What Is Wrong With America ?

Radicals on both sides is what's wrong with this country...Like a cancer!

As an independent, would you rather see legislative stalemate or domination by one side or the other so there is some address of the nation's problems?

I'm pretty liberal as you probably know but there are times when I wouldn't care if the conservatives when they regain power just imposed the nuke option and went crazy with power and began running over the Dems who would be the minority party.

The frequency of my thinking this would probably surprise a lot of my fellow liberals....I wonder if they feel the same.

Anyway, as a MOTR analyst, would you rather have what we have now or total domination by either ideology?

There may be hope for you yet.
BOTTOMLINE = We have forgotten that in God we trust. Most now say,"we don't want or need God! except the day after 9/11 on that day WE WANTED AND NEEDED GOD!!!

Actually, God was kind of the problem on 9/11 wasn't he.

Atta and the other assholes were doing "God's" will. And God didn't stop them.

When you put a pox on BOTH of our houses, so to speak, you REWARD the bad guys.

You stupid old jerk.

I hope you never have to call on God for mercy.
BOTTOMLINE = We have forgotten that in God we trust. Most now say,"we don't want or need God! except the day after 9/11 on that day WE WANTED AND NEEDED GOD!!!

Actually, God was kind of the problem on 9/11 wasn't he.

Atta and the other assholes were doing "God's" will. And God didn't stop them.

When you put a pox on BOTH of our houses, so to speak, you REWARD the bad guys.

You stupid old jerk.

I hope you never have to call on God for mercy.

We'll see what happens after we die.

If you go first, let us know what's there.
Radicals on both sides is what's wrong with this country...Like a cancer!

Compare the damage and the proposed damage to America and Americans from the supposed far Right vs that of the Mainstream LW crazies and you will see that, despite your efforts to make them look equally bad, the Left is the real threat to America.

Not the Right.

Progressives! They are the challenge to America today!

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights. Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses

Actually, God was kind of the problem on 9/11 wasn't he.

Atta and the other assholes were doing "God's" will. And God didn't stop them.

When you put a pox on BOTH of our houses, so to speak, you REWARD the bad guys.

You stupid old jerk.

I hope you never have to call on God for mercy.

We'll see what happens after we die.

If you go first, let us know what's there.

Liberals never listen to the truth.

Here is a statement from an institute of higher learning devoted to the education of Americans to the facts about the Constitution.

Let's see if you will pay attention to this, first. Eh?

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights. Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

I dispute it because online colleges are full of shit and every normal person knows it.
I dispute it because online colleges are full of shit and every normal person knows it.

I agree, any college with online classes is horseshit, I mean, just look at Columbia, or Harvard, Obama's alma maters :lol:
I dispute it because online colleges are full of shit and every normal person knows it.

I agree, any college with online classes is horseshit, I mean, just look at Columbia, or Harvard, Obama's alma maters :lol:
I apologize. I spoke too soon. I read it as Hillsdale College Online, not Hillsdale College. I thought it was another one of those "University of Pheonix Online" type of deals. Hillsdale College is slightly older than the internet.

However, anyone who thinks that Progressives want to dismantle the US Constitution should not be teaching any college course, online or otherwise. The quote from Hillsdale said, "The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights." That's just wrong. Progressives fought for inalienable natural rights such as women's and minorities' rights to vote, an end to child labor, workers' rights and an eight-hour work day, and public education. These were all basic human rights which were denied to much of society by the controlling class for as long as possible. It was only because of Progressives that society achieved these rights.
I dispute it because online colleges are full of shit and every normal person knows it.

I agree, any college with online classes is horseshit, I mean, just look at Columbia, or Harvard, Obama's alma maters :lol:
I apologize. I spoke too soon. I read it as Hillsdale College Online, not Hillsdale College. I thought it was another one of those "University of Pheonix Online" type of deals. Hillsdale College is slightly older than the internet.

However, anyone who thinks that Progressives want to dismantle the US Constitution should not be teaching any college course, online or otherwise. The quote from Hillsdale said, "The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights." That's just wrong. Progressives fought for inalienable natural rights such as women's and minorities' rights to vote, an end to child labor, workers' rights and an eight-hour work day, and public education. These were all basic human rights which were denied to much of society by the controlling class for as long as possible. It was only because of Progressives that society achieved these rights.

You have remarkable reading skills, and your uncanny ability to parrot the mainstream political script really exposes your fantastic critical thinking skills. I take it you are a graduate of a fine American university?
"Parrot mainstream political script"? I can't respond to that because I don't know what it means.

Are you suggesting that Progressives did NOT fight for women's and minorities' rights? Is that what Hillsdale College wants people to believe? Would that mean that Conservatives were the ones who granted black people the right to vote? In which psychotic fictional Twilight Zone reality does anyone believe that?
"Parrot mainstream political script"? I can't respond to that because I don't know what it means.

Are you suggesting that Progressives did NOT fight for women's and minorities' rights? Is that what Hillsdale College wants people to believe? Would that mean that Conservatives were the ones who granted black people the right to vote? In which psychotic fictional Twilight Zone reality does anyone believe that?

That doesn't surprise me, and helps explain for your general world view. Now go sit in the corner while the adults talk.
What is wrong with America?

Too many whiny pessimists who constantly look for what is wrong instead of showing some balls and offering solutions.

Freedom is the Solution.

Are you saying its not wise to look at what went wrong and discussing that failure before spending trillions of dollars more on the same solutions that keep failing.

I offer no solution if my solution does not make the government stronger?
God will not force anyone to accept his protection and blessings!!!

God doesn't fucking exist.

