What Have You Done?

Yes, Trump gave us Gorsuch.

Who will be pulled from the bench once the indictments start coming. Everything Trump has touched has the stink of Russia on it. The last 9 1/2 months are going to be void. None of this shit, including his appointees, are going to remain.

All you fucking Stalinists have given us is non-stop Kristalnachts as your violent brown shirts rage, assault, and burn.

You're the ones who say Nazis are "very fine people".
like your libs friends bill and harvey baby? LOL you fking hypocrites.

Who said they're my friends? Just you and you're doing that because you are trying to find an equivalence to the shit position you have, and whatever position I have. And you do that because you're insecure.
like your libs friends bill and harvey baby? LOL you fking hypocrites.

Who said they're my friends? Just you and you're doing that because you are trying to find an equivalence to the shit position you have, and whatever position I have. And you do that because you're insecure.
no the money from these two caused more oppression to women than half the fking country combined. don't give me your moral shit. eat it yourself.
Yes, Trump gave us Gorsuch.

Who will be pulled from the bench once the indictments start coming. Everything Trump has touched has the stink of Russia on it. The last 9 1/2 months are going to be void. None of this shit, including his appointees, are going to remain.

All you fucking Stalinists have given us is non-stop Kristalnachts as your violent brown shirts rage, assault, and burn.

You're the ones who say Nazis are "very fine people".
too funny. I love it thanks for the laugh.
Yes, Trump gave us Gorsuch.

Who will be pulled from the bench once the indictments start coming. Everything Trump has touched has the stink of Russia on it. The last 9 1/2 months are going to be void. None of this shit, including his appointees, are going to remain.

All you fucking Stalinists have given us is non-stop Kristalnachts as your violent brown shirts rage, assault, and burn.

You're the ones who say Nazis are "very fine people".
BTW, nazi's take guns and oppress women, well we know who they are for real now, thanks to old harvey wall banger.
BTW, I can't demand another drink if the bartenders or ownership says I can't have one.

Which has nothing to do with a bullshit religious freedom argument. They're not denying you a drink because they don't like you, they're denying you a drink because they're liable if you go and drunk drive yourself into a crowd of pedestrians. Why are you pretending a bartender cutting you off to avoid legal liability, and a baker refusing to bake a gay cake are the same thing? Because you're a propagandist, that's why.

businesses can refuse business to you. they owe no obligation to you or your fking beliefs.

You are mistaken. A business cannot simply deny service because of religious beliefs. Not when that denial is discriminatory. Back in the 1960's, Conservatives were using religion as the excuse to preserve Jim Crow and segregation. Now thanks to the CRA, they cannot do that. Some states, including the one where this bakery is, have extended those protections to LGBT people as well. The bakers live in a state with those protections, so if they're violating the civil rights of LGBT people, then they're breaking the law. Your imaginary cloud fairy has nothing to do with it.

And to that point; I thought your religion taught you that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. If you're saying that baking a gay cake causes harm to your religious beliefs, then God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.

So which is it; does their God not forgive, or is their religious excuse bullshit?
BTW, I can't demand another drink if the bartenders or ownership says I can't have one.

Which has nothing to do with a bullshit religious freedom argument. They're not denying you a drink because they don't like you, they're denying you a drink because they're liable if you go and drunk drive yourself into a crowd of pedestrians. Why are you pretending a bartender cutting you off to avoid legal liability, and a baker refusing to bake a gay cake are the same thing? Because you're a propagandist, that's why.

businesses can refuse business to you. they owe no obligation to you or your fking beliefs.

You are mistaken. A business cannot simply deny service because of religious beliefs. Not when that denial is discriminatory. Back in the 1960's, Conservatives were using religion as the excuse to preserve Jim Crow and segregation. Now thanks to the CRA, they cannot do that. Some states, including the one where this bakery is, have extended those protections to LGBT people as well. The bakers live in a state with those protections, so if they're violating the civil rights of LGBT people, then they're breaking the law. Your imaginary cloud fairy has nothing to do with it.

And to that point; I thought your religion taught you that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. If you're saying that baking a gay cake causes harm to your religious beliefs, then God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.

So which is it; does their God not forgive, or is their religious excuse bullshit?
no shirts no shoes no business. religious beliefs top non religious beliefs in this store no service. it's quite simple. a business doesn't need your permissions. derp!!!!
it's too far above your head for you to understand. wait for the SCOTUS to rule.

So when SCOTUS rules against the gay bakers, what will be your argument then? Because SCOTUS is going to have to uphold state protections for LGBT people thanks to previous Civil Rights cases like Loving v. Virginia and Obergefell v. Hodges. Both have ruled that state laws against interracial or gay marriage violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. So SCOTUS is obviously going to say that state laws protecting LGBTs are in the spirit of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and that supersedes any insincere religious argument you make.
it's too far above your head for you to understand. wait for the SCOTUS to rule.

