What must Israel do to "end the occupation"? (solutions thread)

The UNGA does not have the powers to "allocate" land. If you want to go back that far you have to go back to the Jewish National Homeland's borders - which is all of Palestine except Jordan.

But, in the spirit of this thread, end the occupation means the forced implementation of 181, then?

Typical hasbara troll tactic. This is what I actually wrote:

To be clear, that's a Hasbara troll response, and no, just a return to the lands it was allocated by the U.N. and which it declared sovereignty over when it declared statehood.

Look at your own declaration of statehood; you declared sovereignty based on Resolution 181, regardless of UNGA "powers" or lack thereof.
Indeed, Israel did mention resolution 181 in its declaration of independence. Resolution 181 states that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory that becomes Israel will be Israeli citizens. This is also the rule of state succession under international law. This applies to all Palestinians who became refugees.

This means that the right to return is not about immigration, it is about citizenship.
Indeed, 181 was never implemented. Did you forget?
True, but it is still the rule of state succession in international law.

There's a reason why no one comes to you for interpretation of international law.
Indeed, they do not like what they hear.
Typical hasbara troll tactic. This is what I actually wrote:

Look at your own declaration of statehood; you declared sovereignty based on Resolution 181, regardless of UNGA "powers" or lack thereof.
Indeed, Israel did mention resolution 181 in its declaration of independence. Resolution 181 states that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory that becomes Israel will be Israeli citizens. This is also the rule of state succession under international law. This applies to all Palestinians who became refugees.

This means that the right to return is not about immigration, it is about citizenship.
Indeed, 181 was never implemented. Did you forget?
True, but it is still the rule of state succession in international law.

There's a reason why no one comes to you for interpretation of international law.
Indeed, they do not like what they hear.

Indeed, no one likes to hear contradictory rambling.
What must Israel do to end the occupation?

Remove the occupiers (Muslim-Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank) and deposit them on the East Side of the Jordan where they belong.

In Arab Palestine... a.k.a. Jordan.

Beyond the borders of Eretz Yisrael.

With gentleness and financial compensation and aid if they'll go peaceably.

With overwhelming deadly force and lightning speed if they will not.

The occupiers came from Europe you moron.
Calm yourself, my little Muslim-Arab pissant...

And, no... I don't believe for a minute that the Muslim-Arab squatters on the territory of Eretz Yisrael came from Europe.

Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.

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What must Israel do to end the occupation?

Remove the occupiers (Muslim-Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank) and deposit them on the East Side of the Jordan where they belong.

In Arab Palestine... a.k.a. Jordan.

Beyond the borders of Eretz Yisrael.

With gentleness and financial compensation and aid if they'll go peaceably.

With overwhelming deadly force and lightning speed if they will not.

The occupiers came from Europe you moron.
Calm yourself, my little Muslim-Arab pissant...

And, no... I don't believe for a minute that the Muslim-Arab squatters on the territory of Eretz Yisrael came from Europe.

Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.


There are rudimentary posting skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you, maggot.

But, given that I read your post let's get afew things straight.

1. The European Jews are Europeans, they have hardly any genetic relationship to the indigenous people of Palestine whose desendants are, amazingly, the people that the Europeans found living there when they began establishing their colony. Links to scientific journals reporting the European genetic heritage of the European Jews have been provided ad infinitum. As far as the Muslims and Christians of Palestine, every non-partisan and even Zionist partisans know the truth.

From www.eretzyisroel.org, far from a pro-Palestinian website:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam..."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

2. Posting propaganda maps drawn in 2005 is entertaining and shows how weak your attempt at rationalizing the justness of the European colonization of Palestine. It was simply a land grab combined with ethnic cleansing.

3. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were confident that their military superiority would allow them to maintain their rule over the non-whites. While it may take more time, as white brainwashed Christians will support Jews over their own kind, the result will be the same in Israel as they were in those other settler colonies. Eventually, the native people will regain their rights to their land. The question is, which of the two scenarios will the Jews earn for themselves. It depends on them and how they behave.

