What if black lives really mattered?

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I'll stand behind THIS MOM. You go girl. a lot of people will stand with you



Fed Up with BlackLivesMatter Protestors ‘Tearing Up Communities over Thugs and Criminals’
By Jerry A. Kane -- Bio and Archives August 23, 2015
A black mom posted a video on Facebook sharing her frustrations over the senseless brutality and violence displayed by blacks and BlackLivesMatter protesters in Ferguson and St. Louis, Missouri.

Peggy Hubbard was upset by the death of Jamyla Bolden, a 9-year-old killed by a bullet fired in a drive-by shooting while lying in her mother’s bed Tuesday evening doing homework. The girl’s mother also was shot but survived with a leg wound.

The following day BlackLivesMatter protesters marched in the streets for an 18-year-old “very bad guy” shot and killed by police for allegedly pointing a gun at them.

“Last night who do you think they protested for? The thug, the criminal, because they’re howling, ‘police brutality.’ Are you f@#!n’ kidding me? Police brutality? How about black brutality?” Hubbard said.

Hubbard called the BlackLivesMatter protesters “trifling” and a “joke” saying they place more value on the lives of thugs and criminals than they do the lives of innocent victims and children murdered by black thugs and criminals every night in the streets of St. Louis.

ALL of it here:
Mom Fed Up with BlackLivesMatter Protestors ‘Tearing Up Communities over Thugs and Criminals’
guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)
Your kind doesn't worry about the lives of *******, unless the move in down the street.

Tolerant liberal strikes again!
No, that's called honesty. Try it sometime.

What do you know about honesty you hack?
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

No, he didn't assume anything. He covered all of that with

"We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. "

YOu dismissed it, and restated your dumb claim that people cannot understand other people.

Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

No, he didn't assume anything. He covered all of that with

"We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. "

YOu dismissed it, and restated your dumb claim that people cannot understand other people.

Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
Now youre stalking me? You need to get that insecurity checked out. :laugh:

You see I said nothing about being human, needs, or desires. In your rush to stalk me you again exposed your lack of intellect.
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

Dear Asclepias
It is horrible to see a collective level of low self esteem and self-destructive hatred
because people have been conditioned to feel inferior, to be afraid to own property,
and cannot even run for office without being called names by one party or the other
abused to DIVIDE not only Blacks but the entire nation by poor "field slaves" vs. rich "house slaves."

This class oppression is debilitating to everyone.

It's not only affecting Blacks but everyone else paying more and more taxes
to wasteful govt with less and less say and control in the policies and programs that cost us so much.

Instead of wasting energy worrying what the OTHER group/class is doing wrong,
why not invest in uplifting our own communities to have equal ownership and responsibility.
By focusing there, where this IS restitution owed for abuses crime violence or oppression,
then the communities working to develop their own educational and empowerment programs
can ask for funding AGAINST the debts owed for past wrongs. All the negatives can be turned into positives.

I hope you will be one of the grassroots business leaders who organizes
teams in each district and city to start investing in owning schools, business districts,
apts and transitional housing, even medical programs and ctorrectional centers,
to take back power and responsibility and break the cycle of oppression, victimhood and poverty.

This pattern of abuse has to end by empowering the people to manage their own solutions,
and quit depending on other politicians in govt to protect rights.

Every time you exercise equal rights, freedoms, protections and representation
that is how you enforce higher standards for all people. We need to empower
all communities to start doing this and drop the mindset of helpless victims to bad govt.
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.


You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.



45-year-old man nabbed having sex with three dogs, horse [ PHOTOS] - DailyPost Nigeria
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

No, he didn't assume anything. He covered all of that with

"We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. "

YOu dismissed it, and restated your dumb claim that people cannot understand other people.

Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Dear Correll
What I found hardest to deal with in the Black community
is the deep rooted, almost "phobic" avoidance of owning and managing property
for "fear the system is all controled by wealthy corporate interests and politicians who can do what they want."

Blacks whose families have never owned property, managed their own
businesses, schools or cities/districts,
cannot totally invoke the same level of empowerment and authority
as people with this experience, and those who take it for granted.

I don't think people can imagine that level of responsibility and power
without going through the whole process and experience

So when you are dealing with classes of people WITH political
and financial access and Experience in their families, and backgrounds,
and WITH legal resources, defense and support through govt,
and whole classes and generations of people WITHOUT this,
how can you expect them to understand?

We'd have to be immersed and go through GENERATIONS
of cultural and social conditioning to fully understand the biases and limits
that people are under and have to work to overcome.

I've seen enough to know I can't imitate the cultural oppression
suffered by Native Americans, Black descendants of Freed Slaves, etc.

