What in the hell is wrong with people?

I wondered for years how on earth did Hitler or Stalin or Mao come to wield such absolute power. I've found my answer witnessing the "new left" and their utter devotion to a leader and they walk in lock step with the ideaology never waivering, never questioning.

Progressives aren't liberals at all. They are pro government in your face control freaks but who pretend to be liberal.

One of the most disturbing trends of late is the "get Congress out of the way and let Obama do his job" talking point.

It's jaw dropping unreal because left wing whackos genuinely believe that Obama should rule by EO.

So I've found my answer to an old question and it's most disturbing to say the least.

ETA: i am not saying Obama is Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Just wanted to be perfectly clear. It's the devotees, the rabid followers of any "leader" that disturbingly are willing to give said leader/government the power of complete control over their lives.

Progressives fit the bill. And I do differentiate between Progressives and true classical liberals.

I know what you mean. I always wondered exactly what some dictators did to get so many people to follow them like they were the Pied Piper. I still don't get it. It must be that some really love dictators, some just want free shit and others are poised to be the ones in control so they cheer on all the garbage.

No matter the topic, they remain silent until the WH spokesperson or other liberal politicians speaks out. Then they fall into step and repeat every talking point ad nauseum.

How can they be for women's rights (or human rights for that matter) and support terrorist groups like Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood? Talk about two polar opposites. How can they be okay with Hamas being founded by radicals with the stated goal of destroying Israel and then not blame them for starting a war with Israel? Why are we supposed to appease evil people by blaming their victims?

The Obama administration has outright lied more times than I can count and the lies have been exposed. Do liberals apologize or act shocked? No, they continue to defend the same things they denied in the first place. No, they say, Obama is not going to cover illegal aliens in Obamacare. I was told by another poster that she reported me to AttackWatch for saying Obama was lying about covering illegal aliens. Then he does it. They say well of course they are covered because we pay for them anyway. They don't care we are being lied to because they can no longer think for themselves and are either so hopelessly brain dead or scared to ever go against the party.

I love it when Republicans fight amongst themselves because it means that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Liberals rarely speak our or disagree with the administration even it if means compromising their integrity by lying or just sounding like a complete dumb ass (see any comment by Pelosi or Reid as an example). It's just plain creepy when each and every liberal politician gives the same opinion on current events and their words are often verbatim from the talking points put out by the WH or the Daily KO. It's like they are programed and can't think independently.

Some of the talking points are just so incredible that I can't believe they are really serious. Like, Hamas is wonderful and Israel shouldn't retaliate because they are stronger.

Then there is the assertion that all illegals are honest people and children. No gang members, terrorists or drug cartels have managed to get through the borders the same way millions of other illegals have done. You are racist if you want those terrorists, gangs, rapists and murderers deported.

And they think Texas shouldn't try to protect their borders because we shouldn't have borders to begin with. Criminals have rights, too, ya know. If the minimum wage was higher, those drug cartels wouldn't have to make billions selling crack cocaine and meth.

You're also racist if you don't buy into the notion that minorities are too stupid to obtain an ID to vote. The left thinks they are all complete idiots and preventing them from voting is as simple as telling them to get an ID or driver's license. I want to know who the poor people are who don't work, don't get welfare, don't get social security or disability and yet manage to survive in this world without an ID. We all know the only people that an ID requirement would affect are those here illegally or others who are using a fake ID. Otherwise, it's just not a big deal. They need those illegal votes and that is really all there is to that shit.

The left says we have a war on women because Hobby Lobby only provides 16 out the 20 possible birth control pills. Again, the left is saying women are complete idiots who can't figure out how to purchase cheap pills unless someone hands them some. Sandra Fluke seems to have been in college forever and yet all she's learned is how to bitch about not getting free stuff.

The left also claimed a war on women because doctors recommended ultrasounds prior to abortions. The reason for that is good. They need to know of any potential problems and to determine the age of the fetus to ensure they are within the time limit imposed by the law. Liberals want abortions performed on women by people other than doctors. They want underage girls to be able to get abortions without parental consent. They want to talk to girls about sex without parents present. It's all about population control and not freedom of choice. Liberals would prefer we have no choices and they are slowly taking that away.

Of course, you have no choice over your body with other things. You have to have your body fat measured because of Obamacare. And you will be denied certain procedures if you are elderly. So what if you want treatment and can pay for it, if you are an Obamacare patient, it will get denied. Some hospitals that opted not to charge for health care are not allowed to do that anymore.

The left increased the welfare rolls like never before, yet shut down people and groups who were feeding the homeless. You can't even have a lemonade stand now without spending thousands in fees and getting inspections. Better to let those homeless people starve because the local soup kitchen is overwhelmed than to allow people to offer up food without going through the massive red tape to satisfy government bureaucrats. Doesn't make the food safer by paying fees, but it does increase revenue and that is all that's important to them.

They want to tax us for rain water that falls in our yard, but yet made it illegal to catch rain water in barrels to water our gardens. In California, they will fine you for not conserving water, but also will fine you if your grass isn't green. And don't get the water in your driveway or the sidewalk or that's another fine. And don't put anything in your garage other than your car or that's another fine. Only a matter of time before they are inspecting our homes to check on our toilets and light bulbs.