Since there is no likely Pali Leadership to emerge here.

True. The west tried to hold free and fair elections to let the Palestinian people decide who they wanted to lead them under international supervision. These elections were internationally recognised to have been both free and fair but the only problem was that the Zionists didn't get the result they wanted; Fatah lost, Hamas won. Fatah was then told to engineer a coup (which would have failed had the Zionists not stepped in). Now we have Hamas and Fatah at each other's throats; a result the Zionists can live with as there's no-one they need "negotiate" with, but then the Zionists have never wanted to negotiate anything, peace means they won't be able to expand any more and might actually be forced to give up some land.

Not interested in how Fatah goes to Civil War on the instructions of their "Zionist masters".. :uhoh3:

Fact is -- the ONLY HOPE for a sovereign Palestine is if it's done FOR THEM and held in trust until they get their act together and decide that the FUTURE is more important to their kids than the past...

Who is going to do "the doing for them" and the "holding in trust"? Do the Palestinians get a say in deciding that? Once upon a time, what you are suggesting was called a "Mandate". The opinions of the Palestinians were ignored then as well and my, didn't that work out well for everyone? :uhoh3:

The Protectorate would be administered by "the neighborhood" with cooperation from the entire Arab League. So the answer is the governments of Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, (Syria) and Israel. No need for any law and order under the SOLE jurisdiction of Israel. I'm sure that Western countries would be falling over themselves to help with support and infrastructure development in a project designed to BUILD a Levant trade hub with Palestine as the center of it.

When and if the Palestinians step up -- they can supply municipal, regional leadership for the first 10 years. Palestinians NEED to endorse a plan that gives them economic life and security and stop fighting over who is the baddest ass when it comes to claims on Israeli land.

It's one of those "home makeover" TV reality shows. But on a slightly larger scale. :up: If they DON'T respond to a genuine display of world-wide aid and assistance in creating a homeland -- then they are permanently fucked.

Jordan at the moment has enough internal and external problems without adding a "mandatory" role for Palestine. Jordan's tribal core which keeps the Hashemite monarchy in power is restive because of economic austerity and government correuption; Jordan's "ex-palestinian" population is an underclass often at odds with the tribal core; then there's widespread unease at Jordan allowing foreign militaries, especially Zionist Israelis, to either enter or overfly Jordanian territory, factors that have seen a growth in Salafist radicalisation in the country, and then of course there's the ever present risk of Jordanian involvement in Syria. Egypt is far more concerned repressing any political opposition to the new dictatorship and has similar problems to Jordan, the regime is financed by Saudi Arabia to keep the country afloat, so the last thing al-Sissi wants is a potential quagmire involvement with Zionist israel and Palestine. Lebanon has enough problem governing itself, never mind looking after anyone else, Syria? enough said. Zionist Israel has absolutely no interest in creating a Palestinian state on it's borders, none. It has sabotaged every attempt to create one since 1948; Zionists want it all with the Palestinians "removed". Your "home makeover" scenario will have all the "tradesmen" either fighting each other or not turning up; you will create a bigger, more intractable mess than that which exists now.

And YET, the depth of talks and cooperation between Israel and Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon are more robust than ever. There's even mutual defense planning and cooperation. Not everyone "in the neighborhood" is a die-hard anti-Zionist as you are. And no matter how you paint the picture, NONE of Israels' neighbors want THEIR palestinian issues to persist for ANOTHER 50 years. It's in their interests to re-design the "problem" so that there is a neighborhood solution that HAS a future plan. And if you can get sweeten the deal by "pacifying the Intifada" with a WORLD - WIDE effort to boost economies and trade -- a LOT of cooperation can happen.

What does it cost those 3 neighbors NOW to keep 12 or 15 crappy tent cities secure and isolated for decades? What does it cost Egypt to keep Hamas and ISIS out of the Sinai? Time to get them involved. The PROBLEM is NOT Israel's alone..
What must Israel do to end the occupation?