Unfortunately, crazy people willing to murder to please an imaginary Sky Fairy do.

SO SAYS THE ""FOOL"" ==The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. PSALMS 53:1 ===GOD KNOWS YOU WELL!!!

Hey, that same Bible also contains this... consider this next time you show up outside an abortion clinic with pictures of medical waste...

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

Maybe the last time your brain worked was in the 1950's when you were an Eisenhower supporter.

What do you suppose Israel would have done had the POSSIBILITY that Saddam had WMD's POSSIBLY waiting to unleash upon them existed much longer?

When was the last time Israel laid down when their existence was threatened?

No, I can't recall it either.

What do they almost always do when facing life and death threats?

Do they do NOTHING?

No, they confront the challenge and they do so decisively.

Yes, they do something. They call Washington and say, "We need you to fight a war against one of our enemies because we are too Chicken-shit to do it ourselves."

And our scumwad politicians say, "Yes, Sir, Mr. Zionist, Sir!!!"

At least until Obama came along.

Okay, here was the thing. The Zionists haven't won a war on their own since 1967. They've either needed the Americans to bail them out or they've had to withdraw in some kind of humiliating defeat. Zionism is kept aloft on its own bullshit.

What would the rest of the Muslim and Arab worlds do in the face of what would have been seen as an unprovoked attack by the hated Jooz on an Iraq who's brutal dictator had been paying Palestinian martyr's families $25,000? And what would they do when their hated, sworn enemy attacked a newly religious Saddam?

You don't think the resulting war would have affected you at all, huh?

It would have affected the WORLD. And maybe triggered a regional war much worse than Iraq.

Not much. Here's the thing. The Israelis did bomb the Osirik reactor in 1982, and the rest of the Islamic world pretty much yawned. The only people who were really pissed off were the French, because they had a sweet contract to build it. On the off chance the Zionists grew a pair of balls and fought their own fucking war for a change, what were they going to attack, exactly? Remember, there weren't any WMD's.

And if you don't think of Saudi Arabia as a valued ally, how about a crucial oil supplier to the free world we do business with?

Isn't that kind of like saying a drug addict's best friend is his pusher? Besides the fact that most of Saudi Arabia's output actually goes to India and China these days, hardly the "Free World", the fact is, as you say, we get most of our oil from this hemisphere.

What Saudi Arabia does with that money is fund terrorists. But the worse is going to come. Right now, the only thing that keeps the corrupt Royals in power in S.A. is that they use that oil money to keep the masses pacified while they fly to Europe for booze, gambling and hookers. Eventually, the masses are going to get sick of that, and we are going to have a Jihadist government there.

Probably a lot sooner now that we've made Iraq into a nest for Jihadists.

THANKS, DUBYA!!!! What a guy!!!!

You are a dried up old lightweight.

Go find a 70 year old to take to the Malt Shop and spare us your lack of political acumen.

And I don't need the kind of indications of being 'right' that you do. You rely on misleading indicators. The kind that come from being just like everyone else.

That's fine for those who aren't the trail blazer, the pioneer, the one who is in front seeing things fresh that the others, like you, will have to wait to see later.

I don't have that luxury.

Why? My guess here is you didn't sign up for the current war in the Middle East and you ain't gonna sign up for the next one. YOu are just going to let some POOR kid fight it with the promise of a college scholarship that never happens, and if he comes back in a body bag or without any limbs, tough shit for him.

I think we need to have a NeoCon Registry. Next time there's a war in the middle east, we round the lot of you up and send YOUR asses over to fight it.

I have to be able to see these things and tell you about them and eventually you and the others will get around to recognizing I was right.

It's called leadership.

You know nothing about leadership if you get your sense of being right from having a crowd around you.

Relax old man.

Enjoy the journey.

Guy, I just can't see how continuily getting in the middle of fights in the Middle East over whose Sky Pixie has the Biggest balls really helps us all that much.

As you say, I'm an old man. And frankly, I've been watching us play this game in the Middle East for most of my life. And I'm reminded of the old joke about the Polish Coyote that chews off three legs and is still caught in the trap.

I remember in the Yom Kippur War when Nixon rushed tanks in to save Israel, and the Arabs kindly responded by shutting off the oil supply. Then when we started seriously talking about alternatives to oil, they kept us hooked up like a junkie for a very long time.

We could take the 400 billion a year we spend fighting wars and propping up Israel and paying Israel's neighbors to play nice and reinvest it in public transportation and energy alternatives, and frankly, we'd create more jobs and be a lot more secure.

But, naw, that doesn't make any sense. Anyone up for a War with Iran? The Zionists are really scared of them, too!
BOTTOMLINE = We have forgotten that in God we trust. Most now say,"we don't want or need God! except the day after 9/11 on that day WE WANTED AND NEEDED GOD!!!

Actually, God was kind of the problem on 9/11 wasn't he.

Atta and the other assholes were doing "God's" will. And God didn't stop them.

When you put a pox on BOTH of our houses, so to speak, you REWARD the bad guys.

You stupid old jerk.

I hope you never have to call on God for mercy.

Um, as far as I'm concerned, Both sides are equally guilty.

We've been sticking our dicks in the middle east hornet's nest for 60 years now, why are we whining about getting stung?

But you miss my point. If there is a God, and he thinks Christians are the "Good guys" and Muslims are the "Bad Guys", then why did he let the "Bad Guys" win on 9/11?

I mean, Rev. Wright blamed Imperialism and Rev. Robertson blamed Witches and Gays, but I have a much simpler answer.

There is no magic Sky Pixie picking winners and losers. Just like he isn't helping Tebow win football games when poor children in Africa's prayers for food are ignored.

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