What Is Wrong With America ?

One of the ironies of America is that the founders were afraid of democracy. They reasoned if ordinary people were given the vote they would vote themselves all the goodies, but interestingly that hasn't happened.
Cough.... did you REALLY just say that?

The Democratic party depends on people voting in a government that gives them goodies; if the welfare state and entitlement system were to disappear, the Democratic party would have no voter base.

That is correct.

Watch Hillary and Elizabeth Warren knock each other out trying to provide the most benefits.


Oh, those silly RW wet-dreams.

You cannot support this with anything substantive.

The first Secretary of the Treasury was Hamilton, read his policies.
Sorry -- you'll have to do more to support your claim then tell me to look it up.

It's high school stuff and you are unable to do simple research? Go to the library and get a American history book and look up Hamilton's economic program. More than that I cannot do for you. If at the end of your studies you decide to challenge Hamilton's program as not being for business and "our infant industries", I might help you.
You cannot support this with anything substantive.

The first Secretary of the Treasury was Hamilton, read his policies.
Sorry -- you'll have to do more to support your claim then tell me to look it up.

He's referring to Hamilton's mercantilist policy. Mostly at the time we exported agriculture and imported our manufactured goods. Hamilton's policy was to give subsidies, where were definitely handouts, to American manufacturers and at the same time put stiff tariffs on imports.

Regent may have been right, but you're right that he was being lame as shit to just tell you to look it up.
Only by Marxists. Successful industrialists and companies are hard to create and hard to maintain and difficult to replace and provide the engine of our economy. On the other hand, low skilled workers are a dime a dozen. That the former depends on the latter is just a delusion of the left. It's totally the other way around. The low end workers are dependent on us.

Then it's seen by almost everyone in America, that those who profit millions (or billions) from their industries, while paying their employees low wages, are parasiting upon those workers, as shown by polls that reveal very high %s of the public favoring the Marxist concept of redistribution of wealth through the income tax system. Frankly, the overwhelming majority of Americans (perhaps as high as 85% are semi-Marxists.)

I'm not knocking capitalism, and am a former business owner myself. I AM knocking the lopsided distribution of wealth that the poorly maintained current system has produced. I'm also knocking the poorly maintained political system that has most members of the US Congress being millionaires, with one of them, Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA) having a net worth of $485 Million. No way that someone that much out of the mainstream of American life should be making decisions for average Americans.
Why do you support forcing people to pay for goods and services they do not receive?
How does foricing people tp pay for goods and services they do not receive differ meanignfully from involuntary servitude?

Since I'm pretty busy right now, I'm going to jump ahead and guess that by "goods and services they do not receive", you are talking about Social Security and VA Pensions, since that's what we were talking about.
Both of these are services that you DO receive. If you don't know how, you're not equipped to be in this discussion. Are you really going to tell me you don't know how you (And EVERYONE IN AMERICA) is a recipient of these services ? :lol:

I'll go one better. You (And EVERYONE IN AMERICA) is a recipient of welfare (food stamps, TANF, Medicaid), Medicare, and the ACA. Didn't you know ?
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Then it's seen by almost everyone in America, that those who profit millions (or billions) from their industries, while paying their employees low wages, are parasiting upon those workers, as shown by polls that reveal very high %s of the public favoring the Marxist concept of redistribution of wealth through the income tax system. Frankly, the overwhelming majority of Americans (perhaps as high as 85% are semi-Marxists.)

I'm not knocking capitalism, and am a former business owner myself. I AM knocking the lopsided distribution of wealth that the poorly maintained current system has produced. I'm also knocking the poorly maintained political system that has most members of the US Congress being millionaires, with one of them, Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA) having a net worth of $485 Million. No way that someone that much out of the mainstream of American life should be making decisions for average Americans.
Why do you support forcing people to pay for goods and services they do not receive?
How does foricing people tp pay for goods and services they do not receive differ meanignfully from involuntary servitude?

Since I'm pretty busy right now, I'm going to jump ahead and guess that by "goods and services they do not receive", you are talking about Social Security and VA Pensions, since that's what we were talking about.
Both of these are services that you DO receive. If you don't know how, you're not equipped to be in this discussion. Are you really going to tell me you don't know how you (And EVERYONE IN AMERICA) is a recipient of these services ? :lol:

I'll go one better. You (And EVERYONE IN AMERICA) is a recipient of welfare (food stamps, TANF, Medicaid), Medicare, and the ACA. Didn't you know ?
You did not answer the questions.
I'll ask agiain:
Why do you support forcing people to pay for goods and services they do not receive?
How does foricing people tp pay for goods and services they do not receive differ meanignfully from involuntary servitude?
The first Secretary of the Treasury was Hamilton, read his policies.
Sorry -- you'll have to do more to support your claim then tell me to look it up.

It's high school stuff and you are unable to do simple research? Go to the library and get a American history book and look up Hamilton's economic program. More than that I cannot do for you. If at the end of your studies you decide to challenge Hamilton's program as not being for business and "our infant industries", I might help you.
The fact that all you can do to support your claim is to tell me to look it up indicates that you know you cannot back up your claim.
I accept your concession of the point.
America has moved too far away from the constitution.