Remove the occupiers (Muslim-Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank) and deposit them on the East Side of the Jordan where they belong.

In Arab Palestine... a.k.a. Jordan.

Beyond the borders of Eretz Yisrael.

With gentleness and financial compensation and aid if they'll go peaceably.

With overwhelming deadly force and lightning speed if they will not.

The occupiers came from Europe you moron.
Calm yourself, my little Muslim-Arab pissant...

And, no... I don't believe for a minute that the Muslim-Arab squatters on the territory of Eretz Yisrael came from Europe.

Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.


There are rudimentary posting skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you, maggot.

But, given that I read your post let's get afew things straight.

1. The European Jews are Europeans, they have hardly any genetic relationship to the indigenous people of Palestine whose desendants are, amazingly, the people that the Europeans found living there when they began establishing their colony. Links to scientific journals reporting the European genetic heritage of the European Jews have been provided ad infinitum. As far as the Muslims and Christians of Palestine, every non-partisan and even Zionist partisans know the truth.

From www.eretzyisroel.org, far from a pro-Palestinian website:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam..."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

2. Posting propaganda maps drawn in 2005 is entertaining and shows how weak your attempt at rationalizing the justness of the European colonization of Palestine. It was simply a land grab combined with ethnic cleansing.

3. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were confident that their military superiority would allow them to maintain their rule over the non-whites. While it may take more time, as white brainwashed Christians will support Jews over their own kind, the result will be the same in Israel as they were in those other settler colonies. Eventually, the native people will regain their rights to their land. The question is, which of the two scenarios will the Jews earn for themselves. It depends on them and how they behave.


None of that has a bearing on a solution given the REALITIES of this Millenium. You're of NO help here at all. And hopelessly lost in ancient demographics and irrelevant factoids.

And those refugees IMPRISONED in 5 or 6 countries are not impressed with your ability to get them out of the camps. If it's Apartheid to you when it's in Israel -- Then by your faulty definition, it's ALSO APARTHEID in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. But it's not Apartheid if the target population doesn't WANT to be citizens. This is NOT a solely Israeli issue to fix.
Ignoring those assholes who go for ethnic cleasing, the only, only rightful solution will be a REFERENDUM on the sedtiny of the "occupied territories". For some reason, the leadership is terribly afraid of a referendum, niether left nor right will take the brave step to make this happen.
True. The west tried to hold free and fair elections to let the Palestinian people decide who they wanted to lead them under international supervision. These elections were internationally recognised to have been both free and fair but the only problem was that the Zionists didn't get the result they wanted; Fatah lost, Hamas won. Fatah was then told to engineer a coup (which would have failed had the Zionists not stepped in). Now we have Hamas and Fatah at each other's throats; a result the Zionists can live with as there's no-one they need "negotiate" with, but then the Zionists have never wanted to negotiate anything, peace means they won't be able to expand any more and might actually be forced to give up some land.

Not interested in how Fatah goes to Civil War on the instructions of their "Zionist masters".. :uhoh3:

Fact is -- the ONLY HOPE for a sovereign Palestine is if it's done FOR THEM and held in trust until they get their act together and decide that the FUTURE is more important to their kids than the past...

Who is going to do "the doing for them" and the "holding in trust"? Do the Palestinians get a say in deciding that? Once upon a time, what you are suggesting was called a "Mandate". The opinions of the Palestinians were ignored then as well and my, didn't that work out well for everyone? :uhoh3:

The Protectorate would be administered by "the neighborhood" with cooperation from the entire Arab League. So the answer is the governments of Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, (Syria) and Israel. No need for any law and order under the SOLE jurisdiction of Israel. I'm sure that Western countries would be falling over themselves to help with support and infrastructure development in a project designed to BUILD a Levant trade hub with Palestine as the center of it.

