CDZ What's a Wall Going to Accomplish?

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
A Wall?

What is a wall going to do? Keep the drugs out? Keep the illegals out?

The drugs are coming into the country by underground tunnel, SUBMARINE, shipping, and now their new horizontal drillers making 10" diameter piping tunnels that can span for a mile and are undetectable.

A wall will not stop any of this.

As far as illegals, sure plenty are walking across the border, but a wall will not stop the flow of illegals as they will continue to come in by truck, tunnel, and other means.

A border wall is not going to stop a million to billion dollar human and drug smuggling enterprise. There is too much money to be made and smugglers will adapt to any wall that we try.
Here is the problem with stupid people.

They act as if anyone claimed:

"All we need is a wall and illegal immigration will be stopped, no one will commit anymore crimes, and AIDS will be cured."

A wall, or fence, or barbed wire, or a huge pile of steaming shit is an OBSTACLE. In the military we learned that obstacles are put in place to slow down, direct or otherwise interfere with the forward movement of opposition. ALL OBSTACLES built by people can be overcome by people. The idea is not to build shit and then really on it as a fail safe. The frogs did that. It didn't work.

No rational person can say there is "no point" in building the most effective obstacle possible in conjunction with a variety of other tactics and strategy to most effectively prevent the entry of criminals, jihadists, commie parasites and other enemy agents.

Why do we cut fire breaks in forests? So that fires never happen again? Do you lock the door as if it prevents anyone from getting in? No, it's merely a means of slowing down the advance.

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It will at a minimum, reduce illegal entry into the US

A free people does not beg concentrated power to build walls around them.

We should be able to demand it and see it accomplished, so yeah, thanks to vacuous libturd traitors we're losing freedom.

You sat on your ass and watched concentrated wealth and power take your freedom and security away from you incrementally. This entire society knows it, that's why it's so anxious. Now you want them to build a wall around you. Amazing.
A Wall?

What is a wall going to do? Keep the drugs out? Keep the illegals out?

The drugs are coming into the country by underground tunnel, SUBMARINE, shipping, and now their new horizontal drillers making 10" diameter piping tunnels that can span for a mile and are undetectable.

A wall will not stop any of this.

As far as illegals, sure plenty are walking across the border, but a wall will not stop the flow of illegals as they will continue to come in by truck, tunnel, and other means.

A border wall is not going to stop a million to billion dollar human and drug smuggling enterprise. There is too much money to be made and smugglers will adapt to any wall that we try.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Dreamers should be deported before illegal alien criminals. At least the criminals don't indignantly demand that we let them break the law.
A Wall?

What is a wall going to do? Keep the drugs out? Keep the illegals out?

The drugs are coming into the country by underground tunnel, SUBMARINE, shipping, and now their new horizontal drillers making 10" diameter piping tunnels that can span for a mile and are undetectable.

A wall will not stop any of this.

As far as illegals, sure plenty are walking across the border, but a wall will not stop the flow of illegals as they will continue to come in by truck, tunnel, and other means.

A border wall is not going to stop a million to billion dollar human and drug smuggling enterprise. There is too much money to be made and smugglers will adapt to any wall that we try.
Maybe you should visit poor American towns and notice Americans struggling and Latinos stacked in a house collecting money to send back home and then leaving. Taking our jobs, health care and free education is killing poor Americans
A Wall?

What is a wall going to do? Keep the drugs out? Keep the illegals out?

The drugs are coming into the country by underground tunnel, SUBMARINE, shipping, and now their new horizontal drillers making 10" diameter piping tunnels that can span for a mile and are undetectable.

A wall will not stop any of this.

As far as illegals, sure plenty are walking across the border, but a wall will not stop the flow of illegals as they will continue to come in by truck, tunnel, and other means.

A border wall is not going to stop a million to billion dollar human and drug smuggling enterprise. There is too much money to be made and smugglers will adapt to any wall that we try.
Maybe you should visit poor American towns and notice Americans struggling and Latinos stacked in a house collecting money to send back home and then leaving. Taking our jobs, health care and free education is killing poor Americans
Poor folk didn't have the power to make any of that happen. your beef is with your economic system, not the poor, don't get it twisted.
Thanks to California's position on illegal immigration, blacks have suffered losing their once proud neighborhoods in East LA. They are being pushed out in favor of hispanics.

Thanks to California's position on illegal immigration, blacks have suffered losing their once proud neighborhoods in East LA. They are being pushed out in favor of hispanics.

Oh now we're doing it for the black people. Your society has been pitting the "races" against each other since Bacon's Rebellion.
A Wall?

What is a wall going to do? Keep the drugs out? Keep the illegals out?

The drugs are coming into the country by underground tunnel, SUBMARINE, shipping, and now their new horizontal drillers making 10" diameter piping tunnels that can span for a mile and are undetectable.

A wall will not stop any of this.

As far as illegals, sure plenty are walking across the border, but a wall will not stop the flow of illegals as they will continue to come in by truck, tunnel, and other means.

A border wall is not going to stop a million to billion dollar human and drug smuggling enterprise. There is too much money to be made and smugglers will adapt to any wall that we try.
Maybe you should visit poor American towns and notice Americans struggling and Latinos stacked in a house collecting money to send back home and then leaving. Taking our jobs, health care and free education is killing poor Americans
Poor folk didn't have the power to make any of that happen. your beef is with your economic system, not the poor, don't get it twisted.
No idea what you are talking about .. if I am poor and you flood my town with illegals and immigration that don’t assimilate and don’t invest, They take our jobs and lower the wages, they go to my kids schools and can’t speak English taking resources, I have a clinic full of non English speakers in a historic middle class American town.. it’s hurting poor Americans
A Wall?

What is a wall going to do? Keep the drugs out? Keep the illegals out?

The drugs are coming into the country by underground tunnel, SUBMARINE, shipping, and now their new horizontal drillers making 10" diameter piping tunnels that can span for a mile and are undetectable.

A wall will not stop any of this.

As far as illegals, sure plenty are walking across the border, but a wall will not stop the flow of illegals as they will continue to come in by truck, tunnel, and other means.

A border wall is not going to stop a million to billion dollar human and drug smuggling enterprise. There is too much money to be made and smugglers will adapt to any wall that we try.
Maybe you should visit poor American towns and notice Americans struggling and Latinos stacked in a house collecting money to send back home and then leaving. Taking our jobs, health care and free education is killing poor Americans
Hmmm maybe you didn't read the opening post???

How is a wall going to stop this?

The majority of illegals come into this country hidden in trucks or by underground tunnels. So your brilliant idea is to spend an obscene amount of money on something that isn't effective. This is GOP brilliance on display, from the party that gave us the war in Iraq and the Great recession, now the ineffective border wall.

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