What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

But the EMPLOYER is REQUIRED to know.
Only if people apply to work there.

Sorry, Mary, but you have outed yourself. You have absolutely no idea if you were "harassed by illegals". You are simply a racist who hates Latinos. We get it.

What? I haven't even stated here, or elsewhere on USMB AFAIR, any views about immigration or illegal immigrants.

BTW, my name is Xelor, not Mary. Did you think you were replying to someone else?
Sorry. I quoted the wrong post. It should have been No. 455, MaryL.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

A Reich winger believes that Illegals vote and can get Welfare benefits. They can't. In fact the last thing they would do is walk into a polling precinct or a welfare office. That's the ultimate "here I am come and get me moment."

Really our biggest cost of illegal immigration comes in education.

We have to have immigration in this country or we can kiss Social Security & Medicare good-bye.

In the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades kid size per family as dropped to 2 or less. Today there are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 10 years. Producing another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Today one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money. This is why we're constantly raising the debt ceiling.

So we need younger workers in this country paying into these funds to support them. But you'll never get a Reich winger to understand this concept. That a path to citizenship is really the best way to go, to insure that those who are working in this country are paying their fair share into these funds.

4 benefits of immigration reform

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Bullshit. You listen to too much NPR.

I've heard trumps been deporting a lot lately. Do you see us starting threads crying about it?

This is another wedge issue they use to divide us. Like you all I care about is my family. That means I care about the American family. Not Europe, Canada Mexico. You need to realize we're on the same team and you're arguing with me even when I agree with you. Now that's a partisan

"My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals"
I've have never once tuned in to NPR...haha
You implied that Conservatives want to keep illegals here more so than Liberals and that is simply not at all the truth. Not sure how you see that as an agreement?
Thom hartmann wrote a great article in the 2000s about how your party is divided. The racists vs the corporations.

Unions always complained about illegals.

The flood of illegals coming and staying was on Reagan's watch.

Tomorrow I'll post the article for you. Trust me corporations or business is behind illegals. Cheap labor. Good for business and good for consumers, remember McCain in 2008 said jobs Americans won't do. He forgot they were doing jobs we would do for a decent wage

The amnesty bill of 1986 was pushed by a Democratic congress.
In an attempt to work with congress Reagan made a bipartisan compromise and signed the bill granting amnesty to 3.5 million illegals.
This means nothing when considering today's social and economical structure. The GOP has always agreed that a system must be developed to insure that illegals are not provided the same benefits that legal citizens are and that a mechanism must be developed to ensure that all illegals enter this country through legal methods. In light of the new presidency and the Republican Party owning all of D.C. the GOP is steadfast more now than ever about sewing up the immigration issues.
Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that illegals are the new beloved "baby" of the DNC. Democrats know Hispanics don't know how to shut down the baby making factory...they will over populate like no other race thus leading to more government dependency, more DNC support and more votes. Simple stuff here.
If Clinton takes blame for NAFTA shouldn't Reagan take blame for amnesty?

Let's not waste our time playing semantics and or tit for tat.
Where the party's stand right now today is what matters and things are crystal clear for anyone paying attention.
Agree 100℅. Republicans seem to be on the right side of the illegal immigration and NAFTA issues.

But I have my doubts that they are truly against either.

I'll remain causiously pessimistic
The sonofabitches are costing us taxpayers money we don't have. We are $20 trillion in debt but yet the mostly Muslim assholes are costing us billions.

We are dumbasses letting the bastards come into this country.

Refugees Will Cost Taxpayers an Estimated $4.1 Billion in FY 2017

American taxpayers will spend more than $4.1 billion in the 2017 budget to support the 519,018 refugees who have been resettled by the federal government in the United States since October 2009, according to a cost estimate by Breitbart News.
Even if the Trump administration were to entirely shut down the flow of refugees into the United States in FY 2018 and beyond, the refugees who have already arrived in the country will cost at least another $3.5 billion in 2018, and about $2 billion to $3 billion annually thereafter until FY 2022 and beyond.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Illegal immigrants are causing Obamacare to fail creating an unhealthy life for poor Americans.

Next idiot
This is the only country where those who are foreigners get to have their language spoken instead of having to learn ours......it is fucking insane...

