What the oil spill tells us about Obama.

That he is not all-powerful. Some had this notion that his simply being elected would solve all the worlds problems. It hasn't. They've gotten worse.

HE oversaw the Mineral Management Services for 1.5 years, so if BP was operating so poorly and dangerously, HE had time to fix it. He didn't. He was busy shoving healthcare down our throats. That small, <$1M piece of equipment that we heard wasn't bought that could've prevented this......that they say BUSH/CHENEY allowed to go unpurchased? Um....if it was that crucial, Obama had 1.5 years to see that it was done. He didn't. He was busy bowing to dictators and shoving healthcare down our throats.

So, either Obama did or didn't allow the MMS/Oil Co. sex/alcohol parties to keep going on under his watch, or he didn't. If he did, he's at fault. If he didn't, well, look what happened.

Obama took a calculated move. He decided to play Big Daddy and sit back and tell the children (BP) to clean the mess on their own. The imagery of the "boot on the neck" is what he wanted. What he got was the imagery of a helpless Obama on a beach, picking at the sand, as it is announced over a month into the disaster that it won't be fixed until August, at the earliest.

What could've been done? Well, Bobby Jindal and many small gov'ts along the coast wanted to build large sand dunes to block the oil from coming on-shore. Their proposal was not approved by Obama for weeks. When it finally same so, Obama Admin approved ONLY 2% OF THE SAND DUNES to be built. You know, can't let a Republican governor, and God forbid a bunch of small governments and private citizens, to come up with an idea to fight this thing. That would deny him the "boot in the neck" imagery he wants.

Not to mention.........the worse this thing gets, in Obama's mind, the better chance he can use it to his advantage to pass Climate Change legislation to redistribute American wealth amongst the world. Too bad for him, that calculation is turning disasterous. This miscalculation, combined with the healthcare mugging of America, has finalized Obama's presidency to a pitiful 1 term and he will possibly not even be the Democratic nominee in 2012.

We who voted for him knew he wouldn't be all powerful. Those who voted against him seem to think that he should be all powerful based on their demands and criticisms. And actually, the country's problems have gotten better since he took office. We're not out of the woods yet, but we're making progress.
We who voted for him knew he wouldn't be all powerful. Those who voted against him seem to think that he should be all powerful based on their demands and criticisms. And actually, the country's problems have gotten better since he took office. We're not out of the woods yet, but we're making progress.

Nope. Those who voted against him understood what an incompetent fuck-up he would be. And that the only "progress" we'd be making is toward a socialist state.
We who voted for him knew he wouldn't be all powerful. Those who voted against him seem to think that he should be all powerful based on their demands and criticisms. And actually, the country's problems have gotten better since he took office. We're not out of the woods yet, but we're making progress.

Nope. Those who voted against him understood what an incompetent fuck-up he would be. And that the only "progress" we'd be making is toward a socialist state.

Murf, you are wrong on both points; now go to your corner and pout.

What is with you guys and the psycho crazy talk? Do you just pull things out of your butts?
What a bunch of wankin' rightard loons. The end of capitalism our aching butts. You loons are just mind dead.

Aren't you one of those guys who's always wringing your hands about "corporatism"?? :eusa_eh:

If that's so, then how can you ignore the blatant system of corruption and bribery that will be brought about by Cap-and-Tax? You do understand that "carbon credits" are basically CA$H, right? And that just as the bureaucrat runs the small and middlin' corporations... the big ones will run HIM.

See.... what I think it all comes down to is Team Sports. You're rooting for your team. And it doesn't much matter what their policies are just so long as they're wearing the right color jersey. Because if Liberals REALLY cared about eliminating corporate influence, they wouldn't touch this cap-and-tax scam with a 10-foot pole, and they'd be raising hell right about now while Obama is USING this very handy oil-spill crisis to try to implement it.
I am not a liberal, Murf, and you certainly are not a libertarian. Let's get our definitions straight.

You are as much a team homer as they come. Go to, fellow, go to.
We who voted for him knew he wouldn't be all powerful. Those who voted against him seem to think that he should be all powerful based on their demands and criticisms. And actually, the country's problems have gotten better since he took office. We're not out of the woods yet, but we're making progress.

Nope. Those who voted against him understood what an incompetent fuck-up he would be. And that the only "progress" we'd be making is toward a socialist state.

Murf, you are wrong on both points; now go to your corner and pout.

What is with you guys and the psycho crazy talk? Do you just pull things out of your butts?

I know squat about you JS but when you refer to anyone as "you guys" you are most certainly taking sides.
And when you use "we", you are not? I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination, and I am quite certain you are no libertarian with that crazy talk.
Murf, you are wrong on both points; now go to your corner and pout.

What is with you guys and the psycho crazy talk? Do you just pull things out of your butts?

If Obama wasn't utterly incompetent, he'd have put experts into key government positions instead of partisan cronies. Bobby Jindal would already be looking at his new sand berms. Israel wouldn't be dealing with another imminent incident of blockade running. The national debt wouldn't be 13 trillion, etc. etc.

The fucker has already put more private industry under the federal government's thumb than Hugo Chavez, and you expect us to believe he's not a socialist? C'mon. We didn't just all fall off the turnip truck. :lol:
When you fell, Murf, you obviously hit your head. Take the psycho talk elsewhere, go read a good book on progressivism and regulation and socialism, and admit your are wrong. You just don't get to define terms wrongly and pretend that you have done it rightly.

