What's it gonna take for this to end, people?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
DISCLAIMER: This opinion in no way indicates my support or lack thereof of an assault weapons ban.

Now the opinion.

I feel that if you have an assault weapon, you should be able to keep it once a potential assault weapons ban goes into effect. However, if one were to take effect, you shouldn't be able buy any more. It seems like to me you are not being prevented from bearing the arms you purchased previously.


On the other hand, the muskets and other long rifles used during the Revolutionary War were essentially what assault rifles are today: the top of the line weapons of their era. Presumably, the founders foresaw the use of even more advanced rifles for self defense by the citizenry, hence the Second Amendment.

So, two arguments. One question:

Is there a middle ground? What compromise can we reach to stop crazed mass shooters?

And no "enforce the laws we already have" wont work this time. The Odessa shooter exploited a loophole to get the weapon he murdered those people with.

Molon Abe? Please. Come and take them? Please. Stop trying to be the tough guy/gal you aren't.

Declare the NRA (and thus all 5.5 million of its members) as a domestic terror group like the city of San Francisco just did? Please. PLEASE. What the actual f**k man? Put your fake emotions away, you aren't convincing anyone.

Be reminded that if I have an opinion of my own on this subject, I will share it. Do not apply opinions to me. If you do, you will be ignored, immediately. Thank you, kindly.

Okay, let the cage match begin.
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First, I suggest strengthening laws involving people diagnosed with DSM-IV disorders which include anger management. People like me. I am noticing a trend in which the shooter was triggered by a negative life event or by reckless political rhetoric. Political rhetoric can spark uncontrollable anger in some, leading to what happened in El Paso.

In Odessa, the killer was fired from his job just hours before his rampage.

Do you not see the correlation? An inability to control negative thoughts and emotions. Mental illness.

My solution isn't perfect, I know. But we need to start somewhere. Start with mental health.
There is nothing to be done.

The establishment only wants one solution.

The people will not give up anymore of their freedom, because to give up anymore, means to lose it all.

I could give you a lot of solutions, but folks that stand with the state don't want to hear it, they just want government to have the right to take freedom away, they don't want to hear anything else.
There is nothing to be done.

The establishment only wants one solution.

The people will not give up anymore of their freedom, because to give up anymore, means to lose it all.

I could give you a lot of solutions, but folks that stand with the state don't want to hear it, they just want government to have the right to take freedom away, they don't want to hear anything else.

That is, quite frankly, depressing.
Pre-Crime? Red flag laws? Can somebody's mental health state be legislated? Can somebody's intentions be pre-determined?
When Walmart bans carrying guns in their stores, who will be bringing guns into Walmart? The good guys for protection, or the bad guys for mass murder?
No easy answers here. I can only add that taking guns away from folks who have them exclusively for self defense is not the answer.
Pre-Crime? Red flag laws? Can somebody's mental health state be legislated? Can somebody's intentions be pre-determined?
When Walmart bans carrying guns in their stores, who will be bringing guns into Walmart? The good guys for protection, or the bad guys for mass murder?
No easy answers here. I can only add that taking guns away from folks who have them exclusively for self defense is not the answer.
Maybe there are people who are using firearms for self defense, that are proven to be mentally unstable.

Do you want them to have any firearms if they are prone to commit suicide? Do you want them to have any firearms if they are proven to be a safety risk to others?

Where is the cutoff? When do we say "it isn't okay for you to have a gun"?
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In the history of our nation we have banned ...

Alcohol, recreational drugs, books with naughty words, and unpasteurized cheeses.

Did those bans make any of those things go away?
Pre-Crime? Red flag laws? Can somebody's mental health state be legislated? Can somebody's intentions be pre-determined?
When Walmart bans carrying guns in their stores, who will be bringing guns into Walmart? The good guys for protection, or the bad guys for mass murder?
No easy answers here. I can only add that taking guns away from folks who have them exclusively for self defense is not the answer.
Maybe there are people who are using firearms for self defense, that are proven to be mentally unstable.

Do you want them to have any firearms if they are prone to commit suicide? Do you want them to have any firearms if they are proven to be a safety risk to others?

Where is the cutoff? When do we say "it isn't okay for you to have a gun"?
What determines a mental illness? How does a government "prove" a mental illness?
I get pissed off when someone cuts me off in traffic. Do I have a mental illness? Should my firearms be taken away?
Some say that liberalism is a mental disorder. Should they be allowed to carry firearms?
DISCLAIMER: This opinion in no way indicates my support or lack thereof of an assault weapons ban.

Now the opinion.

I feel that if you have an assault weapon, you should be able to keep it once a potential assault weapons ban goes into effect. However, if one were to take effect, you shouldn't be able buy any more. It seems like to me you are not being prevented from bearing the arms you purchased previously.


On the other hand, the muskets and other long rifles used during the Revolutionary War were essentially what assault rifles are today: the top of the line weapons of their era. Presumably, the founders foresaw the use of even more advanced rifles for self defense by the citizenry, hence the Second Amendment.

So, two arguments. One question:

Is there a middle ground? What compromise can we reach to stop crazed mass shooters?

And no "enforce the laws we already have" wont work this time. The Odessa shooter exploited a loophole to get the weapon he murdered those people with.

Molon Abe? Please. Come and take them? Please. Stop trying to be the tough guy/gal you aren't.

