What is the main issue driving your decision???

Some of all of those.
I think Bush has handled our national security well. No attacks since 9/11, and he has gone after the terrorists, showing them they cannot and will not mess with us.

He has gotten our economy out of a recession, and considering all things; 9/11, war and a recession not long ago, our economy is doing very, very well!

The war may be viewed by liberals as wrong, but I believe it has been handled well. We removed an evil dictator. We replaced a regime. We have liberated two contries, at that. Less have died in this war than have died to this point in any war of the past. Less have died in this war than have died in the city of Detroit this year. We are fighting the terrorists in Iraq, not the Iraqis, the actual Iraqis are glad we are there. Considering 9/11, and the intelligence not only from the U.S., but other countries, I believe Pres. Bush saw a threat, and had to act!

Bush has 10 times the character than Kerry. I would like to see Kerry actually answer a question without immediately attacking Bush. Kerry has been about one attack and one lie after another in his campaign. Kerry has not taken a stance on an issue, that he has stuck with, that I personally have seen. The democrats can say Kerry does not flip-flopp or change views, but he clearly does, he is on tape after tape doing so. Bush is a Christian who stands by his faith and beliefs, when he makes a decision he sticks with it. Kerry has not shown me that he is a man of character. And, with the Cheney's daughter comment, he ruined ever having me gain much respect with him. He and Edwards are obviously playing dirty politics, say anything to get elected game. It also disturbs me that he is now blaming Bush for the flu shot shortage. :mad:
Don't believe I have a single issue. National security, immigration reform, less government growth, a sound economy, controlling income tax rates, energy, environment, military strength are just some of the issue which concern me.

If I had to distill this particular election down to just one single issue, I would say that it boils down to character. I trust George Bush, I neither trust nor respect John Kerry or the Democratic party.
Merlin, that is exactly how I feel.........none of it means a thing without someone who has character in office. :beer:
I am seeking to limit spending in the Federal Goverment as much as possible. While Bush spends too much, Kerry promises to spend far more. I also do not believe that Federal Health Care at any level should be a goal of ours, I believe that there would be issues after cost increases fueled by the fact that the plan hasn't enough cost decreases. If one part is federalized at some point I believe all of it would be as well, this would stifle new discoveries and create problems with access to new and beneficial research.

The Government should be the least intrusive possible to allow the most freedoms, not a nanny or caregiver.

I also believe that we would be left alone in Iraq after Kerry's inane drivel about bribed and coerced allies as proven by the fact that Poland spoke out against that kind of thinking and warned about the vote in January to see if they would continue with the coalition.

While I believe that we should not be in Iraq, it would be a worse mistake to leave or to attempt to go it alone. Kerry's direct insults to our allies more than worries me.
I've never been a one issue voter, but there are some obvious things that move to the front this election year. The war on terror, national security, and the economy/personal tax. Plus, simple trust. I trust George W. Bush, I don't trust John Kerry.

More and more we hear talk about our allies from John Kerry. Problem is the "allies" he's talking about have proved themselves not to be allies at all. Meanwhile, he insults and polarizes the allies that have stood by us. That's not a leader, and that's not what I want from a Commander-in-Chief.
I respect everyone's right to his own opinion on this, but I vote a straight Republican ticket. It's real easy. In the crunch, they're all going to adhere to their respective party lines anyway. I don't have a problem with this; it makes them very easy to understand. The fundamental principles of the Republican Party are pretty much in line with my own - not perfectly, of course - but close enough that I don't wake up screaming in the night at the thought of their being in power.

Even if none of this were true, though, President Bush has earned my vote solely on the strength of his character. When he talks, I believe him. You can't buy that.
My main concerns are National Security and the economy.

I feel Iraq will play out as it is supposed to. The major conflict is over and now its insurgents to deal with, and they will be dealt with. Im not too worried about that..

However I am worried about my health care prices (for myself and my girl), Im worried about all these "terror alerts" and the scale moving as officials please ... orange..yellow..orange...red...orange..yellow.. constantly making me nervous (btw, i LOATHE the terror scale). if there's such an issue in security, THEN LETS BEEF THAT SHIT UP. im tired of president bush telling me im not secure here. this in NO WAY means im voting Kerry on that issue.. because I dont even think he has a plan for that. To me, this is all bullshit. if we are so insecure here, that should be our main goal. It always seems like the entire world is so much more important than our own country.
Im not sure there is a main issue. im not a one issue person. but number one responsibility of the President is national security. and We cant have a strong national security without a man with a strong character in the Presidency. So i figure those two would tops.
-=d=- said:
it's easy...GWB kicks ass... :) when he's not spending billions on medicare, or allowing illegals to have 'rights'. :(

Yeah what's up with that?? Illegals to have rights. That's such bullshit. I live in California, L.A. to be exact and uhhhhhhhh its OUT OF CONTROL. insanely out of control..

i lived next door to this one family that literally had 15 people in a 2 bedroom home. 15!! thats completely common too.. now, im all for them doing the "dirty jobs" but you know what? you need to be a citizen, first and foremost.. i dont care about their jobs "no one will do". they eat up my tax dollars and i have no say???

fortunately, medicare isnt an issue at this time.
I have a couple of issues that make my vote. One is abortion(pro life),and someone that will keep this country safe. More military minded. Taxes are also very important to me. Because of these,I will always vote Republican.
Bonnie said:
on who you will vote for vote? Is it Home security, the economy, the war, character?????????

