What’s Behind the Dramatic Rise in Teen Suicide?

Alan Stallion

Civil Rights Advocate
Dec 17, 2009
San Jose, California
Key findings:

NCHS Data Brief ■ No. 352 ■ October 2019

Data from the National Vital Statistics System
● After stable trends from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for persons aged 10–24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6), while homicide rates declined from 2007 to 2014 and then increased through 2017.
● The suicide rate for persons aged 10–14 declined from 2000 (1.5) to 2007 (0.9), and then nearly tripled from 2007 to 2017 (2.5), while the homicide rate declined 18% from 2000 (1.1) to 2017 (0.9).
● For persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide and homicide death rates both increased more recently during the 2000–2017 period, with the increase in suicide rates beginning earlier than for homicide rates.
● For the total age group 10–24 and for persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide rates surpassed homicide rates during the latter part of the 2000–2017 period.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db352-h.pdf

The study doesn't answer the question that is: What’s Behind the Dramatic Rise in Teen and Pre-Teen Suicide?

Feel free to state some causes of this troubling trend and what can we do about it?

I have a three thoughts:

1) This generation is one that was raised with social media that older generations didn't have growing up or were in their initial phases, plus the technological devices such as smart phones that contributes to this new world. Perhaps this isolates too many youth, where true friendships aren't as developed as in past years, and that technology isolates people more. We don't talk to each other at dinnertime as much, we stare into our i-phones (this objection is certainly not new - when televisions first came out in the middle of the 20th Century, this was seen as the first wave of families starting to become disconnected). And then there is on-line bullying, which brings school-yard bullying into the home that wasn't a factor in years past.

2) There is this mindset being taught and promoted that human beings are a plague on the planet. Environmental concerns have pointed all the ails of this planet (real or imagined) on the existance of humans, and how the world would be better of if human beings eliminated themselves. So you have this generation that is being scared about the world ending due to human existance. That would weigh heavily on the youth that there is no future for them. This has been going on since the '70s but has only become more alarmist in this century.

3) Lack of a spiritual upbringing. Without being rooted in a higher spiritual power (I'll go ahead and say it: God), people can wander around without any basis of hope. That we're mere accidents and have no purpose in life. We've seen each subsequent generation not value being trained in spiritual matters. If the parents don't value church, why should the children? Then each generation becomes less involved in church. Why bother going on when things get tough? Where is hope? What is the value of life?

Anyhoo, just some thoughts of mine. Feel free to share your own...
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Really, it is probably boredom....they have tried ALL the arcade games and found them wanting!....Going for a new adventure, but don't realize that, that train only gives out ONE WAY tickets!...But better than the other option, a mass murder spree to really get that HIGH going!
Anyone who spends a lot of time with teenagers wouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Key findings:

NCHS Data Brief ■ No. 352 ■ October 2019

Data from the National Vital Statistics System
● After stable trends from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for persons aged 10–24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6), while homicide rates declined from 2007 to 2014 and then increased through 2017.
● The suicide rate for persons aged 10–14 declined from 2000 (1.5) to 2007 (0.9), and then nearly tripled from 2007 to 2017 (2.5), while the homicide rate declined 18% from 2000 (1.1) to 2017 (0.9).
● For persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide and homicide death rates both increased more recently during the 2000–2017 period, with the increase in suicide rates beginning earlier than for homicide rates.
● For the total age group 10–24 and for persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide rates surpassed homicide rates during the latter part of the 2000–2017 period.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db352-h.pdf

The study doesn't answer the question that is: What’s Behind the Dramatic Rise in Teen and Pre-Teen Suicide?

Feel free to state some causes of this troubling trend and what can we do about it?

I have a three thoughts:

1) This generation is one that was raised with social media that older generations didn't have growing up or were in their initial phases, plus the technological devices such as smart phones that contributes to this new world. Perhaps this isolates too many youth, where true friendships aren't as developed as in past years, and that technology isolates people more. We don't talk to each other at dinnertime as much, we stare into our i-phones (this objection is certainly not new - when televisions first came out in the middle of the 20th Century, this was seen as the first wave of families starting to become disconnected). And then there is on-line bullying, which brings school-yard bullying into the home that wasn't a factor in years past.

2) There is this mindset being taught and promoted that human beings are a plague on the planet. Environmental concerns have pointed all the ails of this planet (real or imagined) on the existance of humans, and how the world would be better of if human beings eliminated themselves. So you have this generation that is being scared about the world ending due to human existance. That would weigh heavily on the youth that there is no future for them. This has been going on since the '70s but has only become more alarmist in this century.

