What is wrong with what Akin said???

Akin was right in that rape is a reason for very few abortions. But then he showed his nut job side with his " your body protects you from pregnancy if you are raped.".

That is the thing with TeaTards.....you don't have to scratch the surface very far to reveal the nut job
Actually, what I think he was trying to say, and totally fucked it up, was that in cases where the rape can be proved to BE A RAPE, and not some little girl who has regrets for having sex.....then that would be a legitimate accusation of rape.

However, given the morons utter lack of understanding with regard to biology....I think he's just an idiot and has no business as a US Senator.

What creates more cervical mucus the material that facilitates sperm transport?
Chemical releases in the brain in response to emotions of the woman.

So if a woman has violently forced intercourse do you as the expert in gynecology not have some modicum of common sense that the woman is NOT enjoying hence cervical mucus is not flowing.. therefore sperm transport is not facilitated!

That is the point Akin was making when he said:
"the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. "GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

Simply stated as I'm sure it went Whoosh way over your head..
NO cervical mucus cause woman was not enjoying!
Not enough mucus hinders sperm transport.. as a result lower change of impregnation!

Do you understand AKIN unlike MOST of his critics DIDN"T say ALL never made such false jump to conclusions that the rest of the hysterical critics did!

The BIGGEST error AKIN had was assuming the majority of people knew this!

So I'll repeat.. maybe go slower...
Woman being "legitimately raped" does NOT enjoy the experience.
MOST not all women therefore would NOT MOST of the time NOT always reduce the amount of cervical mucus that would facilitate sperm transport.. MOST of the time!
So Akin asks a logical question, JUST because the woman is inconvenienced by a pregnancy why should a human being DIE??:??

Seems like a legitimate statement:
Are you in favor of killing a human being JUST because someone is INCONVENIENCED?

Apparently, the word “inconvenience” has taken on a meaning quite different than I had learned early on. Now, being forced to carry a rapist’s child for nine months, giving girth to the child (which is a painful and potentially deadly experience) and caring for the child both emotionally and financially for a third of a woman’s adult life....all of that is a mere inconvenience??? Are you kidding me??

I suppose that if you are robbed at gunpoint, you are merely inconvenienced. Certainly, the loss of a few dollars or a few hundred dollars is not a life altering experience. But that pales in comparison to the financial and emotional crisis experienced by a woman who is expected to carry, birth and care for her rapist's child.

You received a prison sentence of 20 years...a mere inconvenience my lad, nothing more. You may not be able to do what you want for 20 years, but neither can a woman who is forced to have her rapist's offspring.

So your wife had sex with your best friend? Nothing to worry about. You were not even inconvenienced because you were nowhere around at the time. Unless your wife's dalliance deprived you of sex, you haven't lost a thing. But, suppose it was your wife who got raped. Would you be OK with her giving birth to the child. Would you be willing to support that child until he/she is 18 years old...or longer?

If someone raped my wife, I would kill him. Of course I personally consider the loss of his life to be...well.... nothing more than an inconvenience. I'm sure the courts would agree. Well, they should.

The emotional impact of having a child goes well beyond conception and birth. The mother's trauma and pain can endure past the child’s emancipation and even throughout his/her adult life. The mental anguish often can only end when her own life ends.

Having to reschedule a hair appointment is an inconvenience. Being forced to bear, birth and raise your rapist’s child is not.
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

And you are a bigger "fucking" idiot for not hearing the fact that "approximately 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy"....

What about the 95% that don't???

You going to tell me that all the women who "claim" rape... actually were raped?

Sorry... I don't buy it.

I have seen WAY too many cases where the girl is doing nothing but protecting her reputation by claiming it was out of her control.

Without "rape", abortion might actually be considered murder.... we are forgetting that a life is being snuffed for convenience sake.

For something that occurs approximately 5% of the time, we sure are jumping thru a shitload of hoops!

