What Retaliation For Soleimani's Death Would Justify War With Iran?

But Trump damned well better have all the bases covered for the inevitable retaliation. And he better have the proof

Proof will only come in the form of learning a summary of some intelligence reports.

That being the case, prepare for the Trump cult to suddenly laud the credibility of our wonderful intelligence agencies.
If the intelligence is true and Soleimani was planning further attacks on Americans, I'm perfectly okay with his killing. It would be negligent not to take him out.

But Trump damned well better have all the bases covered for the inevitable retaliation. And he better have the proof.

So you'd count Soleimani's last murder of an American as "strike one", then wait for strikes two and three? We're not playing baseball with those shitheads. Soleimani got exactly what he deserves, considering how many other Americans he was responsible for murdering because of his IED attacks in Iraq. The Pentagon is saying somewhere between 500-600 already.
I fear it's already past the point of no return. Trump is a tactical retard who only knows escalation.

Yeah because buying them off worked so well for obummer...other than the millions in kick backs he no doubt personally received.

150 billion dollars in cash...which Iran used to kill American soldiers......directed by this asshat..........Trump doesn't tolerate that crap, unlike the other two asshats....
Iran doesn’t need to kill any Americans for there to be war. The CIA could do nice false flag and bingo bango, the Empire’s war profiteers and warmongers will get the war of their dreams.
Do you believe Trump when he says the US had intel that Soleimani was about to perpetrate attacks against Americans?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
I think you really are asking what is Trump up to.

Since he went against the advice of Mattis, McMaster and Kelly and deep sixed the Iran deal, rather than complying with it while lobbying the other coalition/sanction partners to support new sanctions if Iran didn't cease exporting terror, we and Iran have been on a slow dance of increasing belligerent actions. Some Trump met with strength, like the oil attacks on Saudi and the Iraqi attacks on shipping. Or supporting the Saudi's genocide in Yeman. Other times he folded, like in Syria, where Soleimani oversaw and armed the Syrian Hezbollah, allied with Assad and Putin. And he did nothing previously with Hezbollah in Iraq.

Iran and Soleimani were allowed pretty free access in Iraq to Shiaa militias. And those are the guys who did the heavy lifting against ISIS. And ISIS grew out of the detritus of the Sunnis whom we disposed in Iraq, and then paid under Petreaus. When we left officially in 2008, the Iraqi army ceased to exist. And the Shiaa militias assumed power. Along with their patron, Soleimani.

Iran obviously undervalued Trump's reaction to people comparing the Embassy attack to Obama and Benghazi. Now Trump rachets up the game with a drone attack in Iraq targeting just no Soleimani but an real honest to Allah Iraqi general.

Does Trump think Iraq's going to be the new home for the 82AB? Have the Trumpsettes noticed the troops ARE GOING THERE NOT COMING HOME?
Iran doesn’t need to kill any Americans for there to be war. The CIA could do nice false flag and bingo bango, the Empire’s war profiteers and warmongers will get the war of their dreams.
Do you believe Trump when he says the US had intel that Soleimani was about to perpetrate attacks against Americans?
The Pentagon told us that. I believe them.

they told us about yellowcake too -

I have no idea what that is. I'm assuming you think they're lying.

I get so fucking sick and tired of talking to people here who think the government is perpetually lying to us. Sometimes, sure. But answer this: If this Soleimani dude wasn't a terrorist up to his eyeballs in plotting attacks against us, WHY did we flatten him?
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
You would need to have a spine to understand.
Don't dodge the question.
I'm sorry.. A spine is is a series of vertebrae which form the backbone of humans as well as other mammals, birds and reptiles. Here it was meant idiomatically. In other words that that someone has no courage..
But Trump damned well better have all the bases covered for the inevitable retaliation. And he better have the proof

Proof will only come in the form of learning a summary of some intelligence reports.

That being the case, prepare for the Trump cult to suddenly laud the credibility of our wonderful intelligence agencies.

"I heard from multiple uninformed sources that Trumps said, 'I need to distract from this impeachment thingy' just before ordering the illegal assassination of Obama's friend Soleimani"

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?
Trump's idiotic escalation of sending the 82nd Airborne off to the ME will be enough for Iran to take another significant step such as closing the Strait of Hormuz, which will create the tipping point and could easily bring China into the fray because Iran supplies over 10% of China's oil and have pledged support if Iran's supply were compromised, and Iran would obviously accept help from China. That would be a game changer raising the stakes manifold!