When and if the Palestinians step up -- they can supply municipal, regional leadership for the first 10 years. Palestinians NEED to endorse a plan that gives them economic life and security and stop fighting over who is the baddest ass when it comes to claims on Israeli land.

It's one of those "home makeover" TV reality shows. But on a slightly larger scale. :up: If they DON'T respond to a genuine display of world-wide aid and assistance in creating a homeland -- then they are permanently fucked.

Jordan at the moment has enough internal and external problems without adding a "mandatory" role for Palestine. Jordan's tribal core which keeps the Hashemite monarchy in power is restive because of economic austerity and government correuption; Jordan's "ex-palestinian" population is an underclass often at odds with the tribal core; then there's widespread unease at Jordan allowing foreign militaries, especially Zionist Israelis, to either enter or overfly Jordanian territory, factors that have seen a growth in Salafist radicalisation in the country, and then of course there's the ever present risk of Jordanian involvement in Syria. Egypt is far more concerned repressing any political opposition to the new dictatorship and has similar problems to Jordan, the regime is financed by Saudi Arabia to keep the country afloat, so the last thing al-Sissi wants is a potential quagmire involvement with Zionist israel and Palestine. Lebanon has enough problem governing itself, never mind looking after anyone else, Syria? enough said. Zionist Israel has absolutely no interest in creating a Palestinian state on it's borders, none. It has sabotaged every attempt to create one since 1948; Zionists want it all with the Palestinians "removed". Your "home makeover" scenario will have all the "tradesmen" either fighting each other or not turning up; you will create a bigger, more intractable mess than that which exists now.

And YET, the depth of talks and cooperation between Israel and Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon are more robust than ever. There's even mutual defense planning and cooperation. Not everyone "in the neighborhood" is a die-hard anti-Zionist as you are. And no matter how you paint the picture, NONE of Israels' neighbors want THEIR palestinian issues to persist for ANOTHER 50 years. It's in their interests to re-design the "problem" so that there is a neighborhood solution that HAS a future plan. And if you can get sweeten the deal by "pacifying the Intifada" with a WORLD - WIDE effort to boost economies and trade -- a LOT of cooperation can happen.

What does it cost those 3 neighbors NOW to keep 12 or 15 crappy tent cities secure and isolated for decades? What does it cost Egypt to keep Hamas and ISIS out of the Sinai? Time to get them involved. The PROBLEM is NOT Israel's alone..

The only solution Israel will accept is one in which the Palestinians sign up to a permanent Bantustan status for Palestine. That's not going to happen. The result is the status quo, where Jews rule over and control the borders, air space, territorial sea of a terrritory that is inhabited by a majority of non-Jews, most of whom do not have the right to vote. No one can predict how long a minority of Jews will be able to rule over a slight majority of non-Jews. Perhaps a long time, perhaps not.
The occupiers came from Europe you moron.
Calm yourself, my little Muslim-Arab pissant...

And, no... I don't believe for a minute that the Muslim-Arab squatters on the territory of Eretz Yisrael came from Europe.

Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.


There are rudimentary posting skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you, maggot.

But, given that I read your post let's get afew things straight.

1. The European Jews are Europeans, they have hardly any genetic relationship to the indigenous people of Palestine whose desendants are, amazingly, the people that the Europeans found living there when they began establishing their colony. Links to scientific journals reporting the European genetic heritage of the European Jews have been provided ad infinitum. As far as the Muslims and Christians of Palestine, every non-partisan and even Zionist partisans know the truth.

From www.eretzyisroel.org, far from a pro-Palestinian website:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam..."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

2. Posting propaganda maps drawn in 2005 is entertaining and shows how weak your attempt at rationalizing the justness of the European colonization of Palestine. It was simply a land grab combined with ethnic cleansing.

3. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were confident that their military superiority would allow them to maintain their rule over the non-whites. While it may take more time, as white brainwashed Christians will support Jews over their own kind, the result will be the same in Israel as they were in those other settler colonies. Eventually, the native people will regain their rights to their land. The question is, which of the two scenarios will the Jews earn for themselves. It depends on them and how they behave.


