What Rank Is Gay On The Sin Chart?

Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn
you just encourage it.....

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
if you didn't know the eggs we eat are unfertilized, why should I believe you know what the Bible says about life?.....

Not telling women they should have an abortion. I just believe it is their decision, not for strangers to dictate what happens to her body for nine months or the rest of her life.
I think they have the right to make that decision, and it should be a safe clean option, not some back room with a clothes hanger. Nor do I want them to consider suicide because of an unwanted fetus. I want what is best of the woman, she is a living thinking person. A fetus is not, and cannot survive without the woman. If she does not want to carry it, she should not have to.
no need for suicide......no need for a back alley abortion......just put the kid up for adoption instead of killing it......

You fail to understand the part of carrying it for nine months and going through labor. How about the disruption to the woman's life, how it effects her work, her health insurance, her relationships with her family, the need for special diet and nutrition, the effect on her health and ongoing conditions, the need for special clothing, the change in her body and working to get her body back, scaring of her body, swollen legs and feet, time and appointments for OB checkup as well as tests. The emotional effect after giving birth and surrendering a child she is not capable or will to care for.
Only a man would think there is nothing to carrying a child and giving birth for adoption. The screwed up hormones alone, morning sickness and crazy craving at all hour of the day and night along with difficulty sleep, the kicking, the difficult breathing, the pain if it shift to some awkward position, the constant need to go to the bathroom, the distortion of the body and back pain as well as difficulty walking, standing and sitting. What of the breast changes and pain as well as leaking both during and after delivery. I know I went from a 34C to a 44GGG and had to have reduction surgery because of what it was doing to my back after I stopped nursing.
Some women who are not married go through shame and abuse by their church, family and community. Women really are driving to suicide far too often. Some women are actually on bed rest for months before delivery. Women cannot fly and often have travel restriction in the last two months. There are any number of complication that occurs during pregnancy. Women can actually die during child birth. Some women go through 36 or more hours of labor. My daughter went into labor during a hurricane and it was more than a month before electric and water were restored, not easy carrying for a new born in the hospital or at home, which was damaged from the storm. Diapers, food and other supplies were non-existent for a long time and water, dry milk and canned food required hours standing in lines. No gas, no car, no cash, no banks, no credit cards....... What if we had not managed to drive in the dark through the worst of the storm to get her to the hospital that had emergency lights only for the delivery, and no phones or back up for the staff.
You have no idea of what a woman might have to go through or what situation might occur during the nine months. You don't know her mental state, fears, phobias that she might have or develop during the pregnancy. There might be complication because of her age or size. There might be preexisting health issue.

Sure, make the women carry for nine month and give it up for adoption, easy peasy

Are you out of your %^&* head? The women has to make a hard choice, but it should be her choice. I doubt any women take abortion lightly. If that is what is best for her, stay the H out of it.
No one should blankly say she has to carry the fetus and give birth. Every women and situation is unique. She should not be force to do something of that magnitude if she does not want to. No man should make that decision for her, especially one that does not even know her.

Maybe men should consider if they had to live with prostrate cancer for nine month before it could be removed and what complication they might have afterward. A tennis ball size hemorrhoid. A bowling ball size tumor in their stomach. How would they manage for nine month before they could have it remove? Many men are wimps with the flu or some pain. They have no right telling a women what to do with her body.
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Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn
you just encourage it.....

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
if you didn't know the eggs we eat are unfertilized, why should I believe you know what the Bible says about life?.....

Not telling women they should have an abortion. I just believe it is their decision, not for strangers to dictate what happens to her body for nine months or the rest of her life.
I think they have the right to make that decision, and it should be a safe clean option, not some back room with a clothes hanger. Nor do I want them to consider suicide because of an unwanted fetus. I want what is best of the woman, she is a living thinking person. A fetus is not, and cannot survive without the woman. If she does not want to carry it, she should not have to.
no need for suicide......no need for a back alley abortion......just put the kid up for adoption instead of killing it......