Insane? Insane is watching mexican/foreign leeches and parasites march with flags of theIr countries in the US while making demands...or marching in mexico against Trump because he's denying their "right" to sneak into the US and collect welfare or steal jobs from Americans. Insane are the far left c-nts who rail against Israeli jews for being invading colonists but defend hispanic nicaraguans and hondurans sneaking by the millions into the US, or africans into europe.

Whatever happens during Trump's time in office, these hypocrites, liars, and frauds have been exposed - the gravy train and free ride the illegals and their home countries who have economically taken the US for a ride has ended. Same goes for wealthy, so-called NATO "allies" like Germany - with Europe's largest economy but barely spend 1% of their GDP on defense. The day of the US taxpayer carrying all of these parasites is so, so fucking OVER.
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A Reich winger believes that Illegals vote and can get Welfare benefits. They can't. In fact the last thing they would do is walk into a polling precinct or a welfare office. That's the ultimate "here I am come and get me moment."

When I read idiocies like this, I realize there are two absolute truths in this world, paraphrasing Einstein's quote: the supply of low IQ idiots is unending, and there are a lot of them being paid to lie to drive an anti-american agenda.

Illegals have already been caught, arrested and prosecuted for voting:

Ex-ICE Agent: I 'Routinely' Arrested Illegal Immigrants with Voter Registrations

Mexican woman in Texas sentenced to 8 years in prison for voter fraud

and illegals DO get lots of welfare. The family of a "legal" child/anchor baby gets tons of welfare:

9 myths and facts about SNAP benefits and immigrants - MassLegalHelp

Report: Some Illegal Aliens Enjoy Food Stamp Advantage Over U.S. Citizens

STOP LYING you fucking scumbag.
Illegals haven't taken anything from me either. But conservatives are convinced they're the boogey man. Republican politicians take more from people than illegals ever will. Republicans want to take away healthcare and education benefits that should be the right of every citizen. They want to take your reproductive rights away and tell women what to with their bodies.

Illegals should come into this country the right way but it isn't nonsense that they've taken things from Americans.
Illegals haven't taken anything from me either. But conservatives are convinced they're the boogey man. Republican politicians take more from people than illegals ever will. Republicans want to take away healthcare and education benefits that should be the right of every citizen. They want to take your reproductive rights away and tell women what to with their bodies.

Illegals should come into this country the right way but it isn't nonsense that they've taken things from Americans.

Where do you get his crazy nonsense from? Take away healthcare? Education? Reproductive rights? Are you on drugs or something?
Illegals haven't taken anything from me either. But conservatives are convinced they're the boogey man. Republican politicians take more from people than illegals ever will. Republicans want to take away healthcare and education benefits that should be the right of every citizen. They want to take your reproductive rights away and tell women what to with their bodies.

Illegals should come into this country the right way but it isn't nonsense that they've taken things from Americans.

You're a little confused; it is democrats who seek large government programs to take money from producers like me to hand off to the takers, whether they be illegals or the lazy.
Agree 100℅. Republicans seem to be on the right side of the illegal immigration and NAFTA issues.But I have my doubts that they are truly against either.I'll remain causiously pessimistic

The corporate wing of the republican party (US Chamber of Commerce, Silicon Valley, etc) are as bad, if not worse, than the democrats on this issue.

That scum is the other half of the coin of why this issue, despite massive public support to rid the country of illegals and stop their flow in, has persisted for so long. The corporate wing are the monied interests who have ensured compliant, bottom-feeding scumbag republican politicians have remained in office to continue the spigot of illegals to help maintain their profits - which the rest of country finances with its tax dollars in the form of welfare for the illegals.
Sorry. I quoted the wrong post. It should have been No. 455, MaryL.

Ah. TY.

You know, after I asked, it crossed my mind that perhaps maybe you were one of those "old school queens" that calls everyone "Mary." LOL I am relieved to find that isn't so.
Agree 100℅. Republicans seem to be on the right side of the illegal immigration and NAFTA issues.But I have my doubts that they are truly against either.I'll remain causiously pessimistic

The corporate wing of the republican party (US Chamber of Commerce, Silicon Valley, etc) are as bad, if not worse, than the democrats on this issue.

