need to leave me alone, I'm gonna call the police,’” Rahn said of the interview. “And then she took off running, he, in turn, chased her down. And then he tells us that at some point in time he blacks out and then he comes to near an intersection in which we believe he then placed Mollie.”

Rivera revealed to investigators that he became angry when Tibbetts took out her cell phone, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. He told authorities that he panicked and “blocked” his memory.

The suspect claimed he didn’t remember what happened next but later realized that he’d put Tibbetts’ in his truck after finding an earpiece from headphones in his lap, the documents said. He opened the trunk and noticed blood on the side of her head.

Kate Steinle:A jury on Thursday found a Mexican man not guilty of murder in the killing of a woman on a San Francisco pier that set off a national immigration debate two years ago.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was found guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Kate Steinle was fatally shot in the back while walking with her father on the pier. Garcia Zarate did not deny shooting Steinle but said it was an accident.

A prosecutor said in her closing arguments Nov. 20 that Zarate was "playing his own secret version of Russian roulette" when he shot and killed Steinle in July 2015. San Francisco Deputy District Attorney Diana Garcia derided as implausible the defense argument that he accidentally shot a weapon he didn't know was a firearm.

On Thursday, Steinle's parents gave what they called their last interview to local newspaper San Francisco Chronicle.

"We're just shocked -- saddened and shocked ... that's about it," Steinle's father Jim said of the verdict. "There's no other way you can coin it. Justice was rendered, but it was not served."

Deported five f**king times. Returning after being deported is a FELONY.
Sarah Root:

There was a time when Scott Root and Michelle Wilson-Root looked forward to Christmas, but not this year.
Their 21-year-old daughter, Sarah Root, was killed Jan. 31 by Eswin Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras accused of plowing into the back of her vehicle as he street-raced while drunk in Omaha, Nebraska. He skipped bail. Nearly a year later, he remains a fugitive.

For the Roots, this is the first Christmas without her, their first since the tragedy put them on a path with President-elect Donald Trump, who brought national attention to the case as part of his call during the election campaign for a crackdown on illegal immigration.

The Roots and their 25-year-old son, Scott Jr., met with and campaigned for Mr. Trump in Iowa. His Nov. 8 victory was their victory, too. That doesn’t make Christmas any easier.

You might remember the mayor of Philadelphia doing a dance about Philly remaining a sanctuary city.

Steve Preston on Twitter

Those policies led directly to the rape of a child:

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...
There is no "acceptable number".

I'm not ready to jump on the bandwagon that all illegals are guilty of murder due to the acts of a few but the fact remains the above girls would be alive today if the illegals were not here to begin with.

Tighten the border, enforce immigration laws and stop coddling them with sancutary cities, jobs, welfare, etc. They deserve nothing
The acceptable number is all of them. This is population replacement. Of course killing the mothers is necessary.

I actually started this post a couple of weeks ago and today I am compelled to finish it. It's been grinding my insides for some time.

Mollie Tibbets. Kate Steinle. Sarah Root.

Three young American women, dead at the hands of illegal aliens. I am freaking sick of it.

Mollie Tibbets:

The suspect in the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been living in the area for up to seven years, officials revealed Tuesday.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera was apprehended more than a month after the 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared, Rick Rahn, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said during a news conference. Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 near Brooklyn, Iowa -- in Poweshiek County, where Rivera lives. A body believed to be Mollie Tibbetts was discovered earlier Tuesday and Rivera led authorities to the location, Rahn said, adding that her body was found hidden in a corn field beneath several corn stalks.

The suspect told law enforcement he approached Tibbetts while she was running, Rahn said.

“He actually tells us that he ran alongside of her or behind her. And then at one point, he tells us that Mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and says 'you need to leave me alone, I'm gonna call the police,’” Rahn said of the interview. “And then she took off running, he, in turn, chased her down. And then he tells us that at some point in time he blacks out and then he comes to near an intersection in which we believe he then placed Mollie.”

Rivera revealed to investigators that he became angry when Tibbetts took out her cell phone, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. He told authorities that he panicked and “blocked” his memory.

The suspect claimed he didn’t remember what happened next but later realized that he’d put Tibbetts’ in his truck after finding an earpiece from headphones in his lap, the documents said. He opened the trunk and noticed blood on the side of her head.

