What Have You Done?

they won't pay any fking fine. they'll do time if need be.

Good. Maybe spending some time in prison will rehabilitate their thinking.

no way they give in to something they don't believe in. Won't matter anyway, cause SCOTUS will be unanimous in their favor.

What is it they actually believe? That's not something you or they have articulated. They've said baking a gay cake violates their religious beliefs, but don't say how it does. Because there's no "how", means their claims are bullshit and insincere. Also, any "how" they give will be undermined by the central tenets of their faith; that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So if God forgives and Jesus died for the gay cakes, where's the harm to their religious beliefs?
who cares. I don't. it isn't my battle. you sure are all about it though. you love PC policing eh?
"Byrne claims within the pages of the book that Bill Clinton had a 'jogging list' and would have Secret Service 'take the names of attractive women he saw while out exercising'.In Byrne's new book, 'Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate', the former White House security makes no apologies for his criticisms of the Clintons. "

Where in any of my posts did I defend Clinton? No where. And why are you trying to make a big deal about Clinton? So you don't have to answer for your support of "pussygrabber" Trump.

So what you're saying is that Clinton is no better than Trump, who is no better than you. And in that regard, I would agree. I'm better than the whole lot of you.
you got fking nothing on trump. present it if you have it. all you got is some conversation. that would be thrown out of a court of law. so now, present some factual adventures of trump. I have first hand accounts of many women against two of the dems highest ranking men oppressing women. and that is the fight of the supposed NFL right oppression? so, let's start by cleaning up the left's house. Anthony Wiener comes to mind as well. How about Gary Condit? Teddy Kennedy? you all wanted this to be all at the conservatives. well, well, it ain't. and your moral genius' are hilarious. what have you done?
TAP TAP "" any toilet paper over there??"" remember that guy??
yep. didn't say there weren't republicans. Newt Gingrich. I'm merely letting you know that your stone throwing bounces back at you. so feel free to post any and all John Edwards comes to mind as another one running for president, caught. It seems the political field doesn't follow political parties, so you all should adjust your pointers. The best one to date though is good old harvey wall a banging, how many fking dems stuck by this guy? holy fk. it's unreal and sick.
Enforcement of the law is racist... So you say.

So the reason there are more arrests and drug possession in cities is because that's where most black people live, duh. But your article just proves my point; that despite nearly identical use of marijuana, blacks are far more likely to be arrested for possession than whites. That's got nothing to do with where black populations are centered, and more to do with racist policing standards that are a holdover from 300 years of fugitive slave laws, 100 years of Jim Crow, and 50 years of the War on Drugs. Which is a part of what Kaep and the players are protesting!

You claim that reason for that is institutional racism. If I say that's bullshit, you'll disagree, so let's see one more chart from the link. Notice where all those racist law enforcement are the worst - in the cities and counties that are overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats for decades.

Well, those are also the areas where black populations are concentrated, so what are you trying to prove? That there's racism even in city police departments? NO FUCKING SHIT. Welcome to the conversation!

f you want to claim institutional racism, you need to blame original racists, the party of slavery, KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws... they never changed, the same people are doing the same thing for a long time.

To pretend that the Democratic Party didn't shift after Civil Rights is to make the argument that between 1964 and 1980, there was a mass migration of millions of white, liberal Republicans who moved to the South, hardened their views to that of Conservatives and became Republicans, while at the same time a nearly equal number of white, Conservative Democrats moved to the North, softened their views to that of Liberals and became Democrats.

That is just a delusion on your part. Fact is the racist Dixiecrats became Republicans after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, voted for Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, and are the troglodytes who faint at the sight of a black man kneeling.

Of course, you know this, and your attempt to try to tie Dixiecrats to present-day Democrats is just a Russian Active Measure on your part to conflate the fact that Conservatives are, have been, and always will be racists.
so what is the oppression? are you saying whites aren't tracked by cops?
they won't pay any fking fine. they'll do time if need be.

Good. Maybe spending some time in prison will rehabilitate their thinking.

no way they give in to something they don't believe in. Won't matter anyway, cause SCOTUS will be unanimous in their favor.

What is it they actually believe? That's not something you or they have articulated. They've said baking a gay cake violates their religious beliefs, but don't say how it does. Because there's no "how", means their claims are bullshit and insincere. Also, any "how" they give will be undermined by the central tenets of their faith; that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So if God forgives and Jesus died for the gay cakes, where's the harm to their religious beliefs?
who cares. I don't. it isn't my battle. you sure are all about it though. you love PC policing eh?
Is Rape against the law?
So the reason there are more arrests and drug possession in cities is because that's where most black people live, duh. But your article just proves my point; that despite nearly identical use of marijuana, blacks are far more likely to be arrested for possession than whites. That's got nothing to do with where black populations are centered, and more to do with racist policing standards that are a holdover from 300 years of fugitive slave laws, 100 years of Jim Crow, and 50 years of the War on Drugs. Which is a part of what Kaep and the players are protesting!

