What my hygienist said.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
I asked my dental hygienist how long she had been at it. "Thirty years" she said. I asked her what has changed over the years. "Technology, especially the use of X-rays to diagnose problems" she replied. I asked her if people's dental hygiene had changed. She answered, "Nope, people still don't take care of their teeth."
I made a dental hygienist cry years ago.....No, and I don't have Brit teeth. ;)

I went to a oral surgeon's office for a bone graft repair above a eye tooth, the hygienist came in and said she was gonna clean my teeth and take x-rays.

I told her that they cleaned my teeth two days before and I had brought the x-rays the surgeon had requested with me and that they were with the receptionist.

She said that is what she had been ordered to do and started to put one of those lead coats on me. I asked her to check with the surgeon about it and the bitch busted out in tears and started wailing.....I'm talking real wailing!

The surgeon ran in wondering WTF was going on while this wild-woman was running up and down the hallway wailing no-end, she had totally lost it!

Some woman that worked there took her in the back and you could still hear her wailing in the back.

I explained what had transpired to the surgeon and after a bit he came back and said it was a mistake on her part and that her BF had left her that morning and she was upset and that we could get on with the procedure.

I told him in no uncertain terms that there was no way I wanted that woman around me with pointy objects. He sent her home to calm down and another woman helped him.

He did not charge me for the procedure but asked I not spread what happened around. ;)
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I made a dental hygienist cry years ago.....No, and I don't have Brit teeth. ;)

I went to a oral surgeon's office for a bone graft repair above a eye tooth, the hygienist came in and said she was gonna clean my teeth and take x-rays.

I told her that they cleaned my teeth two days before and I had brought the x-rays the surgeon had requested with me and that they were with the receptionist.

She said that is what she had been ordered to do and started to put one of those lead coats on me. I asked her to check with the surgeon about it and the bitch busted out in tears and started wailing.....I'm talking real wailing!

The surgeon ran in wondering WTF was going on while this wild-woman was running up and down the hallway wailing no-end, she had totally lost it!

Some woman that worked there took her in the back and you could still hear her wailing in the back.

I explained what had transpired to the surgeon and after a bit he came back and said it was a mistake on her part and that her BF had left her that morning and she was upset and that we could get on with the procedure.

I told him in no uncertain terms that there was no way I wanted that woman around me with pointy objects. He sent her home to calm down and another woman helped him.

He did not charge me for the procedure but asked I not spread what happened around. ;)
Gee. Glad you aren't spreading it.:D

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