You fail to understand the part of carrying it for nine months and going through labor. How about the disruption to the woman's life, how it effects her work, her health insurance, her relationships with her family, the need for special diet and nutrition, the effect on her health and ongoing conditions, the need for special clothing, the change in her body and working to get her body back, scaring of her body, swollen legs and feet, time and appointments for OB checkup as well as tests. The emotional effect after giving birth and surrendering a child she is not capable or will to care for.
Only a man would think there is nothing to carrying a child and giving birth for adoption. The screwed up hormones alone, morning sickness and crazy craving at all hour of the day and night along with difficulty sleep, the kicking, the difficult breathing, the pain if it shift to some awkward position, the constant need to go to the bathroom, the distortion of the body and back pain as well as difficulty walking, standing and sitting. What of the breast changes and pain as well as leaking both during and after delivery. I know I went from a 34C to a 44GGG and had to have reduction surgery because of what it was doing to my back after I stopped nursing.
Some women who are not married go through shame and abuse by their church, family and community. Women really are driving to suicide far too often. Some women are actually on bed rest for months before delivery. Women cannot fly and often have travel restriction in the last two months. There are any number of complication that occurs during pregnancy. Women can actually die during child birth. Some women go through 36 or more hours of labor. My daughter went into labor during a hurricane and it was more than a month before electric and water were restored, not easy carrying for a new born in the hospital or at home, which was damaged from the storm. Diapers, food and other supplies were non-existent for a long time and water, dry milk and canned food required hours standing in lines. No gas, no car, no cash, no banks, no credit cards....... What if we had not managed to drive in the dark through the worst of the storm to get her to the hospital that had emergency lights only for the delivery, and no phones or back up for the staff.
You have no idea of what a woman might have to go through or what situation might occur during the nine months. You don't know her mental state, fears, phobias that she might have or develop during the pregnancy. There might be complication because of her age or size. There might be preexisting health issue.

Sure, make the women carry for nine month and give it up for adoption, easy peasy

Are you out of your %^&* head? The women has to make a hard choice, but it should be her choice. I doubt any women take abortion lightly. If that is what is best for her, stay the H out of it.
No one should blankly say she has to carry the fetus and give birth. Every women and situation is unique. She should not be force to do something of that magnitude if she does not want to. No man should make that decision for her, especially one that does not even know her.

Maybe men should consider if they had to live with prostrate cancer for nine month before it could be removed and what complication they might have afterward. A tennis ball size hemorrhoid. A bowling ball size tumor in their stomach. How would they manage for nine month before they could have it remove? Many men are wimps with the flu or some pain. They have no right telling a women what to do with her body.
its all a question of balance.....against that you have what it means to the child......its dead....dead.....true, mom doesn't have to put up with nine months of interrupted sleep, but the child is dead......mom doesn't have to put up with back pains, but the child is dead......mom doesn't have to put up with phobias, but the child is dead......mom doesn't have to go to the bathroom as often, but the child is dead......
Back on topic people................we're supposed to be talking about the level of sin that homosexuality is, not abortion.

And for the record.................anytime in the 1st trimester should be allowed for abortion if it is the woman's choice, because by the 3rd month, you should know you are pregnant, will have had time to decide if you are capable of bringing up a child, or if adoption is an acceptable option for you.

After that? Only if complications are going to result in a stillborn, or it threatens the life of the mother.

A fetus isn't a human any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Yes, the fetus will eventually grow into a human, and yes, if you follow the blueprints, you can build a house.

But fetuses aren't humans any more than a set of blueprints is a house.
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.
I didn't read other posts yet.

If you are talking about the sin from the Torah, the sin is a really bad one.

It's placed right next to bestiality.

Also in the list of sexual sins it's one of the only ones called an "abomination".

So it would be very high on the list of sexual sins, perhaps the top of the list.
Wouldn't there need to be a sin chart first?

All sin leads to physical and spiritual death.

All sin can be overcome by the atonement of Jesus Christ.

I agree that covetting is a major struggle with our modern society. Look how many people want to take money from people to have it redistributed by corrupt politicians trying to buy your vote.

P.S. (THE SIN CHART WAS THE 10 COMMANDMENTS) I typed this in all caps in style like I was whispering as if it was a big secret.

Judgment and Bigotry isn't a sin. TRUST ME!

