Nearly 1500 political prisoners in Israeli jails are on a hunger strike...


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Please pass this on to everyone you love.

Today 17 April 2017, nearly 1500 political prisoners in Israeli jails went
on an open-ended hunger strike until their demands of basic humane
treatment in prison are met.


15 elementary school children visited as did several local
people. Our team of international volunteers (seven today) continue and are
working hard. Look for us on facebook under Palestine Museum of Natural


Marwan Barghouti is one of Palestine's most respected and unifying leaders. Despite years of imprisonment and solitary confinement in Israeli jails, he has remained resilient in his efforts to find peace and freedom for his people. The article below appeared in yesterday's edition of the New York Times.

MARWAN BARGHOUTI: Why we are on hunger strike in Israel's prisons
"A few months ago former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy shocked Israel in an Al Jazeera interview, saying that the occupation generates Palestinian violence, and Benjamin Netanyahu was misusing the Holocaust to try to deny that reality; and now Haaretz had gotten Halevy to extend his analysis in a stunning interview of 5000 words with Dalia Karpel.

The most important moment in the interview comes when Halevy likens imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti to Nelson Mandela as a former terrorist whom the country must negotiate with in order to make peace: i.e., the man Israel calls a terrorist really is the other side’s freedom fighter, and– Israel is practicing apartheid. Barghouti, 57, was imprisoned in 2002 and charged with directing the Second Intifada."

- See more at: Former Israeli spy chief likens Marwan Barghouti to Mandela
Well, that should make it easier to balance the budget this month
Please pass this on to everyone you love.

Today 17 April 2017, nearly 1500 political prisoners in Israeli jails went
on an open-ended hunger strike until their demands of basic humane
treatment in prison are met.


15 elementary school children visited as did several local
people. Our team of international volunteers (seven today) continue and are
working hard. Look for us on facebook under Palestine Museum of Natural


Marwan Barghouti is one of Palestine's most respected and unifying leaders. Despite years of imprisonment and solitary confinement in Israeli jails, he has remained resilient in his efforts to find peace and freedom for his people. The article below appeared in yesterday's edition of the New York Times.

MARWAN BARGHOUTI: Why we are on hunger strike in Israel's prisons

They didn't like the BLT sandwiches on white toast?
Please pass this on to everyone you love.

Today 17 April 2017, nearly 1500 political prisoners in Israeli jails went
on an open-ended hunger strike until their demands of basic humane
treatment in prison are met.


15 elementary school children visited as did several local
people. Our team of international volunteers (seven today) continue and are
working hard. Look for us on facebook under Palestine Museum of Natural


Marwan Barghouti is one of Palestine's most respected and unifying leaders. Despite years of imprisonment and solitary confinement in Israeli jails, he has remained resilient in his efforts to find peace and freedom for his people. The article below appeared in yesterday's edition of the New York Times.

MARWAN BARGHOUTI: Why we are on hunger strike in Israel's prisons

They need to shut the fuck up and eat their ham and bacon.
Please pass this on to everyone you love.

Today 17 April 2017, nearly 1500 political prisoners in Israeli jails went
on an open-ended hunger strike until their demands of basic humane
treatment in prison are met.


15 elementary school children visited as did several local
people. Our team of international volunteers (seven today) continue and are
working hard. Look for us on facebook under Palestine Museum of Natural


Marwan Barghouti is one of Palestine's most respected and unifying leaders. Despite years of imprisonment and solitary confinement in Israeli jails, he has remained resilient in his efforts to find peace and freedom for his people. The article below appeared in yesterday's edition of the New York Times.

MARWAN BARGHOUTI: Why we are on hunger strike in Israel's prisons

They need to shut the fuck up and eat their ham and bacon.