Most folks are ignorant of the fact that China has two naval bases in the area; one at Gwdar, Pakistan ~450 miles from the Strait and another in Djibouti ~1800 miles from the Strait. Both naval bases with a planned compliment of the new Chinese Marines, with an announced projected compliment of their Marine force of 135,000 in both locations as of 2+ years ago. Consult the archives of the South China News and the major paper in India (brain cramp on its name) for any updated or older news if curious.

China has pledged support for Iran's defense to protect it's oil supply from Iran. There is much more to this, but this above is a potential threat that has been woefully ignored. China will get involved at some point in Trump's folly and China has a Naval force now that can't be ignored

If the US (The Orange Clown) attacks Iran and/or blockades the Strait of Hormuz we could be in a war that could make Korea & Vietnam look like insignificant differences of opinions.

The 1953 idiocy of Operation Ajax by Eisenhower and Great Britain of regime change and setting up the Puppet Shah has finally bitten the US in the ass big time and with the worst possible POTUS in history is like doubling down on disaster. The assassination of this Iranian General could very possibly bring about catastrophic end results similar to those end results following the assassination of a certain Archduke in 1914.
Iran doesn’t need to kill any Americans for there to be war. The CIA could do nice false flag and bingo bango, the Empire’s war profiteers and warmongers will get the war of their dreams.
Do you believe Trump when he says the US had intel that Soleimani was about to perpetrate attacks against Americans?
The Pentagon told us that. I believe them.

they told us about yellowcake too -

I have no idea what that is. I'm assuming you think they're lying.

I get so fucking sick and tired of talking to people here who think the government is perpetually lying to us. Sometimes, sure. But answer this: If this Soleimani dude wasn't a terrorist up to his eyeballs in plotting attacks against us, WHY did we flatten him?
If the intelligence is true and Soleimani was planning further attacks on Americans, I'm perfectly okay with his killing. It would be negligent not to take him out.

But Trump damned well better have all the bases covered for the inevitable retaliation. And he better have the proof.
Who do you think will have the authority to see that "proof?" My guess is that heads are rolling in Iran right now in their attempt to figure out how that information got to us. Don't you think that's CIA/spook territory?
as far as Trump having his bases covered for the inevitable retaliation, I agree with you.
If the intelligence is true and Soleimani was planning further attacks on Americans, I'm perfectly okay with his killing. It would be negligent not to take him out.

But Trump damned well better have all the bases covered for the inevitable retaliation. And he better have the proof.
Who do you think will have the authority to see that "proof?" My guess is that heads are rolling in Iran right now in their attempt to figure out how that information got to us. Don't you think that's CIA/spook territory?
as far as Trump having his bases covered for the inevitable retaliation, I agree with you.

Or else what? Proof. LOL

What proof did Bush have about WMDs.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?
You would need to have a spine to understand.
Don't dodge the question.
I'm sorry.. A spine is is a series of vertebrae which form the backbone of humans as well as other mammals, birds and reptiles. Here it was meant idiomatically. In other words that that someone has no courage..
Stop dodging the question, coward.
Live Updates: Iran Vows ‘Forceful Revenge’ After U.S. Kills General

How big a splash will Iran's retaliation for the killing of their Qud leader have to be to justify our nation going to war with Iran?

How many dead Americans would you say?

How many will you accept without going to war?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

If they just kill...four...Americans, will that not be enough?

Wasn't enough for Obama to start a war, why do you think it will be enough for Trump to start one?
That's why I specified four.

Is that enough to go to war with Iran? Or will Trump just watch from a drone and give a stand down order?

and I answered your question.
No you didn't.

Yes, I did.

Wasn't enough for Obama to start a war, why do you think it will be enough for Trump to start one?
If the intelligence is true and Soleimani was planning further attacks on Americans, I'm perfectly okay with his killing. It would be negligent not to take him out.

But Trump damned well better have all the bases covered for the inevitable retaliation. And he better have the proof.

So you'd count Soleimani's last murder of an American as "strike one", then wait for strikes two and three? We're not playing baseball with those shitheads. Soleimani got exactly what he deserves, considering how many other Americans he was responsible for murdering because of his IED attacks in Iraq. The Pentagon is saying somewhere between 500-600 already.

The Iranians have been killing and maiming our soldiers since the beginning of the war, in Iraq and Afghanistan....they have supplied and trained the islamists in both countries and actively worked to kill our troops.....

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