What if she didn't have a gun?

More than just that: The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Registration can not and will not prevent people from committing crimes with guns. As such, it is impossible to show that the state has a compelling interest in knowing who owns how many of what kind of firearm. Absent that compelling interest, it is impssoble to argue that registration is contitutionally permissible.


Registration would help keep guns away from criminals. Clearly you want criminals to have guns.

Assigning a position to him that you can then easily slap down is one of the most basic troll tricks. You reveal much about yours agenda.
As someone else said - no one has ever accused him of being honest.

What troubles me is the number of people that do not see him for the troll that he is and simply ignore his inanity.
I do love how I never once mentioned buying a car in my post.

You (or rather the hate site you got your talking points from) attempted to compare BUYING a gun with OPERATING a car in public.

I did mention operating it. I also never claimed owning a gun and buying a car were similar. I compared gaining a drivers licenses.

You compared getting a drivers license + insurance + registration to simply buying a gun, then declared that the process was more difficult.

Your comparison was dishonest. But I don't blame you Luissa, you're just repeating talking points, you don't grasp what they actually mean. Your intent isn't to deceive, your intent is to get a pat on the head from Jillian and Shortbus...

I knew how to operate a car long before I ever bought one.

I knew how to shoot and safely handle a gun long before I ever bought one.

To the best of my knowledge, CCW's require certificates of training. Texas and Florida have VERY strict requirements.

So again, you're posting bullshit.

What I think is that you are a vacuous fool, posting talking points you don't actually understand.

And the majority of Americans do support background checks. As I stated before that is all I want, and I am mostly happy with current system. You are too busy trying to make me out to be some made up communist boogey man in your warped brain you miss my actual opinion.

How nice, a straw man... :doubt:

Pretty much every view point you have assumed I have has been wrong. You are what is wrong with the right wing. I have republican friends who are nothing like you. You are bringing the right down by your hatred and ignorance. Grow up and get a life, and stop making your side look bad.

I only go by what you post, or cut and past from Moveon, as the case may be.

You spew leftist idiocy, which is only fair, since you are an idiot.

Show me where I have linked a hate site. Where I have linked KOS, Thinkprogress, or Move on. Until you can show I ever link any of these sites I will assume you are an assuming liar.
But it's okay, I know you can't. I don't ever read those sites, let alone link them. Everything you say about what THINK my views are are completely made up in your head.
You want me to hate guns because that is what you assume about me, so you are trying to change my words into some point I never even made.
The gist of my point was I agree with back ground checks. I didn't state I hate guns, you shouldn't own one, or I want to take your guns. I also know criminals can buy illegal guns or steal them.
As I stated before my brother was shot, the boy who shot him didn't own the gun he shot him with. I know mass gun restrictions do not work. So like the majority of Americans including most of the right I agree with back ground checks and that is it.
You are arguing with what you think I believe, and nothing more. You are an ignorant fool.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well we typically have over 16,000 homicides with firearms a year. That seems like quite a lot of dead people to me.

We typically have over 2 million deaths a year in the US. Suddenly 16,000 doesn't seem like such a big number, does it?

FASTSTATS - Deaths and Mortality

No 16,000 deaths is still a lot of deaths. Frankly if the checks have stopped just one mass shooting it is more than worth it. You have such little value of life. You must be pro life.

9/11 was 2,977 deaths. We started 2 wars because of it. So yes 16,000 is a ton of deaths.

In the Iraq war we lost 4,487 troops. And that was a war. So yes 16,000 is a ton of deaths.

Frankly, you are an idiot. If checks stopped mass shootings there would be no mass shootings. By the way, we didn't start any wars over 9/11, we finished one.
We typically have over 2 million deaths a year in the US. Suddenly 16,000 doesn't seem like such a big number, does it?

FASTSTATS - Deaths and Mortality

No 16,000 deaths is still a lot of deaths. Frankly if the checks have stopped just one mass shooting it is more than worth it. You have such little value of life. You must be pro life.

9/11 was 2,977 deaths. We started 2 wars because of it. So yes 16,000 is a ton of deaths.

In the Iraq war we lost 4,487 troops. And that was a war. So yes 16,000 is a ton of deaths.