Todd Akin just let his big mouth get the best of him...

Plus why in the Hell are we even concerned about abortion right now??
Oh yeah, because the narrative is that Repubiks want to destroy womens rights, and to make our air and water dirty...oh yeah, and they also want to kill grandma... :cuckoo:

My God people... we are going bankrupt!!!! Who gives a shit????

With all due respect, I believe you have a problem with the statistics on this issue. Just because only 5% of women who are raped get pregnant does not mean they get pregnant less often than women who are not. Not every woman who has consensual sex gets pregnant as a result of a single sex act (thank God).

There are studies which say that rape victims are more likely to get pregnant than those who engage in consensual sex. On August 20, 2012, Sarah Kliff posted an article on the Internet titled Study: Rape Victims Have Higher Pregnancy Rate Than Other Women. The study confirmed that for those woman between the ages of 12 and 45, rape victims got pregnant at a rate of 6.4% while those in the general population had a 3.1% pregnancy rate from a single-incident consensual sex act. One of the reasons given for the increase in pregnancies among rape victims makes a lot of sense:

“As to why rape victims would have a higher rate of pregnancy, the Gottschalls put forward a few theories. They look at previous research, which suggests that men are more attracted to women who are fertile and ovulating. In consensual sex, women can decline sex at a time where there might be a high likelihood of pregnancy. That’s not the case in rape” (emphasis my own).

The entire article by Sarah Kliff can be read at the following link:

Study: Rape victims have a higher pregnancy rates than other women
Here is exactly what Akin said that EVERYONE is SO.... upset with!!!

It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.

GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

Again taken totally OUT of CONTEXT ...LIKE "UNCHAINED"!!!!

Akin says that if it wasn't consensual sex, but actual physical totally against the woman's will (LEGITIMATE), sometimes NATURE will NOT allow conception to occur.

So Akin asks a logical question, JUST because the woman is inconvenienced by a pregnancy why should a human being DIE??:??

Seems like a legitimate statement:
Are you in favor of killing a human being JUST because someone is INCONVENIENCED?

Studies have found approximately 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy.

All Things Considered host Melissa Block talks with Nick Baumann of Mother Jones magazine about the belief at the core of Missouri state Rep. Todd Akin's furor-raising statement over the weekend: that "legitimate rape" rarely leads to pregnancy.

The belief that hormones or adrenaline protect women from conception during rape has been perpetuated for decades in American political discourse, without scientific basis.

BAUMANN: So, as far as we can tell from CDC and medical studies and Planned Parenthood's released some numbers of their own, there are tens of thousands of pregnancies from rape in the U.S. each year. And about 5 percent of women who are raped get pregnant. About half of those pregnancies end in abortion..

Examining The Truth About Rape And Pregnancy : NPR

Exactly. Republicans agree with him and even made the "Akin Amendment" the centerpiece of their party platform. No where does it talk about helping children after they are born. Once born, it's difficult for Republicans to maintain an "interest".
his statements show his ignorance of the female body which does not know friendly sperm from foe...

o and let me add.....you are fucking idiot for not getting that

And you are a bigger "fucking" idiot for not hearing the fact that "approximately 5 percent of rapes result in pregnancy"....

What about the 95% that don't???

You going to tell me that all the women who "claim" rape... actually were raped?

Sorry... I don't buy it.

I have seen WAY too many cases where the girl is doing nothing but protecting her reputation by claiming it was out of her control.

Without "rape", abortion might actually be considered murder.... we are forgetting that a life is being snuffed for convenience sake.

For something that occurs approximately 5% of the time, we sure are jumping thru a shitload of hoops!

Todd Akin just let his big mouth get the best of him...

Plus why in the Hell are we even concerned about abortion right now??
Oh yeah, because the narrative is that Repubiks want to destroy womens rights, and to make our air and water dirty...oh yeah, and they also want to kill grandma... :cuckoo:

My God people... we are going bankrupt!!!! Who gives a shit????