I'm simply having fun poking at small brains with a stick at this point.
Gossiping about others is a sin.
There isn't a single place in the Bible that says explicitly that it is a "sin" for 2 guys to be together. There is a place where it calls it an "abomination", but not sin.

There are exactly ZERO references in the Bible about women being with other women.

Me? I personally think that if you follow the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the 10 Commandments, you're pretty much good to go to enter Heaven, as both of them say basically the same thing.

And....................I think the Commandment that people have the most problem following? "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
I had the biggest problem with the honor thy mother and father thing.
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Of all the towns and cities God told the Israelites to lay siege to, go to war with, or destroy and pillage, none were because its inhabitants were gay. Even the much cited Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for that but rather inhospitality and selfishness. And the great flood was for robbery and violence.

If there's a 'sin chart' or hierarchy of sins, being gay would be somewhere at the bottom.
Sodom and gomorroah were mainly destroyed because of homosexuality and other sexual perverted acts.

That's where the word "sodomize" comes from.
Try this for a thought. Do you like eggs? You are taking an undeveloped egg away from the hen. You fry or scramble it. The hen will never know that egg or see it hatch. You are basically aborting the hen's egg.
you do know they don't sell fertilized eggs in the grocery store, right?.......


Most commercially farmed chicken eggs intended for human consumption are unfertilized, since the laying hens are kept without roosters. Fertile eggs can be eaten, with little nutritional difference to the unfertilized. Fertile eggs will not contain a developed embryo, as refrigeration temperatures inhibit cellular growth for an extended time. Sometimes an embryo is allowed to develop but eaten before hatching as with balut.

I've tried them, an acquired taste. When traveling I always tried new foods. There are at least a dozen grocery stores locally that sell fertilized and even balut.
Trader Joe's has pasture-raised, free-range, organic eggs and cage-free.
so you've acquired a taste for eating fertilized eggs and killing unborn children........habits are hard to break.......

Have ever had caviar or roe?
I'm not killing the unborn, I believe women have the right over their own body to make medical decisions. It should not your business. You don't have the right to tell her she can't have the cells removed in the first few month, or take medicine to induce the body to reject it in the first weeks.
Get out of her bedroom and her womb. What she believes is best for and any fetus should not be your concern.

You have a hard time with context. If you read the bible the same way only taking a phrase here and there, no wonder you are so wrong about faith, or life
The problem is that she doesn't have the right to kill another life unless her life is in danger from that other life.
There isn't a single place in the Bible that says explicitly that it is a "sin" for 2 guys to be together. There is a place where it calls it an "abomination", but not sin.

There are exactly ZERO references in the Bible about women being with other women.

Me? I personally think that if you follow the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the 10 Commandments, you're pretty much good to go to enter Heaven, as both of them say basically the same thing.

And....................I think the Commandment that people have the most problem following? "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
I had the biggest problem with the honor thy mother and father thing.
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Of all the towns and cities God told the Israelites to lay siege to, go to war with, or destroy and pillage, none were because its inhabitants were gay. Even the much cited Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for that but rather inhospitality and selfishness. And the great flood was for robbery and violence.

If there's a 'sin chart' or hierarchy of sins, being gay would be somewhere at the bottom.
Sodom and gomorroah were mainly destroyed because of homosexuality and other sexual perverted acts.

That's where the word "sodomize" comes from.

It was the lack of tribal hospitality that the cities were lacking. strangers are supposed to be protected in the tents of a tribe.
It was not sodomy, but sex against others as in rape. The term sodomy came later from the latin, not the hebrew.

It is a latin, christian, interpretation against the dead sea town.

Sedom means strength and Amora means deep water. These are the hebrew names and meanings.

Why must people apply latin or worse english terms to the hebrew text? Why must they corrupt the history and meaning of the OT?

Why do they corrupt the new?
A fetus isn't a human any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Yes, the fetus will eventually grow into a human, and yes, if you follow the blueprints, you can build a house.

But fetuses aren't humans any more than a set of blueprints is a house.
actually, their DNA shows you to be wrong......
A fetus isn't a human any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Yes, the fetus will eventually grow into a human, and yes, if you follow the blueprints, you can build a house.

