CDZ How Socialism Turned Venezuela Into An Economic Basket Case


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Four years after that, Chavez ran for the Venezuelan Presidency. During his run, he downplayed his previous radicalism – telling people that he was ''neither for savage capitalism, nor socialism, nor Communism''. Instead, he claimed to support a "third way" -- a balance between socialism and capitalism.

Chavez won the election. Maria Teresa Romero, a Venezuelan who fled to the U.S., says Chavez’s softer rhetoric was all about seizing power.

“Hugo Chávez deceived people by blatantly using lies,” she told Fox News.

News reports from when Chavez won the Presidency in 1998 state that some Venezuelans sent their valuable property to Miami to protect it from potential confiscation.

His first priority was instead to re-write the Constitution. He was direct about it, telling the Venezuelan congress in 1999: "The constitution, and with it the ill-fated political system to which it gave birth 40 years ago, has to die. It is going to die, sirs -- accept it."

All Americans should pay attention to what happened in a once vibrant country!
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Four years after that, Chavez ran for the Venezuelan Presidency. During his run, he downplayed his previous radicalism – telling people that he was ''neither for savage capitalism, nor socialism, nor Communism''. Instead, he claimed to support a "third way" -- a balance between socialism and capitalism.

Chavez won the election. Maria Teresa Romero, a Venezuelan who fled to the U.S., says Chavez’s softer rhetoric was all about seizing power.

“Hugo Chávez deceived people by blatantly using lies,” she told Fox News.

News reports from when Chavez won the Presidency in 1998 state that some Venezuelans sent their valuable property to Miami to protect it from potential confiscation.

His first priority was instead to re-write the Constitution. He was direct about it, telling the Venezuelan congress in 1999: "The constitution, and with it the ill-fated political system to which it gave birth 40 years ago, has to die. It is going to die, sirs -- accept it."

All Americans should pay attention to what happened in a once vibrant country!
Lousy management does that. Socialism is Government. Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger.
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
Some friends of mine went to Cuba looking for old American cars! It’s hot, it’s dirty. It’s poor, no ac, not much food, no access to news or internet.
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
The right wing uses Capitalism to punish not encourage.

It is not about equality in the US but about equity.
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
The right wing uses Capitalism to punish not encourage.

It is not about equality in the US but about equity.
Upward mobility is the key to success in America!
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Four years after that, Chavez ran for the Venezuelan Presidency. During his run, he downplayed his previous radicalism – telling people that he was ''neither for savage capitalism, nor socialism, nor Communism''. Instead, he claimed to support a "third way" -- a balance between socialism and capitalism.

Chavez won the election. Maria Teresa Romero, a Venezuelan who fled to the U.S., says Chavez’s softer rhetoric was all about seizing power.

“Hugo Chávez deceived people by blatantly using lies,” she told Fox News.

News reports from when Chavez won the Presidency in 1998 state that some Venezuelans sent their valuable property to Miami to protect it from potential confiscation.

His first priority was instead to re-write the Constitution. He was direct about it, telling the Venezuelan congress in 1999: "The constitution, and with it the ill-fated political system to which it gave birth 40 years ago, has to die. It is going to die, sirs -- accept it."

All Americans should pay attention to what happened in a once vibrant country!
I prefer the era of the Great Depression to see how capitalism failed..
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
The right wing uses Capitalism to punish not encourage.

It is not about equality in the US but about equity.
Upward mobility is the key to success in America!
Yes and access to markets.
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
Some friends of mine went to Cuba looking for old American cars! It’s hot, it’s dirty. It’s poor, no ac, not much food, no access to news or internet.
Sounds like rural America..
This reminds me of healthcare.

Republicans turned it into something evil.

They attached Obamas name to it and made it scary.

And then when people found out they were going to lose it, they started freaking out.

Especially Trump supporters who said I didn’t think he was really going to do it.

And they can’t let this opportunity go by.

To scare American people with something totally disconnected from here.

Like refugees flooding in from the border.

Or Ebola is coming to get you.

Republicans are the party of terror and fear.

Making you scared.

What else do they have?
This reminds me of healthcare.

Republicans turned it into something evil.

They attached Obamas name to it and made it scary.

And then when people found out they were going to lose it, they started freaking out.

Especially Trump supporters who said I didn’t think he was really going to do it.

And they can’t let this opportunity go by.

To scare American people with something totally disconnected from here.

Like refugees flooding in from the border.

Or Ebola is coming to get you.

Republicans are the party of terror and fear.