That scum is the other half of the coin of why this issue, despite massive public support to rid the country of illegals and stop their flow in, has persisted for so long. The corporate wing are the monied interests who have ensured compliant, bottom-feeding scumbag republican politicians have remained in office to continue the spigot of illegals to help maintain their profits - which the rest of country finances with its tax dollars in the form of welfare for the illegals.

Lots on conflicting data out there apparently.
Tech billionaires like Democrats more than Republicans. Here’s why.
Hard to believe just how lost some of these people really are. The hair splitting semantics played by Liberal loonies is sometimes exhausting to read through. WOW...the shit these people will come up with!
Hair splitting? Tell ya what. If a prosecuter wants to remove an undocmented person, he would have to take him to court and prove that he was in the country illegally. If, during the trial, he were to refer to the defendant was an "illegal", the defence attopreny would object, and the judge would have the word stricken from the record. The Objection of the defence attorney would be upheld.

Don't like the law, as written, to conform to the Constitution? Well, then welcome to "Trump's World".
I don't want to be associated with "Trump's World," but the court process you describe is part of the reason we have so many illegal immigrants living here for years and "getting away with it." They were apprehended and because of the laws, and because of the overburdened court systems, those people were released with a court date which they never attended. They disappeared into the shadows. Now, is it fair to the people that snuck into the country and have managed to get away with it for years to all of a sudden have an administration come in that wants to send them home? It's not fair they were allowed to get away with it for so long, get their hopes up, they've lived their lives here, raised families here, put down roots, a lot of them. We can blame politicians on both sides of the aisle for not wanting to piss off the immigrant population and the employers that hire them.

How can we manage this without it being such a joke? Can we expedite the process drastically or simplify the proceedings or find a manageable way of detaining the person until trial? We should look into how, realistically, to manage this problem. Not shoot them or violate our constitutional protections or act like assholes, but enforce our immigration laws. Right now we haven't got our arms around it.

as a matter of fact, we have been using a "better way" for years now. Please read the following:


As for requiring the government to give a person a fair trail is concerned, I am not about to support anyone who wants to give the government that much power over us, and who would take that right away from us.
Perhaps it should be instituted everywhere. That article was from 2014, and I know the problem I spoke of still exists. I'm not pushing to eliminate a fair trial; just a fast one.

Operation Streamline is still going on. Court convenes every business day here in AZ, and in 6 other states, as I recall. Those courts are exclusively devoted to deporting illegals, and they simply don't have any more resources to do that, here in Tucson.
There was some scuttlebutt on CNN this morning that they've seen drafts of the President's new E.O. on immigration, and it may order more along the lines of Operation Streamline.
I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

This is what we're getting:

For some crazy reason this is what some of you want to believe we're getting:
You showed me a picture of a poor person's shelter. I'm thankful I don't have to live like that. Hope they won't have to for too long.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Well, for me personally one was driving without insurance while being in this country illegally and ran into the back of my car injuring my two daughters. He then tried to bribe me not to call the police to report the accident. I made sure he did not run away and the police arrested him for driving without a drivers licence, and no insurance.

Years later my youngest daughter was RAPED by one. So if he had not been here it would not have happened so take your bleeding heart and you know where you can put it!
I'm assuming if people had personal experiences they would have responded, as you did, or not have participated in the thread at all. It's a good thing, I think, that few of us, anyway, have been personally affected by mayhem or violence by illegal immigrants. The less the better, for our sakes, no one else's.
I disagree with you on the accuracy of posters posting their personal experience. I almost passed posting anything of personal knowledge on the matter. Too many assholes on here that sling shit if you give them that egde.
I'm always glad to get a word to the wise.
BrokeLoser seems to have bailed on me. So maybe the OP's motive is as transparent as I originally thought. Just maybe, the illegal immigrant problem is being amplified a bit? Not the great mayhem and threat to personal safety all over the country that is being blasted from the rooftops. I don't mean you, RodIshi, you've had direct experience, but for the rest in our bubbles just hearing all the news, maybe the OP just wants us to think about the illegal immigrant situation without a huge dose of hype and hate mixed in.

This is what we're getting:

For some crazy reason this is what some of you want to believe we're getting:
You showed me a picture of a poor person's shelter. I'm thankful I don't have to live like that. Hope they won't have to for too long.

Yep, that's true...that is what's depicted in the image.
Hopefully your emotions don't blind your logic.

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