But fetuses aren't humans any more than a set of blueprints is a house.
actually, their DNA shows you to be wrong......

You mean while they are a cluster of cell? While they are tadpoles? While they are lizards? While they are incapable of living outside the womb? While the mother's body goes through morning sickness because her body considers a foreign virus that invaded?
A fetus isn't a human any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Yes, the fetus will eventually grow into a human, and yes, if you follow the blueprints, you can build a house.

But fetuses aren't humans any more than a set of blueprints is a house.
actually, their DNA shows you to be wrong......

You mean while they are a cluster of cell? While they are tadpoles? While they are lizards? While they are incapable of living outside the womb? While the mother's body goes through morning sickness because her body considers a foreign virus that invaded?
yes, I mean they are human when they are a cluster of human cells on the path to being an adult human....they are never frogs, they are never lizards, they are never a virus.......we have learned much about biology in the last fifty years.......it is a shame you chose to ignore it........
A fetus isn't a human any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Yes, the fetus will eventually grow into a human, and yes, if you follow the blueprints, you can build a house.

But fetuses aren't humans any more than a set of blueprints is a house.
actually, their DNA shows you to be wrong......

You mean while they are a cluster of cell? While they are tadpoles? While they are lizards? While they are incapable of living outside the womb? While the mother's body goes through morning sickness because her body considers a foreign virus that invaded?
yes, I mean they are human when they are a cluster of human cells on the path to being an adult human....they are never frogs, they are never lizards, they are never a virus.......we have learned much about biology in the last fifty years.......it is a shame you chose to ignore it........

Ah, an "instant baby'ist" type of religious extremist. Sorry, but wonens rights and health care need to a part of any discussion regarding conception and child bearing. This has already been addressed in Roe vs. Wade and quite clearly, most Americans do not support womb control sanctioned by religious extremists. Even fewer Americans believe in the religious extremist version of the "instant baby" notion where conception produces a person instantaneously.
This is not a viable infant yet. Even at the earliest stage where organs and bone like structure begins, it can not be viewed as a viable human being. It survives as a parasite leaching nutrients fro the host/woman. It could not survive without the host.

Until this phase, a woman has a right to choose.

Almost every creature looks like this at some point in development. It has yet to become an infant. It is not much bigger than a bean.

If anything happens to a women the fetus dies. Miscarriage can happen at any point. There is not guarantee that once fertilized an egg will grow to a viable infant. Some 20% miscarry, but are you going to charge a woman with murder because her body rejected the fetus?

Unborn victim act does not apply to abortion, accidents or medical necessity, only to a pregnant women being killed during a crime. It also depends on the state of the pregnancy.
A fetus isn't a human any more than a set of blueprints is a house. Yes, the fetus will eventually grow into a human, and yes, if you follow the blueprints, you can build a house.

But fetuses aren't humans any more than a set of blueprints is a house.
actually, their DNA shows you to be wrong......

You mean while they are a cluster of cell? While they are tadpoles? While they are lizards? While they are incapable of living outside the womb? While the mother's body goes through morning sickness because her body considers a foreign virus that invaded?
yes, I mean they are human when they are a cluster of human cells on the path to being an adult human....they are never frogs, they are never lizards, they are never a virus.......we have learned much about biology in the last fifty years.......it is a shame you chose to ignore it........

Ah, an "instant baby'ist" type of religious extremist. Sorry, but wonens rights and health care need to a part of any discussion regarding conception and child bearing. This has already been addressed in Roe vs. Wade and quite clearly, most Americans do not support womb control sanctioned by religious extremists. Even fewer Americans believe in the religious extremist version of the "instant baby" notion where conception produces a person instantaneously.
you want to kill unborn children and you call ME an extremist?......
Until this phase, a woman has a right to choose.
yes she does....but not because the unborn child is not a human....only because the courts applied an arbitrary standard to extending the rights other humans have to the unborn......that is what needs to be changed, as the constitution forbids arbitrary standards.......
There isn't a single place in the Bible that says explicitly that it is a "sin" for 2 guys to be together. There is a place where it calls it an "abomination", but not sin.