Yep, the gimme's and the warmongers have turned us into a welfare/warfare police state.


The problem is that both sides want to bypass the Constitution for what they want from Government, but then the think they can still use the Constitution to block the other side from getting what they want. Every time they both subvert it, they weaken it.

The Founders were right, government sucks, none more so than the Federal government. We are all best served when the Constitution is strong, the Federal Government is weak and then we are free to pursue those things most important to us.
America has moved too far away from the constitution.

Yep, the gimme's and the warmongers have turned us into a welfare/warfare police state.


The problem is that both sides want to bypass the Constitution for what they want from Government, but then the think they can still use the Constitution to block the other side from getting what they want. Every time they both subvert it, they weaken it.

The Founders were right, government sucks, none more so than the Federal government. We are all best served when the Constitution is strong, the Federal Government is weak and then we are free to pursue those things most important to us.

Seeing as how the "federal govt" is a thousand different things, it's naive to say we are all best served when the federal govt is weak. The federal govt includes the military, the DEA, ICE, CBP, the FBI, the VA, et al who I would not ever want to see be weak.
Since I started this thread, a lot of very good posts have been posted offering examples of what's wrong with America. Thank you, to everyone who has posted here (whether I agree with you or not)

That being said, I want to submit what I think is a horrendous example of one of the most wrong things happening in America. If this doesn't generate responses of outrage, I don't know what will.
In April 2005, Texas Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez stopped a van at midnight in his small town. When he approached the vehicle, he noticed a group of people lying on the floor. The driver took off and tried to run Hernandez over. Hernandez shot at the tires and everyone ran away, except for one woman whose teeth were damaged by shrapnel. The US govt, aided by Mexican officials, prosecuted Hernandez for violating the civil rights of the illegal aliens in the van, and for using excessive force. Hernandez spent almost a year in jail and was fined $5,000. The illegal aliens also sued Hernandez for damages, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and mental anguish. They sought $1.5 million, but settled for settled for $100,000.
Besides this abomination in and of itself, what is also wrong with America, is the hush-up job the media did on this story, with little coverage of it, and not many people ever getting wind of it, other than a relatively small % of viewers of the Lou Dobbs Tonight TV show.
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the government has come to be too much influenced by special interests and the wealthy. We are heading over a cliff if something isn't done quickly and one of those things would be to tax the wealthy more to pay down the debt.

Eisenhower had a top rate of 91% we probably dont need it that high but should take it to 65-70%
A tax on Wall Street transactions should also be imposed.
the government has come to be too much influenced by special interests and the wealthy. We are heading over a cliff if something isn't done quickly and one of those things would be to tax the wealthy more to pay down the debt.

Eisenhower had a top rate of 91% we probably dont need it that high but should take it to 65-70%
A tax on Wall Street transactions should also be imposed.

Nobody should owe any sort of % of that nature to any government.. government does not exist for your redistribution dreams

And perhaps, just perhaps, before spouting off about some 90+or 60+% rate, you should look at what was counted as income then, deductible then, etc. The effective rate for the top is actually not much different today than it was then...

What should be is equality in treatment across the board, regardless to age, race, sex, creed, income, situation, or whatever else... funny how equality in treatment, to a liberal, only counts when it benefits you.. but unequal treatment of someone else is ok, when it also benefits the liberal
What is wrong with America?

1) The top is doing better than ever before.

2) The wealth on top is not trickling down as promised into jobs and benefits for all.

Voodoo economics only works for the wealthy.
the government has come to be too much influenced by special interests and the wealthy. We are heading over a cliff if something isn't done quickly and one of those things would be to tax the wealthy more to pay down the debt.

Eisenhower had a top rate of 91% we probably dont need it that high but should take it to 65-70%
A tax on Wall Street transactions should also be imposed.

Nobody should owe any sort of % of that nature to any government.. government does not exist for your redistribution dreams

And perhaps, just perhaps, before spouting off about some 90+or 60+% rate, you should look at what was counted as income then, deductible then, etc. The effective rate for the top is actually not much different today than it was then...

What should be is equality in treatment across the board, regardless to age, race, sex, creed, income, situation, or whatever else... funny how equality in treatment, to a liberal, only counts when it benefits you.. but unequal treatment of someone else is ok, when it also benefits the liberal

the wealthy pay no more on their first $15000 say then anyone else. Who else are you going to get the money from? Paying down the debt benefits EVERYBODY not just me, not just "liberals" a term I reject.

A rising tax on the wealthy will lift all boats
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the government has come to be too much influenced by special interests and the wealthy. We are heading over a cliff if something isn't done quickly and one of those things would be to tax the wealthy more to pay down the debt.

Eisenhower had a top rate of 91% we probably dont need it that high but should take it to 65-70%
A tax on Wall Street transactions should also be imposed.

Wht don't we just get it over with now.
Take 99% of what people earn.
Nationalize all IRA and 401K Plans.
Tax wealth at 100% over $1 million.
That way not only do we hit the rich fucks on what they earned but you guys get to take whatever wealth has been accumulated because the rich got rich by stealing from the poor.

And we should be lucky that that's all you guys do....

Or we could have a balanced budget and spend less then what we take in as revenue.

How bout that?


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