None of that has a bearing on a solution given the REALITIES of this Millenium. You're of NO help here at all. And hopelessly lost in ancient demographics and irrelevant factoids.

And those refugees IMPRISONED in 5 or 6 countries are not impressed with your ability to get them out of the camps. If it's Apartheid to you when it's in Israel -- Then by your faulty definition, it's ALSO APARTHEID in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. But it's not Apartheid if the target population doesn't WANT to be citizens. This is NOT a solely Israeli issue to fix.

It's Apartheid when the native population is subjected to Apartheid policies. Migrants/refugees can, in fact be separated from the local population and do not necessarily have to be given citizenship by the host country. This is borne out in Europe as migrants flood into the EU.

In addition, a majority of Palestinians no longer support the establishment of a Palestinian state in a two-state solution as most believe it is no longer is feasible.

"A poll of Israelis and Palestinians released last month found that 44 per cent of Palestinians said they supported the two-state solution."
Subscribe to read
And YET, the depth of talks and cooperation between Israel and Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon are more robust than ever. There's even mutual defense planning and cooperation.

Really? Although talk is cheap, I've not come across any news about a robust mutual defence and co-operation with Zionist israel, do you have a link for that?
Indeed, Israel did mention resolution 181 in its declaration of independence. Resolution 181 states that all Palestinians who normally live in the territory that becomes Israel will be Israeli citizens. This is also the rule of state succession under international law. This applies to all Palestinians who became refugees.

This means that the right to return is not about immigration, it is about citizenship.
Indeed, 181 was never implemented. Did you forget?
True, but it is still the rule of state succession in international law.

There's a reason why no one comes to you for interpretation of international law.
Indeed, they do not like what they hear.

Indeed, no one likes to hear contradictory rambling.
All recorded historical facts.

Look them up.
Indeed, 181 was never implemented. Did you forget?
True, but it is still the rule of state succession in international law.

There's a reason why no one comes to you for interpretation of international law.
Indeed, they do not like what they hear.

Indeed, no one likes to hear contradictory rambling.
All recorded historical facts.

Look them up.

Your "hysterical" facts tend to be unreliable.
Ignoring those assholes who go for ethnic cleasing, the only, only rightful solution will be a REFERENDUM on the sedtiny of the "occupied territories". For some reason, the leadership is terribly afraid of a referendum, niether left nor right will take the brave step to make this happen.
Hamas has said many times that it would honor any peace deal that is approved by referendum.
True, but it is still the rule of state succession in international law.

There's a reason why no one comes to you for interpretation of international law.
Indeed, they do not like what they hear.

Indeed, no one likes to hear contradictory rambling.
All recorded historical facts.

Look them up.

Your "hysterical" facts tend to be unreliable.
OK, if I am incorrect, post your version of history. If you don't, mine stand.
Calm yourself, my little Muslim-Arab pissant...

And, no... I don't believe for a minute that the Muslim-Arab squatters on the territory of Eretz Yisrael came from Europe.

Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.


There are rudimentary posting skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you, maggot.

But, given that I read your post let's get afew things straight.

1. The European Jews are Europeans, they have hardly any genetic relationship to the indigenous people of Palestine whose desendants are, amazingly, the people that the Europeans found living there when they began establishing their colony. Links to scientific journals reporting the European genetic heritage of the European Jews have been provided ad infinitum. As far as the Muslims and Christians of Palestine, every non-partisan and even Zionist partisans know the truth.

From www.eretzyisroel.org, far from a pro-Palestinian website:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam..."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

2. Posting propaganda maps drawn in 2005 is entertaining and shows how weak your attempt at rationalizing the justness of the European colonization of Palestine. It was simply a land grab combined with ethnic cleansing.

3. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were confident that their military superiority would allow them to maintain their rule over the non-whites. While it may take more time, as white brainwashed Christians will support Jews over their own kind, the result will be the same in Israel as they were in those other settler colonies. Eventually, the native people will regain their rights to their land. The question is, which of the two scenarios will the Jews earn for themselves. It depends on them and how they behave.


None of that has a bearing on a solution given the REALITIES of this Millenium. You're of NO help here at all. And hopelessly lost in ancient demographics and irrelevant factoids.

And those refugees IMPRISONED in 5 or 6 countries are not impressed with your ability to get them out of the camps. If it's Apartheid to you when it's in Israel -- Then by your faulty definition, it's ALSO APARTHEID in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. But it's not Apartheid if the target population doesn't WANT to be citizens. This is NOT a solely Israeli issue to fix.

It's Apartheid when the native population is subjected to Apartheid policies. Migrants/refugees can, in fact be separated from the local population and do not necessarily have to be given citizenship by the host country. This is borne out in Europe as migrants flood into the EU.

In addition, a majority of Palestinians no longer support the establishment of a Palestinian state in a two-state solution as most believe it is no longer is feasible.

"A poll of Israelis and Palestinians released last month found that 44 per cent of Palestinians said they supported the two-state solution."
Subscribe to read

It's an OCCUPATION, not a native population. They have no DESIRE or CLAIM to be citizens of Israel. Thus, any unequal treatment is due to their status as residents of a "conquered" province with no real claim to SOVEREIGNTY of that land. Since the government and the ARMY last claiming sovereignty of that land was JORDAN -- not Palestine. Even clearer as REFUGEE status in the neighboring Arab countries.They have no CLAIM or EXPECTATION of citizenship rights.
Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.


There are rudimentary posting skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you, maggot.

But, given that I read your post let's get afew things straight.

1. The European Jews are Europeans, they have hardly any genetic relationship to the indigenous people of Palestine whose desendants are, amazingly, the people that the Europeans found living there when they began establishing their colony. Links to scientific journals reporting the European genetic heritage of the European Jews have been provided ad infinitum. As far as the Muslims and Christians of Palestine, every non-partisan and even Zionist partisans know the truth.

From www.eretzyisroel.org, far from a pro-Palestinian website:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam..."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

2. Posting propaganda maps drawn in 2005 is entertaining and shows how weak your attempt at rationalizing the justness of the European colonization of Palestine. It was simply a land grab combined with ethnic cleansing.

3. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were confident that their military superiority would allow them to maintain their rule over the non-whites. While it may take more time, as white brainwashed Christians will support Jews over their own kind, the result will be the same in Israel as they were in those other settler colonies. Eventually, the native people will regain their rights to their land. The question is, which of the two scenarios will the Jews earn for themselves. It depends on them and how they behave.


None of that has a bearing on a solution given the REALITIES of this Millenium. You're of NO help here at all. And hopelessly lost in ancient demographics and irrelevant factoids.

And those refugees IMPRISONED in 5 or 6 countries are not impressed with your ability to get them out of the camps. If it's Apartheid to you when it's in Israel -- Then by your faulty definition, it's ALSO APARTHEID in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. But it's not Apartheid if the target population doesn't WANT to be citizens. This is NOT a solely Israeli issue to fix.

It's Apartheid when the native population is subjected to Apartheid policies. Migrants/refugees can, in fact be separated from the local population and do not necessarily have to be given citizenship by the host country. This is borne out in Europe as migrants flood into the EU.

In addition, a majority of Palestinians no longer support the establishment of a Palestinian state in a two-state solution as most believe it is no longer is feasible.