Frankly, you are an idiot. If checks stopped mass shootings there would be no mass shootings. By the way, we didn't start any wars over 9/11, we finished one.

Actually it could stop mass shooters if it wasn't for the loophole. You need to stop arguing from emotion and start using some facts.
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America
No 16,000 deaths is still a lot of deaths. Frankly if the checks have stopped just one mass shooting it is more than worth it. You have such little value of life. You must be pro life.

9/11 was 2,977 deaths. We started 2 wars because of it. So yes 16,000 is a ton of deaths.

In the Iraq war we lost 4,487 troops. And that was a war. So yes 16,000 is a ton of deaths.

Frankly, you are an idiot. If checks stopped mass shootings there would be no mass shootings. By the way, we didn't start any wars over 9/11, we finished one.

Actually it could stop mass shooters if it wasn't for the loophole. You need to stop arguing from emotion and start using some facts.
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America

Loophole? What loophole? Every single gun sold by an FFL has to go through a background check, no loopholes. Perhaps you should learn to stop lying.
Frankly, you are an idiot. If checks stopped mass shootings there would be no mass shootings. By the way, we didn't start any wars over 9/11, we finished one.

Actually it could stop mass shooters if it wasn't for the loophole. You need to stop arguing from emotion and start using some facts.
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America

Loophole? What loophole? Every single gun sold by an FFL has to go through a background check, no loopholes. Perhaps you should learn to stop lying.

As has been discussed on this thread several times private sales don't require any background check. You'd have figured that out if you read the link. The shooter who killed 3 and injured 4 used this loophole when he couldn't have bought from a dealer. Sounds like proof we need background checks on all gun sales. Again I win. Now please stop arguing from emotion. Calling me a liar when the article is clear about the loophole is just childish.
^ point proven. Prefers unarmed victim to a woman explaining how some thug got that fatal bullet wound.

Well, when we are all so scared of each other than we all pack heat, this is a good thing to you, how?

Hey, guess how many gun murders we had last year? 11,000!

Guess how many gun murders JAPAN had last year? 11.

An armed society is a polite society. Thugs think twice before trying to rob/rape/murder someone when they know damn well that person is armed. Japan is a totally different place and its almost completely Japanese out of a population of 125 million only 1-5 million are non Japanese the biggest difference is their lack of negro criminals!

Because God knows there are no white criminals in the US.
As has been discussed on this thread several times private sales don't require any background check.

Exactly right. It's not a loop hole, the law was written that way specifically to allow people to dispose of their private property.

To call it a "loophole" is dishonest.
Actually it could stop mass shooters if it wasn't for the loophole. You need to stop arguing from emotion and start using some facts.
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America

Loophole? What loophole? Every single gun sold by an FFL has to go through a background check, no loopholes. Perhaps you should learn to stop lying.

As has been discussed on this thread several times private sales don't require any background check. You'd have figured that out if you read the link. The shooter who killed 3 and injured 4 used this loophole when he couldn't have bought from a dealer. Sounds like proof we need background checks on all gun sales. Again I win. Now please stop arguing from emotion. Calling me a liar when the article is clear about the loophole is just childish.

The article called it a loophole but the liberal author is just as stupid as you are.

A loophole is a way to circumvent a law or system of rules. Since there are no laws or sets of rules concerning private sales, there IS NO LOOPHOLE!!!

You reasoning is "everyone calls it a loophole". Well dumbass, everyone that does is wrong!!
As has been discussed on this thread several times private sales don't require any background check.

Exactly right. It's not a loop hole, the law was written that way specifically to allow people to dispose of their private property.

To call it a "loophole" is dishonest.

Call it what you want, doesn't change it helped arm a guy who murdered 3 people. Proof we need background checks for ALL gun sales.
Loophole? What loophole? Every single gun sold by an FFL has to go through a background check, no loopholes. Perhaps you should learn to stop lying.

As has been discussed on this thread several times private sales don't require any background check. You'd have figured that out if you read the link. The shooter who killed 3 and injured 4 used this loophole when he couldn't have bought from a dealer. Sounds like proof we need background checks on all gun sales. Again I win. Now please stop arguing from emotion. Calling me a liar when the article is clear about the loophole is just childish.

The article called it a loophole but the liberal author is just as stupid as you are.

