What Is The Secret Democratic Agenda That Attracts The Left?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
It is secret in that while the democratic heads know it full well, most of their supporters do not. The democratic party of today is not what it was even a decade ago. It is now a DIVISIVE way of running the country based on the idea of TRIBALISM. The democrats are no longer an ideological party but instead, promote an IDENTITY POLITICS (everyone is part of a subgroup). The goal is no longer a common goal for all but achieving power to win the spoils for a given subgroup at the expense of all the others pitting each group against the other.

There is no arguing with them, no winning an argument ever; just victory or defeat for that group. It isn’t about right or wrong, good or bad for the country, just winning.

America was based on the idea of diverse unity---- that out of the many, we united to become one. That is what makes America strong. Many immigrants coming here to all be Americans, 50 states all uniting to be one great nation. This is the basic tenet of the Conservative. But the Democratic Party has become just the opposite today: They see the nation as being out of One comes MANY. Many separate, small, subgroups all divided and fighting. To be a democrat is to think you have somehow been wronged and are after some sort of equity. They usually identify the GOP or opposing party as the cause of their inequity. Worse, it isn’t up to you to get it, earn it, make it or create the equity for yourself but it must be somehow imposed on another group by force and taken from them to be given back to you!

Progressives don’t want to argue because they never think they are wrong. No argument: they just want to win. The Left of today doesn’t believe our traditions are noble or worth preserving, anything old must simply be destroyed, including basic institutions. Family, free speech, religion, and the rule of law are all under attack.

The Left no longer even tries to hide it! They cannot even acknowledge the legitimacy of any government action they do not agree with. Identity Politics leads to hate, anger and violence rather than unity, and violence is what separates politics from war. The Democratic party is transitioning from an ideological body, to a tribal identity with hatred, intolerance and violence as their tools, which is leading the country from a nation of laws to civil war where eventually, the nation will no longer be governable. Once government breaks down completely into total anarchy, it is their intention at top to replace it with not a democracy, but a ruling oligarchy with them in total control! Trump’s getting elected has dealt them a huge setback they were not expecting.

The sad part is that once achieved, those who supported and fought for the democratic party and their alleged goals of “forced equity” will be both the most surprised by and harmed at the true outcome!
They seek the power to change the United States into a foreign country for Americans.

That's why Trump-thugs can't understand it. They have a kind of Stalinist mental conditioning that prevents them from understanding what liberty is.
Search me I have no idea! :dunno:

The freebies may be?

Sick people.

That's why Trump-thugs can't understand it. They have a kind of Stalinist mental conditioning that prevents them from understanding what liberty is.



That's utterly hilarious!
That's utterly hilarious!

That's what I just pointed out. Fanatical Stalinist cult apparatchiks -- that is, almost all Trump-snowflakes -- consider even the concept of liberty to be ridiculous. In their planned authoritarian-corporate-socialist utopia, even mentioning the word will get a person sent to TheGulag.

Now, don't you have an anatomically correct Obama-model RealDoll to go molest? Most Trump snowflakes do. We actual approve of most of your perversions, as they keep you off the streets.

That's why Trump-thugs can't understand it. They have a kind of Stalinist mental conditioning that prevents them from understanding what liberty is.

That is one of the stupidest posts I have ever read even here in liberal STOOPUD land. Liberty is NOT giving everything you work for to a group of regalist to disburse as they see fit. Liberty is NOT the collective it is the individual. It is NOT subjugation to a group of government intimidators, thieves, liars, extortionist, and ruling class scum. It is NOT forced socialisim, communisim, dictatorial government, or monarchy. The Stalinist mentality is LEFTIST dimshit scum. It is completely shown through history including the lead up to WWII that Nazis like the present dimshit party have been the PROBLEM not the solution. Just as the dimshits are NOW their predecessors were murderers, egomaniacal regalist who have NO honor, no patriotic leaning, No qualms whatsoever about committing any crime from treason to perjury to attain their kingdom of oppression and servitude. It is a credit to their vileness, and your ignorance that they have fooled so many weak minded liberal ants.
That's utterly hilarious!