"A poll of Israelis and Palestinians released last month found that 44 per cent of Palestinians said they supported the two-state solution."
Subscribe to read

It's an OCCUPATION, not a native population. They have no DESIRE or CLAIM to be citizens of Israel. Thus, any unequal treatment is due to their status as residents of a "conquered" province with no real claim to SOVEREIGNTY of that land. Since the government and the ARMY last claiming sovereignty of that land was JORDAN -- not Palestine. Even clearer as REFUGEE status in the neighboring Arab countries.They have no CLAIM or EXPECTATION of citizenship rights.
Says YOU....The Palestinians GET UP,AND STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS.....They are not like Zionist Scum who hid in corners to partake in their CRUELEST FORM OF TERRORISM......Say NO to Zionist Terrorism
Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.
The Jews of Israel are a mixture of Middle Eastern and European and Russian genetic heritage...

Not bad, for a people who have held onto their collective identity for 1800+ years between the Destruction of the Temple and the founding of modern-day Israel...

Your laughable, silly little pissant Muslim-Arab Palestinian brethren couldn't hold onto their unity for 18 years, never mind 1800...

The Jews of Israel re-gathered under the pressure of the post-Holocaust era, as the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Jews of the Israel of Antiquity.

Where their immediate ancestors came from stopped being relevant decades ago.

They fought and carved-out a new place for themselves in the world; on the soil of their ancient precursors.

They fought.

They won.

They borrowed a play from the ancient Muslim playbook - territorial acquisition by conquest, fueled by religious passion.

They gave Muslims a long-overdue taste of their own medicine in that region, and, along the way, repaid them for centuries of Dhimmitude throughout the domains of Islam.

The Jews won, against Muslims, for the first time in history, and Muslims are besides themselves with disbelief and shame and anger and stupidity.

The Jews now hold the land; they hold the political and economic and military power; they are there to stay, they want the rest of Eretz Yisrael back, and they're going to get it.


Here is where they are going...


Here is how close they already are to realizing that goal, according to your own propaganda maps...



You're well into the End Game, and the clock is running out.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren have had their asses kicked, repeatedly, trying to come to your aid, and they've pretty much given-up on the Mad Dog Palestinians.

Your Muslim neighbor-brethren are also far weaker politically and economically and militarily than they have been at any time since the end of WWII.

They're falling apart, from within, and lack the time, money and incentive to stand alongside you in military solidarity any longer.

Consequently, there is no longer any Muslim cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time to rescue your sorry, lame, pathetic arses.


What's left of Rump Palestine wouldn't add-up to a decent-sized township or county in most parts of the world.

Certainly not enough left to be worth fighting about, against staggeringly overwhelming odds.

And... great fun, this... what little is left of your global opinion-eliciting efforts, like BDS, are dying a long, slow, ignoble, ignominious death.

The very last, pathetic shred of hope you had, was when Obama held office, and acted in a vaguely unfriendly manner against Israel.

With Trump and hardline Conservatives ascendant now in America, and the UK, and elsewhere, you have far fewer friends and sympathizers in positions of power.

And that's not going to change anytime soon, as you slide further into the abyss of political disintegration and oblivion, as all Failed States do.

It's over.

Time for the weak and foolish Muslim-Arabs still squatting within the borders of Eretz Yisrael to pack up and leave.

The moral of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948?

Vae victis.

Or, put another way...

"He who pisses his pants, and runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." - Kondor3, 2010

Funny stuff... couldn't happen to a nicer collection of riff-raff and scum.

It's over.


While you still can.


As to your claim to be a Christian (as opposed to the full-time Muslim-Arab ass-kisser that you're known to be)... nobody believes you.


There are rudimentary posting skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you, maggot.

But, given that I read your post let's get afew things straight.

1. The European Jews are Europeans, they have hardly any genetic relationship to the indigenous people of Palestine whose desendants are, amazingly, the people that the Europeans found living there when they began establishing their colony. Links to scientific journals reporting the European genetic heritage of the European Jews have been provided ad infinitum. As far as the Muslims and Christians of Palestine, every non-partisan and even Zionist partisans know the truth.

From www.eretzyisroel.org, far from a pro-Palestinian website:

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam..."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

2. Posting propaganda maps drawn in 2005 is entertaining and shows how weak your attempt at rationalizing the justness of the European colonization of Palestine. It was simply a land grab combined with ethnic cleansing.

