What legal reprisals can we make after Muslim terror attacks?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Recalling "Empire of the Sun" the Japanese went around the camp smashing windows of their prisoners and whacking a few seriously beating one. While I'd of course never advocate violent reprisals, because that's illegal, as is suggesting it, there are perhaps other things we can do to express our displeasure. But do something we should or we're just a prison bitch rolling over and taking it in the butt.

Things you shouldn't do:
- Assault Muslims
- Vandalize your local mosques
- Vandalize local Muslim homes
- Discriminate against Muslims
- Persecute Muslims

Shouldn't do any of those things. They're illegal.
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Do you know what else is also illegal in America? Criticizing Islam.
Think I'm kidding? I forget what they are called, but the largest voting block in the United Nations is a coalition of Islamic Countries, and a resolution that they have been trying to pass for a number of years was finally accepted by the UN in a slightly softened form. The law which has been implemented under the Obama presidency forbids "religious hate speech". That law has existed in Europe since around 2006, and I can tell you that it has been used to deny a voice to critics of Islam. You can criticize any other religion, but not Islam - that is the one and only religion to which this law is consistently applied. So much for freedom of speech.
Do you know what else is also illegal in America? Criticizing Islam.
Think I'm kidding? I forget what they are called, but the largest voting block in the United Nations is a coalition of Islamic Countries, and a resolution that they have been trying to pass for a number of years was finally accepted by the UN in a slightly softened form. The law which has been implemented under the Obama presidency forbids "religious hate speech". That law has existed in Europe since around 2006, and I can tell you that it has been used to deny a voice to critics of Islam. You can criticize any other religion, but not Islam - that is the one and only religion to which this law is consistently applied. So much for freedom of speech.
Do you know what else is also illegal in America? Criticizing Islam.
Think I'm kidding? I forget what they are called, but the largest voting block in the United Nations is a coalition of Islamic Countries, and a resolution that they have been trying to pass for a number of years was finally accepted by the UN in a slightly softened form. The law which has been implemented under the Obama presidency forbids "religious hate speech". That law has existed in Europe since around 2006, and I can tell you that it has been used to deny a voice to critics of Islam. You can criticize any other religion, but not Islam - that is the one and only religion to which this law is consistently applied. So much for freedom of speech.

Not very long ago, Hilary Clinton had a man arrested for putting up a video on YouTube that was critical of Islam. The man was on parole, so maybe he wasn't the most savory character, I don't know, but he was arrested for breaking the terms of his parole by using the internet. The video, before Hilary Clinton brought it to the attention of the mainstream media had less than 20 views - no one except the guy's friends, the FBI and Hilary Clinton had seen this video, and it was never even asked or considered by the police or courts if he personally had uploaded the video, or if someone else - ie, one of his friends - had uploaded the video. He was sent to prison for 1 year. He was not jailed for violating his parole conditions, that's just bullshxt, he was put in prison for criticizing Islam.

People are being barred from entering my Country because they publicly criticize Islam, but people known to be associated with, and supporters of, Islamist and jihadist organizations are welcomed, they are getting the red carpet treatment.
Criticize Muslims all you want, lamebrain, and give us a call when the police arrive.
Do you know what else is also illegal in America? Criticizing Islam.
Think I'm kidding? I forget what they are called, but the largest voting block in the United Nations is a coalition of Islamic Countries, and a resolution that they have been trying to pass for a number of years was finally accepted by the UN in a slightly softened form. The law which has been implemented under the Obama presidency forbids "religious hate speech". That law has existed in Europe since around 2006, and I can tell you that it has been used to deny a voice to critics of Islam. You can criticize any other religion, but not Islam - that is the one and only religion to which this law is consistently applied. So much for freedom of speech.
No, no one thinks you're kidding, just that you're an ignorant, hateful bigot.
Do you know what else is also illegal in America? Criticizing Islam.
Think I'm kidding? I forget what they are called, but the largest voting block in the United Nations is a coalition of Islamic Countries, and a resolution that they have been trying to pass for a number of years was finally accepted by the UN in a slightly softened form. The law which has been implemented under the Obama presidency forbids "religious hate speech". That law has existed in Europe since around 2006, and I can tell you that it has been used to deny a voice to critics of Islam. You can criticize any other religion, but not Islam - that is the one and only religion to which this law is consistently applied. So much for freedom of speech.