Blacks and whites/rural and urban people tend to have different habits in how they smoke weed. Smoking blunts while driving down the street vs smoking bongs in mom's basement. I'm guessing that's one of the reasons why the arrest rate is so different.
you got fking nothing on trump.

You can still be a shitty person and be President; Bush the Dumber is the proof of that.

present it if you have it. all you got is some conversation. that would be thrown out of a court of law. so now, present some factual adventures of trump. I have first hand accounts of many women against two of the dems highest ranking men oppressing women. and that is the fight of the supposed NFL right oppression? so, let's start by cleaning up the left's house. Anthony Wiener comes to mind as well. How about Gary Condit? Teddy Kennedy? you all wanted this to be all at the conservatives. well, well, it ain't. and your moral genius' are hilarious. what have you done?

Ummm...Trump is on tape saying he grabs women by the pussy. I don't need to go look for adventures, Trump has volunteered that information for us. From barging in on underage teenage girls while they're dressing, to grabbing women by the pussies, to how he disgustingly obsesses over his daughter. We don't need to find examples of Trump's behavior because he takes pride in it and is unapologetic. So it seems that in order for you to be comfortable with someone, they must express no remorse for anything they've done.

The fight of the NFL protests is over racism. So now you're trying to conflate two separate topics in order to serve what goal? That's what I cannot figure out...why are you doing this and what do you ultimately want? I think you're just some Russian propagandist paid by Putin to mess with Americans. I've seen no compelling evidence that suggests otherwise. Even the date your account was created is within the window of when Putin was creating thousands of fake accounts and bots to spam our election. For all I know, I could be conversing with some teenager in Vladivostok who doesn't give a shit about any of this. And if that's the case, then it's just sad.
they won't pay any fking fine. they'll do time if need be.

Good. Maybe spending some time in prison will rehabilitate their thinking.

no way they give in to something they don't believe in. Won't matter anyway, cause SCOTUS will be unanimous in their favor.

What is it they actually believe? That's not something you or they have articulated. They've said baking a gay cake violates their religious beliefs, but don't say how it does. Because there's no "how", means their claims are bullshit and insincere. Also, any "how" they give will be undermined by the central tenets of their faith; that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So if God forgives and Jesus died for the gay cakes, where's the harm to their religious beliefs?
who cares. I don't. it isn't my battle. you sure are all about it though. you love PC policing eh?
Is Rape against the law?
27.On information and belief, on or about April 28, 2016, Defendant Trump provided the following statement to American Media, Inc. and/or Radar Online LLC for publication on at least their website RadarOnline.com regarding Plaintiff’s complaint ED CV 16-797-DMG (KSx) filed in the United States District Court for the Central District of California:
“The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated. There is absolutely no merit to these allegations. Period.”
The statement provided for publication by Defendant Trump was published by said website and has been republished elsewhere in whole orin part numerous times (and similar statements of an attorney for Defendant Trump were also published). The statement provided for publication by Defendant Trump and that was published by said websites is false as it pertains to Plaintiff."

So what happened to it?
BTW, Kaepernick was offered a job and turned it down.

Hold on a second. Let's back up. Your accusation was that Kaep doesn't walk the walk. I posted a link from SI.com that proves he does in fact walk the walk, and was honored by the NFL and the NFLPA for his contributions to society. So right away your premise, that Kaep is doing this for reasons other than those stated, starts off on a lie.

So we cannot have a conversation until you first correct yourself for being wrong about Kaep and the players who contribute more of their time volunteering (which is a requirement by the NFL, BTW) than you have your entire life.
who cares. I don't. it isn't my battle. you sure are all about it though. you love PC policing eh?

So you are making and defending an argument you don't even have, that isn't even yours.

So how are you not a troll?
BTW, Kaepernick was offered a job and turned it down.

Hold on a second. Let's back up. Your accusation was that Kaep doesn't walk the walk. I posted a link from SI.com that proves he does in fact walk the walk, and was honored by the NFL and the NFLPA for his contributions to society. So right away your premise, that Kaep is doing this for reasons other than those stated, starts off on a lie.

So we cannot have a conversation until you first correct yourself for being wrong about Kaep and the players who contribute more of their time volunteering (which is a requirement by the NFL, BTW) than you have your entire life.
so excuse me, what do the donations do to stop oppression? I'm happy he gives back, as do many others, but what's he doing to stop it. donating money is donating money.
who cares. I don't. it isn't my battle. you sure are all about it though. you love PC policing eh?