3. The whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were confident that their military superiority would allow them to maintain their rule over the non-whites. While it may take more time, as white brainwashed Christians will support Jews over their own kind, the result will be the same in Israel as they were in those other settler colonies. Eventually, the native people will regain their rights to their land. The question is, which of the two scenarios will the Jews earn for themselves. It depends on them and how they behave.


None of that has a bearing on a solution given the REALITIES of this Millenium. You're of NO help here at all. And hopelessly lost in ancient demographics and irrelevant factoids.

And those refugees IMPRISONED in 5 or 6 countries are not impressed with your ability to get them out of the camps. If it's Apartheid to you when it's in Israel -- Then by your faulty definition, it's ALSO APARTHEID in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. But it's not Apartheid if the target population doesn't WANT to be citizens. This is NOT a solely Israeli issue to fix.

It's Apartheid when the native population is subjected to Apartheid policies. Migrants/refugees can, in fact be separated from the local population and do not necessarily have to be given citizenship by the host country. This is borne out in Europe as migrants flood into the EU.

In addition, a majority of Palestinians no longer support the establishment of a Palestinian state in a two-state solution as most believe it is no longer is feasible.

"A poll of Israelis and Palestinians released last month found that 44 per cent of Palestinians said they supported the two-state solution."
Subscribe to read

It's an OCCUPATION, not a native population. They have no DESIRE or CLAIM to be citizens of Israel. Thus, any unequal treatment is due to their status as residents of a "conquered" province with no real claim to SOVEREIGNTY of that land. Since the government and the ARMY last claiming sovereignty of that land was JORDAN -- not Palestine. Even clearer as REFUGEE status in the neighboring Arab countries.They have no CLAIM or EXPECTATION of citizenship rights.

Jordan ceded sovereignty and any claims on the land to the Palestinians, the native population which has inherent sovereign rights even when their land is occupied by colonisers. On 14th May 1948 everyone within the territory claimed by the new state of Israel became citizens of the new state. Unfortunately if they happened to be Muslims, they were by and large subsequently ethnically cleansed by the Jewish colonisers. Technically the refugees have a valid claim to citizenship of Israel should the Zionist regime ever allow it.
I intend this thread to be a "solutions" thread like those on the one, two and no more state solutions threads. For those not familiar with those threads -- the intent is not to re-hash the same old, same old, but to provide detailed, concrete suggestions for solving the conflict and moving forward.

The common refrain from the Palestinian side is that Israel must "end the occupation". What does that mean in concrete terms? What specific steps (military, practical, economic, political, legal) should Israel take? Do you think this should be done step-by-step or all at once? What measurable conditions will count the occupation ended?

Please be as specific as possible. For example, "end the blockade of Gaza" is too vague.

Be prepared to defend your proposals and explain why they are practical and will lead to an end of conflict agreement.

There are only three methods of effective troubleshooting: Top to bottom, bottom to top or divide in half. The troubleshooting method called the Shotgun is ineffective, cost prohibitive and stupid.
I intend this thread to be a "solutions" thread like those on the one, two and no more state solutions threads. For those not familiar with those threads -- the intent is not to re-hash the same old, same old, but to provide detailed, concrete suggestions for solving the conflict and moving forward.

The common refrain from the Palestinian side is that Israel must "end the occupation". What does that mean in concrete terms? What specific steps (military, practical, economic, political, legal) should Israel take? Do you think this should be done step-by-step or all at once? What measurable conditions will count the occupation ended?

Please be as specific as possible. For example, "end the blockade of Gaza" is too vague.

Be prepared to defend your proposals and explain why they are practical and will lead to an end of conflict agreement.
What Israel needs to do to end the occupation, is get me a date with Gal Gadot. I will gladly throw a Palestinian (of your choosing) under the bus, if you get me a date with her.

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