There are exactly ZERO references in the Bible about women being with other women.

Me? I personally think that if you follow the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the 10 Commandments, you're pretty much good to go to enter Heaven, as both of them say basically the same thing.

And....................I think the Commandment that people have the most problem following? "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
I had the biggest problem with the honor thy mother and father thing.
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Of all the towns and cities God told the Israelites to lay siege to, go to war with, or destroy and pillage, none were because its inhabitants were gay. Even the much cited Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for that but rather inhospitality and selfishness. And the great flood was for robbery and violence.

If there's a 'sin chart' or hierarchy of sins, being gay would be somewhere at the bottom.
Sodom and gomorroah were mainly destroyed because of homosexuality and other sexual perverted acts.

That's where the word "sodomize" comes from.

It was the lack of tribal hospitality that the cities were lacking. strangers are supposed to be protected in the tents of a tribe.
It was not sodomy, but sex against others as in rape. The term sodomy came later from the latin, not the hebrew.

It is a latin, christian, interpretation against the dead sea town.

Sedom means strength and Amora means deep water. These are the hebrew names and meanings.

Why must people apply latin or worse english terms to the hebrew text? Why must they corrupt the history and meaning of the OT?

Why do they corrupt the new?

They wanted to fuck the angels.

Genesis - Chapter 19 Parshah Vayeira - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible
4When they had not yet retired, and the people of the city, the people of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, the entire populace from every end[of the city]. דטֶרֶם יִשְׁכָּבוּ וְאַנְשֵׁי הָעִיר אַנְשֵׁי סְדֹם נָסַבּוּ עַל הַבַּיִת מִנַּעַר וְעַד זָקֵן כָּל הָעָם מִקָּצֶה:

5And they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, and let us be intimate with them."
2 Peter 2 7 and if he rescued Lot a righteous man who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless

And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
2 Peter 2:7

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary7.
just—righteous.filthy conversation—literally, "behavior in licentiousness" (Ge 19:5).the wicked—Greek, "lawless": who set at defiance the laws of nature, as well as man and God. The Lord reminds us of Lot's faithfulness, but not of his sin in the cave: so in Rahab's case.

And Genesis 19:5 reads:
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Whereare the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
Genesis 19:5

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 5. - And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Josephus supposes them to have been of beautiful countenances ('Ant.,' 1:11, 3), which excited the lust of the Sodomites, and caused them to assault Lot's house with shameful cries. Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. The sin here euphemistically referred to (cf. Judges 19:22) was exceedingly prevalent among the Canaanites (Leviticus 18:22) and other heathen nations (Romans 1:27). Under the law of Moses it was punishable by death.

Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him.
Judges 19:22

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 22. - Making their hearts merry - as in vers. 6, 9, and in Judges 16:25; Ruth 3:7. But there is nothing in the expression implying any excess in drinking. Bring forth the man. The abandoned character of the men appears in this, that not only did they offer no hospitality to the stranger themselves, but were ready to violate the sanctity of the hospitality of the old man's house by their brutal violence. There must have been a fearful absence of all law and order and government when such deeds could be done without any interference on the part of magistrate or elder or ruler of any kind. The singular resemblance of the whole narrative to that in Genesis 19. suggests that the Israelites by their contact with the accursed Canaanites had reduced themselves to the level of Sodom and Gomorrah. Surely this shows the wisdom of the command to destroy utterly the workers of abomination. Sons of Belial. See Judges 20:13, where the same Hebrew phrase is rendered children of Belial. Belial in this common phrase is not a proper name, but a noun meaning worthlessness. Sons or men of Belial means worthless fellows.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 18:22

