CDZ What is the argument FOR banning transgenders from military service?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
They are delusional.
The military will ban you for having recurring nightmares.. but a complete disconnect from reality like this is ok with some?
Its pure political bullcrap.
There was some unfounded fear that gays were bad for the military, yet DADT was pretty much an acknowledgement that they'd been serving all along. They just weren't allowed to say they were gay. Years after DADT the argument has fallen by the wayside, as it becomes obvious that there is no noticeable effect. I see the same thing happening with transgenders in the future.
There was some unfounded fear that gays were bad for the military, yet DADT was pretty much an acknowledgement that they'd been serving all along. They just weren't allowed to say they were gay. Years after DADT the argument has fallen by the wayside, as it becomes obvious that there is no noticeable effect. I see the same thing happening with transgenders in the future.
Huge difference between gays and trannies.
If it gets accepted, its bedwetter bullshit.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
There is no argument.

We have a Second Amendment and the right of the People to keep and bear Arms for their State or the Union shall not be Infringed.
Transgender veterans have high rates of mental health problems
by The Endocrine Society

Among military veterans identifying as transgender, 90 percent have at least one mental health diagnosis, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression, and nearly 50 percent had a hospitalization after a suicide attempt or suicidal thoughts. These study findings, from a single veterans' hospital, will be presented Friday at The Endocrine Society's 98th annual meeting in Boston.

"As more of our active military returns from deployment and transitions to veteran status, the health care system will be faced with treating more transgender veterans who have mental health issues," said principal investigator Marissa Grotzke, MD, an endocrinologist at Salt Lake City Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), Salt Lake City.
The JCOS in 2018 testified that they didn't have any issues with transgenders serving.

All 4 service chiefs on record: No harm to units from transgender service
But recurring nightmares are.. lol

Because the criteria is bullshit. I've known people who admittedly only wanted to join the military so that they could kill "towel heads". That's the thinking of a psychopath. They stand a better chance of joining the military than some dude who wants to serve his country in a dress.
The JCOS in 2018 testified that they didn't have any issues with transgenders serving.

All 4 service chiefs on record: No harm to units from transgender service
But recurring nightmares are.. lol

Because the criteria is bullshit. I've known people who admittedly only wanted to join the military so that they could kill "towel heads". That's the thinking of a psychopath. They stand a better chance of joining the military than some dude who wants to serve his country in a dress.
Its not about a dude wanting to wear a dress. Its about delusion.

Can you provide evidence that the rate of suicides due to PTSD is lower among average soldiers than the transgenders that aren't acknowledged by the military?
Naw, i wont try. Wasnt my argument. I was JS
However, since you bring it up, the suicide for military is around the same as transgenders. Non transgender suicide is only around 5 percent.
Do the math of adding PTSD from war on top of dysphoria that includes complete delusion from the most basic part of biology.
Thats also a great argument for the OP.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

The military has NEVER let males pretend to be females. It has never let males be held to female standards and put such males in female barracks for example. Obama directed the military to allow trannies on his way out, as an insult to the military and to try to paint President Trump as a “bigot” knowing he would overturn it.

Let’s be clear, people do not have a “right” to join the military. It has strict standards for physical and mental health. Obese people cannot join. People with mental health issues aren’t supposed to be able to join, although some manage to get past it.

This is an attempt by the left to screw up our military, since they always have hated the military. It’s funny how keeping the same standards is now considered “bigotry”. Allowing males to just pretend to be females whenever it suits them is a terrible idea. The military needs MEN to fight wars, not sissy cross dressing queers. There is also the mental instability issue with trannies. They are much more likely to kill themselves and harm others. That is NOT something we need to inflict on our already stressed out soldiers.
The military is not a social experiment. It is the body charged with protecting our country. Life in the military is often stressful and people who are allowed to join, and go thru the costly process of becoming military fit to serve, need to begin the process in a sound mental state. For whatever reason, transgender people suffer extraordinary high levels of mental instability. Until that particular group of people (transgender) is near the normal rate of mental health, they should be excluded from military service. It’s not good for the military or the individual.

Transgenders, 4 Studies Say It’s Mental Disorders | Walt Heyer Ministries

Why Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues

Probing The Complexities Of Transgender Mental Health
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
Mentally ill people can’t serve in the military without creating more problems than they solve.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Simple, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Why liberals ant mentally ill folks having access to military weapons is beyond me.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Simple, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Why liberals ant mentally ill folks having access to military weapons is beyond me.

I don't disagree with you, but I'm looking for some hard evidence that would support Trump's argument. Thanks for your response.

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