What your socialist public school teacher did not teach your child about slavery in the U.S


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

One of the most disingenuous practices engaged in by government school teachers when teaching impressionable grade school children about the sin of slavery in the United States, is to avoid the significant fact that our founding fathers did not bring slavery to America. If one wants to pin the sin of slavery in America upon someone, it ought to be attributed to King James 1, who made Jamestown, Virginia, an official crown colony in 1624. The historical fact is, of the 13 original colonies, Virginia’s, Jamestown, created with the permission of King James l, was the most instrumental in developing and expanding slavery in America.

Now, what about our founding fathers, who were victorious in the Revolutionary War; responsible for ending British rule in North America; declared America’s independence on July 4th, 1776; and then, on September 9th, 1776, the Continental Congress officially declared the new nation to be the “United States” of America? What did our founding fathers do with their newly found freedom and with regard to the sin of slavery?

After the Revolutionary War and the American people gained their independence from British Rule, [the real culprit of slavery on American soil] the people within a number of the states, exercising their newly found freedom, quickly moved to share the blessings of liberty to all by abolishing slavery! For example, the people of Vermont took the following immediate action in its 1777 declaration of rights, which declared "no… person born in this country, or brought here over sea, ought to be holden by law to serve any person as a servant, slave, or apprentice".

Likewise, the Massachusetts constitution of 1780 declared that "all men are born free and equal" and it was used by the court a few years after its adoption to legally forbid any person to be held as a slave.

And, in 1787, the Northwest Ordinance, adopted before our existing Constitution was ratified, stated: "there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."

By the year 1788 all the states north of Maryland, except New York and New Jersey, had legislated to extinguish slavery, and by 1804 the remaining two northern states [ N.Y. and N.J.] had put slavery to rest!

Additionally let us remember that our Constitution also provided a measure to tax slavery into extinction [Article 1, Section 9, Cl. 1],

“The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.”

Our Constitution also denied slave-holding states full representation in Congress under Article 1, Section 2, Cl. 3.

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”

Contrary to the communist/socialist propaganda taught to impressionable grade school children by government school teachers, that the above provision made blacks “three fifths of a person”, the provision was actually a punishment which denied full representation in Congress to slave holding states.

The truth is, our nation’s founding fathers, and the miracle they created call the Constitution of the United States ___ that document which our communist/socialist propagandists in government operated schools teach our children is responsible for the sin of slavery in America ___ actually provided the means necessary to end the sin of British slavery in the United States.

Let us also never forget that our wise founding fathers provided Article V in our Constitution, its amendment process, to accommodate peaceful change for changing times. And, the good people of the United States took advantage of that process to lawfully put slavery to rest when they adopted the Thirteenth Amendment.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Many of our heralded founding fathers owned slaves. Out of the 55 so-called founders, 26 owned slaves and one owned a slave ship. The slave owners were:

Richard Bassett (DE), Jacob Broom (DE), John Dickinson (DE), George Read (DE),William Houstoun (GA), William Few (GA), William Samuel Johnson (CT), Daniel Carroll (MD), Luther Martin (MD), John Francis Mercer (MD), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (MD), William Livingston (NJ), William Blount (NC), William Richardson Davie (NC), Alexander Martin (NC), Richard Dobbs Spaight (NC), Pierce Butler (SC), Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (SC), Charles Pinckney (SC), John Rutledge (SC), John Blair (VA), James Madison (VA), George Mason (VA), Edmund Randolph (VA), George Washington (VA), George Wythe (VA), Robert Morris (PA)*.

*Robert Morris owned a slave ship. So while he didn’t own slave, he was a prime participant in the industry.

We are on President number 45 as of this writing. Out of these 45 presidents, it is a fact that 12 of them owned slaves. That’s more than ONE FOURTH of our presidents. Ten of the twelve owned slaves while in office. While many want to make this so clean and easy, I am not going to do that. It must be understood that presidents of this country conducted the business of slavery in the white house. They owned slaves in the white house. They beat their slaves in the white house. They bought and sold slaves from the white house. The ten slave owners while in the white house were:

Our nations “father” George Washington owned over 300 slaves. Thomas Jefferson owned 600 slaves. His slave mistress even had children by him. Think about that each time you see a black person with the last name Jefferson. James Madison owned more than 100 slaves. James Monroe owned 75 slaves. Andrew Jackson owned 200 slaves. Martin Van Buren owned 1 slave. I guess he would be considered a nice and humane slave owner. After all, he could have owned 600. William Henry Harrison owned 11 slaves. John Tyler owned 70 slaves. James K. Polk owned 25 slaves. Zachary Taylor owned about 150 slaves. These 10 men owned slaves as duly elected presidents of the United States.
Many of our heralded founding fathers owned slaves.