Kate Steinle:A jury on Thursday found a Mexican man not guilty of murder in the killing of a woman on a San Francisco pier that set off a national immigration debate two years ago.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was found guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Kate Steinle was fatally shot in the back while walking with her father on the pier. Garcia Zarate did not deny shooting Steinle but said it was an accident.

A prosecutor said in her closing arguments Nov. 20 that Zarate was "playing his own secret version of Russian roulette" when he shot and killed Steinle in July 2015. San Francisco Deputy District Attorney Diana Garcia derided as implausible the defense argument that he accidentally shot a weapon he didn't know was a firearm.

On Thursday, Steinle's parents gave what they called their last interview to local newspaper San Francisco Chronicle.

"We're just shocked -- saddened and shocked ... that's about it," Steinle's father Jim said of the verdict. "There's no other way you can coin it. Justice was rendered, but it was not served."

Deported five f**king times. Returning after being deported is a FELONY.
Sarah Root:

There was a time when Scott Root and Michelle Wilson-Root looked forward to Christmas, but not this year.
Their 21-year-old daughter, Sarah Root, was killed Jan. 31 by Eswin Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras accused of plowing into the back of her vehicle as he street-raced while drunk in Omaha, Nebraska. He skipped bail. Nearly a year later, he remains a fugitive.

For the Roots, this is the first Christmas without her, their first since the tragedy put them on a path with President-elect Donald Trump, who brought national attention to the case as part of his call during the election campaign for a crackdown on illegal immigration.

The Roots and their 25-year-old son, Scott Jr., met with and campaigned for Mr. Trump in Iowa. His Nov. 8 victory was their victory, too. That doesn’t make Christmas any easier.

You might remember the mayor of Philadelphia doing a dance about Philly remaining a sanctuary city.

Steve Preston on Twitter

Those policies led directly to the rape of a child:

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...
Special consideration for those poor, disadvantaged "immigrants". F**kers should be hung by their balls until they expire. But that goes for any other such perps... It just seems that illegal invaders are awarded special privileges..
We couldn't have received a better gift from the dems if we tried...thank you libs for wanting open borders....makes elections so much easier to win....
It's difficult to ignore the fact that all these young victims are "white". Anyone else notice that? Certainly the MSM ignores that fact.
CNN is happy the girl was white....
Doesn't that mean that illegal South Americans rapists and killers are also racist...not a black ever raped by one of them that I can remember, and they are 14% of our population....you would think out of the hundreds raped and murdered, by the stats, there should be a few!

I actually started this post a couple of weeks ago and today I am compelled to finish it. It's been grinding my insides for some time.

Mollie Tibbets. Kate Steinle. Sarah Root.

Three young American women, dead at the hands of illegal aliens. I am freaking sick of it.

Mollie Tibbets:

The suspect in the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been living in the area for up to seven years, officials revealed Tuesday.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera was apprehended more than a month after the 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared, Rick Rahn, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said during a news conference. Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 near Brooklyn, Iowa -- in Poweshiek County, where Rivera lives. A body believed to be Mollie Tibbetts was discovered earlier Tuesday and Rivera led authorities to the location, Rahn said, adding that her body was found hidden in a corn field beneath several corn stalks.

The suspect told law enforcement he approached Tibbetts while she was running, Rahn said.

“He actually tells us that he ran alongside of her or behind her. And then at one point, he tells us that Mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and says 'you need to leave me alone, I'm gonna call the police,’” Rahn said of the interview. “And then she took off running, he, in turn, chased her down. And then he tells us that at some point in time he blacks out and then he comes to near an intersection in which we believe he then placed Mollie.”

Rivera revealed to investigators that he became angry when Tibbetts took out her cell phone, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. He told authorities that he panicked and “blocked” his memory.

The suspect claimed he didn’t remember what happened next but later realized that he’d put Tibbetts’ in his truck after finding an earpiece from headphones in his lap, the documents said. He opened the trunk and noticed blood on the side of her head.

Kate Steinle:A jury on Thursday found a Mexican man not guilty of murder in the killing of a woman on a San Francisco pier that set off a national immigration debate two years ago.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was found guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Kate Steinle was fatally shot in the back while walking with her father on the pier. Garcia Zarate did not deny shooting Steinle but said it was an accident.

