"What Would Reagan Do?"... Well...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
"What Would Reagan Do?"... Well...

He'd expand the Military WAY beyond "the Founder's vision" in trade for letting the DemocRATS spend like drunken sailors on shore leave to feed the appetites of their ever growing and ever Generationally Dependent Constituency.

Of course, he'd do this while NOT decreasing the size of the Federal Government, and letting EVERY Illegal Alien that was on our soil get blanket Amnesty and then NOT focus on the borders and keeping any more of them out.

Beyond the Reality that WAS Reagan as a President, as opposed to the seasoned Actor and Speech Maker that was NOT Reagan in practice, it's Offensive to me to compare Reagan, or ANY Man for that matter, to Jesus.

"What Would Reagan Do?" is a play on "What Would Jesus Do"?, and if we are going to be Offended by the Deifying of Obama by the Left, then we should be even MORE offended when our Party's most prominent hood ornament is treated in Messianic terms.

We should at least, as Conservatives, start being a little more Honest about the Realities of the Presidency when looking at the Past, and of course when looking to the Future.

Reagan, and NO President for that matter, has EVER been, or will they EVER be, the Candidate who is Preaching to the Choir at Conservative Rallies, or making Patently Meaningless Speeches to whatever crowd at whatever point.

They MUST be looked at for what they Actually did in practice, and the context of the Time when it happened, and more importantly, what they were Capable of doing.

I want my President to push for Conservative Legislation and decreasing the size and scope of Gubmn't, but I am hardly Naive enough to believe that ANY President has that much control or would I dismiss the Political Realities of any given point in History.

Having said all of this, I would Vote for Reagan in a heartbeat in 1980 as much as I would today...

I'd even Vote for Goldwater, Knowing without a doubt that he would Lose, and if he did, by some chance of Fate, Win, he would do just about the same as any President from my Party at whatever point in History he would unlikely find himself the Victor.

The DemocRATS are in Power now because their base finally came to this Realization while sitting, out of Power on the sidelines, after Newt knocked them the **** out back in 1994, and their President at the time read the tea leaves regarding his Political Future and much of what Newt proposed was Passed by a DemocRAT President and REPUBLICan Congress that was FAR from Pure.

If Absolutism and Purism is the demanded path from a majority in my Party in the coming Elections regarding the Congress and the Presidency in 2012, then you can count on Failure at the Polls.

If you are content to be out of Power based on some Unrealistic set of "Principles" that you insist that a majority of Voters agree with YOU on, and agree with you on 100% and RIGHT NOW, then so be it.

Just Know that you played a pivotal role in the rapid Destruction of this REPUBLIC...
If we can Keep it.

Copyright © 2009 tha malcontent/associalisticpress.com

Cause I said I would...


Expecting the government we have to limit government is rather foolish don't you think?

Self proclaiming conservatives and self proclaiming liberals have both been increasing government spending for the last 50 years.

Meanwhile, in order to make their real base happy (the staggeringly wealthy, I mean) both parties have been systematically passing legislation which has screwed the average American.

Eventually even the dumbest partisan is going to see how their support for either of these parties has made them the enablers of the very people who are destroying this nation.

BOTH parties have considently supported:

2. illegal aliens
3. Imperialistic wars

Those three things all by themselves are guaranteed to screw the American people, folks.

It doesn't take a PhD In econ to know if you outsource industry AND insource cheap labor, that the American working classes will be fucked.

Wake up and smell the skunk cabbage, gang.
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Here's what Reagan did:

Reagan raised taxes 6 out of 8 years in office. 4 times between 1982-1984 alone.

He expanded government. (Creating the VA Cabinet Level)

He saved Social Security.

He allowed a bailout to Chrysler to continue.

He had a Czar or two. The federal payroll under Reagan rose by 61,000 jobs and fell 373,000 under Clinton.

The Historic Tax Reform Act of 1986 raised Corporate taxes by $120 billion over five years and closed corporate tax loopholes worth about $300 billion over the same amount of time.


Under Reagan, America's stance towards the Soviet Union (Communists :eek:) softened.
Here's what Reagan did:

Reagan raised taxes 6 out of 8 years in office. 4 times between 1982-1984 alone.

He expanded government. (Creating the VA Cabinet Level)

He saved Social Security.

He allowed a bailout to Chrysler to continue.

He had a Czar or two. The federal payroll under Reagan rose by 61,000 jobs and fell 373,000 under Clinton.

The Historic Tax Reform Act of 1986 raised Corporate taxes by $120 billion over five years and closed corporate tax loopholes worth about $300 billion over the same amount of time.


Under Reagan, America's stance towards the Soviet Union (Communists :eek:) softened.

He was Certainly NOT what he was Portrayed to be by the People who only heard his Fantastically Federalist Speeches and Ignore all of what you Listed and more...

