What Would Make You Stop Supporting Trump? We Know Ann Coulter's Answer


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
"I give up": Ann Coulter has had enough, says dreamers "can stay" but Trump "must go"

I have seen this question asked to Trump voters before and most of them usually say nothing will make them lose support for Trump...absolutely nothing...is that so?

I always figured the main issues that would make Trumpers at least admit among themselves that they are withdrawing their support would be him signing gun control laws (like Reagan and Clinton did...) or if Trump doesn't turn the xenophobic hate meter up to 11 and keep it there....at least for Ann Coulter, that is what has always been her reason for pulling Trump's dick out of her mouth...

"Conservative commentator Ann Coulter has declared that she's "done" with President Donald Trump's position on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in response to the Supreme Court hearing arguments on DACA ...."NO WALL. KEEPS SAME MASSIVE LEVELS OF LEGAL IMMIGRATION. And this is the rube-bait campaign document, not even a serious bill," she replied to Trump's May immigration proposal, which suggested a switch to a "merit based" system, in a tweet."

Is Ann Coulter a hater of America to not support Trump no matter what or do you also have a line that your Trump worship won't cross?
Ann doesn't get Trump. She needs to re-think the courts and the USSC without Trump. Then the economy, immigration, the wall, the military, regulations, ANWR, China, NK, NATO, Mexico, Syria, ISIS, and all the other issues that were left hanging by Obama.
Maybe Ann needs to retire? No one wants her on TV anymore?!
"I give up": Ann Coulter has had enough, says dreamers "can stay" but Trump "must go"

I have seen this question asked to Trump voters before and most of them usually say nothing will make them lose support for Trump...absolutely nothing...is that so?

I always figured the main issues that would make Trumpers at least admit among themselves that they are withdrawing their support would be him signing gun control laws (like Reagan and Clinton did...) or if Trump doesn't turn the xenophobic hate meter up to 11 and keep it there....at least for Ann Coulter, that is what has always been her reason for pulling Trump's dick out of her mouth...

"Conservative commentator Ann Coulter has declared that she's "done" with President Donald Trump's position on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in response to the Supreme Court hearing arguments on DACA ...."NO WALL. KEEPS SAME MASSIVE LEVELS OF LEGAL IMMIGRATION. And this is the rube-bait campaign document, not even a serious bill," she replied to Trump's May immigration proposal, which suggested a switch to a "merit based" system, in a tweet."

Is Ann Coulter a hater of America to not support Trump no matter what or do you also have a line that your Trump worship won't cross?
Hardly. Ms. Coulter is a conservative who loves America. I have no idea why she hates Donald Trump when he's done so much for fiscal and employment things, which is basically the function of government as the founders saw to it. Keeping the deadbeats out of America by closing the border is likely the right thing to do, because we were losing 300-500 drug users every week due to China shipping Fentanyl to the Mexicans, who perverted it into killer form and was sent with coyotes over the border to sell and make them far too strong for safe use. Trump has mentioned it every time the rate of kills goes up, and it's blessed good of him to stop the border madness, whatever it takes, imho. Fortunately, our Border Patrol Agents are by and large good people who've had more than their share of losses they are trying to deal with, as well. Small border towns who lose a beloved agent can be very broken up about the craziness that threatens their very lives by mean and vicious drug cartel pushers.

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