A prosecutor said in her closing arguments Nov. 20 that Zarate was "playing his own secret version of Russian roulette" when he shot and killed Steinle in July 2015. San Francisco Deputy District Attorney Diana Garcia derided as implausible the defense argument that he accidentally shot a weapon he didn't know was a firearm.

On Thursday, Steinle's parents gave what they called their last interview to local newspaper San Francisco Chronicle.

"We're just shocked -- saddened and shocked ... that's about it," Steinle's father Jim said of the verdict. "There's no other way you can coin it. Justice was rendered, but it was not served."

Deported five f**king times. Returning after being deported is a FELONY.
Sarah Root:

There was a time when Scott Root and Michelle Wilson-Root looked forward to Christmas, but not this year.
Their 21-year-old daughter, Sarah Root, was killed Jan. 31 by Eswin Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras accused of plowing into the back of her vehicle as he street-raced while drunk in Omaha, Nebraska. He skipped bail. Nearly a year later, he remains a fugitive.

For the Roots, this is the first Christmas without her, their first since the tragedy put them on a path with President-elect Donald Trump, who brought national attention to the case as part of his call during the election campaign for a crackdown on illegal immigration.

The Roots and their 25-year-old son, Scott Jr., met with and campaigned for Mr. Trump in Iowa. His Nov. 8 victory was their victory, too. That doesn’t make Christmas any easier.

You might remember the mayor of Philadelphia doing a dance about Philly remaining a sanctuary city.

Steve Preston on Twitter

Those policies led directly to the rape of a child:

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...


Tragic and heart breaking for the family!! Still a statistical minority. Now, why don't you ask WHITE MEN who write the the laws, sentencing ,'rules' and the 'get out of jail free' cards for other men, why they do that? American whites are STILL the majority, by extension WE, with 50% being white men, statistically murder and rape the MOST WHITE WOMEN. Proximity is a fact. And even the ones we love. (Or especially the ones we love). Those are statistics.

Even REP highly connected white men...Did FOX cover this one? It took for years from the time he beat the shit out of her in their mansion before he finally went to jail.


Former Bush White House Lawyer Convicted of Attempted Murder

John Michael Farren, who served as a White House lawyer in both Bush administrations, was convicted of attempted murder on Friday.

John Michael Farren, who served as a White House lawyer in both Bush administrations, was convicted of attempted murder on Friday.
Prosecutors alleged that Mr. Farren choked his wife, Mary Margaret Farren, and beat her with a metal flashlight until she lost consciousness at their multimillion-dollar home in New Canaan in January 2010. She managed to flee the house with her two young daughters. The attack occurred two days after she had served him with divorce papers, the authorities said.
Farren was deputy White Counsel during President George W. Bush's second ...

Former Bush White House Lawyer Convicted of Attempted Murder - The Atlantic
Last edited:
Another deranged liberal running for president....her priorities are up her ass, needs to be gang raped as Sarah Bernhardt said should happen to Sarah Palin

Elizabeth Warren on the Tibbits murder: Sad she’s dead, but 'we have to remember' we need an immigration system that 'focuses on where real problems are'

Elizabeth Warren on the Tibbetts murder: Sad she’s dead, but 'we have to remember' we need an immigration system that 'focuses on where real problems are'
She's right. Not all illegal immigrants are murderers, so holding this up as some sort of "call to action" is just to stir up people's hatred about immigrants. What we have to do is figure out what to do to stop illegal immigration and since the majority of those here illegally came legally on a visa and just never left, maybe the problem is our tracking ability? Or cracking down on employers who follow them? On figuring out how some illegals are obtaining false documents that allow them to work/pass e-verify?
All of those things are important. I don't know how shrieking about this murder, awful as it was, is going to "help" figure out anything.

I actually started this post a couple of weeks ago and today I am compelled to finish it. It's been grinding my insides for some time.

Mollie Tibbets. Kate Steinle. Sarah Root.

Three young American women, dead at the hands of illegal aliens. I am freaking sick of it.