So, freaken what? What does that have to do the original sin of slavery in America being attributed to King James, and not our founding fathers?


When it comes to healthcare, our socialist candidate, Joe Biden, has no moral compass whatsoever. He refuses to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the healthcare needs of illegal entrants.
They certainly teach all that in California's public schools ... they also went into more detail about slavery in the region ... your community short changed your education ...
They certainly teach all that in California's public schools .

Sure they do . . . :rolleyes:


Joe Biden wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender their healthcare to millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.
Much ado about nothing.

Mortal, fallible men of their own times, not ours.

I have to laugh, every time that I hear one of these Minority History-Rewriter Wannabe's... calling those slave-holding Founders 'white supremacists'.

I laugh because it's true.

Not that there was anything particularly wrong with those Men Of Their Own Times... and I'm fine with that... they retain their epic place in our history.,

But because at that time, Whites in this country WERE superior to Black slaves... VASTLY superior... in a number of ways...

It has taken 155 years since the end of the Civil War to even get them into the same metaphorical ballpark, but it's finally (and happily) beginning to materialize.

Let's face it... back in 18th century America... they were still popularly (and even scientifically) viewed as the lower-end of the species, showing some promise.

It was wrong-thinking... but it was the thinking of the times... and nothing to do with me-and-mine or recent generations on either side of my own bloodline.

Now we know better... but I'm sure-as-hell not going to support that Forty-Acres-and-a-Mule bull$hit that these retards are trying to sell us on.
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Many of our heralded founding fathers owned slaves. Out of the 55 so-called founders, 26 owned slaves and one owned a slave ship. The slave owners were:

Richard Bassett (DE), Jacob Broom (DE), John Dickinson (DE), George Read (DE),William Houstoun (GA), William Few (GA), William Samuel Johnson (CT), Daniel Carroll (MD), Luther Martin (MD), John Francis Mercer (MD), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (MD), William Livingston (NJ), William Blount (NC), William Richardson Davie (NC), Alexander Martin (NC), Richard Dobbs Spaight (NC), Pierce Butler (SC), Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (SC), Charles Pinckney (SC), John Rutledge (SC), John Blair (VA), James Madison (VA), George Mason (VA), Edmund Randolph (VA), George Washington (VA), George Wythe (VA), Robert Morris (PA)*.

*Robert Morris owned a slave ship. So while he didn’t own slave, he was a prime participant in the industry.

We are on President number 45 as of this writing. Out of these 45 presidents, it is a fact that 12 of them owned slaves. That’s more than ONE FOURTH of our presidents. Ten of the twelve owned slaves while in office. While many want to make this so clean and easy, I am not going to do that. It must be understood that presidents of this country conducted the business of slavery in the white house. They owned slaves in the white house. They beat their slaves in the white house. They bought and sold slaves from the white house. The ten slave owners while in the white house were:

Our nations “father” George Washington owned over 300 slaves. Thomas Jefferson owned 600 slaves. His slave mistress even had children by him. Think about that each time you see a black person with the last name Jefferson. James Madison owned more than 100 slaves. James Monroe owned 75 slaves. Andrew Jackson owned 200 slaves. Martin Van Buren owned 1 slave. I guess he would be considered a nice and humane slave owner. After all, he could have owned 600. William Henry Harrison owned 11 slaves. John Tyler owned 70 slaves. James K. Polk owned 25 slaves. Zachary Taylor owned about 150 slaves. These 10 men owned slaves as duly elected presidents of the United States.
And the first president to actually DO SOMETHING about slavery, by ending the international slave trade in America, and who attempted to include a paragraph in the Declaration of Independence about the evils of slavery was WHO?
Apparently that we ended slavery... over a hundred years ago.

Let's make 2020 a referendum on slavery.
My people were once slaves ... somehow, I managed to get over it.

My people were once slaves ... somehow, I managed to get over it.

View attachment 360338
Oh, no!!! You're a privileged Jew. You're not a REAL Jew.

You're an Uncle Chaim. A house Jew. You're a sellout. You're not down for the מַאֲבָק!!!

I’m an octojewn. Is that Jewish enough to claim slavery legacy the way it is for octoroons?
I am certain that I am an octosomething. Not sure what yet, but....:dunno:
How do we get democrats away from our children? Call a National emergency?
I’m an octojewn.

Unfortunately, being Jewish is a binary state. You either are, or are not. The concept of fractional Jewish ancestry based on 'blood' was something created by a group of Germans that are, fortunately, no longer with us.
That’s too bad. I was hoping I would be Jewish enough that I could refer casually to my Jewish friends as kikes.
Like, “Yo, ****, wattup?” Kikes With Attitude

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