Including Blanket Amnesty and NOT Dealing with the Borders with the Obscene Mandates he had.


Here's what Reagan did:

Reagan raised taxes 6 out of 8 years in office. 4 times between 1982-1984 alone.

He expanded government. (Creating the VA Cabinet Level)

He saved Social Security.

He allowed a bailout to Chrysler to continue.

He had a Czar or two. The federal payroll under Reagan rose by 61,000 jobs and fell 373,000 under Clinton.

The Historic Tax Reform Act of 1986 raised Corporate taxes by $120 billion over five years and closed corporate tax loopholes worth about $300 billion over the same amount of time.


Under Reagan, America's stance towards the Soviet Union (Communists :eek:) softened.

He was Certainly NOT what he was Portrayed to be by the People who only heard his Fantastically Federalist Speeches and Ignore all of what you Listed and more...

Including Blanket Amnesty and NOT Dealing with the Borders with the Obscene Mandates he had.



Another thing he did was unashamedly proclaim that the USA was greatest nation on Earth and in the history of civilization. After 4 years of Carter telling us that everything we thought was of value was actually deception and imperialism and that we needed to apologize for being Americans, Reagan was refreshing.

Midnight said it best. Our country is divided into two groups: Those that remember Carter and those that will learn what it felt like.
"What Would Reagan Do?"... Well...

He'd expand the Military WAY beyond "the Founder's vision" in trade for letting the DemocRATS spend like drunken sailors on shore leave to feed the appetites of their ever growing and ever Generationally Dependent Constituency.

Of course, he'd do this while NOT decreasing the size of the Federal Government, and letting EVERY Illegal Alien that was on our soil get blanket Amnesty and then NOT focus on the borders and keeping any more of them out.

Beyond the Reality that WAS Reagan as a President, as opposed to the seasoned Actor and Speech Maker that was NOT Reagan in practice, it's Offensive to me to compare Reagan, or ANY Man for that matter, to Jesus.

"What Would Reagan Do?" is a play on "What Would Jesus Do"?, and if we are going to be Offended by the Deifying of Obama by the Left, then we should be even MORE offended when our Party's most prominent hood ornament is treated in Messianic terms.

We should at least, as Conservatives, start being a little more Honest about the Realities of the Presidency when looking at the Past, and of course when looking to the Future.

Reagan, and NO President for that matter, has EVER been, or will they EVER be, the Candidate who is Preaching to the Choir at Conservative Rallies, or making Patently Meaningless Speeches to whatever crowd at whatever point.

They MUST be looked at for what they Actually did in practice, and the context of the Time when it happened, and more importantly, what they were Capable of doing.

I want my President to push for Conservative Legislation and decreasing the size and scope of Gubmn't, but I am hardly Naive enough to believe that ANY President has that much control or would I dismiss the Political Realities of any given point in History.

Having said all of this, I would Vote for Reagan in a heartbeat in 1980 as much as I would today...

I'd even Vote for Goldwater, Knowing without a doubt that he would Lose, and if he did, by some chance of Fate, Win, he would do just about the same as any President from my Party at whatever point in History he would unlikely find himself the Victor.

The DemocRATS are in Power now because their base finally came to this Realization while sitting, out of Power on the sidelines, after Newt knocked them the **** out back in 1994, and their President at the time read the tea leaves regarding his Political Future and much of what Newt proposed was Passed by a DemocRAT President and REPUBLICan Congress that was FAR from Pure.

If Absolutism and Purism is the demanded path from a majority in my Party in the coming Elections regarding the Congress and the Presidency in 2012, then you can count on Failure at the Polls.

If you are content to be out of Power based on some Unrealistic set of "Principles" that you insist that a majority of Voters agree with YOU on, and agree with you on 100% and RIGHT NOW, then so be it.

Just Know that you played a pivotal role in the rapid Destruction of this REPUBLIC...
If we can Keep it.

Copyright © 2009 tha malcontent/associalisticpress.com

Cause I said I would...



Well said.
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Here's what Reagan did:

Reagan raised taxes 6 out of 8 years in office. 4 times between 1982-1984 alone.

He expanded government. (Creating the VA Cabinet Level)

He saved Social Security.

He allowed a bailout to Chrysler to continue.

He had a Czar or two. The federal payroll under Reagan rose by 61,000 jobs and fell 373,000 under Clinton.

The Historic Tax Reform Act of 1986 raised Corporate taxes by $120 billion over five years and closed corporate tax loopholes worth about $300 billion over the same amount of time.


Under Reagan, America's stance towards the Soviet Union (Communists :eek:) softened.

Most famous line president Reagan ever had: "I use to be a democrat"

That could explain the discrepancies.

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