Mollie Tibbets:

The suspect in the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been living in the area for up to seven years, officials revealed Tuesday.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera was apprehended more than a month after the 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared, Rick Rahn, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said during a news conference. Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 near Brooklyn, Iowa -- in Poweshiek County, where Rivera lives. A body believed to be Mollie Tibbetts was discovered earlier Tuesday and Rivera led authorities to the location, Rahn said, adding that her body was found hidden in a corn field beneath several corn stalks.

The suspect told law enforcement he approached Tibbetts while she was running, Rahn said.

“He actually tells us that he ran alongside of her or behind her. And then at one point, he tells us that Mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and says 'you need to leave me alone, I'm gonna call the police,’” Rahn said of the interview. “And then she took off running, he, in turn, chased her down. And then he tells us that at some point in time he blacks out and then he comes to near an intersection in which we believe he then placed Mollie.”

Rivera revealed to investigators that he became angry when Tibbetts took out her cell phone, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. He told authorities that he panicked and “blocked” his memory.

The suspect claimed he didn’t remember what happened next but later realized that he’d put Tibbetts’ in his truck after finding an earpiece from headphones in his lap, the documents said. He opened the trunk and noticed blood on the side of her head.

Kate Steinle:A jury on Thursday found a Mexican man not guilty of murder in the killing of a woman on a San Francisco pier that set off a national immigration debate two years ago.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was found guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Kate Steinle was fatally shot in the back while walking with her father on the pier. Garcia Zarate did not deny shooting Steinle but said it was an accident.

A prosecutor said in her closing arguments Nov. 20 that Zarate was "playing his own secret version of Russian roulette" when he shot and killed Steinle in July 2015. San Francisco Deputy District Attorney Diana Garcia derided as implausible the defense argument that he accidentally shot a weapon he didn't know was a firearm.

On Thursday, Steinle's parents gave what they called their last interview to local newspaper San Francisco Chronicle.

"We're just shocked -- saddened and shocked ... that's about it," Steinle's father Jim said of the verdict. "There's no other way you can coin it. Justice was rendered, but it was not served."

Deported five f**king times. Returning after being deported is a FELONY.
Sarah Root:

There was a time when Scott Root and Michelle Wilson-Root looked forward to Christmas, but not this year.
Their 21-year-old daughter, Sarah Root, was killed Jan. 31 by Eswin Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras accused of plowing into the back of her vehicle as he street-raced while drunk in Omaha, Nebraska. He skipped bail. Nearly a year later, he remains a fugitive.

For the Roots, this is the first Christmas without her, their first since the tragedy put them on a path with President-elect Donald Trump, who brought national attention to the case as part of his call during the election campaign for a crackdown on illegal immigration.

The Roots and their 25-year-old son, Scott Jr., met with and campaigned for Mr. Trump in Iowa. His Nov. 8 victory was their victory, too. That doesn’t make Christmas any easier.

You might remember the mayor of Philadelphia doing a dance about Philly remaining a sanctuary city.

Steve Preston on Twitter

Those policies led directly to the rape of a child:

(Excerpt) Read more at Floppingaces.net...


Now, why don't you ask WHITE MEN who write the the laws, sentencing ,'rules' and the 'get out of jail free' cards for other men? American whites are STILL the majority, by extension WE with 50% being white men, statistically murder and rape the MOST WHITE WOMEN. (Proximity. It's a fact) And even the ones we love. (Or especially the ones we love). Those are statistics.

Even REP highly connected white men...Did FOX cover this one?


Former Bush White House Lawyer Convicted of Attempted Murder

John Michael Farren, who served as a White House lawyer in both Bush administrations, was convicted of attempted murder on Friday.

John Michael Farren, who served as a White House lawyer in both Bush administrations, was convicted of attempted murder on Friday.
Prosecutors alleged that Mr. Farren choked his wife, Mary Margaret Farren, and beat her with a metal flashlight until she lost consciousness at their multimillion-dollar home in New Canaan in January 2010. She managed to flee the house with her two young daughters. The attack occurred two days after she had served him with divorce papers, the authorities said.
Farren was deputy White Counsel during President George W. Bush's second ...

Former Bush White House Lawyer Convicted of Attempted Murder - The Atlantic
I didn't see CNN cover it!

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