Pulpit CommentaryVerse 22. - The fourth prohibition forbids the sin of Sodom (see Genesis 19:5; Judges 11:22; Romans 1:27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10). The penalty is death (Leviticus 20:13). Gill's Exposition of the Entire BibleThou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind,.... By carnal knowledge of them, and carnal copulation with them, and mixing bodies in like manner: this is the sin commonly called sodomy, from the inhabitants of Sodom, greatly addicted to it, for which their city was destroyed by fire: those that are guilty of this sin, are, by the apostle, called "abusers of themselves with mankind", 1 Corinthians 6:9, it is abomination; it is so to God, as the above instance of his vengeance shows, and ought to be abominable to men, as being not only contrary to the law of God, but even contrary to nature itself, and what is never to be observed among brute creatures.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not lack of hospitality but rather the sin of men having sex with men. Sodomy. The word Sodom means "confusion". Could there be any greater confusion than what we witness in those who are committing the sin of homosexual acts? Look at the latest news of a man who sought medical procedures to change himself into a woman and is now being put on the cover of a magazine - posing as a woman. Truly there is no greater definition of confusion.
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2 Peter 2 7 and if he rescued Lot a righteous man who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless

And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
2 Peter 2:7

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary7.
just—righteous.filthy conversation—literally, "behavior in licentiousness" (Ge 19:5).the wicked—Greek, "lawless": who set at defiance the laws of nature, as well as man and God. The Lord reminds us of Lot's faithfulness, but not of his sin in the cave: so in Rahab's case.

And Genesis 19:5 reads:
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Whereare the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
Genesis 19:5

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 5. - And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Josephus supposes them to have been of beautiful countenances ('Ant.,' 1:11, 3), which excited the lust of the Sodomites, and caused them to assault Lot's house with shameful cries. Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. The sin here euphemistically referred to (cf. Judges 19:22) was exceedingly prevalent among the Canaanites (Leviticus 18:22) and other heathen nations (Romans 1:27). Under the law of Moses it was punishable by death.

Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him.
Judges 19:22

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 22. - Making their hearts merry - as in vers. 6, 9, and in Judges 16:25; Ruth 3:7. But there is nothing in the expression implying any excess in drinking. Bring forth the man. The abandoned character of the men appears in this, that not only did they offer no hospitality to the stranger themselves, but were ready to violate the sanctity of the hospitality of the old man's house by their brutal violence. There must have been a fearful absence of all law and order and government when such deeds could be done without any interference on the part of magistrate or elder or ruler of any kind. The singular resemblance of the whole narrative to that in Genesis 19. suggests that the Israelites by their contact with the accursed Canaanites had reduced themselves to the level of Sodom and Gomorrah. Surely this shows the wisdom of the command to destroy utterly the workers of abomination. Sons of Belial. See Judges 20:13, where the same Hebrew phrase is rendered children of Belial. Belial in this common phrase is not a proper name, but a noun meaning worthlessness. Sons or men of Belial means worthless fellows.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 18:22

Pulpit CommentaryVerse 22. - The fourth prohibition forbids the sin of Sodom (see Genesis 19:5; Judges 11:22; Romans 1:27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10). The penalty is death (Leviticus 20:13). Gill's Exposition of the Entire BibleThou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind,.... By carnal knowledge of them, and carnal copulation with them, and mixing bodies in like manner: this is the sin commonly called sodomy, from the inhabitants of Sodom, greatly addicted to it, for which their city was destroyed by fire: those that are guilty of this sin, are, by the apostle, called "abusers of themselves with mankind", 1 Corinthians 6:9, it is abomination; it is so to God, as the above instance of his vengeance shows, and ought to be abominable to men, as being not only contrary to the law of God, but even contrary to nature itself, and what is never to be observed among brute creatures.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not lack of hospitality but rather the sin of men having sex with men. Sodomy. The word Sodom means "confusion". Could there be any greater confusion than what we witness in those who are committing the sin of homosexual acts? Look at the latest news of a man who sought medical procedures to change himself into a woman and is now being put on the cover of a magazine - posing as a woman. Truly there is no greater definition of confusion.

Jenner did not feel comfortable in his skin as a man. He has struggled with it for a long time. Why should he suffer the rest if his life?
He is not a drag queen, he has changed his body into what he feels like inside. It takes a lot of determination and he looks good. I hope he is happy.

You really have a problem with other people. Perhaps the real problem in not everyone else but you. Not your business to judge, dictate or condemn the lives if other people. With your attitude, you have enough problems. Stop throwing stones.

