What to expect if Dementia Joe wins


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
^ :cuckoo:
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
^ :cuckoo:
Did I leave out that Kamala the Mattress wants never ending reparations and supports abortion to the 9th month when the unborn are viable?


And yes, she will take over at some point for Dementia Joe, so it only will get better.
I forgot that Joe plans on mandating that everyone wears a mask outside. Problem is, he does not tell us by what Constitutional provision he will use to get this done.

Even more puzzling, as the police continue to be defunded by the Left, how will they police not wearing masks, or will this be the main job of the police under the DNC?
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
Add more justices to SCOTUS
So California... no electricity because 3rd world is better than first world. Biden will embrace the 3rd world craphole in full force.
Just a word of warning as to what to expect under Dementia Joe and Kamy Lee.

1. Return to the Paris Accord. That's right everyone, Biden will rejoin the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by rejoining the Paris Accord. Problem is, had Trump not gotten out of it the plans would have negligible effects on carbon emissions but would have put a severe strain on the US economy.

2. Half a million buses will be converted to non carbon emitting vehicles. That's about all Dementia Joe says. He does not say how this will be accomplished nor who will pay for it. BTW, what is it about Joe and busing anyway?

3. End cash bail. California and New York have already begun this program with troubling results as criminals roam the streets. But instead of allowing states to run their own affairs, we all know that the federal government knows best and should run then, UNLESS Trump is President, of course.

4. Stop arresting children for criminal behavior because too many of them are children of color. Nuff said. It must be systemic racism, right? So I guess kids that shoot up schools will continue under Biden, but it will be blamed on the 2nd amendment.

5. Repeal the right to work laws. In other words, Joe Biden will not give you the option to opt out of a union for any reason. It is not clear how Biden will do this since the laws were made at the state level, but who the hell cares about law or Constitution. It's all about Left wing leadership knowing what is best for all states because they obviously don't know what it best for themselves.

6. Unions will check your ballot before you cast it. That way if they don't like how you vote, they will let you know in various ways. The idea was so repugnant during the time of radical Left wing George McGovern, he was appalled at the idea. But today the DNC is much more radical and Left wing and fascist.

7. Oppose school vouchers. This will ensure that poor folk who live in poor school districts will continue to be forced to send their children into subpar schools that will ensure the continuous cycle of poverty for minorities across the nation, and will ensure that if you don't vote "D" you ain't black, as dementia Joe would say because many won't have the critical thinking capacity to understand how they are being talked down to nor how the DNC wants to keep it that way for votes.

8. Universal health care. That's right, the crown jewel in the DNC crown will be realized as the same government run health care in the VA, that sends many veterans to private hospitals instead, will be forced on us all. And make no mistake, they will cut costs. In fact, cutting the cost of YOUR health care will probably be the only cost cutting concern the DNC will ever have. Soon we will have FREE health care like they do in North Korea. Yay!

9. Make anyone who crosses the border a citizen. That's right everyone, no borders, nor walls, nor rules, just right. Yay! Sounds like an Outback commercial.

We will continue to have no say regarding immigration policy as immigrants will decide it for us.

10. Spend trillions attacking the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide. Much of how the economy was shut down to combat Covid may be used to varying degrees, only with no end in sight as the economy tanks, thus lowering carbon emissions like Covid has.

11. Return to giving Iran, which is the largest sponsoring terrorist entity in the world today, anything they want.
Senile Joe is going to lose i have no doubt about that :smoke:
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.

Did I say they were the same thing? Communism IS socialism. It is all cancer, to me it is irrelevant whether ass cancer is preferable to brain cancer. We should not be entertaining cancer at all. All socialism is profoundly anti-American, and even more profoundly for super losers of colossal order.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.

Did I say they were the same thing? Communism IS socialism.
Nope they are not one in the same. We can start another thread and splits hairs..
I forgot that Joe plans on mandating that everyone wears a mask outside. Problem is, he does not tell us by what Constitutional provision he will use to get this done.

Even more puzzling, as the police continue to be defunded by the Left, how will they police not wearing masks, or will this be the main job of the police under the DNC?

The states have massive power in dealing with health issues, the feds very little. Of course the Constitution doesn't matter, especially to the left.
Bernie's people are running Biden, and will run America into Venezuela should Biden win.
I do hope they have insurance when they collide....I bet you think that socialism is communist also. The US is the wealthiest nation and I doubt those capitalist just give in voluntarily.

Surely you are kidding? Communism is a form of socialism. Socialism is a form of societal cancer of weak minded idiots living for and by free shit.
Nope communism and socialism are not one in the same.There are varying degrees of difference in their economic theories.

Did I say they were the same thing? Communism IS socialism.
Nope they are not one in the same. We can start another thread and splits hairs..

I never said they were the same you moron. Communism is a FORM of the retarded anti-American theory by superlosers for superlosers called socialism.

Now American ideology called freedom by superheroes for superheroes is not socialism. FREEDOM!!!
So California... no electricity because 3rd world is better than first world. Biden will embrace the 3rd world craphole in full force.

Yep, they eliminated ~9 GW's of power from natural gas and had a shortfall in a heatwave of ~4.4 GW's. I thought windmills and solar were going to take care of it? Even Newsom said that they need to rethink green-energy. Duh!
So California... no electricity because 3rd world is better than first world. Biden will embrace the 3rd world craphole in full force.

Yep, they eliminated ~9 GW's of power from natural gas and had a shortfall in a heatwave of ~4.4 GW's. I thought windmills and solar were going to take care of it? Even Newsom said that they need to rethink green-energy. Duh!

I wonder how many people died as California embraced 3rd world policy. California is turning into shithole at an accelerating pace. Now that no more electricity, plumbing is only a few years away.

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