And when you use "we", you are not labeling? I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination, and I am quite certain you are no libertarian with that crazy talk.
Murf, you are wrong on both points; now go to your corner and pout.

What is with you guys and the psycho crazy talk? Do you just pull things out of your butts?

If Obama wasn't utterly incompetent, he'd have put experts into key government positions instead of partisan cronies. Bobby Jindal would already be looking at his new sand berms. Israel wouldn't be dealing with another imminent incident of blockade running. The national debt wouldn't be 13 trillion, etc. etc.

The fucker has already put more private industry under the federal government's thumb than Hugo Chavez, and you expect us to believe he's not a socialist? C'mon. We didn't just all fall off the turnip truck. :lol:

You have the brains of turnip, so, good reference.
When you fell, Murf, you obviously hit your head. Take the psycho talk elsewhere, go read a good book on progressivism and regulation and socialism, and admit your are wrong. You just don't get to define terms wrongly and pretend that you have done it rightly.

And when you use "we", you are not labeling? I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination, and I am quite certain you are no libertarian with that crazy talk.

Well, I gotta take my hat off to ya then, Jake. If you're not a liberal then that's a goddam GREAT disguise. Why, most days you could pass for the leftest, moonbattiest kook in the joint... like NYcarbineer! :lol::lol::lol:
I am fairly in the middle most of the time. You are so far to the right that you think the middle is left. Not my problem, it's yours. You are not mainstream, period, with the psycho talk.
Obama has mishandled this crisis, there is no question about that.

However, what fucking pisses me off about you dirt stupid Repug fucks is the glee you express over this. Multinational corporations like BP and Goldman Sachs have fucking wrecked our economy and our environment, but all you idiots do is whine about Obama and Democrats. You mindless Repug fucks STILL believe that there should be LESS government regulation, not more.

You Repug mother fuckers are so god damned stupid and blind it's pathetic.
And the environmentalists, that banned us from drilling in the antartic are also guilty of being a bunch of bafoons. They too can carry some of the blame. Ultra deep sea drilling, is crazy. It could be handled better on land

So Mr kerrylostnohio,

Isn't the environmentalists, your party
This country elected a community organizer, not a leader.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtvoLrQBxis]YouTube - James Carville Begs Obama "To Take Control" Of The Oil Spill![/ame]
Obama and his entire administration are a bunch of incompetent bafoons

Christ Miss Stix!! Why do you say such stupid shit? You are better than that. I know you are.

Every president with an exception or two tries to gather the best minds possible to run this organization we call america.

You may not agree with everything Obama does....I don't either..but to say Obama is an incompetant baffon is just unneccesary.

We had incompetant Baffoon recently don't you remember? Let me ask you this... Think back and ask yourself if you would rather have Bush handling the problems that Obama was handed. Can you imagine what would be going on if Bush was still president?

Look I'm not trying to deflect to Bush but...seriously.. The guy pulled us back from the brink of total ruin...are you so steeped in hatred that you cannot see that he fuckin saved our country from a spiral depression that would have made most of us fucking homeless and jobless. Jesus. Give him some credit.
Every president with an exception or two tries to gather the best minds possible to run this organization we call america.

You may not agree with everything Obama does....I don't either..but to say Obama is an incompetant baffon is just unneccesary.

We had incompetant Baffoon recently don't you remember? Let me ask you this... Think back and ask yourself if you would rather have Bush handling the problems that Obama was handed. Can you imagine what would be going on if Bush was still president?

Look I'm not trying to deflect to Bush but...seriously.. The guy pulled us back from the brink of total ruin...are you so steeped in hatred that you cannot see that he fuckin saved our country from a spiral depression that would have made most of us fucking homeless and jobless. Jesus. Give him some credit.

Obama has surrounded himself with loyal partisans, not experts. He came into office with no business experience, having never run so much as a hot dog stand on his own, and rather than look to the best minds, he relies on other elitist eggheads like himself. The main qualification for Obama administration appointment would appear to be a rabid dedication to his socialist policy.

And Obama hasn't "saved" this country from any "ruin". :rolleyes:
Unless you think it's okay for my kids and future grandkids to face economic slavery under the crushing debt this yahoo has imposed upon them so he can BUY the good will of slackers who would rather suffer a nanny than exercise their liberty.
Obama and his entire administration are a bunch of incompetent bafoons

Christ Miss Stix!! Why do you say such stupid shit? You are better than that. I know you are.

Every president with an exception or two tries to gather the best minds possible to run this organization we call america.

You may not agree with everything Obama does....I don't either..but to say Obama is an incompetant baffon is just unneccesary.

We had incompetant Baffoon recently don't you remember? Let me ask you this... Think back and ask yourself if you would rather have Bush handling the problems that Obama was handed. Can you imagine what would be going on if Bush was still president?

Look I'm not trying to deflect to Bush but...seriously.. The guy pulled us back from the brink of total ruin...are you so steeped in hatred that you cannot see that he fuckin saved our country from a spiral depression that would have made most of us fucking homeless and jobless. Jesus. Give him some credit.

You & Obama are buffoons! The only jobs created were Census workers. The private sector is still loosing jobs. This administration is just debt spending the wheels off our country. The future of this country is in decline & corruption is on the rise.

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