What Republican President Has Ever...

Basically if a Demcrat is put into a GOP cabinet..it's a throwaway position..and they generally don't get over the number "1".

"Partisan" President Obama has appointed several Republicans to plumb positions, even after one accepted the position then suddenly refused it.
• George W. Bush: Democrat Norman Mineta, transportation secretary.

• Bill Clinton: Republican William Cohen, defense secretary.

• George H. W. Bush: nada.

• Ronald Reagan: William Bennett was a Democrat when appointed as education secretary in 1985, but the following year, he became a Republican and has remained a conservative Republican voice ever since.

• Jimmy Carter: Republican James Schlesinger, who served as defense secretary under Republican presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, was tapped by Carter as America's first energy secretary.

• Richard Nixon: Daniel Patrick Moynihan served as ambassador to the United Nations, which at the time was not a Cabinet-level position.

PolitiFact | Three Cabinet appointees from opposing party is unmatched

Doesn't happen very often period. As Obama didn't have any executive experience, he had few contacts and had to use others.
What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president
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• George W. Bush: Democrat Norman Mineta, transportation secretary.

• Bill Clinton: Republican William Cohen, defense secretary.

• George H. W. Bush: nada.

• Ronald Reagan: William Bennett was a Democrat when appointed as education secretary in 1985, but the following year, he became a Republican and has remained a conservative Republican voice ever since.

• Jimmy Carter: Republican James Schlesinger, who served as defense secretary under Republican presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, was tapped by Carter as America's first energy secretary.

• Richard Nixon: Daniel Patrick Moynihan served as ambassador to the United Nations, which at the time was not a Cabinet-level position.

PolitiFact | Three Cabinet appointees from opposing party is unmatched

Doesn't happen very often period. As Obama didn't have any executive experience, he had few contacts and had to use others.

Biased MSM does not know much, ey?
Why is there so much expertise missing from the left?

(It was a rhetorical question)
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What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

What Repug POTUS wanted to lose a war before it begins?

It helps when you pick someone with experience. That's why it's difficult to find a Democrat to fill the position. Obama doesn't know anyone who doesn't believe in cuttting and running at the first sign of armed conflict. They only know how to surrender.
Most Democrats only have experience in passing laws dealing with domestic issues. Any Dem would need OJT for the position.

Yeah, but he got Bin Laden.
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What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president

That's "qualified".

Use in a sentence.

"President Obama is more than qualified to be President".
What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president

Somehow who you think is quilified doesn't seem to mean as much if you're too dumb/lazy to even spell the word qualified properly.

I weep for our education system.
What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president

All we have to know is that Hagel is Anti-Zionist. After all, Obummer grew up with a steady dose of Anti-zionism under his Reverend Wright for about 20 years or so. In fact, Rev. Wright used to pass out tracts in favor of Palestinian support.

Geesh. Is that so hard?

In addition, I remember watching Romney and Obama debate foriegn policy. Romney kept agreeing with Obama, only, he claimed he could do it much better.

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Should be a pretty interesting process, Hagel's pissed off both parties over the years.


This is true..

So the real question that should be asked is:

"what President ever nominated a an individual with little support from EITHER party to a cabinet position"

I personally believe this nomination is an example of another administration attempt to dismantle the GOP...

I can see it now...

"the GOP is pushing against a memeber of their own party becuase he was nominated by Obama...another example of how they refuse to work with this President"

Of course, no mention of the fact that the GOP had made their negative sentiments quite clear about Hagel over the past 20 years.
What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president

Somehow who you think is quilified doesn't seem to mean as much if you're too dumb/lazy to even spell the word qualified properly.

I weep for our education system.

I am a well educated individual with a degree in Economics; did quiote well on my SAT's and although I opted to NOT pursue law school, I scored well enough on the LSATs to get into some of the better ones.

However, I am one of the worst culprits as it pertains to typos.
Curious...what makes Hagel qualified to be SoD?

And dont tell me about his two purple hearts. Those are a testament to his willingness to risk his life for his country...as do thousands of memebers of our military...

But few are qualified to be SoD.
What GOP President has ever nominated a Democrat to a position similar to Secretary of Defense?

Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president

That's "qualified".

Use in a sentence.

"President Obama is more than qualified to be President".

If spending more than any other president in our history is a good quality, or being able to divide the nation in order to cause it to self-destruct, or render Congress impotent is desired qualifications then he has plenty of them.
Who cares?...We oppose Hagel based on his positions, not his party plus he's not qulified..Which doesn't matter much to liberals since Obama's not quilified to be president

That's "qualified".

Use in a sentence.

"President Obama is more than qualified to be President".

If spending more than any other president in our history is a good quality, or being able to divide the nation in order to cause it to self-destruct, or render Congress impotent is desired qualifications then he has plenty of them.

Except that's not true.

But FOX won't tell ya that.

That's "qualified".

Use in a sentence.

"President Obama is more than qualified to be President".

If spending more than any other president in our history is a good quality, or being able to divide the nation in order to cause it to self-destruct, or render Congress impotent is desired qualifications then he has plenty of them.

Except that's not true.

But FOX won't tell ya that.


I don't need Fox to tell me Obama is full of shit.

He's constantly giving speeches that proves it.

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