3) Lack of a spiritual upbringing. Without being rooted in a higher spiritual power (I'll go ahead and say it: God), people can wander around without any basis of hope. That we're mere accidents and have no purpose in life. We've seen each subsequent generation not value being trained in spiritual matters. If the parents don't value church, why should the children? Then each generation becomes less involved in church. Why bother going on when things get tough? Where is hope? What is the value of life?

Anyhoo, just some thoughts of mine. Feel free to share your own...
Wonderful post, Alan. Thank you. I agree with everything in your post, especially lack of a spiritual upbringing. We've seen how much our biased media despises Christianity and mocks those who have a strong faith in God. This is dreadful and kids who see this all the time in our media are most likely NOT going to like church or religion.
Nope, you haven't. Please look at my previous post in this thread.

That post couldn't have been gayer if you had one hand on the keyboard, and the other on another man's dick.
You are SO stupid sometimes, Aaron. Please keep drinking until you pass out so we won't have to see any more of your garbage responses.

Can do.
I am convinced social media plays a significant role. Teenagers use twitter and Instagram to communicate enmasse. They compare their lives to what they see on these and other venues and it makes them feel inadequate.
The data disregards male vs female data and basically lumps both sexes together. Upon further research it appears that white males are the highest statistic. This, of course, broadens the terms of controversy. For instance, they're usually the prime targets for social justice warriors to label as purveyors of the so-called patriarchy. They're consistently demonized by cultural Marxists as being toxic.

Relevant reading...

The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

The Drugging of the American Boy

I suppose everyone already knows what's going on with the recent trend about boys being indoctrinated to see themselves as girls, too. That's another angle of the Marxist attack on masculinity.

Male suicide rates have been up for many years - The silent epidemic of male suicide | British Columbia Medical Journal

While women’s proclaimed levels of happiness are way down, despite the fact that they have had wage equality for decades (despite long debunked myths which contend otherwise) - Women have it all but are less happy than forty years ago... | Daily Mail Online
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Suicide is not about dying. Nobody wants to die , really. Seriously, it's not easy to take the extreme decision and execute it. Who wants to go through all that pain after all?

So, the purpose here is not ending the life, but ending the pain they undergo.
Key findings:

NCHS Data Brief ■ No. 352 ■ October 2019

Data from the National Vital Statistics System
● After stable trends from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for persons aged 10–24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6), while homicide rates declined from 2007 to 2014 and then increased through 2017.
● The suicide rate for persons aged 10–14 declined from 2000 (1.5) to 2007 (0.9), and then nearly tripled from 2007 to 2017 (2.5), while the homicide rate declined 18% from 2000 (1.1) to 2017 (0.9).
● For persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide and homicide death rates both increased more recently during the 2000–2017 period, with the increase in suicide rates beginning earlier than for homicide rates.
● For the total age group 10–24 and for persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide rates surpassed homicide rates during the latter part of the 2000–2017 period.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db352-h.pdf

The study doesn't answer the question that is: What’s Behind the Dramatic Rise in Teen and Pre-Teen Suicide?

Feel free to state some causes of this troubling trend and what can we do about it?

I have a three thoughts:

1) This generation is one that was raised with social media that older generations didn't have growing up or were in their initial phases, plus the technological devices such as smart phones that contributes to this new world. Perhaps this isolates too many youth, where true friendships aren't as developed as in past years, and that technology isolates people more. We don't talk to each other at dinnertime as much, we stare into our i-phones (this objection is certainly not new - when televisions first came out in the middle of the 20th Century, this was seen as the first wave of families starting to become disconnected). And then there is on-line bullying, which brings school-yard bullying into the home that wasn't a factor in years past.

2) There is this mindset being taught and promoted that human beings are a plague on the planet. Environmental concerns have pointed all the ails of this planet (real or imagined) on the existance of humans, and how the world would be better of if human beings eliminated themselves. So you have this generation that is being scared about the world ending due to human existance. That would weigh heavily on the youth that there is no future for them. This has been going on since the '70s but has only become more alarmist in this century.

3) Lack of a spiritual upbringing. Without being rooted in a higher spiritual power (I'll go ahead and say it: God), people can wander around without any basis of hope. That we're mere accidents and have no purpose in life. We've seen each subsequent generation not value being trained in spiritual matters. If the parents don't value church, why should the children? Then each generation becomes less involved in church. Why bother going on when things get tough? Where is hope? What is the value of life?