Making you scared.

What else do they have?
Obamacare is still around! The only change made was we are forced to buy it! Thanks for playing!
We should send AOC on an all-expenses paid trip to Venezuela.
I dont usually agree with Toro, but I think all the liberals on this site should take a cruise to Cuba. Obama opened up the island, that before Castro, was a paradise for the rich and middle class. It was like Las Vegas where the rich would go to shows, gamble and spend lots of money, thus providing a good income to those that worked. But Socialism is all about FAIRNESS, and once it took hold, the money just went to the Castro's and all the people ended up poor. It always ends this way, yet the liberals on this board who are stupid as hell, think that the US liberals can do Socialism Better. Better? Doesnt that mean, more people killed and more people in poverty? You betcha....
Liberalism is not socialism nor is it communism..Duh...
This reminds me of healthcare.

Republicans turned it into something evil.

They attached Obamas name to it and made it scary.

And then when people found out they were going to lose it, they started freaking out.

Especially Trump supporters who said I didn’t think he was really going to do it.

And they can’t let this opportunity go by.

To scare American people with something totally disconnected from here.

Like refugees flooding in from the border.

Or Ebola is coming to get you.

Republicans are the party of terror and fear.

Making you scared.

What else do they have?
So life is just fine in Venezuela? Ya think?
and the problems in Venezuela are not directly related to socialism itself since we have the same problems here in the USA we seem strong but that is because the US has much financial leverage but yet runs up a huge debt that can destabilize US economies if allowed to grow past the point of equity.
Corruption. ... Discontent with corruption was cited by opposition-aligned groups as one of the reasons for the 2014 Venezuelan protests. Venezuela used to be a wealthy nation of Latin America, but a corrupt system along with drop in oil prices drove the country into political and economic crisis.
This reminds me of healthcare.

Republicans turned it into something evil.

They attached Obamas name to it and made it scary.

And then when people found out they were going to lose it, they started freaking out.

Especially Trump supporters who said I didn’t think he was really going to do it.

And they can’t let this opportunity go by.

To scare American people with something totally disconnected from here.

Like refugees flooding in from the border.

Or Ebola is coming to get you.

Republicans are the party of terror and fear.

Making you scared.

What else do they have?
So life is just fine in Venezuela? Ya think?
the pots are sort of "blackish".
Some friends of mine went to Cuba looking for old American cars! It’s hot, it’s dirty. It’s poor, no ac, not much food, no access to news or internet.

And that's a successful socialist country!
It takes social morals for free under socialism not market friendly morals for capital price.

The US is a successful capitalists country!
and the problems in Venezuela are not directly related to socialism itself since we have the same problems here in the USA we seem strong but that is because the US has much financial leverage but yet runs up a huge debt that can destabilize US economies if allowed to grow past the point of equity.
Corruption. ... Discontent with corruption was cited by opposition-aligned groups as one of the reasons for the 2014 Venezuelan protests. Venezuela used to be a wealthy nation of Latin America, but a corrupt system along with drop in oil prices drove the country into political and economic crisis.

What happened in VZ is entirely on Chavez, no one else. Maduro is just an extension of Chavez.

The problem is VZ is that they promised too much to people and couldn't pay for it. When they couldn't pay for it, they ran up big debts. When they were having problems with their debts, they started printing money to pay for their debts. The printing money caused high inflation, which hurts the poor as everyday things get more expensive. In response, the government - as economic illiterate governments are wont to do - imposed price controls on many things. Because costs still kept rising but end prices could not, businesses couldn't make any money and stopped making and distributing things. The incompetent socialist government then started blaming evil capitalists putting profits ahead of the people, but what business is going to operate at a loss forever? So shortages and rationing became widespread. Now, the army and government are hoarding goods for itself because that's Maduro's power base - keep the judiciary and the army happy, and he can maintain power. They started booting out foreign companies and expropriating oil fields and mines. They also fired a ton of highly qualified people at the state oil company PdVSA and packed the company full of Chavez cronies who knew little about the energy business. Many of the qualified people left the country. Oil production in VZ fell from 3.3 million barrels a day at the peak when Chavez was in power to 1.4 million today, which is incredible. When the government was pumping oil full-bore, the price of oil had to be $120 a barrel for the government to balance its budget. Oil accounts for over 80% of the VZ budget.

It is pure, unadulterated leftist economic incompetence that has repeated itself over and over and over again in the Third World.

When Marx said "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce," this is what he was referring to.

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