The main issue for most is gonna be security. Now, when I think about this issue I imagine this, and yes it may be a stretch but it is my way of thinking about things. Ok, I'm in the jungle in 1969, you know where, and I'm walking injured behind John Kerry and George W. We get to this fork in the path. George Bush looks at me and says "we have to go this way I know it's the right way". Then Kerry looks at me and says, "NO, we have to go this way I know it's the right way". And so I follow Kerry. Why? Because I had in my head if I followed Bush I might die. Ask yourself this question as well and if you choose Bush, well, then good luck going down that path...
modman said:
The main issue for most is gonna be security. Now, when I think about this issue I imagine this, and yes it may be a stretch but it is my way of thinking about things. Ok, I'm in the jungle in 1969, you know where, and I'm walking injured behind John Kerry and George W. We get to this fork in the path. George Bush looks at me and says "we have to go this way I know it's the right way". Then Kerry looks at me and says, "NO, we have to go this way I know it's the right way". And so I follow Kerry. Why? Because I had in my head if I followed Bush I might die. Ask yourself this question as well and if you choose Bush, well, then good luck going down that path...

I'm not sure you have really made a point since we don't live in the jungle and didn't provide any reasoning as to why you would die if you followed G.W. Not understanding how this relates to security today.You seem to be talking about instinct and my instinct tells me that Bush has the most experience fighting the war on terror,and won't pander to the rest of the world. He will do what he needs to keep our country safe.
I have a few reasons I'm going to vote for Bush. Bush is a decisive LEADER!! National Security is on the top of my list. It wasn't always like that though..9/11 changed that for me. Then Abortion is second!! Lower Taxes keeping the tax break we got. Bush's Character supercedes Kerry's character everyday of the week!!
KatieKate said:
I have a few reasons I'm going to vote for Bush. Bush is a decisive LEADER!! National Security is on the top of my list. It wasn't always like that though..9/11 changed that for me. Then Abortion is second!! Lower Taxes keeping the tax break we got. Bush's Character supercedes Kerry's character everyday of the week!!

Nicely put! And welcome to the board Katie
modman said:
The main issue for most is gonna be security. Now, when I think about this issue I imagine this, and yes it may be a stretch but it is my way of thinking about things. Ok, I'm in the jungle in 1969, you know where, and I'm walking injured behind John Kerry and George W. We get to this fork in the path. George Bush looks at me and says "we have to go this way I know it's the right way". Then Kerry looks at me and says, "NO, we have to go this way I know it's the right way". And so I follow Kerry. Why? Because I had in my head if I followed Bush I might die. Ask yourself this question as well and if you choose Bush, well, then good luck going down that path...

I don't need luck. My path leads to an America with it's eyes wide open. Your path? Well, hope you enjoy France.
modman said:
The main issue for most is gonna be security. Now, when I think about this issue I imagine this, and yes it may be a stretch but it is my way of thinking about things. Ok, I'm in the jungle in 1969, you know where, and I'm walking injured behind John Kerry and George W. We get to this fork in the path. George Bush looks at me and says "we have to go this way I know it's the right way". Then Kerry looks at me and says, "NO, we have to go this way I know it's the right way". And so I follow Kerry. Why? Because I had in my head if I followed Bush I might die. Ask yourself this question as well and if you choose Bush, well, then good luck going down that path...

So when you have a choice between you might die, but keep your fellow Americans free following Bush and where you more than likely will die because Kerry isnt about to do a damn thing to protect our national security or freedom, but will continue the do nothing policy of the Clinton adminsitration or even worse continue the "lets give nuclear materials" to our enemies policy of Clintons, you are going to choose Kerry? Well good luck with that direction.

Thanksfully i think most Americans are going to choose the path of Freedom even if we might have to sacrifice ourselves for it. A wise woman once said that to do whats right you some times have to sacrifice the things you want most, even your dreams. Freedom is right and i believe there are still a majority of Americans who are willing to sacrifice it all for the freedom of their brothers and sisters throughout the world.
modman said:
The main issue for most is gonna be security. Now, when I think about this issue I imagine this, and yes it may be a stretch but it is my way of thinking about things. Ok, I'm in the jungle in 1969, you know where, and I'm walking injured behind John Kerry and George W. We get to this fork in the path. George Bush looks at me and says "we have to go this way I know it's the right way". Then Kerry looks at me and says, "NO, we have to go this way I know it's the right way". And so I follow Kerry. Why? Because I had in my head if I followed Bush I might die. Ask yourself this question as well and if you choose Bush, well, then good luck going down that path...
Just one more who believes it is better to live on your knees than to stand up and fight for a principle like freedom.

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