What is the solution?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
On gun violence? I'm serious.

What do we do?

Nobody wants to surrender any of their rights or weapons, and a good deal of people want to confiscate those rights and weapons altogether. I see both positions as extreme and untenable. Before you start screaming Molon Labe or Don't Tread on Me or LET'S BAN ALL THE GUNS!!!!1!!11!!!, finish reading the rest of the this post.

Moving on.

Do we enforce the gun laws we already have? How many are there? How many have been passed that aren't being enforced?

On the other hand, what can be done to stop gun violence without infringing on anyone's rights?

I am getting disillusioned by this. Nobody seemingly wants to do anything constructive except hunker down in their trench and maintain their rigid stance. The middle ground is lava.

I want a solution and I want to breach this impasse we are at. Will anyone take on the challenge?
I guess charge an outrageous amount for a magazine and bullets.
On gun violence? I'm serious.

What do we do?

Nobody wants to surrender any of their rights or weapons, and a good deal of people want to confiscate those rights and weapons altogether. I see both positions as extreme and untenable. Before you start screaming Molon Labe or Don't Tread on Me or LET'S BAN ALL THE GUNS!!!!1!!11!!!, finish reading the rest of the this post.

Moving on.

Do we enforce the gun laws we already have? How many are there? How many have been passed that aren't being enforced?

On the other hand, what can be done to stop gun violence without infringing on anyone's rights?

I am getting disillusioned by this. Nobody seemingly wants to do anything constructive except hunker down in their trench and maintain their rigid stance. The middle ground is lava.

I want a solution and I want to breach this impasse we are at. Will anyone take on the challenge?
The solution that no one wants to hear especially from the left? Get rid of the immoral assholes called progressives because they hate normal people, and thus want to kill us when they get us disarmed. They are aborting themselves by the millions but that still isnt good enough because like roaches there are still too many around. If you got rid of every Demonrat voter, then the US wouldn't be having gun crimes, because then everyone would be happy and working. Just that simple.
On gun violence? I'm serious.

What do we do?

Nobody wants to surrender any of their rights or weapons, and a good deal of people want to confiscate those rights and weapons altogether. I see both positions as extreme and untenable. Before you start screaming Molon Labe or Don't Tread on Me or LET'S BAN ALL THE GUNS!!!!1!!11!!!, finish reading the rest of the this post.

Moving on.

Do we enforce the gun laws we already have? How many are there? How many have been passed that aren't being enforced?

On the other hand, what can be done to stop gun violence without infringing on anyone's rights?

I am getting disillusioned by this. Nobody seemingly wants to do anything constructive except hunker down in their trench and maintain their rigid stance. The middle ground is lava.

I want a solution and I want to breach this impasse we are at. Will anyone take on the challenge?
It's simple really but one democrat will do it and many Reps won't either. Simplicity. common sense laws.

Here you go. Do this.

We already have too many gun laws and some of them are helping the murderers. What is needed is quick, severe punishment for felons in possession of a gun and even more harsh punishment for using it! No probation, no parole, mandatory hard lengthy time. Cowardly, filthy, crime loving liberals REFUSE to do this. That's my idea of sensible. Stop slapping them on the wrist. Also, when someone pulls a gun in the commission of a crime, gun-free zones should be nonexistent and every effort should have been put into place for either a regular Joe or Jane or off duty cops, etc., to kill them dead! You wanna stop this madness, do what I have stated.

Of course not one lib wants this!
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Bombings and arson kill far more in mass killings. Wave a magic wand and destroy every last gun, it won't stop the mass killings.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.
Explain what gun control will do.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.

Aren't most of these white male mass shooters also Christians? Dylan Roof prayed with his victims.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.

Aren't most of these white male mass shooters also Christians? Dylan Roof prayed with his victims.
Yeah, they are. It's a good thing.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.
Explain what gun control will do.

It could make it more difficult for people who are struggling with specific issues to get a gun which could, in theory, be enough of a time delay to then help them change their mind about an act of violence on themselves or others and potentially seek help. Sometimes a day can make a world of difference for people who are acting impulsively.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.

Aren't most of these white male mass shooters also Christians? Dylan Roof prayed with his victims.

I don't know what their true faith actually was. Calling yourself a Christian and actually living as a Christian are not always the same thing for many people. Violence against others is not a Christian act.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.
Explain what gun control will do.

It could make it more difficult for people who are struggling with specific issues to get a gun which could, in theory, be enough of a time delay to then help them change their mind about an act of violence on themselves or others and potentially seek help. Sometimes a day can make a world of difference for people who are acting impulsively.
Great answer except you don't show how you will do that and how it will keep them from getting guns. HOW will you do it and HOW will it work?
While your heart is in the right place, I believe your a bit misguided. Religious groups come in all shapes and sizes of behavior from good to evil (pun intended). It will do nothing to cure the ills of society to any great degree. Nor will it help in preventing crimes committed with guns I'm afraid.
In my personal opinion, and I understand how this may come across to many people here, one of the most long-term sustainable solutions to gun violence is mass culture and lifestyle change. To me that means finding the good and the Light of God inside of all of us and prioritizing that over all else. I know how this may sound to a lot of people and I can understand the idealistic nature in it, but the simple truth is that if more people prioritized God in their life every single day and not look to man or the internet or violence for answers then culture could change for the better. Look at nearly all of these people who commit these acts of violence and there is a lot missing from their lives including, and most importantly, the acceptance of the Light that is or was inside of them all along and what that means for them and others around them. Just my personal opinion of course, and while I do support efforts of gun control not much will change without a cultural change as well.

What if people do not believe in God or a cultural change. Killings have happened since the beginning of time.
Cain in the bible is an example.
or what if you do:
Holy Hate: The Far Right’s Radicalization of Religion
Bombings and arson kill far more in mass killings. Wave a magic wand and destroy every last gun, it won't stop the mass killings.

So do nothing, is that your answer? That is the way its been done for a long time.
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