Whats more dangerous: Compact Fluorescent bulbs or Second hand smoke


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Clearly the bulbs are like keeping small fusion reactors in your home. You're better off smoking a hooka in your kids room than have this ordinance in your home
How many Iowans does it take to screw in a light bulb?...
EPA Settlement: Company Must Spend $76,952 to Replace Light Bulbs
April 3, 2013 - As part of a settlement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Collins Inc. of Clinton, Iowa has agreed to a “re-lamping” of its facility with low-mercury fixtures at a projected cost of $76,952.
The re-lamping will be a greater expense than the civil penalty to be paid. “A re-lamping project involving the replacement of high-mercury fluorescent fixtures and bulbs with low-mercury fluorescent fixtures and bulbs at its facility with a projected eligible cost of $76,952.00,” The EPA settlement says.


The “re-lamping” will cost more than the $31,379 administrative civil penalty paid by Collins Inc., a manufacturer of metal racks and shelving brackets for refrigerators. The EPA filed a complaint against Collins, Inc. after an inspection found the company was storing hazardous waste without a permit and failed to manage used oil in accordance with regulations.

According to the settlement agreement, a major part of the project will entail replacing “Current 8-foot, 2 lamp T8 fixtures, utilize Osram Sylvania T8, Octron®, HO, Linear, High Output lamps which have a mercury content of 9.5 mg per lamp.” “These fixtures will be retrofitted with 4-foot, 4 lamp T8 fixtures with low mercury lamps. The selected lamp, a Philips F032T8/ADV850/ALTO, contains only 1.7 mg of mercury per lamp - reportedly the lowest mercury content of any lamp currently marketed.”

Also as part of the consent agreement settlement for violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Collins Inc. has agreed to “a paint waste minimizer project” at a projected cost of $14,857.

Clearly the bulbs are like keeping small fusion reactors in your home. You're better off smoking a hooka in your kids room than have this ordinance in your home
Frank, right up with Ronnie

"Trees cause pollution" is a gloriously stupid concept foisted upon the public in 1981 by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. The full quote of his statement was, "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do."
Trees cause pollution - RationalWiki
Dante, I thought you were leaving? Or was staying the April Fools Joke?

Is there a cure for Dante Fevah?!

Is any research even being done?

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