That's what I just pointed out. Fanatical Stalinist cult apparatchiks -- that is, almost all Trump-snowflakes -- consider even the concept of liberty to be ridiculous. In their planned authoritarian-corporate-socialist utopia, even mentioning the word will get a person sent to TheGulag.

Now, don't you have an anatomically correct Obama-model RealDoll to go molest? Most Trump snowflakes do. We actual approve of most of your perversions, as they keep you off the streets.

So the 2,800 pages of Obamacare were all about liberty? How about the new EPA regulations controlling what kind of energy we can use?

Exactly what part of Trump's agenda was about liberty?
OpinionEditorials.com – Liberalism is a Psychology - Beltt

It is the political activism itself that interests them, in that it makes them feel good about themselves for a number of reasons. The particular cause they fight for is relevant only insofar as different causes stroke different emotional needs (moral superiority, intellectual superiority, group acceptance, aversion to emotional trauma, etc).

Another wonderful insight to the liberal psyche can be seen through their ideas about taxation. Consider the fact that they like to think of themselves as modern-day Robin Hoods, stealing from the rich to give to the poor (never mind that Robin Hood stole from the tax-man to give back to the tax-payer). Liberal ideas about how the tax-burden should be divided are based on what they consider “fair”, not what is best for the country.

You’ll rarely hear them seriously discuss whether tax-cuts for the so-called “rich” are in everyone’s interest, because they aren’t concerned about results, they’re concerned about their egos. “Progressive” taxation is a way for them to feel good about themselves, just like every other policy they support. It harms people they want to see as morally inferior, purports to help people they see as generally inferior and in need of help, and does so under the guise of “fairness” and “equity”. But whether the policy is actually good for the country or not is irrelevant. Incidentally, this all goes for affirmative action just as well.

A fine projection piece, assigning conservative qualities to liberals. Classic propaganda.

Conservatives run solely on emotion. They only care about what makes them feel good. They refuse to discuss actual issues. They care nothing about results, only about ideology.

In contrast, liberals are concerned with pragmatism and results that work. Like liberty, pragmatism is a concept conservatives can't understand, being it's so foreign to them. Conservatives have spent their lives auto-praising whatever TheParty does, no matter how disastrous the outcome, and they can't even imagine anyone else acting differently.
The agenda of the democratic party these days seems to be that of removing democracy, making America a 3rd world nation.

But it's not secret.

A fine projection piece, assigning conservative qualities to liberals. Classic propaganda.

Conservatives run solely on emotion. They only care about what makes them feel good. They refuse to discuss actual issues. They care nothing about results, only about ideology.

In contrast, liberals are concerned with pragmatism and results that work. Like liberty, pragmatism is a concept conservatives can't understand, being it's so foreign to them. Conservatives have spent their lives auto-praising whatever TheParty does, no matter how disastrous the outcome, and they can't even imagine anyone else acting differently.
Speaking of left wing results which stellar location would you like to discuss first Detroit or Venezuela?

A fine projection piece, assigning conservative qualities to liberals. Classic propaganda.

Conservatives run solely on emotion. They only care about what makes them feel good. They refuse to discuss actual issues. They care nothing about results, only about ideology.

In contrast, liberals are concerned with pragmatism and results that work. Like liberty, pragmatism is a concept conservatives can't understand, being it's so foreign to them. Conservatives have spent their lives auto-praising whatever TheParty does, no matter how disastrous the outcome, and they can't even imagine anyone else acting differently.
Yeah, because letting trannies with big hairy dicks share bathrooms and public showers with your wife and daughter is "pragmatic." Uncontrolled immigration is "pragmatic."

You really are fucking hilarious.
That's utterly hilarious!

That's what I just pointed out. Fanatical Stalinist cult apparatchiks -- that is, almost all Trump-snowflakes -- consider even the concept of liberty to be ridiculous. In their planned authoritarian-corporate-socialist utopia, even mentioning the word will get a person sent to TheGulag.