Declare the NRA (and thus all 5.5 million of its members) as a domestic terror group like the city of San Francisco just did? Please. PLEASE. What the actual f**k? Put your fake emotions away, you aren't convincing anyone.

Be reminded that if I have an opinion of my own on this subject, I will share it. Do not apply opinions to me. If you do, you will be ignored, immediately. Thank you, kindly.

Okay, let the cage match begin.
I’ll tell you this about the 2nd amendment: if the founding fathers knew that one day an assault rifle would invented, they would have made the amendment a lot more clear. Hell, it’s vague because they actually believed a goddamn musket was the best we could ever come up with.

I really don’t care that law-abiding citizens own guns because it has gotten to the point where people need guns. Too goddamn many wind up in the hands of criminals. If the country didn’t become so gun crazy to begin with, maybe the invention of guns would have been so much more limited to simple home protection and nothing else. Instead, this country has 11,000 deaths per year from guns - a rate that per capita far exceeds any other developed nation.

Republicans love guns simply because it gives them a false sense of manliness and toughness. If they didn’t have such childish minds, the 2nd amendment wouldn’t matter to them but instead they get butthurt about the slightest compromise.
DISCLAIMER: This opinion in no way indicates my support or lack thereof of an assault weapons ban.

Now the opinion.

I feel that if you have an assault weapon, you should be able to keep it once a potential assault weapons ban goes into effect. However, if one were to take effect, you shouldn't be able buy any more. It seems like to me you are not being prevented from bearing the arms you purchased previously.


On the other hand, the muskets and other long rifles used during the Revolutionary War were essentially what assault rifles are today: the top of the line weapons of their era. Presumably, the founders foresaw the use of even more advanced rifles for self defense by the citizenry, hence the Second Amendment.

So, two arguments. One question:

Is there a middle ground? What compromise can we reach to stop crazed mass shooters?

And no "enforce the laws we already have" wont work this time. The Odessa shooter exploited a loophole to get the weapon he murdered those people with.

Molon Abe? Please. Come and take them? Please. Stop trying to be the tough guy/gal you aren't.

Declare the NRA (and thus all 5.5 million of its members) as a domestic terror group like the city of San Francisco just did? Please. PLEASE. What the actual f**k? Put your fake emotions away, you aren't convincing anyone.

Be reminded that if I have an opinion of my own on this subject, I will share it. Do not apply opinions to me. If you do, you will be ignored, immediately. Thank you, kindly.

Okay, let the cage match begin.
I’ll tell you this about the 2nd amendment: if the founding fathers knew that one day an assault rifle would invented, they would have made the amendment a lot more clear. Hell, it’s vague because they actually believed a goddamn musket was the best we could ever come up with.

I really don’t care that law-abiding citizens own guns because it has gotten to the point where people need guns. Too goddamn many wind up in the hands of criminals. If the country didn’t become so gun crazy to begin with, maybe the invention of guns would have been so much more limited to simple home protection and nothing else. Instead, this country has 11,000 deaths per year from guns - a rate that per capita far exceeds any other developed nation.

Republicans love guns simply because it gives them a false sense of manliness and toughness. If they didn’t have such childish minds, the 2nd amendment wouldn’t matter to them but instead they get butthurt about the slightest compromise.
Stupid ass.
I’ll tell you this about the 2nd amendment: if the founding fathers knew that one day an assault rifle would invented, they would have made the amendment a lot more clear. Hell, it’s vague because they actually believed a goddamn musket was the best we could ever come up with.

I find it hard to believe that the founding fathers didn't have enough foresight to think beyond themselves to future generations of people who may encounter the same kind of tyranny they did, and recognize the need of those people to defend themselves against it.

Craft a working replica of period musket. It can still kill you. It matters not how many. One is too many. But here we are.
Pre-Crime? Red flag laws? Can somebody's mental health state be legislated? Can somebody's intentions be pre-determined?
When Walmart bans carrying guns in their stores, who will be bringing guns into Walmart? The good guys for protection, or the bad guys for mass murder?
No easy answers here. I can only add that taking guns away from folks who have them exclusively for self defense is not the answer.
Maybe there are people who are using firearms for self defense, that are proven to be mentally unstable.

Do you want them to have any firearms if they are prone to commit suicide? Do you want them to have any firearms if they are proven to be a safety risk to others?

Where is the cutoff? When do we say "it isn't okay for you to have a gun"?
What determines a mental illness? How does a government "prove" a mental illness?
I get pissed off when someone cuts me off in traffic. Do I have a mental illness? Should my firearms be taken away?
Some say that liberalism is a mental disorder. Should they be allowed to carry firearms?
Christ. Dude, a mental illness is pervasive behavior over a long period of time. No one is suggesting a brief incident of road rage is a mental illness. We know they exist because unlike republican ideology, psychiatry is a science recognized all over the world and isn’t complete bullshit.
I’ll tell you this about the 2nd amendment: if the founding fathers knew that one day an assault rifle would invented, they would have made the amendment a lot more clear. Hell, it’s vague because they actually believed a goddamn musket was the best we could ever come up with.

I find it hard to believe that the founding fathers didn't have enough foresight to think beyond themselves to future generations of people who may encounter the same kind of tyranny they did, and recognize the need of those people to defend themselves against it.

Craft a working replica of period musket. It can still kill you. It matters not how many. One is too many. But here we are.
This video sums up my point beautifully.


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