Who would be cooking the ham and bacon? (you can tell who the morons are, wink, wink)

No surprise that three of Israels paid shills that come here everyday and shit all over the floor have penetrated this thread that being Hollie,CENSORED,and toddparrot. I was wondering where they were but forgot i have the majority of Israels shills on
"A few months ago former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy shocked Israel in an Al Jazeera interview, saying that the occupation generates Palestinian violence, and Benjamin Netanyahu was misusing the Holocaust to try to deny that reality; and now Haaretz had gotten Halevy to extend his analysis in a stunning interview of 5000 words with Dalia Karpel.

The most important moment in the interview comes when Halevy likens imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti to Nelson Mandela as a former terrorist whom the country must negotiate with in order to make peace: i.e., the man Israel calls a terrorist really is the other side’s freedom fighter, and– Israel is practicing apartheid. Barghouti, 57, was imprisoned in 2002 and charged with directing the Second Intifada."

- See more at: Former Israeli spy chief likens Marwan Barghouti to Mandela

Israel tried negotiating with that Egyptian terrorist, didn't get anywhere.
No surprise that three of Israels paid shills that come here everyday and shit all over the floor have penetrated this thread that being Hollie,CENSORED,and toddparrot. I was wondering where they were but forgot i have the majority of Israels shills on

Watch out! The Jews are out to get ya!
No surprise that three of Israels paid shills that come here everyday and shit all over the floor have penetrated this thread that being Hollie,CENSORED,and toddparrot. I was wondering where they were but forgot i have the majority of Israels shills on

I'm devastated!
"Their solidarity exposes Israel’s moral and political failure. Rights are not bestowed by an oppressor. Freedom and dignity are universal rights that are inherent in humanity, to be enjoyed by every nation and all human beings. Palestinians will not be an exception. Only ending occupation will end this injustice and mark the birth of peace."


Israel, the mother of terrorism has called this article an act of terror. Please read and distribute as far and wide as possible.

Op-Ed in the New York Times
"Their solidarity exposes Israel’s moral and political failure. Rights are not bestowed by an oppressor. Freedom and dignity are universal rights that are inherent in humanity, to be enjoyed by every nation and all human beings. Palestinians will not be an exception. Only ending occupation will end this injustice and mark the birth of peace."


Israel, the mother of terrorism has called this article an act of terror. Please read and distribute as far and wide as possible.

Op-Ed in the New York Times

Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state

Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state.
"Jews to the extent they choose to stay and live in the state of Palestine will enjoy those rights and certainly will not enjoy any less rights than Israeli Arabs enjoy now in the State of Israel." (In turn, it would also be difficult for Israel to demand Palestinian immigration policies that allow Israelis to become residents or citizens if Israel would not allow the same right to Palestinians.)
Will Jews be Able to Live in a Future Palestinian State?
"Jews to the extent they choose to stay and live in the state of Palestine will enjoy those rights and certainly will not enjoy any less rights than Israeli Arabs enjoy now in the State of Israel." (In turn, it would also be difficult for Israel to demand Palestinian immigration policies that allow Israelis to become residents or citizens if Israel would not allow the same right to Palestinians.)
Will Jews be Able to Live in a Future Palestinian State?

Last I heard, Mullah Mazen dictated policy in the Mazen mini-caliphate.

Any other tabloids you can troll?
Please pass this on to everyone you love.

Today 17 April 2017, nearly 1500 political prisoners in Israeli jails went
on an open-ended hunger strike until their demands of basic humane
treatment in prison are met.


15 elementary school children visited as did several local
people. Our team of international volunteers (seven today) continue and are
working hard. Look for us on facebook under Palestine Museum of Natural


Marwan Barghouti is one of Palestine's most respected and unifying leaders. Despite years of imprisonment and solitary confinement in Israeli jails, he has remained resilient in his efforts to find peace and freedom for his people. The article below appeared in yesterday's edition of the New York Times.

MARWAN BARGHOUTI: Why we are on hunger strike in Israel's prisons

Palestinian hunger strike - the prisoners demonstratively return 3 meals, then go to their cells and cook full meals from groceries they get in the cantina -
a HUNGER STRIKE they call it...

Barghouti election campaign.

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