With all due respect, I believe you have a problem with the statistics on this issue. Just because only 5% of women who are raped get pregnant does not mean they get pregnant less often than women who are not. Not every woman who has consensual sex gets pregnant as a result of a single sex act (thank God).

There are studies which say that rape victims are more likely to get pregnant than those who engage in consensual sex. On August 20, 2012, Sarah Kliff posted an article on the Internet titled Study: Rape Victims Have Higher Pregnancy Rate Than Other Women. The study confirmed that for those woman between the ages of 12 and 45, rape victims got pregnant at a rate of 6.4% while those in the general population had a 3.1% pregnancy rate from a single-incident consensual sex act. One of the reasons given for the increase in pregnancies among rape victims makes a lot of sense:

“As to why rape victims would have a higher rate of pregnancy, the Gottschalls put forward a few theories. They look at previous research, which suggests that men are more attracted to women who are fertile and ovulating. In consensual sex, women can decline sex at a time where there might be a high likelihood of pregnancy. That’s not the case in rape” (emphasis my own).

The entire article by Sarah Kliff can be read at the following link:

Study: Rape victims have a higher pregnancy rates than other women
Sounds logical... Never really thought about it... But that's certainly believable.
With all due respect, I believe you have a problem with the statistics on this issue. Just because only 5% of women who are raped get pregnant does not mean they get pregnant less often than women who are not. Not every woman who has consensual sex gets pregnant as a result of a single sex act (thank God).

There are studies which say that rape victims are more likely to get pregnant than those who engage in consensual sex.

The problem is that there is an incentive to be dishonest.

Abortion is free to the 9th month to those who claim rape. Many suspect that a large number of claimed rapes in abortions are probably not actually rape. Akin using “legitimate rape” may have given the demagogues fodder to attack, but he has a point - many, most in fact, of the claims of "rape" in abortion situations have no police reports to confirm the claim. No one want's to question a victim - but as a statistical measure, this is utterly meaningless.

When legitimate rape - i.e. "forcible, violent" rape is involved, then the stats are vastly different.

{ Now for the important question. How many rape pregnancies are there? The answer is that, according to statistical reporting, there are no more than one or two pregnancies resultant from every 1,000 forcible rapes.

But, does it make sense? Let's look, using the figure of 200,000 rapes each year.

Of the 200,000 women who were forcibly raped, one-third were either too old or too young to get pregnant. That leaves 133,000 at risk for pregnancy.
A woman is capable of being fertilized only 3 days (perhaps 5) out of a 30-day month. Multiply our figure of 133,000 by three tenths. Three days out of 30 is one out of ten, divide 133 by ten and we have 13,300 women remaining. If we use five days out of 30 it is one out of six. Divide one hundred and thirty three thousand by six and we have 22,166 remaining.
One-fourth of all women in the United States of childbearing age have been sterilized, so the remaining three-fourths come out to 10,000 (or 15,000).
Only half of assailants penetrate her body and/or deposit sperm in her vagina,1 so let's cut the remaining figures in half. This gives us numbers of 5,000 (or 7,500).
Fifteen percent of men are sterile, that drops that figure to 4,250 (or 6,375).
Fifteen percent of non-surgically sterilized women are naturally sterile. That reduces the number to 3,600 (or 5,400).
Another fifteen percent are on the pill and/or already pregnant. That reduces the number to 3,070 (or 4,600).
Now factor in the fact that it takes 5-10 months for the average couple to achieve a pregnancy. Use the smaller figure of 5 months to be conservative and divide the avove figures by 5. The number drops to 600 (or 920).
In an average population, the miscarriage rate is about 15 percent. In this case we have incredible emotional trauma. Her body is upset. Even if she conceives, the miscarriage rate will be higher than in a more normal pregnancy. If 20 percent of raped women miscarry, the figure drops to 450 (or 740).}

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