What Is Race Realism? (it's Reality)

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
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Jared Taylor explains about the most Obvious concept in biology.
Denying Race is laughable, and takes contorting facts with gibberish.

Click "I understand and proceed"... as the truth is dangerous to the PC,
and censorship is now rampant throughout the net. FB, youtube, etc.



Race exists ... it's only what some people believe are the differences between one race and another, or the idea that belong to a race gives one a biological advantage or disadvantage over a person of another race that is the laughable and thoroughly discredited part.

The idea of racial supremacy belongs with other outmoded theories of how we categorize people.

anything you want--make up your own definition
that's what a lot of people do
There can be no realism when race is not real itself.
There can be no realism when race is not real itself.
Race exists ... it's only what some people believe are the Differences between one race and another, or the idea that belong to a race gives one a biological advantage or disadvantage over a person of another race that is the laughable and thoroughly discredited part.

The idea of racial supremacy belongs with other outmoded theories of how we categorize people.

So Races, which took Tens of thousands of years to evolve in demand to different environments, all came out Identical in every ability, physical and mental?
That is your Idiotic contention?

Have you watched TV in any decade, Sports, the Olympics?

Fnnocheo has a loose screw and always posts incoherent gibberish.
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anything you want--make up your own definition
that's what a lot of people do

Races (aka subspecies) are sets of morphologically (and Genetically) distinguishable features born of generations of separate geographic evolution.

Send in your Blood/Saliva and many cos will tell you what percent of each you are without seeing you.
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Jared Taylor explains about the most Obvious concept in biology.
Denying Race is laughable, and takes contorting facts with gibberish.

Click "I understand and proceed"... as the truth is dangerous to the PC,
and censorship is now rampant throughout the net. FB, youtube, etc.



Race exists ... it's only what some people believe are the differences between one race and another, or the idea that belong to a race gives one a biological advantage or disadvantage over a person of another race that is the laughable and thoroughly discredited part.

The idea of racial supremacy belongs with other outmoded theories of how we categorize people.

There are differences, but they arent large enough for any group to claim superiority. Some are slightly better at this, others slightly better at that.
There are differences, but they arent large enough for any group to claim superiority. Some are slightly better at this, others slightly better at that.
"superiority" and "inferiority" are loaded words.
But differences are Very Large in many Areas.
One can see this in Sports (95% of Sprinters and Marathoners).. and one can see it in National and Global Living standards. (Top 10 vs Bottom 10).
The latter correlating with large differences in Average IQ.
There can be no realism when race is not real itself.
View attachment 242739....

Height isn't dependent on race ... neither is intelligence, obviously.
Height is Part of Race in some cases.. obviously.
I posted one.
Pygmies are called that for a Reason. Duh

As to IQ, I never said it was dependent on height.
Intelligence depends on multiple Genes that some groups have more of.
Some of those genes are Now part of GENETIC Tests such as 23andMe, and DNAland, among others.

PS: you're a goofy asshole who thinks he's funny, but your just plain Stupid.
Get another hobby/Life.

There can be no realism when race is not real itself.
Race exists ... it's only what some people believe are the Differences between one race and another, or the idea that belong to a race gives one a biological advantage or disadvantage over a person of another race that is the laughable and thoroughly discredited part.

The idea of racial supremacy belongs with other outmoded theories of how we categorize people.

So Races, which took Tens of thousands of years to evolve in demand to different environments, all came out Identical in every ability, physical and mental?
That is your Idiotic contention?

Have you watched TV in any decade, Sports, the Olympics?

Fnnocheo has a loose screw and always posts incoherent gibberish.
Incoherent?? What you sayin', bru??

Same species.

Duh, Yes.
Race=Subspecies. No one is claiming separate Species.

Chimps have 2 Species, and 4 subspecies/Races
Gorillas have 2 Species, and 6 or 7 subspecies/Races.

Be sure and keep keepin em short/tiny, you're obviously too stupid to participate.
There are differences, but they arent large enough for any group to claim superiority. Some are slightly better at this, others slightly better at that.
"superiority" and "inferiority" are loaded words.
But differences are Very Large in many Areas.
One can see this in Sports (95% of Sprinters and Marathoners).. and one can see it in National and Global Living standards. (Top 10 vs Bottom 10).
The latter correlating with large differences in Average IQ.
The differences between their track times are miniscule.

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