There are still generational wounds and lost years and lineages,
requiring restitution and acknowledgement before this can be healed.

For the contention and outcry you see today, a lot of this is
pent up from the past, where one stage of the grief and recovery
process is to vent anger and refusal to tolerate further injustice,
demanding the wrongs be recognized and righted.

Every person, every lineage has a unique spiritual process to go through.

We can understand "relatively speaking" since all humans go through
this learning process and recovery following basic patterns and stages.

But we can never exactly replicate the experiences and path of others.
That's just general fact that each of us is unique and will bias
anything we study or look at by our own experiences and perceptions.

Just a fact of human nature that we will project our expectations or conditions we are used to.
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!
I'm going to have to deduct some respect points for that one. Your first error is starting off your post with "So". Thats a gigantic red flag that bullshit is sure to follow and in this case it was. Basically you are saying that if you are intelligent (Ben Carson) you cant be a boot licker. How did you arrive at that conclusion? Apply that question to your other comments regarding the other 2 and submit your best answer.

You do realize Carson in particular used AA to get ahead dont you?
Care to elaborate or is that the extent of your intelligence?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!

Dear healthmyths
This mentality of comparing people's paths in order to JUDGE one person or another
backfires, and creates resentment, projected blame and division.

If any group needs unity, the Black leadership CANNOT afford to keep dividing
and namecalling each other over who is the poor victimized working class denied equal protection
and who is the rich sellout "Uncle Tom" exploiting the system instead of changing it to uplift the poor.

The key may lie in microlending, and the more experienced business and political leaders
MENTORING the less experienced members so that they SUCCEED.
And QUIT this business of trying to "make each other FAIL in order to prove one side right or wrong."

This is CRUEL to keep pitting leaders to denounce each other instead of working together
to uplift their constituents. The billions of dollars spent on hateful negative campaigns
could better be invested in buying out schools, business and medical districts, even prisons
and TRAINING local Black leaders and members to manage their own local govt democratically.

For those with more experience in business ownership and property management,
why not reward citizens for investing in training and mentoring others, creating jobs and leadership
opportunities instead of politicians exploiting class division to pit one against the other,
to fund their campaigns and pay millions to the media to keep this infighting going?

What problems could be solved with the same resources abused by two sides fighting each other?
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!
I'm going to have to deduct some respect points for that one. Your first error is starting off your post with "So". Thats a gigantic red flag that bullshit is sure to follow and in this case it was. Basically you are saying that if you are intelligent (Ben Carson) you cant be a boot licker. How did you arrive at that conclusion? Apply that question to your other comments regarding the other 2 and submit your best answer.

You do realize Carson in particular used AA to get ahead dont you?

Well I also have lost any respect for your "intelligence" as you cant(sic) seem to and obviously dont (sic) want to pay attention to simple punctuation rules!
How then can you in particular criticize obviously more intelligent people i.e. Dr. Carson when you are too damn lazy to add an apostrophe?
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!
I'm going to have to deduct some respect points for that one. Your first error is starting off your post with "So". Thats a gigantic red flag that bullshit is sure to follow and in this case it was. Basically you are saying that if you are intelligent (Ben Carson) you cant be a boot licker. How did you arrive at that conclusion? Apply that question to your other comments regarding the other 2 and submit your best answer.

You do realize Carson in particular used AA to get ahead dont you?

Well I also have lost any respect for your "intelligence" as you cant(sic) seem to and obviously dont (sic) want to pay attention to simple punctuation rules!
How then can you in particular criticize obviously more intelligent people i.e. Dr. Carson when you are too damn lazy to add an apostrophe?
Thats ok. I dont mind if you lost respect. Its not like you are someone important to me. I dont know that Dr. Carson is more intelligent than me. All I know is that he went into a different field than I did. I dont like wasting time with appostrophes unless they are necessary like for example were vs. we're. I dont hold the english language in a high enough regard to care to be honest.
I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!
I'm going to have to deduct some respect points for that one. Your first error is starting off your post with "So". Thats a gigantic red flag that bullshit is sure to follow and in this case it was. Basically you are saying that if you are intelligent (Ben Carson) you cant be a boot licker. How did you arrive at that conclusion? Apply that question to your other comments regarding the other 2 and submit your best answer.

You do realize Carson in particular used AA to get ahead dont you?

Dear Asclepias and healthmyths
Since you are debating whether Carson is a good or bad example of
either boot licking, AA, minorities overcoming social conditioning, etc.

Why not ask the two of you to write a letter to Carson and Obama
supporting the idea of microlending to end welfare handouts and overreliance on govt?