Not very long ago, Hilary Clinton had a man arrested for putting up a video on YouTube that was critical of Islam. The man was on parole, so maybe he wasn't the most savory character, I don't know, but he was arrested for breaking the terms of his parole by using the internet. The video, before Hilary Clinton brought it to the attention of the mainstream media had less than 20 views - no one except the guy's friends, the FBI and Hilary Clinton had seen this video, and it was never even asked or considered by the police or courts if he personally had uploaded the video, or if someone else - ie, one of his friends - had uploaded the video. He was sent to prison for 1 year. He was not jailed for violating his parole conditions, that's just bullshxt, he was put in prison for criticizing Islam.

People are being barred from entering my Country because they publicly criticize Islam, but people known to be associated with, and supporters of, Islamist and jihadist organizations are welcomed, they are getting the red carpet treatment.

This is the United States, not the UK – that some might be barred from entering your country because they publicly criticize Islam is one of the many disadvantages of living in a democracy, as opposed to a Constitutional Republic such as my country.

In the United States citizens are at liberty to express their ignorance, stupidity, and hate concerning Islam consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, absent punitive measures by the state; they are also prohibited from seeking to disadvantage Muslims through force of law – the genius of the American Republic is its ability to balance these two conflicting points of view: allowing free expression of ignorance and hate while at the same time safeguarding the rights of those who are the targets of that ignorance and hate.

This is the United States, not the UK – that some might be barred from entering your country because they publicly criticize Islam is one of the many disadvantages of living in a democracy, as opposed to a Constitutional Republic such as my country.

In the United States citizens are at liberty to express their ignorance, stupidity, and hate concerning Islam consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, absent punitive measures by the state; they are also prohibited from seeking to disadvantage Muslims through force of law – the genius of the American Republic is its ability to balance these two conflicting points of view: allowing free expression of ignorance and hate while at the same time safeguarding the rights of those who are the targets of that ignorance and hate.

Maybe I'm not understanding what you wrote, but I'm not sure you made a relevant point there.

The new "religious hate speech" laws contradict the 1st Amendment. You can be prosecuted - and persecuted - not just for saying bad things about a religious group, but for saying bad things about a religious group that are true and factual, and the main beneficiary of this law are Islamists; they can say "this speech offends my religion" and the speaker is silenced by the threat of legal action and police enforcement. That is against the fundamental principal of free speech.

Like I said, we've had this law in Europe for several years, and now it has come to America, and I have never known America to be less litigious than the UK so you be sure this law will be applied and is being applied right now.
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Criticize Muslims all you want, lamebrain, and give us a call when the police arrive.

That's no joke, I have to be a little bit careful what I say about Islam on the internet when I'm not using a VPN. I guarantee, if you are not doing so already, you will find yourself self-censoring your own speech on the internet within a few years.
Prove this: "for saying bad things about a religious group that are true and factual, and the main beneficiary of this law are Islamists"
Prove this: "for saying bad things about a religious group that are true and factual, and the main beneficiary of this law are Islamists"

They have the most to gain, and they have been the primary movers behind the new law. The biggest threat to radical Islam is the truth, but Islamists have never before had a legal avenue to shut down free speech, and now they have it. Christians could also use the religious hate speech laws against it's critics; secular and atheist organizations for example, but the kind of criticism leveled at Christian denominations is most usually about absurdities such as believing that Creationism should be taught as science or that Christians should have special tax privileges, which are not beliefs that are core to Christian belief. But to criticize Islam you have to attack the core values of Islam, and you have to say that Islam is unjust, and Islam is not a religion of peace, and Islamic practices are barbaric.

I can say all kinds of very critical things about Christianity without too much risk of being accused of hate speech, but I can say almost nothing critical of Islam without being accused by Islamic apologists - including many otherwise moderate Muslims - and by left-wing organizations who also act as apologists for Islamism, of being racist or bigoted.

I could show you a number of examples of critics of Islam in Europe being shutdown by the mainstream media as far-right extremists, conspiracy theorists and Islamophobes (incidentally that's a word invented by the left-wing for the sole purpose of labeling opponents of Islam) but I don't know as much about what is going in the USA right now. It's the same law, and America has the same Islamic apologists as we do in Europe, in fact you have at least a dozen officially recognized organizations in the USA who have support from your own Government but who are directly connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. I'll have to look into it a bit more, but I would be very surprised if the pro-Islam lobbies in America are not playing the "religious hate speech" card.

The Islamists have played a brilliant strategy, not only have they harnessed Western media and governments to silence opponents of Islam and Sharia, they know they can continue to say whatever they like because (a) the authorities will not dare to arrest imams or crack down on Islamist demonstrations for fear of inciting riots, and (b) if they do, it will be fuel to the fire of proponents of jihad - eg; "look how they are oppressing us! we must defend ourselves!"

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