Anyhoo, just some thoughts of mine. Feel free to share your own...
I don't really know but I have my own theories

1. The imminent destruction of the planet by ignoring the reality of climate change as a result of Republican/ Conservative denial and lies which paints a bleak future for the teens and their children

2. Stagnant wage growth and the systematic destruction of the middle class in favor of the creation of an oligarchy which most teens will not be a part of-due to Republican policies.

3. The prospect of staggering student debt just to get an education that would enable then to compete in the economy-thanks to Republicans

4. The climate of hate and intolerance promoted and perpetuated by republicans, particularly against immigrants and LGBT youth

5. The lack of sufficient health and mental health care because of Republicans.

6. The easy access to guns and the culture of violence created by Republicans

7 The opioid epidemic perpetrated by big pharma and enabled by Republicans

There is probobly more but you get the idea. I'm 72 years old and comfortably retired, happy as hell that I am not a teen in this environment , and worry much about those who are, especially my grand children.
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Key findings:

NCHS Data Brief ■ No. 352 ■ October 2019

Data from the National Vital Statistics System
● After stable trends from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for persons aged 10–24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6), while homicide rates declined from 2007 to 2014 and then increased through 2017.
● The suicide rate for persons aged 10–14 declined from 2000 (1.5) to 2007 (0.9), and then nearly tripled from 2007 to 2017 (2.5), while the homicide rate declined 18% from 2000 (1.1) to 2017 (0.9).
● For persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide and homicide death rates both increased more recently during the 2000–2017 period, with the increase in suicide rates beginning earlier than for homicide rates.
● For the total age group 10–24 and for persons aged 15–19 and 20–24, suicide rates surpassed homicide rates during the latter part of the 2000–2017 period.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db352-h.pdf

The study doesn't answer the question that is: What’s Behind the Dramatic Rise in Teen and Pre-Teen Suicide?

Feel free to state some causes of this troubling trend and what can we do about it?

I have a three thoughts:

1) This generation is one that was raised with social media that older generations didn't have growing up or were in their initial phases, plus the technological devices such as smart phones that contributes to this new world. Perhaps this isolates too many youth, where true friendships aren't as developed as in past years, and that technology isolates people more. We don't talk to each other at dinnertime as much, we stare into our i-phones (this objection is certainly not new - when televisions first came out in the middle of the 20th Century, this was seen as the first wave of families starting to become disconnected). And then there is on-line bullying, which brings school-yard bullying into the home that wasn't a factor in years past.

2) There is this mindset being taught and promoted that human beings are a plague on the planet. Environmental concerns have pointed all the ails of this planet (real or imagined) on the existance of humans, and how the world would be better of if human beings eliminated themselves. So you have this generation that is being scared about the world ending due to human existance. That would weigh heavily on the youth that there is no future for them. This has been going on since the '70s but has only become more alarmist in this century.

3) Lack of a spiritual upbringing. Without being rooted in a higher spiritual power (I'll go ahead and say it: God), people can wander around without any basis of hope. That we're mere accidents and have no purpose in life. We've seen each subsequent generation not value being trained in spiritual matters. If the parents don't value church, why should the children? Then each generation becomes less involved in church. Why bother going on when things get tough? Where is hope? What is the value of life?

Anyhoo, just some thoughts of mine. Feel free to share your own...
I don't really know but I have my own theories

1. The imminent destruction of the planet by ignoring the reality of climate change as a result of Republican/ Conservative denial and lies which paints a bleak future for the teens and their children

2. Stagnant wage growth and the systematic destruction of the middle class in favor of the creation of an oligarchy which most teens will not be a part of-due to Republican policies.

3. The prospect of staggering student debt just to get an education that would enable then to compete in the economy-thanks to Republicans

4. The climate of hate and intolerance promoted and perpetuated by republicans, particularly against immigrants and LGBT youth

5. The lack of sufficient health and mental health care because of Republicans.

6. The easy access to guns and the culture of violence created by Republicans

7 The opioid epidemic perpetrated by big pharma and enabled by Republicans

There is probobly more but you get the idea. I'm 72 years old and comfortably retired, happy as hell that I am not a teen in this environment , and worry much about those who are, especially my grand children.
Damn, THIS one is dim..............
They need to get out in the woods with a firearm and blast some shit,take a dirt bike out and ride that bitch like you're gonna die tomorrow.
Kids now days are pussies and have no self confidence because all they've ever done is beat a high score on a damn video game.