So you are making and defending an argument you don't even have, that isn't even yours.

So how are you not a troll?
yep, I would defend your right as well, even though it doesn't do anything for me. I defend anyone's rights. you not so much. that's the point.
Blacks and whites/rural and urban people tend to have different habits in how they smoke weed. Smoking blunts while driving down the street vs smoking bongs in mom's basement. I'm guessing that's one of the reasons why the arrest rate is so different.

Wait a second, BACK UP. We can't move on until you reconcile the fact that you were trying to make an argument about how black people smoking weed in the cities is why their arrest rate is so high, and that somehow serves as the excuse for police brutality. That was a dishonest argument you were making, wasn't it? You were trying to say that because blacks live in cities, and cities are run by liberals, that somehow means liberals are responsible for institutional racism in police departments that has existed for 50 years of the War on Drugs, 100 years of Jim Crow, and 300 years of slavery and fugitive slave laws.

My point, and the point the NFL players also have, is that it doesn't matter where the police are; the institution of law enforcement and our justice system is corrupted by the 450 year history of subjugation of African Americans by the State.

Your cartoonish and superficial idea of how people smoke weed has nothing to do with it. Blacks get arrested for drugs more than whites because our law enforcement system is racist and still stuck in (at least) the Jim Crow mindset.
so excuse me, what do the donations do to stop oppression?


Again, back up.
YOUR ACCUSATION WAS THAT KAEPERNICK DOESN'T WALK THE WALK. I posted a link showing he does and was actually honored by the NFL for his charitable work. So we cannot move on in this conversation until you admit you were wrong when you were assuming Kaepernick is paying lip service to causes like you do.
yep, I would defend your right as well, even though it doesn't do anything for me. I defend anyone's rights. you not so much. that's the point.

Bullshit. You're just instigating on a message board because you either A) are paid to do so, B) are insecure, or C) crave attention.

I don't think you believe in anything. I think you're just here to stir the pot because of whatever mental and psychological deficiencies you have.
so excuse me, what do the donations do to stop oppression?


Again, back up.
YOUR ACCUSATION WAS THAT KAEPERNICK DOESN'T WALK THE WALK. I posted a link showing he does and was actually honored by the NFL for his charitable work. So we cannot move on in this conversation until you admit you were wrong when you were assuming Kaepernick is paying lip service to causes like you do.
he hasn't, I'm sorry, I just asked you what has he done outside donating money? where is he going to the community centers and having discussions with police and the people he supposedly backs up? What are his changing ideas. I've seen nothing. why are blacks in San Fran, LA and Chicago still dying at their own hands? how about an investment in a company to hire blacks only in black neighborhoods? where is all the walk? where were the Baltimore Ravens players when BLM tore their city apart? where?
yep, I would defend your right as well, even though it doesn't do anything for me. I defend anyone's rights. you not so much. that's the point.

Bullshit. You're just instigating on a message board because you either A) are paid to do so, B) are insecure, or C) crave attention.

I don't think you believe in anything. I think you're just here to stir the pot because of whatever mental and psychological deficiencies you have.
nope, I merely dislike the likes of libturds promoting wrongly.
he hasn't, I'm sorry, I just asked you what has he done outside donating money?

He's been on the ground working in those communities. You would know this if you bothered to actually research this topic before running your fat mouth about it.

Are you too lazy to do that? Be honest.

where is he going to the community centers and having discussions with police and the people he supposedly backs up? What are his changing ideas. I've seen nothing.

That's because you haven't been looking because you're either A) too lazy or B) scared that what you find will ruin your preconceived notions.







That last one is him in Somalia.

Now where are all the photos of Conservatives -any Conservative- doing any charitable good? Nowhere. Because Conservatives aren't good people.
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nope, I merely dislike the likes of libturds promoting wrongly.

Well, you're the one coming on the boards saying shit that isn't true because you're either too lazy or scared to do the hard work of being informed.
he hasn't, I'm sorry, I just asked you what has he done outside donating money?

He's been on the ground working in those communities. You would know this if you bothered to actually research this topic before running your fat mouth about it.

Are you too lazy to do that? Be honest.

where is he going to the community centers and having discussions with police and the people he supposedly backs up? What are his changing ideas. I've seen nothing.

That's because you haven't been looking because you're either A) too lazy or B) scared that what you find will ruin your preconceived notions.






That last one is him in Somalia.

Now where are all the photos of Conservatives -any Conservative- doing any charitable good? Nowhere. Because Conservatives aren't good people.
ok, now show me one that is helping stop his supposed oppression? you know, the sit down with mayors, police chiefs and community leaders to correct this oppression? why nothing there? I love photo ops.

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