What is the Socialist/Communist's True Motivation

Stupid op of the week, not only is the title different from the content both are pure uneducated nonsense.
Stupid op of the week, not only is the title different from the content both are pure uneducated nonsense.
Dead on accurate.
I can't count the number of times while arguing with a left-winger, and inevitably they will say "We speak for the poor!" and I go "well no you don't, because I spent 20 years earning less than $20K a year"

And it is amazing the number times they turn around and say "you have only earned $20K a year for 20 years? Why should anyone listen to you!"

The average left-winger HATES the poor. Their only uniting quality, is that all left-wingers hate the wealthy and successful more. Their entire ideology is "I hate people who have more than me".

This is why they go around telling everyone their opinions don't matter. You are a white male... you can't talk about XXX problems in our society, because you are a white male. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Then they turn right around and talk about the poor working class... generally of white males.... and never mind that most of these people who say your opinion doesn't matter, are people who are white, and most have lived a 'privileged' life themselves.

Then entire left-wing is made up of nothing but hypocrites and liars. Just look at Tommy Taint. Dude is a snooty white Brit, looking down his nose at everyone constantly. That is a living example of left-wing hypocrisy.
Their motivation is to seize power and hold that power for decades. And to pull that off they have to seize control of the country's wealth so they can CONTROL the masses with government handouts.
Socialism never fails, it works EXACTLY as it's supposed to 100% of the time! The leaders become Billionaires without ever delivering anything of value to anyone. That people starve and sell their kids to prostitution or to the Podestas -- mere bumps in the road. Get over you compassion and ethics, embrace the suspect that comes with Socialism
And it is amazing the number times they turn around and say "you have only earned $20K a year for 20 years? Why should anyone listen to you!"
Exactly. You see nothing but contempt from the left for those who are middle class or below and WORK, bit work with their hands. They push everyone to their indoctrination centers (college). They despise self-made men who don't need them.
Stupid op of the week, not only is the title different from the content both are pure uneducated nonsense.
Dead on accurate.
I can't count the number of times while arguing with a left-winger, and inevitably they will say "We speak for the poor!" and I go "well no you don't, because I spent 20 years earning less than $20K a year"

And it is amazing the number times they turn around and say "you have only earned $20K a year for 20 years? Why should anyone listen to you!"

The average left-winger HATES the poor. Their only uniting quality, is that all left-wingers hate the wealthy and successful more. Their entire ideology is "I hate people who have more than me".

This is why they go around telling everyone their opinions don't matter. You are a white male... you can't talk about XXX problems in our society, because you are a white male. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Then they turn right around and talk about the poor working class... generally of white males.... and never mind that most of these people who say your opinion doesn't matter, are people who are white, and most have lived a 'privileged' life themselves.

Then entire left-wing is made up of nothing but hypocrites and liars. Just look at Tommy Taint. Dude is a snooty white Brit, looking down his nose at everyone constantly. That is a living example of left-wing hypocrisy.
100% republican bullshit propaganda.

Look around in the real world.for a while and get back to us.
Stupid op of the week, not only is the title different from the content both are pure uneducated nonsense.
Dead on accurate.
I can't count the number of times while arguing with a left-winger, and inevitably they will say "We speak for the poor!" and I go "well no you don't, because I spent 20 years earning less than $20K a year"

And it is amazing the number times they turn around and say "you have only earned $20K a year for 20 years? Why should anyone listen to you!"

The average left-winger HATES the poor. Their only uniting quality, is that all left-wingers hate the wealthy and successful more. Their entire ideology is "I hate people who have more than me".

This is why they go around telling everyone their opinions don't matter. You are a white male... you can't talk about XXX problems in our society, because you are a white male. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Then they turn right around and talk about the poor working class... generally of white males.... and never mind that most of these people who say your opinion doesn't matter, are people who are white, and most have lived a 'privileged' life themselves.

Then entire left-wing is made up of nothing but hypocrites and liars. Just look at Tommy Taint. Dude is a snooty white Brit, looking down his nose at everyone constantly. That is a living example of left-wing hypocrisy.
100% republican bullshit propaganda.

Look around in the real world.for a while and get back to us.

LOL!!! Sure. Where would you have me look? Soviets are gone. Venezuela is eating dogs. Cuba is only recovering today because they are turning away from it.

And all your European countries you claim are so socialist.... see how they are doing?


See how happy they are? See how glad for free educations, free health care, and free pensions, have made all those happy French people?

Greece is a disaster. Spain was on the verge of imploding for years. Every single socialist country across south American has failed to achieve a utopia.

So you tell me, when you look around the world... where has your socialist ideology worked? You tell me buddy. I'd love to hear another myth.
Socialism never fails, it works EXACTLY as it's supposed to 100% of the time! The leaders become Billionaires without ever delivering anything of value to anyone. That people starve and sell their kids to prostitution or to the Podestas -- mere bumps in the road. Get over you compassion and ethics, embrace the success that comes with Socialism
Socialism never fails, it works EXACTLY as it's supposed to 100% of the time! The leaders become Billionaires without ever delivering anything of value to anyone. That people starve and sell their kids to prostitution or to the Podestas -- mere bumps in the road. Get over you compassion and ethics, embrace the suspect that comes with Socialism
Or put their children on the front line illegally crossing a border, knowing they will get tear gassed. That's the kind of people we want here.
I think why socialism is applied to nations is that capitalism or whatever can only achieve near 90% of people living a life of some dignity. Now sweatshop capitalism is something to not wanting. So the best option is a respect for employment of individuals and social programs that are fair to the general population. However, there are limits on its success and we can not except it. Also included in that is there are different attitudes in people which can makes living ways worse. So now we spend a multitude of percentage more to try to eliminate poverty in which we can not achieve. And we overpay people to service it which takes more resources from others who do not work in those jobs.

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