Now, don't you have an anatomically correct Obama-model RealDoll to go molest? Most Trump snowflakes do. We actual approve of most of your perversions, as they keep you off the streets.

So the 2,800 pages of Obamacare were all about liberty? How about the new EPA regulations controlling what kind of energy we can use?

Exactly what part of Trump's agenda was about liberty?

Yes, affordable health care and protecting people wh pre conditions is liberty .

Yes , EPA regs that enable us to be energy independent and protect the environment for ALL Americans is liberty .

Cons would sell us all to the highest bidder .
That's utterly hilarious!

That's what I just pointed out. Fanatical Stalinist cult apparatchiks -- that is, almost all Trump-snowflakes -- consider even the concept of liberty to be ridiculous. In their planned authoritarian-corporate-socialist utopia, even mentioning the word will get a person sent to TheGulag.

Now, don't you have an anatomically correct Obama-model RealDoll to go molest? Most Trump snowflakes do. We actual approve of most of your perversions, as they keep you off the streets.

So the 2,800 pages of Obamacare were all about liberty? How about the new EPA regulations controlling what kind of energy we can use?

Exactly what part of Trump's agenda was about liberty?

Yes, affordable health care and protecting people wh pre conditions is liberty .

Forcing me to pay your medical bills and telling everyone what kind of medical services they can have is not liberty. It's slavery. Furthermore, Obama is anything but affordable. You pay twice as much for insurance you can never use.

[Yes , EPA regs that enable us to be energy independent and protect the environment for ALL Americans is liberty .

Cons would sell us all to the highest bidder .

ROFL! You're hilarious. Government regulations are freedom? Only a leftwing numskull incapable of committing logic would claim that 2,600 pages of government regulations is what freedom is all about.
That's utterly hilarious!

That's what I just pointed out. Fanatical Stalinist cult apparatchiks -- that is, almost all Trump-snowflakes -- consider even the concept of liberty to be ridiculous. In their planned authoritarian-corporate-socialist utopia, even mentioning the word will get a person sent to TheGulag.

Now, don't you have an anatomically correct Obama-model RealDoll to go molest? Most Trump snowflakes do. We actual approve of most of your perversions, as they keep you off the streets.

So the 2,800 pages of Obamacare were all about liberty? How about the new EPA regulations controlling what kind of energy we can use?

Exactly what part of Trump's agenda was about liberty?

Yes, affordable health care and protecting people wh pre conditions is liberty .

Yes , EPA regs that enable us to be energy independent and protect the environment for ALL Americans is liberty .

Cons would sell us all to the highest bidder .
No, its not. It has nothing to do with liberty at all. Those are concepts rooted in the social contract.

While those concepts are not opposites, they are not the same. The root of the modern democrat party is not in liberty but rather in the social contract.
That's utterly hilarious!

That's what I just pointed out. Fanatical Stalinist cult apparatchiks -- that is, almost all Trump-snowflakes -- consider even the concept of liberty to be ridiculous. In their planned authoritarian-corporate-socialist utopia, even mentioning the word will get a person sent to TheGulag.

Now, don't you have an anatomically correct Obama-model RealDoll to go molest? Most Trump snowflakes do. We actual approve of most of your perversions, as they keep you off the streets.

So the 2,800 pages of Obamacare were all about liberty? How about the new EPA regulations controlling what kind of energy we can use?

Exactly what part of Trump's agenda was about liberty?

Yes, affordable health care and protecting people wh pre conditions is liberty .

Yes , EPA regs that enable us to be energy independent and protect the environment for ALL Americans is liberty .

Cons would sell us all to the highest bidder .
No, its not. It has nothing to do with liberty at all. Those are concepts rooted in the social contract.

While those concepts are not opposites, they are not the same. The root of the modern democrat party is not in liberty but rather in the social contract.
Liberty and the so-called "social contract" are in fact opposites.

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