A loophole is a way to circumvent a law or system of rules. Since there are no laws or sets of rules concerning private sales, there IS NO LOOPHOLE!!!

You reasoning is "everyone calls it a loophole". Well dumbass, everyone that does is wrong!!

A loophole is an ambiguity in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent, implied or explicitly stated, of the system.

The intent of background checks is to keep criminals from buying guns. Private sales are a loophole because they allow criminals to circumvent a background check. So it is by definition a loophole.

Now that said it really doesn't matter what you call it. I've provided proof criminals use it and murder people. It needs to be closed.

I do find it funny you can't argue the facts so you try to argue the definition of loophole.
As has been discussed on this thread several times private sales don't require any background check. You'd have figured that out if you read the link. The shooter who killed 3 and injured 4 used this loophole when he couldn't have bought from a dealer. Sounds like proof we need background checks on all gun sales. Again I win. Now please stop arguing from emotion. Calling me a liar when the article is clear about the loophole is just childish.

The article called it a loophole but the liberal author is just as stupid as you are.

A loophole is a way to circumvent a law or system of rules. Since there are no laws or sets of rules concerning private sales, there IS NO LOOPHOLE!!!

You reasoning is "everyone calls it a loophole". Well dumbass, everyone that does is wrong!!

A loophole is an ambiguity in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent, implied or explicitly stated, of the system.

The intent of background checks is to keep criminals from buying guns. Private sales are a loophole because they allow criminals to circumvent a background check. So it is by definition a loophole.

Now that said it really doesn't matter what you call it. I've provided proof criminals use it and murder people. It needs to be closed.

I do find it funny you can't argue the facts so you try to argue the definition of loophole.

You cannot redefine the word loophole but try as you may.

Here's proof that background checks doesn't stop murders.

BTW you can't close what hasn't been opened.

Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech killer, Stephen Phillip Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University killer, Sulejman Talovic, the Salt Lake City's Trolley Square mall shooter and Vincent J. Dortch, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard shooter were all legal gun owners and all passed background checks.

Jiverly Voong, who killed 13 in Binghamton, NY and Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh police officers, both in 2009, were legal gun owners. So was Bruce Pardo, one of two shooters dressed as Santa Claus is recent years, who bought at least five firearms within five months from a single weapons dealer before killing nine on Christmas Eve in Covina, CA.

Latina Williams, the Louisiana Technical College killer who was living in her car, paranoid and delusional and giving her possessions away in suicidal gestures, walked right into a New Orleans pawn shop and bought a .357 revolver and a box of ammunition the day before the shootings. Hey, she had rights. Jennifer Sanmarco, the Goleta postal facility killer was also a legal gun owner. So were Terry Ratzmann, the Milwaukee church service killer, Chai Vang the Wisconsin hunter killer and Bart Ross, who killed a Chicago Federal judge's husband and mother.

Most Mass Shooters Pass Background Checks
The article called it a loophole but the liberal author is just as stupid as you are.

A loophole is a way to circumvent a law or system of rules. Since there are no laws or sets of rules concerning private sales, there IS NO LOOPHOLE!!!

You reasoning is "everyone calls it a loophole". Well dumbass, everyone that does is wrong!!

A loophole is an ambiguity in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent, implied or explicitly stated, of the system.

The intent of background checks is to keep criminals from buying guns. Private sales are a loophole because they allow criminals to circumvent a background check. So it is by definition a loophole.

Now that said it really doesn't matter what you call it. I've provided proof criminals use it and murder people. It needs to be closed.

I do find it funny you can't argue the facts so you try to argue the definition of loophole.

You cannot redefine the word loophole but try as you may.

Here's proof that background checks doesn't stop murders.

BTW you can't close what hasn't been opened.

Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech killer, Stephen Phillip Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University killer, Sulejman Talovic, the Salt Lake City's Trolley Square mall shooter and Vincent J. Dortch, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard shooter were all legal gun owners and all passed background checks.

Jiverly Voong, who killed 13 in Binghamton, NY and Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh police officers, both in 2009, were legal gun owners. So was Bruce Pardo, one of two shooters dressed as Santa Claus is recent years, who bought at least five firearms within five months from a single weapons dealer before killing nine on Christmas Eve in Covina, CA.

