What happens when Tea Partyers turn off Rush, Fox?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Tea Party shocker: Even right-wingers become liberals when they turn off Fox News - Salon.com

America's center is to the left, and even Tea Partyers are liberals when they turn off Rush and learn real facts.....

As the government shutdown neared its end, an NBC/Esquire poll appeared trying to promote the idea of “New American Center.” Salon’s own Alex Pareene skewered it rather mercilessly, for various good reasons, not least of which was how the whole enterprise came off: “It seems like marketing for NBC and Esquire — we represent the sensible (and probably affluent) center! Don’t be scared of our political content, advertisers!” Pareene wrote. But there was more: “t is clearly very psychically important to the elite political media that a reasonable center exist. A common-sense, centrist middle is an essential, foundational myth of the nonpartisan press.

And yet, as James Fallows pointed out in “Breaking the News,” in 1996, today’s elite media also thrives on superficial coverage of controvery, which makes it complicit in generating the very extremism it simultaneous deplores, condemns and needs to hold at bay in order to legitimate itself.

With such a profoundly self-contradictory practice, it should not surprise us that the poll was even more misleading than Pareene described. Polarization in some sense is real — and yet also partial, misleading and embedded in consensus as well. Tea Partyers ranting “Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!” may seem comical — but they also show just how broad a true consensus can be. In fact, they reflect two central (but routinely ignored) facts of American public opinion that have remained remarkably stable since the 1960s, despite all that’s changed since then:

It’s not just the center vs. the extremes; there is broad consensus across the boards on the basic contours of government spending priorities — the historically most important dimension of political opinion.
It’s just that the center is not where it’s supposed to be: It’s not somewhere in between the two parties, it’s well to the left of the Democrats in D.C.

These two facts are both in full force with respect to the ongoing post-shutdown budget battle. In fact, a sophisticated poll covering 31 budget items as well as revenue sources conducted around the 2010 elections found that, even then, Republican, Democratic and independent voters all agreed on much higher taxes and much deeper defense cuts as the most striking elements of how the budget should be crafted. But before we examine that poll, we need to put these two key facts into long-term context.

For years now, it has been repeatedly proven that the radical right propaganda is dishonest and anti-American. Maybe the people who are saying 'they haven't left the R, the R left them' had the intelligence and open-mindedness to turn them off.
lol, what happens when everyone here turns off Salon?

they lose suckers to pay their bills...well not every sucker as we can see

Didn't need to go any further than the first condescending sentence

America's center is to the left, and even Tea Partyers are liberals when they turn off Rush and learn real facts.....

shun that site nothing but worthless crap
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Without the dedicated audience of liberals in search of things to hate Limbaugh and FOX would have no numbers.

But, hey, it keeps them off the streets and out of the school playgrounds, right?
Thanks Steffy.

You prove the validity of the op/ed.

and you prove you're a sucker for worthless shit that means nothing to anyone but you obsessed over Rush, fox news

P.t. Barnum was right that's for sure
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NPR has gone full commie the last time I checked.

It's way better than it used to be. I've been a fairly regular listener since the early 80's.
Sure, I'll turn off the obvious left-wing slanted stuff but all in all... good programming.
The Diane Rehm Show is the talker I listen to most, because it's on when I'm on the road. Sure, it's biased to the left, but she's pretty good about having conservatives on. Doesn't talk over them, either.
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