You may contact Lenwood Johnson 281-709-3001 whose community group
authored and passed part of the HOPE VI HUD reforms
that included converting public housing into sustainable campuses
that even provided housing and internships for students to provide
social services to low income families until they became self-reliant
and could graduate from the program. http://www.campusplan.org

This campus plan was later extended to propose restoring historic houses for Vets within the
same nationally registered Freed Slave church district, while
providing health care services on site: http://www.freedmenstown.com

I bought domain names for openlettertothepresident
at .org and .us

I challenge both of you to write either a joint letter or separate letters,
and I am happy to launch a fundraiser online to support whatever project you propose
to unite Carson, Obama, Allen West and Cornell Well, and all Black leaders in funding restitution for past govt abuses,
and denial of equal protection to Blacks, by investing in ownership
and development of campus communities in distressed neighborhoods
from Freedmen's Town to Ferguson to stop genocidal destruction of lives and communities.

I had to go to work to support the bloated welfare/warfare state...so that is why my previous post was so short.

We are all human beings. We have the same needs and desires. To think that someone of a certain race can't ever understand someone of a different race, is well....dumb. We can learn what the issues are within other races merely by studying those issues, talking to each other, and observing each others actions.
You took the liberty of a multitude of assumptions without clarifying with me what I meant. As a white person you simply cant understand what it is to be Black. You have no point of reference. Not even a little bit. Your version of reality is entirely different from a Black person and it would take an extraordinarily astute white person to understand. I've never met a white person, nor have I ever met another Black person that even heard of a white person, that understands what it means to be Black. Learning issues in no way makes you understand. It only informs you of the issues.

You know I agree with you! I as a white person have NO idea what it is to be black!

I do know though that through whatever means these "black" people have become people I respect immensely and have NO problem with
listening to whatever they have to say as they are first human beings that just so happen to be black.

Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, J.C.Watt, Col. Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, (SC), Condolezza Rice, Stacey Dash,Angela McGlowan,Sheryl Underwood, Martin Luther King's daughter Alveda King,Judge Janice Rogers Brown,Star Parker,Sherriff David Clark to name a few.
BUT the problem YOU most likely have is you would consider the above blacks as "house Negros".. "Uncle Toms"... because they espouse individual responsibility.
I love Condi. Yes Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Allen West are boot licking uncle toms. Stacey Dash is removed from reality. I dont know enough about the rest of them to make a determination.

So a man with a 36 page curriculum Vitae, that has separated babies conjoined at the head is a "boot licker"?
Herman Cain whose dad was a chauffeur and came from probably worst conditions then you to become CEO of GodFather's Pizza, and Allen West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge boot lickers?

See that's why people have a problem with people like you. You really don't respect other people who have accomplished more in their lives by not
depending on their skin color for affirmative action!

Dear healthmyths
This mentality of comparing people's paths in order to JUDGE one person or another
backfires, and creates resentment, projected blame and division.

If any group needs unity, the Black leadership CANNOT afford to keep dividing
and namecalling each other over who is the poor victimized working class denied equal protection
and who is the rich sellout "Uncle Tom" exploiting the system instead of changing it to uplift the poor.

The key may lie in microlending, and the more experienced business and political leaders
MENTORING the less experienced members so that they SUCCEED.
And QUIT this business of trying to "make each other FAIL in order to prove one side right or wrong."

This is CRUEL to keep pitting leaders to denounce each other instead of working together
to uplift their constituents. The billions of dollars spent on hateful negative campaigns
could better be invested in buying out schools, business and medical districts, even prisons
and TRAINING local Black leaders and members to manage their own local govt democratically.

For those with more experience in business ownership and property management,
why not reward citizens for investing in training and mentoring others, creating jobs and leadership
opportunities instead of politicians exploiting class division to pit one against the other,
to fund their campaigns and pay millions to the media to keep this infighting going?

What problems could be solved with the same resources abused by two sides fighting each other?

Dear emilynghiem....
I am not in favor of ANY divisive behavior...i.e "black lives matter"... " occupy wall street", any other really divisive anti growth total anarchy efforts.
Obama being the ringleader of trying to divide America with his continual support of criminals..(meeting with Trayvon's parents ...divisive!).
It is like fingernails on a black board when I hear ANY politician say "I'll fight..." etc. how stupid!
Why not offer better solutions rather then tearing down! Why not build rather then destroy.
But I believe you emilynghiem , you want to see divisiveness! You want the rich to be torn down. You and may like you are like jackals that have to tear
at someone else's meat rather then find your own! You want to take from others rather then teach others to be independent!

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