You are quoting commentary from 1871? You do understand we are in the 21st century now? Most of what they say is not even their own work, but the quotes and opinions of others.

What cave did you just crawl out of???
Yanno.................to tell the truth..............for being 65, Bruce Jenner makes a pretty decent looking lady. Shit.................if I saw her in a bar, I'd probably send her a drink to see if she'd like to chat.
2 Peter 2 7 and if he rescued Lot a righteous man who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless

And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
2 Peter 2:7

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary7.
just—righteous.filthy conversation—literally, "behavior in licentiousness" (Ge 19:5).the wicked—Greek, "lawless": who set at defiance the laws of nature, as well as man and God. The Lord reminds us of Lot's faithfulness, but not of his sin in the cave: so in Rahab's case.

And Genesis 19:5 reads:
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Whereare the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
Genesis 19:5

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 5. - And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Josephus supposes them to have been of beautiful countenances ('Ant.,' 1:11, 3), which excited the lust of the Sodomites, and caused them to assault Lot's house with shameful cries. Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. The sin here euphemistically referred to (cf. Judges 19:22) was exceedingly prevalent among the Canaanites (Leviticus 18:22) and other heathen nations (Romans 1:27). Under the law of Moses it was punishable by death.

Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him.
Judges 19:22

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 22. - Making their hearts merry - as in vers. 6, 9, and in Judges 16:25; Ruth 3:7. But there is nothing in the expression implying any excess in drinking. Bring forth the man. The abandoned character of the men appears in this, that not only did they offer no hospitality to the stranger themselves, but were ready to violate the sanctity of the hospitality of the old man's house by their brutal violence. There must have been a fearful absence of all law and order and government when such deeds could be done without any interference on the part of magistrate or elder or ruler of any kind. The singular resemblance of the whole narrative to that in Genesis 19. suggests that the Israelites by their contact with the accursed Canaanites had reduced themselves to the level of Sodom and Gomorrah. Surely this shows the wisdom of the command to destroy utterly the workers of abomination. Sons of Belial. See Judges 20:13, where the same Hebrew phrase is rendered children of Belial. Belial in this common phrase is not a proper name, but a noun meaning worthlessness. Sons or men of Belial means worthless fellows.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 18:22

Pulpit CommentaryVerse 22. - The fourth prohibition forbids the sin of Sodom (see Genesis 19:5; Judges 11:22; Romans 1:27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10). The penalty is death (Leviticus 20:13). Gill's Exposition of the Entire BibleThou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind,.... By carnal knowledge of them, and carnal copulation with them, and mixing bodies in like manner: this is the sin commonly called sodomy, from the inhabitants of Sodom, greatly addicted to it, for which their city was destroyed by fire: those that are guilty of this sin, are, by the apostle, called "abusers of themselves with mankind", 1 Corinthians 6:9, it is abomination; it is so to God, as the above instance of his vengeance shows, and ought to be abominable to men, as being not only contrary to the law of God, but even contrary to nature itself, and what is never to be observed among brute creatures.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not lack of hospitality but rather the sin of men having sex with men. Sodomy. The word Sodom means "confusion". Could there be any greater confusion than what we witness in those who are committing the sin of homosexual acts? Look at the latest news of a man who sought medical procedures to change himself into a woman and is now being put on the cover of a magazine - posing as a woman. Truly there is no greater definition of confusion.

Jenner did not feel comfortable in his skin as a man. He has struggled with it for a long time. Why should he suffer the rest if his life?
He is not a drag queen, he has changed his body into what he feels like inside. It takes a lot of determination and he looks good. I hope he is happy.

You really have a problem with other people. Perhaps the real problem in not everyone else but you. Not your business to judge, dictate or condemn the lives if other people. With your attitude, you have enough problems. Stop throwing stones.

You are quoting commentary from 1871? You do understand we are in the 21st century now? Most of what they say is not even their own work, but the quotes and opinions of others.

What cave did you just crawl out of???

The Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever, Aris. So is the interpretation. It matters not that it was written in 1871. The truth is the truth irregardless of time. Which is why it stands the test of time while false teachings, latest fads - do not. Have a nice evening.

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