Welfare recipients can use EBT cards for things that aren't necessities. Now the government has told businesses that they need to spend money so they can accept and process EBT cards. Instead of limiting what can be bought with the EBT cards, the left has a plan to reward recipients for spending the money on healthy foods. Really, free movie tickets if they buy veggies instead of Ding Dongs. The rest of us will eventually be treated to a talking cart that nags us about what to buy. No reward for those of us who spend our own money on healthy food.

We are up to our eyeballs in insane regulations. That's all they know how to do. Make sure the population is controlled while regulating the shit out of everything so they can take money from us at every turn.

They claim they want jobs created, but killed small businesses with Obamacare. To make sure more didn't get created, there is a limit on the number of small business loans banks can make. And the latest 'jobs bill' is all about finding work for the illegal aliens, including the criminals, who they have no intention of deporting. They claim unemployment is lower, but don't count the millions who gave up looking or settled for a part time job.

Military benefits have been cut, but we still send billions to hostile countries and spend more and more on illegal aliens. Now we're flying them in. Grandpa and Grandma aren't so lucky with their social security checks. Future citizens can't even depend on it. It turned out it was a Ponzi scheme after all and the politicians couldn't keep their grubby hands off it. Medicare is going broke. Obamacare is the biggest fucked up mess ever created in Washington, even worse than the housing bubble, which was also largely created in Washington. Yet, the liberals still want to be given credit for their intentions regardless of how badly they screwed things up. Things are worse, but we're supposed to trust them with even more power because they "care."

Now, the left likes the idea of a president who acts as a dictator and rules the country without input from congress. They are beside themselves with glee. That'll last until the next election and a Republican gets elected. Then they will rally against using the nuclear option, executive order, selectively enforcing laws and other things that they only approve of when it's their guy.

Now see, this is the biggest problem with idiot liberals. You totally fuck everything up, then you point the finger of blame at the right and demand we allow you to "fix" it... then you fuck it up some more and point the finger of blame at the right, demanding we let you "fix" it again! It never ends!

Your policies under Jimmy Carter are largely responsible for the modern radical Islamic movement. At a time when the US should have put it's foot down and nipped this shit in the bud, no questions asked, we had the feckless leadership of Carter at the helm, allowing the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, ushering in the age of radical Islamic fundamentalism. All through the Clinton years the problem with radical terrorism was ignored, they bombed our embassies and ships with impunity and nothing was ever done about it, no action was taken.

I'm just curious what you think Jimmy Carter could have done to prevent the fall of the Shah. send in troops? Public Opinion would have lynched him. We were only a few years out from the Vietnam debacle.

Here was the thing. The fall of the Shah only really had an impact on Iran. They were Shi'ites and frankly, the vast majority of Muslims are Sunnis and not really buying into that sort of thing.

What radicalized the Sunnis was your boy Ronnie Ray-gun deciding to arm the Sunni "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan. Radicals from all over the Islamic World converged on that craphole because the Russians might teach girls how to read or some such Commie stuff.

Congress, under Clinton, passed the 1998 Iraqi Liberation Act. This called for the overthrow of Saddam and replacement with democracy. This became the US foreign policy under Clinton two years before Bush became president.

It didn't call for an invasion of Iraq. So that's an argument fail.

So, after 9/11, Bush jumps on the terrorists with both feet, ready to take this threat out completely, and at first he had all the support in the world from the Democrats. But quickly they saw a political opportunity and turned Iraq into the new Vietnam. And to this day, you idiots are still blaming Bush!

You left out the parts where your boy Bush said Saddam was cooperating with Al Qaeda and he had weapons of Mass Destruction he was going to give them to kill Americans. Neither of these things were true, and Bush and Cheney knew it, but they said it anyway.

The same can be said for the economy. It was a Democratic initiative to provide low income families with low-interest government backed loans in the early 00s, which ultimately led to a collapse of the housing and financial markets. That is clearly what began the snowball of the recession. !

Guy, you are a little confused. No, you are a LOT confused.

Even the Banking Industry isn't blaming the Community Reinvestment Act for the collapse. Those loans were actually regulated and monitored, and of the top 25 banks that failed, only one did CRA loans.

No, what happened was that a lot of middle class folks bought McMansions, on the theory that they could flip them in a couple of years for more than they paid for them. And a lot of these banks made these loans knowing the borrowers really didn't have the income to afford them. Then they took these crappy loans and sold them off to investment houses like AIG as assets.

It had nothing to do with tax cuts or Republican policies. Since then, we've elected YOUR guy twice with the promise he was going to "fix" the problems, but they've continued to persist. What do you do? Blame Bush, of course

Well, yeah, the tax cuts meant that the government had to borrow more money, putting us deeper in debt. Because apparently, Republicans didn't learn from the last time that Supply Side never works.

As far as Obama not "fixing" the problems. Um. Unemployment is at 6.1% compared to the 10% height it hit a few months after he took office. the Dow is around 17,000 compared to the low of 6000 it hit when it ate everyone's 401K.

Oh, wait, quick, there are some gay dudes getting married! Look over there! Oh, wait, that trick isn't working for you guys anymore.

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