While when I was that age I found going out in the woods with a .22 a fishing rod,some jaw traps,a sleeping bag and staying out for a week to be plenty exciting.
Of course we'd always bring a bottle of purloined alcohol to make things interesting.
Did anyone else grow up with a dirt bike back in the day?
We rode em all through the subdivision and mastered the side saddle idle...when you saw a cop you shut it off and started pushing and jumping back on and coasting.
This worked the majority of times...if not we ran,as in hauled ass to the nearest trail.

I've never once seen a kid on a dirt bike in the neighborhood.
Are parents to protective or our kids just pussies?
I don't really know but I have my own theories

I see you have your progressive blame-Republicans/Conservatives-for-everything partisanism. Let's go through the list then.

1. The imminent destruction of the planet by ignoring the reality of climate change as a result of Republican/ Conservative denial and lies which paints a bleak future for the teens and their children

Yes, climate change alarmism. I fear none of it. But who's feeding the alarmism and causing unnecessary angst? The media and the government schools. I've heard much of the same alarmism since the 70s when I was growing up. It's largely the same bunk. We didn't die then, we're not dying anytime soon (barring nuclear holocaust or giant meteors crushing us). The Greta Thunbergs and the rest of the indoctrinated kids need the full scope of history and evidence, not spoon-fed propaganda to fit globalist agendas.

2. Stagnant wage growth and the systematic destruction of the middle class in favor of the creation of an oligarchy which most teens will not be a part of-due to Republican policies.

Capitalism has and will always be the best course for upward mobility. Progressivism will always lead to the ruling class elites vs. the serfs. We all have choices to make and are generally better off not having the choices being made for us.

3. The prospect of staggering student debt just to get an education that would enable then to compete in the economy-thanks to Republicans

Colleges and universities are overrated and overpriced, especially government schools. A good education means a student will make better decisions, whether it be going to local college (and not living on campu$), better major choices, etc. And there is nothing wrong with trade schools. Not everybody need to go to a university. Many people do quite well in blue-collar jobs (e.g., plumbing and construction) and don't have to suffer unneeded student debt. That is something the progressives have put on students, just to get them riled up over alleged injustices and exploitations.

4. The climate of hate and intolerance promoted and perpetuated by republicans, particularly against immigrants and LGBT youth

In my life, far farrrrr more hate comes from the left. Immigrants? You probably mean illegals. The Republicans/conservatives love immigrants who love this country and came legally.

And LGBT youth? Let's get back to the origin of the thread. Teen and pre-teen suicide drastically going in from 2007-2017. We have only seen a drastic tolerance and advocacy of LGBT displayed in the news media, entertainment industry, and education system. Theoretically there should be fewer suicides with more "tolerance." Tolerance goes both ways. The way the news media, entertainment industry, and education system portrays Republicans/conservatives/Christians in recent times, one would think Republicans/conservatives/Christians would have skyrocketing suicide rates. Maybe future studies might have some data on that.

It's pretty evident that kids have been pushed in sexuality much younger than they ought to be, and that just leads to more confusion. Progressives seem to be using their children as sexual experiments in this gay/transgender nonsense. That might not be going as well as they like. If those kids kill themselves, it's the advocates who pushed them into those lifestyles that are to blame.

5. The lack of sufficient health and mental health care because of Republicans.

We have 50 states and they can experiment with things are not of the federal governments business. So leftist states like California can show the United States and the world how great their systems are. How has that been working out for us? Homelessness has skyrocketed. Hard to go through a big city without seeing many homeless camps and heaps of garbage and threats of epidemics. Seems like more dependency, rampant drug use, despair, hopelessness.

6. The easy access to guns and the culture of violence created by Republicans

Back to the original topic, what has changed in recent times? There is more "gun control" and "gun-free schools" than ever before. And guns have always been around, what has changed? Think about it beyond your partisan politics.

7 The opioid epidemic perpetrated by big pharma and enabled by Republicans

Shall we ban drugs then?

There is probobly more but you get the idea. I'm 72 years old and comfortably retired, happy as hell that I am not a teen in this environment , and worry much about those who are, especially my grand children.

Considering your age, then you should note the awful racism in the pre-civil rights victories of the mid-60s, and the LGBT whatever stuff was heavily frowned upon, but you think those were better days for growing up than now. Interesting.
Did anyone else grow up with a dirt bike back in the day?

Not me.
They need to get out in the woods with a firearm and blast some shit,take a dirt bike out and ride that bitch like you're gonna die tomorrow.
Kids now days are pussies and have no self confidence because all they've ever done is beat a high score on a damn video game.

Well, they have those ever important participation trophies, so there is that. < /sarcasm >

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