So when SCOTUS rules against the gay bakers, what will be your argument then? Because SCOTUS is going to have to uphold state protections for LGBT people thanks to previous Civil Rights cases like Loving v. Virginia and Obergefell v. Hodges. Both have ruled that state laws against interracial or gay marriage violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. So SCOTUS is obviously going to say that state laws protecting LGBTs are in the spirit of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and that supersedes any insincere religious argument you make.
they will stop baking cakes. what are you going to do line them up and point a gun at them and tell them to bake the cake? LOL, dude you have many screws loose.
no shirts no shoes no business. religious beliefs top non religious beliefs in this store no service. it's quite simple. a business doesn't need your permissions. derp!!!!

Wrong. First of all, those signs aren't actually legal or can be used in a court of law as a defense of discrimination. Secondly, no, religious beliefs do not supersede the law. As we found out when you guys tried to use religion as justification for segregation and Jim Crow 50-60 years ago.
no shirts no shoes no business. religious beliefs top non religious beliefs in this store no service. it's quite simple. a business doesn't need your permissions. derp!!!!

Wrong. First of all, those signs aren't actually legal or can be used in a court of law as a defense of discrimination. Secondly, no, religious beliefs do not supersede the law. As we found out when you guys tried to use religion as justification for segregation and Jim Crow 50-60 years ago.
sure, show me the legislation buckoo
they will stop baking cakes.

Good. Stop baking cakes altogether, I don't care. They could always move to another state that doesn't protect LGBT people if they feel that strongly about it. CO is bordered by a few of those states, so they can take their pick. I don't give a shit if some bigot's business goes under because they are bigots. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

what are you going to do line them up and point a gun at them and tell them to bake the cake? LOL, dude you have many screws loose.

No, they'll just have to pay a fine. And if that means they have to close their business...too fucking bad. Don't be a bigot, is the lesson they should take away from this. Obviously, they haven't learned anything else.
they will stop baking cakes.

Good. Stop baking cakes altogether, I don't care. They could always move to another state that doesn't protect LGBT people if they feel that strongly about it. CO is bordered by a few of those states, so they can take their pick. I don't give a shit if some bigot's business goes under because they are bigots. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

what are you going to do line them up and point a gun at them and tell them to bake the cake? LOL, dude you have many screws loose.

No, they'll just have to pay a fine. And if that means they have to close their business...too fucking bad. Don't be a bigot, is the lesson they should take away from this. Obviously, they haven't learned anything else.
they won't pay any fking fine. they'll do time if need be. no way they give in to something they don't believe in. Won't matter anyway, cause SCOTUS will be unanimous in their favor.
She is saying that you are a hate filled dumbfuck who salivates on command to the images that you have been conditioned to hate by your masters.

How am I "hate filled"? Because I don't accept your bullshit unearned entitlement.
Exactly. where are they? all of them kneeling, where are they? why haven't they begun to discuss? How about giving some guidance to their issue. can't start from nothing. all you'll get is nothing. Provide some examples and come in with an open mind. what are they afraid of? any of you libturds, seems you all are afraid of a discussion. You don't want one that's why, you only wish to unfairly mouth off and be ungrateful for the things you got. I owe them absolutely nothing. Oh, I am pissed at their demonstration of disrespect. That's what I'm pissed about. Veterans with no limbs fought for them to play that fking game and they deserve respect. If you don't think the vets are owed that, then you can get fked. The flag and the Anthem is America, you don't like it fking leave. I am? how, name what it is I'm doing to avoid a discussion? got some guts started spitting it out bubba. let's fking go, what is it you want to discuss? You must have a starting point, not a kneel down.

You want to start someplace? Fine. Let's start with why police kill unarmed black men. Why do you think that is? The players think it's because of institutional racism that perverts our law enforcement and justice system; informed by 300 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, and 50 years of the War on Drugs. Would you agree that those things have institutional influence on how law enforcement and our justice system operates today?
Why do people virtue signal? To make up for the lack of actual virtue in their own lives, duh. Ostentatious displays of concern for humanity is a lot cheaper, much easier than taking actual risks and spending actual money to support causes you supposedly believe in. Afterward, you can go about your merry way, convinced you did your part in making the world a better place.

Ummm...Colin Kaepernick has spent tons of money donating to social causes.

Did you not know he did that? Are you just learning about it for the first time? Unlike you, the players walk the walk. Whereas all you do is think of ways where you can justify not hearing their message. You spend all this time coming up with excuses, but no time actually listening to what they have to say. Why?
they won't pay any fking fine. they'll do time if need be.

Good. Maybe spending some time in prison will rehabilitate their thinking.

no way they give in to something they don't believe in. Won't matter anyway, cause SCOTUS will be unanimous in their favor.

What is it they actually believe? That's not something you or they have articulated. They've said baking a gay cake violates their religious beliefs, but don't say how it does. Because there's no "how", means their claims are bullshit and insincere. Also, any "how" they give will be undermined by the central tenets of their faith; that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So if God forgives and Jesus died for the gay cakes, where's the harm to their religious beliefs?

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