What is nothing?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Most of course do not ever think of the concept of 'Nothing' in a serious manner.

Sometimes whilst laying on a bench in the shade of a tree by the Gulf of Mexico my wanders here and there and I ask myself....what would nothing be?

Is it even possible for 'nothing' to exist? On the other hand how is it possible for something to have always existed...like most I suppose I have always labored under the illlusion that everything has to have a beginning...but where does the beginning begin?

Some evolutionist believe everything began with the infamous big bang. But for such a explosion to take place something had to exist to blow up?
Most of course do not ever think of the concept of 'Nothing' in a serious manner.

Sometimes whilst laying on a bench in the shade of a tree by the Gulf of Mexico my wanders here and there and I ask myself....what would nothing be?

Is it even possible for 'nothing' to exist? On the other hand how is it possible for something to have always existed...like most I suppose I have always labored under the illlusion that everything has to have a beginning...but where does the beginning begin?

Some evolutionist believe everything began with the infamous big bang. But for such a explosion to take place something had to exist to blow up?

Nothing is less than something. It's nada, zilch, zero, bubkis.
Most of course do not ever think of the concept of 'Nothing' in a serious manner.

Sometimes whilst laying on a bench in the shade of a tree by the Gulf of Mexico my wanders here and there and I ask myself....what would nothing be?

Is it even possible for 'nothing' to exist? On the other hand how is it possible for something to have always existed...like most I suppose I have always labored under the illlusion that everything has to have a beginning...but where does the beginning begin?

Some evolutionist believe everything began with the infamous big bang. But for such a explosion to take place something had to exist to blow up?
The classic, most accurate, and most scientific answer we have is "WE DON'T KNOW" All the best evidence we have tends to indicate a big bang. That theory might change if/when we find better evidence.
Nothing? As a member of the church of solipsist nihilism, I just have one thing to say.

Nothing is sacred.
No. If it can be identified as nothing, then it is something.

Nothing is the absence of anything and everything.

And if nothing is there, then it lacks the existence of anything to either identify nor quantify it as nothing.
You mean like Joe's brain? Nothing is there? :p
The funny thing about nothing is that it cannot exist unless there is something.
Most of course do not ever think of the concept of 'Nothing' in a serious manner.

Sometimes whilst laying on a bench in the shade of a tree by the Gulf of Mexico my wanders here and there and I ask myself....what would nothing be?

Is it even possible for 'nothing' to exist? On the other hand how is it possible for something to have always existed...like most I suppose I have always labored under the illlusion that everything has to have a beginning...but where does the beginning begin?

Some evolutionist believe everything began with the infamous big bang. But for such a explosion to take place something had to exist to blow up?
The simplest answer is that nothing is the absence of something.

As for the universe... there are only two options; the universe has always existed (which has been proven false) or the universe was created but not from pre-existing matter/energy (which has been proven to be true). In other words the universe spontaneously popped into existence being created from nothing, but in this case nothing wasn't really nothing but rather was no thing.
Reality........something humans are not even close to understanding.
Most of course do not ever think of the concept of 'Nothing' in a serious manner.

Sometimes whilst laying on a bench in the shade of a tree by the Gulf of Mexico my wanders here and there and I ask myself....what would nothing be?

Is it even possible for 'nothing' to exist? On the other hand how is it possible for something to have always existed...like most I suppose I have always labored under the illlusion that everything has to have a beginning...but where does the beginning begin?

Some evolutionist believe everything began with the infamous big bang. But for such a explosion to take place something had to exist to blow up?
Well logically it names what does not exist, like the Greek Alpha privative. So it is first of all NOT a concept, and second of all since thing covers 'every thing' nothing is a denial not an affirmatoin

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