What is wrong with what Akin said???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Here is exactly what Akin said that EVERYONE is SO.... upset with!!!

It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.

GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

Again taken totally OUT of CONTEXT ...LIKE "UNCHAINED"!!!!

Akin says that if it wasn't consensual sex, but actual physical totally against the woman's will (LEGITIMATE), sometimes NATURE will NOT allow conception to occur.

So Akin asks a logical question, JUST because the woman is inconvenienced by a pregnancy why should a human being DIE??:??

Seems like a legitimate statement:
Are you in favor of killing a human being JUST because someone is INCONVENIENCED?

Studies have found approximately 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy.

All Things Considered host Melissa Block talks with Nick Baumann of Mother Jones magazine about the belief at the core of Missouri state Rep. Todd Akin's furor-raising statement over the weekend: that "legitimate rape" rarely leads to pregnancy.

The belief that hormones or adrenaline protect women from conception during rape has been perpetuated for decades in American political discourse, without scientific basis.

BAUMANN: So, as far as we can tell from CDC and medical studies and Planned Parenthood's released some numbers of their own, there are tens of thousands of pregnancies from rape in the U.S. each year. And about 5 percent of women who are raped get pregnant. About half of those pregnancies end in abortion..

Examining The Truth About Rape And Pregnancy : NPR
He didn't mean legitimate rape, he really meant forcible rape which now is more cloudy than it once was. Aside from that, he was stupid, ignorant, and utterly without a redeeming social quality. Which makes him obscene. In his mind, he believes that the voters will forgive him because he learned from his mistake. We'll see if they do because he's not dropping out.
So IF 5% of ALL RAPES cause Pregnancies.
In the United States of America in 2010 there were 84,767 rapes.
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That means at 5% or 4,238 births VERSUS
the killing of 13,000 human beings from 1.3 million abortions due to "legitimate/illegitimate" rapes.

According to Web MD, rape is the reason for 13,000 of 1.3 million annual abortions, or 1% of the total.
How many U.S. abortions are performed each year due to rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother? - Yahoo! Answers
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

Since you clearly oppose supportng people who make stupid statements I presume that means you are going to vote against Obama/Biden?
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

And you are a bigger "fucking" idiot for not hearing the fact that "approximately 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy"....

What about the 95% that don't???

You going to tell me that all the women who "claim" rape... actually were raped?

Sorry... I don't buy it.

I have seen WAY too many cases where the girl is doing nothing but protecting her reputation by claiming it was out of her control.

Without "rape", abortion might actually be considered murder.... we are forgetting that a life is being snuffed for convenience sake.

For something that occurs approximately 5% of the time, we sure are jumping thru a shitload of hoops!

Todd Akin just let his big mouth get the best of him...

Plus why in the Hell are we even concerned about abortion right now??
Oh yeah, because the narrative is that Repubiks want to destroy womens rights, and to make our air and water dirty...oh yeah, and they also want to kill grandma... :cuckoo:

My God people... we are going bankrupt!!!! Who gives a shit????
What he said revealed a lot of what many of us in the party do not subscribe to, and that is a social ignorance from the past. We want smaller government. Some have slipped in as wolves in sheeps clothing to pay lip service to change. We can tolerate them no more than we can the democrats, neo-cons, or RINO's.
Here is exactly what Akin said that EVERYONE is SO.... upset with!!!

It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.

GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

Again taken totally OUT of CONTEXT ...LIKE "UNCHAINED"!!!!

Akin says that if it wasn't consensual sex, but actual physical totally against the woman's will (LEGITIMATE), sometimes NATURE will NOT allow conception to occur.

So Akin asks a logical question, JUST because the woman is inconvenienced by a pregnancy why should a human being DIE??:??

Seems like a legitimate statement:
Are you in favor of killing a human being JUST because someone is INCONVENIENCED?

Studies have found approximately 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy.

All Things Considered host Melissa Block talks with Nick Baumann of Mother Jones magazine about the belief at the core of Missouri state Rep. Todd Akin's furor-raising statement over the weekend: that "legitimate rape" rarely leads to pregnancy.

The belief that hormones or adrenaline protect women from conception during rape has been perpetuated for decades in American political discourse, without scientific basis.

BAUMANN: So, as far as we can tell from CDC and medical studies and Planned Parenthood's released some numbers of their own, there are tens of thousands of pregnancies from rape in the U.S. each year. And about 5 percent of women who are raped get pregnant. About half of those pregnancies end in abortion..

Examining The Truth About Rape And Pregnancy : NPR

It will lose you an election in this country
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

Since you clearly oppose supportng people who make stupid statements I presume that means you are going to vote against Obama/Biden?

Yeah right.... they don't care about what is right.

A Repubik said something that some don't like to hear and he is to be rebuked and ridiculed.
Let's circle the firing squad and Akin is the target.... why is it that only Republicans are held to this standard?
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

Obviously you are NOT pre-disposed to science.. but the premise is there are hormonal actions that are involved in this.
Explain this to me..

If there were 1,300,000 "legitimate/illegitimate" rapes in 2010.
If there were 13,000 human beings murdered due to these rapes that works out to
1% of the "legitimate/illegitimate" rapes" resulted in pregnancies.
That means 99% of the "legitimate/illegitimate" rapes" didn't end up with pregnancies.

How many U.S. abortions are performed each year due to rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother? - Yahoo! Answers
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

Perhaps, but serotonin levels from stress have an impact. Real rape is a violent and stressful event. I don't know if he's right or wrong, but I suspect that he is more right than wrong.

And we do need to address "real rape" versus "when I woke up, he was ugly," that is so often called "rape."
If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

His comment has been mocked nine ways to Sunday by men and women alike. No one has defended him. The Romney/Ryan campaign even distanced itself.

And shortly afterward he issued a statement apologizing for misspeaking.

But he failed to, well, point out what in his prior statement was wrong. “In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it’s clear that I misspoke in this interview, and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year," he said. I think he is using the new modern definition of misspoke: “said something in total sincerity that terrified everyone who heard it and which therefore I must not have meant.”

If only the female body did what Mr. Akin thought it did. That would be awfully handy. Zero people, instead of an estimated 32,000 each year, would be left pregnant after rape.

‘Legitimate rape’ and Todd Akin’s myths - ComPost - The Washington Post

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