Latina Williams, the Louisiana Technical College killer who was living in her car, paranoid and delusional and giving her possessions away in suicidal gestures, walked right into a New Orleans pawn shop and bought a .357 revolver and a box of ammunition the day before the shootings. Hey, she had rights. Jennifer Sanmarco, the Goleta postal facility killer was also a legal gun owner. So were Terry Ratzmann, the Milwaukee church service killer, Chai Vang the Wisconsin hunter killer and Bart Ross, who killed a Chicago Federal judge's husband and mother.

Most Mass Shooters Pass Background Checks

You have a serious argument there that all guns should be banned. I'd just like background checks for all sales. This guy couldn't pass a background check
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America
A loophole is an ambiguity in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent, implied or explicitly stated, of the system.

The intent of background checks is to keep criminals from buying guns. Private sales are a loophole because they allow criminals to circumvent a background check. So it is by definition a loophole.

Now that said it really doesn't matter what you call it. I've provided proof criminals use it and murder people. It needs to be closed.

I do find it funny you can't argue the facts so you try to argue the definition of loophole.

You cannot redefine the word loophole but try as you may.

Here's proof that background checks doesn't stop murders.

BTW you can't close what hasn't been opened.

Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech killer, Stephen Phillip Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University killer, Sulejman Talovic, the Salt Lake City's Trolley Square mall shooter and Vincent J. Dortch, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard shooter were all legal gun owners and all passed background checks.

Jiverly Voong, who killed 13 in Binghamton, NY and Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh police officers, both in 2009, were legal gun owners. So was Bruce Pardo, one of two shooters dressed as Santa Claus is recent years, who bought at least five firearms within five months from a single weapons dealer before killing nine on Christmas Eve in Covina, CA.

Latina Williams, the Louisiana Technical College killer who was living in her car, paranoid and delusional and giving her possessions away in suicidal gestures, walked right into a New Orleans pawn shop and bought a .357 revolver and a box of ammunition the day before the shootings. Hey, she had rights. Jennifer Sanmarco, the Goleta postal facility killer was also a legal gun owner. So were Terry Ratzmann, the Milwaukee church service killer, Chai Vang the Wisconsin hunter killer and Bart Ross, who killed a Chicago Federal judge's husband and mother.

Most Mass Shooters Pass Background Checks

You have a serious argument there that all guns should be banned. I'd just like background checks for all sales. This guy couldn't pass a background check
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America

On the contrary. I presented a good argument why more law abiding citizens should be armed.

Again the story is bogus in that no loophole was involved.

You libtards really need to learn the definition of words and stop trying to redefine them to fit your agenda.
You cannot redefine the word loophole but try as you may.

Here's proof that background checks doesn't stop murders.

BTW you can't close what hasn't been opened.

Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech killer, Stephen Phillip Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University killer, Sulejman Talovic, the Salt Lake City's Trolley Square mall shooter and Vincent J. Dortch, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard shooter were all legal gun owners and all passed background checks.

Jiverly Voong, who killed 13 in Binghamton, NY and Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh police officers, both in 2009, were legal gun owners. So was Bruce Pardo, one of two shooters dressed as Santa Claus is recent years, who bought at least five firearms within five months from a single weapons dealer before killing nine on Christmas Eve in Covina, CA.

Latina Williams, the Louisiana Technical College killer who was living in her car, paranoid and delusional and giving her possessions away in suicidal gestures, walked right into a New Orleans pawn shop and bought a .357 revolver and a box of ammunition the day before the shootings. Hey, she had rights. Jennifer Sanmarco, the Goleta postal facility killer was also a legal gun owner. So were Terry Ratzmann, the Milwaukee church service killer, Chai Vang the Wisconsin hunter killer and Bart Ross, who killed a Chicago Federal judge's husband and mother.

Most Mass Shooters Pass Background Checks

You have a serious argument there that all guns should be banned. I'd just like background checks for all sales. This guy couldn't pass a background check
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America

On the contrary. I presented a good argument why more law abiding citizens should be armed.

Again the story is bogus in that no loophole was involved.

You libtards really need to learn the definition of words and stop trying to redefine them to fit your agenda.

He bought a gun without a background check and murdered people. Nothing bogus about 3 dead people.

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